public override void Start() { instance = this; /*atlas = SamsamTS.UIUtils.GetAtlas("Ingame"); * backgroundSprite = "GenericTabHovered";*/ size = new Vector2(605, 45); // Zoning toggles = new UICheckBox[(int)Category.All]; for (int i = 0; i < (int)Category.All; i++) { toggles[i] = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateIconToggle(this, CategoryIcons.atlases[i], CategoryIcons.spriteNames[i], CategoryIcons.spriteNames[i] + "Disabled"); toggles[i].tooltip = CategoryIcons.tooltips[i] + "\nHold SHIFT or CTRL to select multiple categories"; toggles[i].relativePosition = new Vector3(5 + 40 * i, 5); toggles[i].isChecked = true; toggles[i].readOnly = true; toggles[i].checkedBoxObject.isInteractive = false; toggles[i].eventClick += (c, p) => { Event e = Event.current; if (e.shift || e.control) { ((UICheckBox)c).isChecked = !((UICheckBox)c).isChecked; eventFilteringChanged(this, 0); } else { for (int j = 0; j < (int)Category.All; j++) { toggles[j].isChecked = false; } ((UICheckBox)c).isChecked = true; eventFilteringChanged(this, 0); } }; } UICheckBox last = toggles[toggles.Length - 1]; all = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateButton(this); all.size = new Vector2(55, 35); all.text = "All"; all.relativePosition = new Vector3(last.relativePosition.x + last.width + 5, 5); all.eventClick += (c, p) => { for (int i = 0; i < (int)Category.All; i++) { toggles[i].isChecked = true; } eventFilteringChanged(this, 0); }; width = parent.width; }
public override void Start() { instance = this; UnityEngine.Random.InitState(System.Environment.TickCount); // panel for search input box, type filter and building filters inputPanel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); inputPanel.atlas = SamsamTS.UIUtils.GetAtlas("Ingame"); inputPanel.backgroundSprite = "GenericTab"; inputPanel.color = new Color32(196, 200, 206, 255); inputPanel.size = new Vector2(parent.width, 35); inputPanel.relativePosition = new Vector2(0, -inputPanel.height - 40); // search input box input = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateTextField(inputPanel); input.size = new Vector2(250, 28); = 6; input.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, 4); string search = null; input.eventTextChanged += (c, p) => { search = p; // store search query individually for each asset type Debugging.Message($"store query for index '{this.typeFilter.selectedIndex}' (cast '{(DropDownOptions)this.typeFilter.selectedIndex}'): \"{p}\""); this.storedQueries[(DropDownOptions)this.typeFilter.selectedIndex] = p; Search(); }; input.eventTextCancelled += (c, p) => { if (search != null) { input.text = search; } }; input.eventKeyDown += (component, eventParam) => { if (eventParam.keycode != KeyCode.DownArrow && eventParam.keycode != KeyCode.UpArrow) { return; } if (typeFilter != null) { typeFilter.selectedIndex = Mathf.Clamp(typeFilter.selectedIndex + (eventParam.keycode == KeyCode.DownArrow ? 1 : -1), 0, typeFilter.items.Length); } }; // search icon searchIcon = inputPanel.AddUIComponent <UISprite>(); searchIcon.size = new Vector2(25, 30); searchIcon.atlas = FindIt.atlas; searchIcon.spriteName = "FindItDisabled"; searchIcon.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, 4); // clear search box clearButton = inputPanel.AddUIComponent <UISprite>(); clearButton.size = new Vector2(26, 26); clearButton.atlas = FindIt.atlas; clearButton.spriteName = "Clear"; clearButton.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_SEBTP"); clearButton.opacity = 0.5f; clearButton.relativePosition = new Vector3(input.relativePosition.x + input.width + 3, 4); clearButton.eventClicked += (c, p) => { input.text = ""; //PickerRandomTest(); }; clearButton.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { clearButton.opacity = 0.9f; }; clearButton.eventMouseLeave += (c, p) => { clearButton.opacity = 0.5f; }; // asset type filter. Also Manipulated by the Picker mod through reflection. // Need to notify Quboid if a new dropdown item is added, or the item order is changed typeFilter = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateDropDown(inputPanel); = "FindIt_AssetTypeFilter"; typeFilter.size = new Vector2(105, 25); typeFilter.