        // qsearch() is the quiescence search function, which is called by the main
        // search function when the remaining depth is zero (or, to be more precise,
        // less than ONE_PLY).
        private static int qsearch(int NT, bool InCheck, Position pos, Stack[] ss, int ssPos, int alpha, int beta, int depth)
            var PvNode = (NT == NodeTypeC.PV);

            Debug.Assert(NT == NodeTypeC.PV || NT == NodeTypeC.NonPV);
            Debug.Assert(InCheck == pos.in_check());
            Debug.Assert(alpha >= -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE && alpha < beta && beta <= ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE);
            Debug.Assert(PvNode || (alpha == beta - 1));
            Debug.Assert(depth <= DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO);

            StateInfo st = null;
            int ttMove, move, bestMove;
            int ttValue, bestValue, value, futilityValue, futilityBase, oldAlpha = 0;

            bool givesCheck, enoughMaterial, evasionPrunable, fromNull;
            var tteHasValue = false;
            TTEntry tte;
            uint ttePos = 0;
            int ttDepth;
            Key posKey;

            // To flag BOUND_EXACT a node with eval above alpha and no available moves
            if (PvNode)
                oldAlpha = alpha;

            ss[ssPos].currentMove = bestMove = MoveC.MOVE_NONE;
            ss[ssPos].ply = ss[ssPos - 1].ply + 1;
            fromNull = ss[ssPos - 1].currentMove == MoveC.MOVE_NULL;

            // Check for an instant draw or maximum ply reached
            if (pos.is_draw(true) || ss[ssPos].ply > Constants.MAX_PLY)
                return DrawValue[pos.sideToMove];

            // Transposition table lookup. At PV nodes, we don't use the TT for
            // pruning, but only for move ordering.
            posKey = pos.key();
            tteHasValue = TT.probe(posKey, ref ttePos, out tte);
            ttMove = (tteHasValue ? tte.move() : MoveC.MOVE_NONE);
            ttValue = tteHasValue ? value_from_tt(tte.value(), ss[ssPos].ply) : ValueC.VALUE_NONE;

            // Decide whether or not to include checks, this fixes also the type of
            // TT entry depth that we are going to use. Note that in qsearch we use
            // only two types of depth in TT: DEPTH_QS_CHECKS or DEPTH_QS_NO_CHECKS.
            ttDepth = (InCheck || depth >= DepthC.DEPTH_QS_CHECKS ? DepthC.DEPTH_QS_CHECKS : DepthC.DEPTH_QS_NO_CHECKS);
            if (tteHasValue 
                && tte.depth() >= depth
                && ttValue != ValueC.VALUE_NONE // Only in case of TT access race
                && (PvNode ? tte.type() == Bound.BOUND_EXACT
                            : ttValue >= beta ? ((tte.type() & Bound.BOUND_LOWER) != 0)
                                              : ((tte.type() & Bound.BOUND_UPPER) != 0)))
                ss[ssPos].currentMove = ttMove; // Can be MOVE_NONE
                return ttValue;

            // Evaluate the position statically
            if (InCheck)
                ss[ssPos].staticEval = ss[ssPos].evalMargin = ValueC.VALUE_NONE;
                bestValue = futilityBase = -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE;
                enoughMaterial = false;
                if (fromNull)
                    // Approximated score. Real one is slightly higher due to tempo
                    ss[ssPos].staticEval = bestValue = -ss[ssPos - 1].staticEval;
                    ss[ssPos].evalMargin = ValueC.VALUE_ZERO;
                else if (tteHasValue)
                    // Never assume anything on values stored in TT
                    if ((ss[ssPos].staticEval = bestValue = tte.eval_value()) == ValueC.VALUE_NONE
                        || (ss[ssPos].evalMargin = tte.eval_margin()) == ValueC.VALUE_NONE)
                        ss[ssPos].staticEval = bestValue = Evaluate.do_evaluate(false, pos, ref ss[ssPos].evalMargin);
                    ss[ssPos].staticEval = bestValue = Evaluate.do_evaluate(false, pos, ref ss[ssPos].evalMargin);

