文件: Ball.cs 项目: norbish/Pool-Game
        //this should not run on next frame, or balls will return.
        //calculate the ball angle and velocity, and execute.
        public void calculateBallCollision(Ball otherBall)
            double collisionTangent = Math.Atan2((double)yDist, (double)xDist); //returns the angle of the tangent of the vector which is the collision x and y distance.
            double sin = Math.Sin(collisionTangent);
            double cos = Math.Cos(collisionTangent);
            //rotate ball 0 pos
            double B0x = 0;//relative x & y pos set
            double B0y = 0;
            //set ball 1 pos relative to ball 0, aka distance.
            double B1x = xDist * cos + yDist * sin;//RELATIVE TO BALL 0!!!
            double B1y = yDist * cos - xDist * sin;
            //rotate ball 0 velocity
            double V0x = xSpeed * cos + ySpeed * sin;
            double V0y = ySpeed * cos - xSpeed * sin;
            //rotate ball 1 velocity
            double V1x = otherBall.xSpeed * cos + otherBall.ySpeed * sin;
            double V1y = otherBall.ySpeed * cos - otherBall.xSpeed * sin;

            //collision reaction ELASTISK LIGNING I BOKA?, tror denne gjør at de ikke setter seg fast, må plusse på noe ekstra? eller ikke siden det er vel.
            double vxtotal = V0x - V1x;
            V0x = ((mass - otherBall.getMass()) * V0x + 2 * otherBall.getMass() * V1x) / (mass + otherBall.getMass());//new velocity x ball 1
            V1x = vxtotal + V0x; //new velocity x ball 2
            //update position, THIS ONE IS RELATIVE TO MID BALL 0 and BALL 1
            B0x += V0x;
            B1x += V1x;
            double B0newPosx = B0x * cos - B0y * sin;
            double B0newPosy = B0y * cos + B0x * sin;

            double B1newPosx = B1x * cos - B1y * sin;
            double B1newPosy = B1y * cos + B1x * sin;

            //rot vel back?
            double B0newVelx = V0x * cos - V0y * sin;
            double B0newVely = V0y * cos + V0x * sin;

            double B1newVelx = V1x * cos - V1y * sin;
            double B1newVely = V1y * cos + V1x * sin;

            //update pos
            otherBall.xPos = xPos + (float)B1newPosx;//is this just to set it out of the other balls radius?
            otherBall.yPos = yPos + (float)B1newPosy;
            xPos = xPos + (float)B0newPosx;//these 4 new positions will be a little "bigger" than when they entered. this is so that they wont stick. also, they point slightly away from each other.
            yPos = yPos + (float)B0newPosy;

            //update vel - I WANT THEM TO HAVE PERMANENT SPEEDS if not, I can rearrange the code again.
            xSpeed = (float)B0newVelx > 0 ? 2 : -2;
            //xSpeed = (float)B0newVelx;
            ySpeed = (float)B0newVely > 0 ? 2 : -2;
            //ySpeed = (float)B0newVely;
            otherBall.setXspeed((float)B1newVelx > 0 ? 2 : -2);
            otherBall.setYspeed((float)B1newVely > 0 ? 2 : -2);

               /* //old velocity
            double V0Ball1x = xSpeed * cos;
            double V0Ball1y = ySpeed * sin;
            double V0Ball2x = otherBall.getXspeed() * cos;
            double V0Ball2y = otherBall.getYspeed() * sin;

            //new velocity
            double V1Ball1x = ((mass - otherBall.getMass()) / (mass + otherBall.getMass())) * V0Ball1x + (2 * otherBall.getMass() / (mass + otherBall.getMass())) * V0Ball2x;
            double V1Ball1y = (2 * mass / (mass + otherBall.getMass())) * V0Ball1x + ((otherBall.getMass() - mass) / (otherBall.getMass() + mass)) * V0Ball2x;
            double V1Ball2x = V0Ball1y;
            double V1Ball2y = V0Ball2y;

            //set new velocity
            xSpeed = (float)V1Ball1x;
            ySpeed = (float)V1Ball1y;
            xPos += xSpeed *3;
            yPos += ySpeed *3;
            otherBall.xPos += otherBall.xSpeed * 5;
            otherBall.yPos += otherBall.ySpeed *5;*/
        //this should not run on next frame, or balls will return.
        //calculate the ball angle and velocity, and execute.
        public void calculateBallCollision(Ball otherBall)
            double collisionTangent = Math.Atan2((double)yDist, (double)xDist); //returns the angle of the tangent of the vector which is the collision x and y distance.
            double sin = Math.Sin(collisionTangent);
            double cos = Math.Cos(collisionTangent);
            //rotate ball 0 pos
            double B0x = 0;//relative x & y pos set
            double B0y = 0;
            //set ball 1 pos relative to ball 0, aka distance.
            double B1x = xDist * cos + yDist * sin;//RELATIVE TO BALL 0!!!
            double B1y = yDist * cos - xDist * sin;
            //rotate ball 0 velocity
            double V0x = xSpeed * cos + ySpeed * sin;
            double V0y = ySpeed * cos - xSpeed * sin;
            //rotate ball 1 velocity
            double V1x = otherBall.xSpeed * cos + otherBall.ySpeed * sin;
            double V1y = otherBall.ySpeed * cos - otherBall.xSpeed * sin;

            //collision reaction ELASTISK LIGNING
            double vxtotal = V0x - V1x;
            V0x = ((mass - otherBall.getMass()) * V0x + 2 * otherBall.getMass() * V1x) / (mass + otherBall.getMass());//new velocity x ball 1
            V1x = vxtotal + V0x; //new velocity x ball 2
            //update position, THIS ONE IS RELATIVE TO MID BALL 0 and BALL 1
            B0x += V0x;
            B1x += V1x;
            double B0newPosx = B0x * cos - B0y * sin;
            double B0newPosy = B0y * cos + B0x * sin;

            double B1newPosx = B1x * cos - B1y * sin;
            double B1newPosy = B1y * cos + B1x * sin;

            //rot vel back
            double B0newVelx = V0x * cos - V0y * sin;
            double B0newVely = V0y * cos + V0x * sin;

            double B1newVelx = V1x * cos - V1y * sin;
            double B1newVely = V1y * cos + V1x * sin;

            //update position
            otherBall.xPos = xPos + (float)B1newPosx;//is this just to set it out of the other balls's radius
            otherBall.yPos = yPos + (float)B1newPosy;
            xPos = xPos + (float)B0newPosx;//these 4 new positions will be a little "bigger" than when they entered. this is so that they wont stick. also, they point slightly away from each other.
            yPos = yPos + (float)B0newPosy;

            //update speed
            xSpeed = (float)B0newVelx;
            ySpeed = (float)B0newVely;