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_POP_SCR"); typeFilter.relativePosition = new Vector3(clearButton.relativePosition.x + clearButton.width + 7, 5); if (FindIt.isRicoEnabled) { string[] items = { Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IA"), // All Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IN"), // Network Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IP"), // Ploppable Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IG"), // Growable Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IR"), // RICO Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IGR"), // Growable/RICO Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IPR"), // Prop Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_ID"), // Decal Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IT") // Tree }; typeFilter.items = items; } else { string[] items = { Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IA"), // All Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IN"), // Network Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IP"), // Ploppable Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IG"), // Growable Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IPR"), // Prop Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_ID"), // Decal Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IT") // Tree }; typeFilter.items = items; } typeFilter.selectedIndex = 0; typeFilter.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (c, p) => { UpdateFilterPanels(); // restore stored search query individually for each asset type // or hold SHIFT when switching asset type to share query keyword temporarily Event e = Event.current; if (Settings.separateSearchKeyword && !e.shift) { if (this.storedQueries.TryGetValue((UISearchBox.DropDownOptions)p, out string storedQuery)) { // Debugging.Message($"restore stored query for category {p} (cast: '{(UISearchBox.DropDownOptions)p}': \"{storedQuery}\""); this.input.text = storedQuery; } else { this.input.text = ""; } } Search(); }; // workshop filter checkbox (custom assets saved in local asset folder are also included) workshopFilter = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(inputPanel); workshopFilter.isChecked = Settings.useWorkshopFilter; workshopFilter.width = 80; workshopFilter.label.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_WF"); workshopFilter.label.textScale = 0.8f; workshopFilter.relativePosition = new Vector3(typeFilter.relativePosition.x + typeFilter.width + 12, 10); workshopFilter.eventCheckChanged += (c, i) => { Settings.useWorkshopFilter = workshopFilter.isChecked; XMLUtils.SaveSettings(); Search(); }; // vanilla filter checkbox vanillaFilter = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(inputPanel); vanillaFilter.isChecked = Settings.useVanillaFilter; vanillaFilter.width = 80; vanillaFilter.label.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_VF"); vanillaFilter.label.textScale = 0.8f; vanillaFilter.relativePosition = new Vector3(workshopFilter.relativePosition.x + workshopFilter.width, 10); vanillaFilter.eventCheckChanged += (c, i) => { Settings.useVanillaFilter = vanillaFilter.isChecked; XMLUtils.SaveSettings(); Search(); }; // Refresh Display refreshDisplayIcon = inputPanel.AddUIComponent <UISprite>(); refreshDisplayIcon.size = new Vector2(26, 22); refreshDisplayIcon.atlas = FindIt.atlas; refreshDisplayIcon.spriteName = "Refresh"; refreshDisplayIcon.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_REF_DIS"); refreshDisplayIcon.opacity = 0.45f; refreshDisplayIcon.relativePosition = new Vector3(vanillaFilter.relativePosition.x + vanillaFilter.width + 5, 6.5f); refreshDisplayIcon.eventClicked += (c, p) => { AssetTagList.instance.UpdatePrefabInstanceCount(DropDownOptions.All); if (FindIt.isPOEnabled && Settings.includePOinstances) { ProceduralObjectsTool.UpdatePOInfoList(); } UISearchBox.instance.scrollPanel.Refresh(); }; refreshDisplayIcon.