                // Stand pat. Return immediately if static value is at least beta
                if (bestValue >= beta)
                    if (!tteHasValue)
                            value_to_tt(bestValue, ss[ssPos].ply),

                    return bestValue;

                if (PvNode && bestValue > alpha)
                    alpha = bestValue;

                futilityBase = ss[ssPos].staticEval + ss[ssPos].evalMargin + 128;
                enoughMaterial = (pos.sideToMove == 0 ? pos.st.npMaterialWHITE : pos.st.npMaterialBLACK)
                                 > Constants.RookValueMidgame;

            // Initialize a MovePicker object for the current position, and prepare
            // to search the moves. Because the depth is <= 0 here, only captures,
            // queen promotions and checks (only if depth >= DEPTH_QS_CHECKS) will
            // be generated.
            var mp = MovePickerBroker.GetObject();
            mp.MovePickerC(pos, ttMove, depth, H, (ss[ssPos - 1].currentMove) & 0x3F);
            var ci = CheckInfoBroker.GetObject();

            // Loop through the moves until no moves remain or a beta cutoff occurs
            while ((move = mp.next_move()) != MoveC.MOVE_NONE)

                givesCheck = pos.move_gives_check(move, ci);

                // Futility pruning
                if (!PvNode 
                    && !InCheck 
                    && !givesCheck
                    && !fromNull
                    && move != ttMove 
                    && enoughMaterial
                    && Utils.type_of_move(move) != MoveTypeC.PROMOTION && !pos.is_passed_pawn_push(move))
                    futilityValue = futilityBase + Position.PieceValue[PhaseC.EG][pos.board[move & 0x3F]]
                                    + (Utils.type_of_move(move) == MoveTypeC.ENPASSANT
                                           ? Constants.PawnValueEndgame
                                           : ValueC.VALUE_ZERO);

                    if (futilityValue < beta)
                        bestValue = Math.Max(bestValue, futilityValue);

                    // Prune moves with negative or equal SEE
                    if (futilityBase < beta 
                        && depth < DepthC.DEPTH_ZERO 
                        && pos.see(move, false) <= 0)
                        bestValue = Math.Max(bestValue, futilityBase);

                // Detect non-capture evasions that are candidate to be pruned
                evasionPrunable = !PvNode 
                                    && InCheck 
                                    && bestValue > ValueC.VALUE_MATED_IN_MAX_PLY
                                    && !pos.is_capture(move)
                                    && (pos.can_castle_C(pos.sideToMove) == 0);
                // Don't search moves with negative SEE values
                if (!PvNode 
                    && move != ttMove 
                    && (!InCheck || evasionPrunable) 
                    && Utils.type_of_move(move) != MoveTypeC.PROMOTION
                    && pos.see(move, true) < 0)

                // Don't search useless checks
                if (!PvNode 
                    && !InCheck 
                    && givesCheck 
                    && move != ttMove
                    && !pos.is_capture_or_promotion(move)
                    && ss[ssPos].staticEval + Constants.PawnValueMidgame / 4 < beta
                    && !check_is_dangerous(pos, move, futilityBase, beta))

                // Check for legality only before to do the move
                if (!pos.pl_move_is_legal(move, ci.pinned))

                ss[ssPos].currentMove = move;

                // Make and search the move
                if (st == null)
                    st = StateInfoBroker.GetObject();
                pos.do_move(move, st, ci, givesCheck);
                value = -qsearch(NT, givesCheck, pos, ss, ssPos + 1, -beta, -alpha, depth - DepthC.ONE_PLY);

                Debug.Assert(value > -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE && value < ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE);

                // Check for new best move
                if (value > bestValue)
                    bestValue = value;
                    if (value > alpha)
                        if (PvNode && value < beta) // Update alpha here! Always alpha < beta
                            alpha = value;
                            bestMove = move;
                        else // Fail high
                            TT.store(posKey, value_to_tt(value, ss[ssPos].ply), Bound.BOUND_LOWER, 
                                ttDepth, move, ss[ssPos].staticEval, ss[ssPos].evalMargin);

                            if (st != null)
                                st.previous = null;
                            return value;

            // All legal moves have been searched. A special case: If we're in check
            // and no legal moves were found, it is checkmate.
            if (InCheck && bestValue == -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE)
                if (st != null)
                    st.previous = null;
                return Utils.mated_in(ss[ssPos].ply); // Plies to mate from the root

