        private static void generate_castle(
            int Side,
            bool Checks,
            Position pos,
            MoveStack[] ms,
            ref int mpos,
            int us)
            if (pos.castle_impeded(us, Side) || (pos.can_castle_CR(Utils.make_castle_right(us, Side)) == 0))

            // After castling, the rook and king final positions are the same in Chess960
            // as they would be in standard chess.
            var kfrom = pos.king_square(us);
            var rfrom = pos.castle_rook_square(us, Side);
            var kto = Utils.relative_square(us, Side == CastlingSideC.KING_SIDE ? SquareC.SQ_G1 : SquareC.SQ_C1);

            var enemies = pos.pieces_C(us ^ 1);


            int K = pos.chess960 ? kto > kfrom ? -1 : 1 : Side == CastlingSideC.KING_SIDE ? -1 : 1;
            for (Square s = kto; s != kfrom; s += (Square)K)
                if ((pos.attackers_to(s) & enemies) != 0)

            // Because we generate only legal castling moves we need to verify that
            // when moving the castling rook we do not discover some hidden checker.
            // For instance an enemy queen in SQ_A1 when castling rook is in SQ_B1.
            if (pos.chess960 && ((pos.attackers_to(kto, Utils.xor_bit(pos.occupied_squares, rfrom)) & enemies) != 0))

            var m = Utils.make(kfrom, rfrom, MoveTypeC.CASTLING);

            if (Checks)
                var ci = CheckInfoBroker.GetObject();
                var givesCheck = pos.move_gives_check(m, ci);
                if (!givesCheck)

            ms[mpos++].move = m;
        private static void generate_castle(CastlingSide Side, bool OnlyChecks, Position pos, MoveStack[] ms, ref int mpos, Color us)
            if (pos.castle_impeded(us, Side) || (pos.can_castle_CR(Utils.make_castle_right(us, Side))==0) )

            // After castling, the rook and king final positions are the same in Chess960
            // as they would be in standard chess.
            Square kfrom = pos.king_square(us);
            Square rfrom = pos.castle_rook_square(us, Side);
            Square kto = Utils.relative_square(us, Side == CastlingSideC.KING_SIDE ? SquareC.SQ_G1 : SquareC.SQ_C1);

            Bitboard enemies = pos.pieces_C(us ^ 1);


            for (Square s = Math.Min(kfrom, kto), e = Math.Max(kfrom, kto); s <= e; s++)
                if (s != kfrom // We are not in check
                    && ((pos.attackers_to(s) & enemies) != 0))

            // Because we generate only legal castling moves we need to verify that
            // when moving the castling rook we do not discover some hidden checker.
            // For instance an enemy queen in SQ_A1 when castling rook is in SQ_B1.
            if (pos.chess960
                && ((pos.attackers_to(kto, Utils.xor_bit(pos.occupied_squares, rfrom)) & enemies) != 0))

            Move m = Utils.make_castle(kfrom, rfrom);

            if (OnlyChecks)
                CheckInfo ci = CheckInfoBroker.GetObject();
                bool givesCheck = pos.move_gives_check(m, ci);
                if (!givesCheck) return;

            ms[mpos++].move = m;
        // book_key() returns the PolyGlot hash key of the given position
        private static UInt64 book_key(Position pos)
            UInt64 key = 0;
            Bitboard b = pos.occupied_squares;

            while (b != 0)
                // Piece offset is at 64 * polyPiece where polyPiece is defined as:
                // BP = 0, WP = 1, BN = 2, WN = 3, ... BK = 10, WK = 11
                Square s = Utils.pop_1st_bit(ref b);
                Piece p = pos.piece_on(s);
                int polyPiece = 2 * (Utils.type_of(p) - 1) + (Utils.color_of(p) == ColorC.WHITE ? 1 : 0);
                key ^= PolyGlotRandoms[ZobPieceOffset + (64 * polyPiece + s)];

            b = (ulong)pos.can_castle_CR(CastleRightC.ALL_CASTLES);

            while (b != 0)
                key ^= PolyGlotRandoms[ZobCastleOffset + Utils.pop_1st_bit(ref b)];

            if (pos.st.epSquare != SquareC.SQ_NONE)
                key ^= PolyGlotRandoms[ZobEnPassantOffset + Utils.file_of(pos.st.epSquare)];

            if (pos.sideToMove == ColorC.WHITE)
                key ^= PolyGlotRandoms[ZobTurnOffset + 0];

            return key;
        /// flip() flips position with the white and black sides reversed. This
        /// is only useful for debugging especially for finding evaluation symmetry bugs.
        internal void flip()
            // Make a copy of current position before to start changing
            Position pos = new Position(this);

            sideToMove = pos.sideToMove ^ 1;
            thisThread = pos.this_thread();
            nodes = pos.nodes;
            chess960 = pos.chess960;
            startPosPly = pos.startpos_ply_counter();

            for (Square s = SquareC.SQ_A1; s <= SquareC.SQ_H8; s++)
                if (!pos.is_empty(s))
                    put_piece((pos.piece_on(s) ^ 8), Utils.flip_S(s));

            if (pos.can_castle_CR(CastleRightC.WHITE_OO) != 0)
                set_castle_right(ColorC.BLACK, Utils.flip_S(pos.castle_rook_square(ColorC.WHITE, CastlingSideC.KING_SIDE)));
            if (pos.can_castle_CR(CastleRightC.WHITE_OOO) != 0)
                set_castle_right(ColorC.BLACK, Utils.flip_S(pos.castle_rook_square(ColorC.WHITE, CastlingSideC.QUEEN_SIDE)));
            if (pos.can_castle_CR(CastleRightC.BLACK_OO) != 0)
                set_castle_right(ColorC.WHITE, Utils.flip_S(pos.castle_rook_square(ColorC.BLACK, CastlingSideC.KING_SIDE)));
            if (pos.can_castle_CR(CastleRightC.BLACK_OOO) != 0)
                set_castle_right(ColorC.WHITE, Utils.flip_S(pos.castle_rook_square(ColorC.BLACK, CastlingSideC.QUEEN_SIDE)));

            if (pos.st.epSquare != SquareC.SQ_NONE)
                st.epSquare = Utils.flip_S(pos.st.epSquare);

            // Checkers
            st.checkersBB = attackers_to(king_square(sideToMove)) & pieces_C(Utils.flip_C(sideToMove));

            // Hash keys
            st.key = compute_key();
            st.pawnKey = compute_pawn_key();
            st.materialKey = compute_material_key();

            // Incremental scores
            st.psqScore = compute_psq_score();

            // Material
            st.npMaterialWHITE = compute_non_pawn_material(ColorC.WHITE);
            st.npMaterialBLACK = compute_non_pawn_material(ColorC.BLACK);