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { refreshDisplayIcon.opacity = 0.9f; }; refreshDisplayIcon.eventMouseLeave += (c, p) => { refreshDisplayIcon.opacity = 0.45f; }; // Locate Instance LocateNextInstanceTool.Initialize(); locateInstanceIcon = inputPanel.AddUIComponent <UISprite>(); locateInstanceIcon.size = new Vector2(26, 23); locateInstanceIcon.atlas = FindIt.atlas; locateInstanceIcon.spriteName = "Locate"; locateInstanceIcon.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_LOC_TOOL"); locateInstanceIcon.opacity = 0.45f; locateInstanceIcon.relativePosition = new Vector3(refreshDisplayIcon.relativePosition.x + refreshDisplayIcon.width + 4, 5.5f); locateInstanceIcon.eventClicked += (c, p) => { Event e = Event.current; if (e.shift) { LocateNextInstanceTool.LocateNextInstance(true); // find PO instance } else { LocateNextInstanceTool.LocateNextInstance(false); // find normal asset instance } }; locateInstanceIcon.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { locateInstanceIcon.opacity = 1.0f; }; locateInstanceIcon.eventMouseLeave += (c, p) => { locateInstanceIcon.opacity = 0.45f; }; // change custom tag panel visibility tagToolIcon = inputPanel.AddUIComponent <UISprite>(); tagToolIcon.size = new Vector2(26, 21); tagToolIcon.atlas = FindIt.atlas; tagToolIcon.spriteName = "Tag"; tagToolIcon.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_SCTP"); tagToolIcon.opacity = 0.5f; tagToolIcon.relativePosition = new Vector3(locateInstanceIcon.relativePosition.x + locateInstanceIcon.width + 3.5f, 7); tagToolIcon.eventClicked += (c, p) => { if (!tagPanel.isVisible) { tagToolIcon.opacity = 1.0f; //CreateCustomTagPanel(); tagPanel.isVisible = true; } else { tagToolIcon.opacity = 0.5f; //DestroyCustomTagPanel(); tagPanel.isVisible = false; tagPanel.tagDropDownCheckBox.isChecked = false; Search(); } UpdateTopPanelsPosition(); }; tagToolIcon.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { tagToolIcon.opacity = 1.0f; }; tagToolIcon.eventMouseLeave += (c, p) => { if (tagPanel.isVisible) { tagToolIcon.opacity = 1.0f; } else { tagToolIcon.opacity = 0.5f; } }; // change extra filters panel visibility extraFiltersIcon = inputPanel.AddUIComponent <UISprite>(); extraFiltersIcon.size = new Vector2(26, 23); extraFiltersIcon.atlas = FindIt.atlas; extraFiltersIcon.spriteName = "ExtraFilters"; extraFiltersIcon.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_EFI"); extraFiltersIcon.opacity = 0.5f; extraFiltersIcon.relativePosition = new Vector3(tagToolIcon.relativePosition.x + tagToolIcon.width + 4, 6); extraFiltersIcon.eventClicked += (c, p) => { if (!extraFiltersPanel.isVisible) { extraFiltersIcon.opacity = 1.0f; //CreateExtraFiltersPanel(); extraFiltersPanel.isVisible = true; } else { extraFiltersIcon.opacity = 0.5f; //DestroyExtraFiltersPanel(); extraFiltersPanel.isVisible = false; extraFiltersPanel.optionDropDownCheckBox.isChecked = false; Search(); } UpdateTopPanelsPosition(); }; extraFiltersIcon.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { extraFiltersIcon.opacity = 1.0f; }; extraFiltersIcon.eventMouseLeave += (c, p) => { if (extraFiltersPanel.isVisible) { extraFiltersIcon.opacity = 1.0f; } else { extraFiltersIcon.opacity = 0.5f; } }; quickMenuIcon = inputPanel.AddUIComponent <UISprite>(); quickMenuIcon.size = new Vector2(26, 23); quickMenuIcon.atlas = FindIt.atlas; quickMenuIcon.spriteName = "QuickMenu"; quickMenuIcon.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_QM_TIT"); quickMenuIcon.opacity = 0.5f; quickMenuIcon.relativePosition = new Vector3(extraFiltersIcon.relativePosition.x + extraFiltersIcon.width + 4, 6); quickMenuIcon.eventClicked += (c, p) => { UIQuickMenuPopUp.ShowAt(quickMenuIcon); quickMenuVisible = true; quickMenuIcon.opacity = 1.0f; }; quickMenuIcon.