/// <summary>
        /// There are two components to the drawing. The first is the data model
        /// which is represented by a single PlayFrame.
        /// The second is a visual overlay indicating what the user is current 
        /// doing.
        /// This function takes the frame and 'applies' the overlay to it by
        /// creating a deep copy and then moving/adding items as required by
        /// the overlay. For this to work we need to be able to uniquely
        /// reference items in a playmodel by an id (as their refs change on a
        /// deep copy).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame"></param>
        /// <param name="overlay"></param>
        /// <param name="converter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static PlayFrame AdjustFrameForOverlay(PlayFrame frame, 
                                                   VisualOverlay overlay, 
                                                   PitchScreenCoordConverter converter)
            // Take a deep copy of the frame so that we can adjust it based on what
              // visual overlay is required.
              PlayFrame adjustableFrame = frame.Clone();

              PointF pitchCoords = converter.screenToPitchCoords(overlay.MouseLocation);

              // First move any players who need to be.
              if (overlay.SelectedPlayer != null)
            Player movedPlayer = adjustableFrame.GetPlayerById(overlay.SelectedPlayer.UniqueId);
            if (movedPlayer != null)
              adjustableFrame.PlayerMovement[movedPlayer][0].FinalPosition = pitchCoords;
              adjustableFrame.AddPlayer(overlay.SelectedPlayer, pitchCoords);

              // Either a new cut is being drawn or a cut is being moved.
              if (overlay.CutStart != null)
            if (overlay.DrawingNewCut)
              Player cuttingPlayer = adjustableFrame.GetPlayerById(overlay.CutStart.Player.UniqueId);

                                           new LinearMovement(pitchCoords,
              LinearMovement movedCut = adjustableFrame.GetCutById(overlay.CutStart.UniqueId);

              adjustableFrame.ReplaceCut(movedCut, pitchCoords);

              // Check if the user is drawing the disc movement at the moment.
              if (overlay.DrawingDiscMovement)
            adjustableFrame.DiscFrameMovement.AbsoluteFlightPath = pitchCoords;
            adjustableFrame.DiscFrameMovement.HasMoved = true;

              if (overlay.MovingDiscControlPoint)
            adjustableFrame.DiscFrameMovement.ControlPoint = pitchCoords;

              // If there is a trigger being moved then the selected trigger must have
              // it's position updated.
              if (overlay.SelectedTrigger != null)
            CutRatio closestCutPoint = adjustableFrame.GetClosestCutPoint(pitchCoords,

            if (closestCutPoint != null)
              Trigger adjustedTrigger = adjustableFrame.GetTriggerById(overlay.SelectedTrigger.UniqueId);

              if (adjustedTrigger != null)
            adjustedTrigger.CausingCutRatio = closestCutPoint;
              else if (overlay.PlacingTrigger)

              return adjustableFrame;