Inheritance: NOpenType.GlyphPathBuilderBase
 public NOpenTypeFontFace(Typeface ntypeface, string fontName, string fontPath)
     this.ntypeface = ntypeface; = fontName;
     this.path = fontPath;
     glyphPathBuilder = new Agg.GlyphPathBuilderVxs(ntypeface);
        //set default
        // 16px = 1 em
        //1. conv font design unit to em
        // em = designUnit / unit_per_Em       
        //2. conv font design unit to pixels

        // float scale = (float)(size * resolution) / (pointsPerInch * _typeface.UnitsPerEm);

        void RenderWithMiniAgg(Typeface typeface, char testChar, float sizeInPoint)
            //2. glyph-to-vxs builder
            var builder = new GlyphPathBuilderVxs(typeface);
            builder.Build(testChar, sizeInPoint);
            VertexStore vxs = builder.GetVxs();

            //5. use PixelFarm's Agg to render to bitmap...
            //5.1 clear background

            if (chkFillBackground.Checked)
                p.FillColor = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Black;
            if (chkBorder.Checked)
                p.StrokeColor = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Green;
                //user can specific border width here...
                //p.StrokeWidth = 2;
            //6. use this util to copy image from Agg actual image to System.Drawing.Bitmap
            BitmapHelper.CopyToWindowsBitmap(destImg, winBmp, new RectInt(0, 0, 300, 300));
            //7. just render our bitmap
            g.DrawImage(winBmp, new Point(10, 0));
        public void Print(Typeface typeface, float size, char[] str, GlyphPlan[] glyphPlanBuffer)

            //check if we have created a glyph cache
            GlyphsCache glyphCache;
            if (!_glyphCaches.TryGetValue(typeface, out glyphCache))
                //create new 
                glyphCache = new GlyphsCache(typeface);
                _glyphCaches.Add(typeface, glyphCache);

            //1. convert char[] to glyph[]
            //2. send to shaping engine
            //3. layout position of each glyph 

            var glyphPathBuilder = new GlyphPathBuilderVxs(typeface);
            int j = str.Length;
            if (j > 1)
                //for debug
            //shaping, glyph substitution
            for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                var glyphPlan = new GlyphPlan();
                glyphPlan.glyphIndex = (ushort)typeface.LookupIndex(str[i]);
                glyphPlanBuffer[i] = glyphPlan;

            float scale = typeface.CalculateScale(size);

            float cx = 0;
            float cy = 0;
            bool enable_kerning = this.EnableKerning;

            for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                GlyphPlan glyphPlan = glyphPlanBuffer[i];
                ushort glyIndex = glyphPlan.glyphIndex;
                //check if we static vxs/bmp for this glyph
                //if not, create and cache
                glyphPathBuilder.BuildFromGlyphIndex(glyIndex, size);
                var vxs = glyphPathBuilder.GetVxs();
                //this advWidth in font design unit 
                float advWidth = typeface.GetAdvanceWidthFromGlyphIndex(glyIndex) * scale;
                glyphPlan.x = cx;
                glyphPlan.y = 0;
                glyphPlan.advX = advWidth;
                glyphPlan.vxs = vxs;

                if (enable_kerning && i > 0)
                    //check kerning
                    advWidth += typeface.GetKernDistance(glyphPlanBuffer[i - 1].glyphIndex, glyphPlanBuffer[i].glyphIndex) * scale;
                cx += advWidth;

            //shaping, glyph substitution
            //3. layout glyph position
            //4. actual render