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { quickMenuIcon.opacity = 1.0f; }; quickMenuIcon.eventMouseLeave += (c, p) => { if (quickMenuVisible) { quickMenuIcon.opacity = 1.0f; } else { quickMenuIcon.opacity = 0.5f; } }; // building size filter sizeFilterX = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateDropDown(inputPanel); sizeFilterX.size = new Vector2(55, 25); sizeFilterX.items = filterItemsGrowable; sizeFilterX.selectedIndex = 0; sizeFilterX.relativePosition = new Vector3(quickMenuIcon.relativePosition.x + quickMenuIcon.width + 9, 5); sizeLabel = inputPanel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); sizeLabel.textScale = 0.8f; sizeLabel.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 8, 0); sizeLabel.text = "x"; sizeLabel.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_SIZEX"); sizeLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(sizeFilterX.relativePosition.x + sizeFilterX.width + 3.5f, 5); sizeLabel.eventClick += (c, p) => { sizeFilterX.selectedIndex = 0; sizeFilterY.selectedIndex = 0; }; sizeFilterY = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateDropDown(inputPanel); sizeFilterY.size = new Vector2(55, 25); sizeFilterY.items = filterItemsGrowable; sizeFilterY.selectedIndex = 0; sizeFilterY.relativePosition = new Vector3(sizeLabel.relativePosition.x + sizeLabel.width + 2f, 5); sizeFilterX.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (c, i) => Search(); sizeFilterY.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (c, i) => Search(); // panel of sort button and filter toggle tabs panel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); panel.atlas = SamsamTS.UIUtils.GetAtlas("Ingame"); if (!Settings.useLightBackground) { panel.backgroundSprite = "GenericTabHovered"; } else { panel.backgroundSprite = "GenericTab"; } panel.size = new Vector2(parent.width, 45); panel.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, -panel.height + 5); // sort button sortButton = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateButton(panel); sortButton.size = new Vector2(100, 35); if (Settings.useRelevanceSort) { sortButton.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SO_RE"); sortButton.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_SO_RETP"); } else { sortButton.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SO_NE"); sortButton.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_SO_NETP"); } sortButton.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, 5); sortButton.eventClick += (c, p) => { if (Settings.useRelevanceSort) { Settings.useRelevanceSort = false; XMLUtils.SaveSettings(); sortButton.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SO_NE"); sortButton.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_SO_NETP"); } else { Settings.useRelevanceSort = true; XMLUtils.SaveSettings(); sortButton.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SO_RE"); sortButton.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_SO_RETP"); } Search(); }; // ploppable filter tabs filterPloppable = panel.AddUIComponent <UIFilterPloppable>(); filterPloppable.isVisible = false; filterPloppable.relativePosition = new Vector3(sortButton.relativePosition.x + sortButton.width, 0); filterPloppable.eventFilteringChanged += (c, p) => Search(); // growable filter tabs filterGrowable = panel.AddUIComponent <UIFilterGrowable>(); filterGrowable.isVisible = false; filterGrowable.relativePosition = new Vector3(sortButton.relativePosition.x + sortButton.width, 0); filterGrowable.eventFilteringChanged += (c, p) => Search(); // prop filter tabs filterProp = panel.AddUIComponent <UIFilterProp>(); filterProp.isVisible = false; filterProp.relativePosition = new Vector3(sortButton.relativePosition.x + sortButton.width, 0); filterProp.eventFilteringChanged += (c, p) => Search(); // tree filter tabs filterTree = panel.AddUIComponent <UIFilterTree>(); filterTree.isVisible = false; filterTree.relativePosition = new Vector3(sortButton.relativePosition.x + sortButton.width, 0); filterTree.eventFilteringChanged += (c, p) => Search(); // network filter tabs filterNetwork = panel.AddUIComponent <UIFilterNetwork>(); filterNetwork.isVisible = false; filterNetwork.relativePosition = new Vector3(sortButton.relativePosition.x + sortButton.width, 0); filterNetwork.eventFilteringChanged += (c, p) => Search(); // decal filter tabs filterDecal = panel.AddUIComponent <UIFilterDecal>(); filterDecal.isVisible = false; filterDecal.relativePosition = new Vector3(sortButton.relativePosition.x + sortButton.width, 0); UpdateFilterPanels(); CreateAssetTypePanel(); if (Settings.showAssetTypePanel) { assetTypePanel.isVisible = true; } CreateCustomTagPanel(); CreateExtraFiltersPanel(); size =; }