            TT.store(posKey, value_to_tt(bestValue, ss[ssPos].ply),
                    //PvNode && bestMove != MoveC.MOVE_NONE ? Bound.BOUND_EXACT : Bound.BOUND_UPPER,
                    PvNode && bestMove > oldAlpha ? Bound.BOUND_EXACT : Bound.BOUND_UPPER, // TODO: this line asserts in bench
                    ttDepth, bestMove, ss[ssPos].staticEval, ss[ssPos].evalMargin);

            Debug.Assert(bestValue > -ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE && bestValue < ValueC.VALUE_INFINITE);

            if (st != null)
                st.previous = null;

            return bestValue;
        private static void generate_all(
            GenType type,
            Position pos,
            MoveStack[] mlist,
            ref int mpos,
            int us,
            ulong target,
            CheckInfo ci)
            var Checks = type == GenType.QUIET_CHECKS;

            generate_pawn_moves(us, type, pos, mlist, ref mpos, target, ci);

            generate_moves(PieceTypeC.KNIGHT, Checks, pos, mlist, ref mpos, us, target, ci);
            generate_moves(PieceTypeC.BISHOP, Checks, pos, mlist, ref mpos, us, target, ci);
            generate_moves(PieceTypeC.ROOK, Checks, pos, mlist, ref mpos, us, target, ci);
            generate_moves(PieceTypeC.QUEEN, Checks, pos, mlist, ref mpos, us, target, ci);

            if (!Checks && type != GenType.EVASIONS)
                Square from = pos.king_square(us);
                Bitboard b = Position.attacks_from_KING(from) & target;
                // SERIALIZE(b);
                while (b != 0)
#if X64
                    Bitboard bb = b;
                    b &= (b - 1);
                 mlist[mpos++].move = ((Utils.BSFTable[((bb & (0xffffffffffffffff - bb + 1)) * DeBruijn_64) >> 58]) | (from << 6));
                    mlist[mpos++].move = Utils.make_move(from, Utils.pop_lsb(ref b));
            if (type != GenType.CAPTURES && type != GenType.EVASIONS && pos.can_castle_C(us) != 0)
                generate_castle(CastlingSideC.KING_SIDE, Checks, pos, mlist, ref mpos, us);
                generate_castle(CastlingSideC.QUEEN_SIDE, Checks, pos, mlist, ref mpos, us);
        internal static void generate_quiet_check(Position pos, MoveStack[] ms, ref int mpos)
            /// generate<MV_NON_CAPTURE_CHECK> generates all pseudo-legal non-captures and knight
            /// underpromotions that give check. Returns a pointer to the end of the move list.

            Color us = pos.sideToMove;
            CheckInfo ci = CheckInfoBroker.GetObject();
            Bitboard dc = ci.dcCandidates;

            while (dc != 0)
                Square from = Utils.pop_1st_bit(ref dc);
                PieceType pt = Utils.type_of(pos.piece_on(from));

                if (pt == PieceTypeC.PAWN)
                    continue; // Will be generated together with direct checks

                Bitboard b = pos.attacks_from_PTS(pt, from) & ~pos.occupied_squares;

                if (pt == PieceTypeC.KING)
                    b &= ~Utils.PseudoAttacks[PieceTypeC.QUEEN][ci.ksq];

                while (b != 0) { ms[mpos++].move = Utils.make_move(from, Utils.pop_1st_bit(ref b)); }

            generate_pawn_moves(us, MoveType.MV_QUIET_CHECK, pos, ms, ref mpos, ci.dcCandidates, ci.ksq);

            generate_direct_checks(PieceTypeC.KNIGHT, pos, ms, ref mpos, us, ci);
            generate_direct_checks(PieceTypeC.BISHOP, pos, ms, ref mpos, us, ci);
            generate_direct_checks(PieceTypeC.ROOK, pos, ms, ref mpos, us, ci);
            generate_direct_checks(PieceTypeC.QUEEN, pos, ms, ref mpos, us, ci);

            if (pos.can_castle_C(us) != 0)
                generate_castle(CastlingSideC.KING_SIDE, true, pos, ms, ref mpos, us);
                generate_castle(CastlingSideC.QUEEN_SIDE, true, pos, ms, ref mpos, us);
