The naming table allows multilingual strings to be associated with the OpenTypeTM font file. These strings can represent copyright notices, font names, family names, style names, and so on. To keep this table short, the font manufacturer may wish to make a limited set of entries in some small set of languages; later, the font can be "localized" and the strings translated or added. Other parts of the OpenType font file that require these strings can then refer to them simply by their index number. Clients that need a particular string can look it up by its platform ID, character encoding ID, language ID and name ID. Note that some platforms may require single byte character strings, while others may require double byte strings. For historical reasons, some applications which install fonts perform version control using Macintosh platform (platform ID 1) strings from the 'name' table. Because of this, we strongly recommend that the 'name' table of all fonts include Macintosh platform strings and that the syntax of the version number (name id 5) follows the guidelines given in this document.