/// <summary> /// Used by Quboid's Picker mod. Reset necessary filters and try to locate the asset. /// Return false if the asset can't be found /// </summary> public bool Picker(PrefabInfo info) { // check if the prefab exists in Find It's asset list Asset targetAsset = null; foreach (Asset asset in AssetTagList.instance.assets.Values) { if (asset.prefab == info) { targetAsset = asset; break; } } if (targetAsset == null) { Debugging.Message("Picker - target doesn't exist in Find It 2's catalog"); return(false); } if (targetAsset.assetType == Asset.AssetType.Rico || targetAsset.assetType == Asset.AssetType.Growable) { /* * // set type drop-down * if (targetAsset.assetType == Asset.AssetType.Growable) typeFilter.selectedIndex = (int)DropDownOptions.Growable; * else typeFilter.selectedIndex = (int)DropDownOptions.Rico; */ // set building size filter if (sizeFilterX.selectedIndex != 0) // if not 'all' { if (!AssetTagList.instance.CheckBuildingSizeXY(targetAsset.size.x, buildingSizeFilterIndex.x)) // if wrong size option { sizeFilterX.selectedIndex = 0; } } if (sizeFilterY.selectedIndex != 0) // if not 'all' { if (!AssetTagList.instance.CheckBuildingSizeXY(targetAsset.size.y, buildingSizeFilterIndex.y)) // if wrong size option { sizeFilterY.selectedIndex = 0; } } // select filter tab BuildingInfo buildingInfo = targetAsset.prefab as BuildingInfo; if (buildingInfo == null) { return(false); } if (!UIFilterGrowable.instance.IsSelected(UIFilterGrowable.GetCategory(buildingInfo.m_class))) { UIFilterGrowable.instance.SelectAll(); } } else if (targetAsset.assetType == Asset.AssetType.Prop) { /* * // set type drop-down * typeFilter.selectedIndex = (int)DropDownOptions.Prop - (FindIt.isRicoEnabled ? 0 : 2); */ // select filter tab if (!UIFilterProp.instance.IsSelected(UIFilterProp.GetCategory(targetAsset.propType))) { UIFilterProp.instance.SelectAll(); } } else if (targetAsset.assetType == Asset.AssetType.Decal) { /* * // set type drop-down * typeFilter.selectedIndex = (int)DropDownOptions.Decal - (FindIt.isRicoEnabled ? 0 : 2); */ } else { Debugging.Message("Picker - wrong asset type"); return(false); } input.text = ""; if (UIFilterTag.instance?.tagDropDownCheckBox != null) { UIFilterTag.instance.tagDropDownCheckBox.isChecked = false; } if (UIFilterExtra.instance?.optionDropDownCheckBox != null) { UIFilterExtra.instance.optionDropDownCheckBox.isChecked = false; } if (targetAsset.prefab.m_isCustomContent) { workshopFilter.isChecked = true; } else { vanillaFilter.isChecked = true; } Search(); // try to locate in the most recent search result bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < searchResultList.Count; i++) { if (targetAsset.title == searchResultList.ElementAt(i)) { FindIt.instance.scrollPanel.DisplayAt(i); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { Debugging.Message("Picker - not found in the most recent search result"); return(false); } // try to locate in the displayed buttons found = false; foreach (UIButton button in FindIt.instance.scrollPanel.GetComponentsInChildren <UIButton>()) { if ( == targetAsset.title) { found = true; button.SimulateClick(); break; } } if (!found) { Debugging.Message("Picker - not found in the displayed buttons"); return(false); } Debugging.Message("Picker - found"); return(true); }
public override void Start() { instance = this; /*atlas = SamsamTS.UIUtils.GetAtlas("Ingame"); * backgroundSprite = "GenericTabHovered";*/ size = new Vector2(605, 45); // Zoning toggles = new UICheckBox[(int)Category.All]; for (int i = 0; i < (int)Category.All; i++) { toggles[i] = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateIconToggle(this, CategoryIcons.atlases[i], CategoryIcons.spriteNames[i], CategoryIcons.spriteNames[i] + "Disabled"); toggles[i].tooltip = CategoryIcons.tooltips[i] + "\n" + Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_SC"); toggles[i].relativePosition = new Vector3(5 + 40 * i, 5); toggles[i].isChecked = true; toggles[i].readOnly = true; toggles[i].checkedBoxObject.isInteractive = false; toggles[i].eventClick += (c, p) => { Event e = Event.current; if (e.shift || e.control) { ((UICheckBox)c).isChecked = !((UICheckBox)c).isChecked; eventFilteringChanged(this, 0); } else { // when all tabs are checked, toggle a tab will uncheck all the other tabs bool check = true; for (int j = 0; j < (int)Category.All; j++) { check = check && toggles[j].isChecked; } if (check) { for (int j = 0; j < (int)Category.All; j++) { toggles[j].isChecked = false; } ((UICheckBox)c).isChecked = true; eventFilteringChanged(this, 0); return; } // when a tab is unchecked, toggle it will uncheck all the other tabs if (((UICheckBox)c).isChecked == false) { for (int j = 0; j < (int)Category.All; j++) { toggles[j].isChecked = false; } ((UICheckBox)c).isChecked = true; eventFilteringChanged(this, 0); return; } // when a tab is already checked, toggle it will move back to select all if (((UICheckBox)c).isChecked == true) { for (int j = 0; j < (int)Category.All; j++) { toggles[j].isChecked = true; } eventFilteringChanged(this, 0); return; } } }; } UICheckBox last = toggles[toggles.Length - 1]; all = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateButton(this); all.size = new Vector2(55, 35); all.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IA"); all.relativePosition = new Vector3(last.relativePosition.x + last.width + 5, 5); all.eventClick += (c, p) => { for (int i = 0; i < (int)Category.All; i++) { toggles[i].isChecked = true; } eventFilteringChanged(this, 0); }; width = parent.width; }
public override void Start() { instance = this; inputPanel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); inputPanel.atlas = SamsamTS.UIUtils.GetAtlas("Ingame"); inputPanel.backgroundSprite = "GenericTab"; inputPanel.size = new Vector2(300, 40); inputPanel.relativePosition = new Vector2(0, -inputPanel.height - 40); input = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateTextField(inputPanel); input.size = new Vector2(inputPanel.width - 45, 30); = 7; input.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, 5); string search = null; input.eventTextChanged += (c, p) => { search = p; Search(); }; input.eventTextCancelled += (c, p) => { input.text = search; }; searchButton = inputPanel.AddUIComponent <UIButton>(); searchButton.size = new Vector2(43, 49); searchButton.atlas = FindIt.instance.mainButton.atlas; searchButton.playAudioEvents = true; searchButton.normalFgSprite = "FindIt"; searchButton.hoveredFgSprite = "FindItFocused"; searchButton.pressedFgSprite = "FindItPressed"; searchButton.relativePosition = new Vector3(inputPanel.width - 41, -3); searchButton.eventClick += (c, p) => { input.Focus(); input.SelectAll(); }; filterPanel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); filterPanel.atlas = SamsamTS.UIUtils.GetAtlas("Ingame"); filterPanel.backgroundSprite = "GenericTab"; filterPanel.color = new Color32(196, 200, 206, 255); filterPanel.size = new Vector2(155, 35); filterPanel.SendToBack(); filterPanel.relativePosition = new Vector3(inputPanel.width, -filterPanel.height - 40); // workshop filter checkbox (custom assets saved in local asset folder are also included) workshopFilter = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(filterPanel); workshopFilter.isChecked = true; workshopFilter.width = 80; workshopFilter.label.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_WF"); workshopFilter.label.textScale = 0.8f; workshopFilter.relativePosition = new Vector3(10, 10); workshopFilter.eventCheckChanged += (c, i) => Search(); // vanilla filter checkbox vanillaFilter = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(filterPanel); vanillaFilter.isChecked = true; vanillaFilter.width = 80; vanillaFilter.label.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_VF"); vanillaFilter.label.textScale = 0.8f; vanillaFilter.relativePosition = new Vector3(workshopFilter.relativePosition.x + workshopFilter.width, 10); vanillaFilter.eventCheckChanged += (c, i) => Search(); // asset type filter typeFilter = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateDropDown(filterPanel); typeFilter.size = new Vector2(100, 25); typeFilter.relativePosition = new Vector3(vanillaFilter.relativePosition.x + vanillaFilter.width, 5); if (FindIt.isRicoEnabled) { string[] items = { Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IA"), Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IN"), Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IP"), Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IG"), Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IR"), Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IPR"), Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_ID"), Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IT") }; typeFilter.items = items; } else { string[] items = { Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IA"), Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IN"), Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IP"), Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IG"), Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IPR"), Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_ID"), Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IT") }; typeFilter.items = items; } typeFilter.selectedIndex = 0; typeFilter.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (c, p) => { UpdateFilterPanels(); Search(); }; buildingFilters = filterPanel.AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); buildingFilters.size = new Vector2(90, 35); buildingFilters.relativePosition = new Vector3(typeFilter.relativePosition.x + typeFilter.width, 0); // Level UILabel levelLabel = buildingFilters.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); levelLabel.textScale = 0.8f; levelLabel.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 8, 0); levelLabel.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_LV"); levelLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(10, 5); levelFilter = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateDropDown(buildingFilters); levelFilter.size = new Vector2(55, 25); levelFilter.AddItem(Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IA")); levelFilter.AddItem("1"); levelFilter.AddItem("2"); levelFilter.AddItem("3"); levelFilter.AddItem("4"); levelFilter.AddItem("5"); levelFilter.selectedIndex = 0; levelFilter.relativePosition = new Vector3(levelLabel.relativePosition.x + levelLabel.width + 5, 5); levelFilter.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (c, i) => Search(); // Size UILabel sizeLabel = buildingFilters.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); sizeLabel.textScale = 0.8f; sizeLabel.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 8, 0); sizeLabel.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_SZ"); sizeLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(levelFilter.relativePosition.x + levelFilter.width + 10, 5); sizeFilterX = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateDropDown(buildingFilters); sizeFilterX.size = new Vector2(55, 25); sizeFilterX.AddItem(Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IA")); sizeFilterX.AddItem("1"); sizeFilterX.AddItem("2"); sizeFilterX.AddItem("3"); sizeFilterX.AddItem("4"); sizeFilterX.selectedIndex = 0; sizeFilterX.relativePosition = new Vector3(sizeLabel.relativePosition.x + sizeLabel.width + 5, 5); UILabel XLabel = buildingFilters.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); XLabel.textScale = 0.8f; XLabel.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 8, 0); //XLabel.text = "X"; XLabel.text = " "; XLabel.isVisible = false; XLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(sizeFilterX.relativePosition.x + sizeFilterX.width - 5, 5); sizeFilterY = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateDropDown(buildingFilters); sizeFilterY.size = new Vector2(55, 25); sizeFilterY.AddItem(Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IA")); sizeFilterY.AddItem("1"); sizeFilterY.AddItem("2"); sizeFilterY.AddItem("3"); sizeFilterY.AddItem("4"); sizeFilterY.selectedIndex = 0; //sizeFilterY.isVisible = false; sizeFilterY.relativePosition = new Vector3(XLabel.relativePosition.x + XLabel.width + 5, 5); sizeFilterX.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (c, i) => Search(); sizeFilterY.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (c, i) => Search(); UIPanel panel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); panel.atlas = SamsamTS.UIUtils.GetAtlas("Ingame"); panel.backgroundSprite = "GenericTabHovered"; panel.size = new Vector2(parent.width, 45); panel.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, -panel.height + 5); filterPloppable = panel.AddUIComponent <UIFilterPloppable>(); filterPloppable.isVisible = false; filterPloppable.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 0); filterPloppable.eventFilteringChanged += (c, p) => Search(); filterGrowable = panel.AddUIComponent <UIFilterGrowable>(); filterGrowable.isVisible = false; filterGrowable.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 0); filterGrowable.eventFilteringChanged += (c, p) => Search(); UpdateFilterPanels(); size =; }
public override void Start() { instance = this; inputPanel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); inputPanel.atlas = SamsamTS.UIUtils.GetAtlas("Ingame"); inputPanel.backgroundSprite = "GenericTab"; inputPanel.size = new Vector2(300, 40); inputPanel.relativePosition = new Vector2(5, -inputPanel.height - 40); input = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateTextField(inputPanel); input.size = new Vector2(inputPanel.width - 45, 30); = 7; input.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, 5); string search = null; input.eventTextChanged += (c, p) => { search = p; Search(); }; input.eventTextCancelled += (c, p) => { input.text = search; }; searchButton = inputPanel.AddUIComponent <UIButton>(); searchButton.size = new Vector2(43, 49); searchButton.atlas = FindIt.instance.mainButton.atlas; searchButton.playAudioEvents = true; searchButton.normalFgSprite = "FindIt"; searchButton.hoveredFgSprite = "FindItFocused"; searchButton.pressedFgSprite = "FindItPressed"; searchButton.relativePosition = new Vector3(inputPanel.width - 41, -3); searchButton.eventClick += (c, p) => { input.Focus(); input.SelectAll(); }; filterPanel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); filterPanel.atlas = SamsamTS.UIUtils.GetAtlas("Ingame"); filterPanel.backgroundSprite = "GenericTab"; filterPanel.color = new Color32(196, 200, 206, 255); filterPanel.size = new Vector2(105, 35); filterPanel.SendToBack(); filterPanel.relativePosition = new Vector3(inputPanel.width, -filterPanel.height - 40); typeFilter = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateDropDown(filterPanel); typeFilter.size = new Vector2(130, 25); typeFilter.relativePosition = new Vector3(10, 5); if (FindIt.isRicoEnabled) { string[] items = { "All", "Net Structures", "Ploppable", "Growable", "Rico", "Prop", "Decal", "Tree" }; typeFilter.items = items; } else { string[] items = { "All", "Net Structures", "Ploppable", "Growable", "Prop", "Decal", "Tree" }; typeFilter.items = items; } typeFilter.selectedIndex = 0; typeFilter.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (c, p) => { UpdateFilterPanels(); Search(); }; buildingFilters = filterPanel.AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); buildingFilters.size = new Vector2(90, 35); buildingFilters.relativePosition = new Vector3(typeFilter.relativePosition.x + typeFilter.width, 0); // Level UILabel levelLabel = buildingFilters.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); levelLabel.textScale = 0.8f; levelLabel.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 8, 0); levelLabel.text = "Level: "; levelLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(10, 5); levelFilter = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateDropDown(buildingFilters); levelFilter.size = new Vector2(55, 25); levelFilter.AddItem("All"); levelFilter.AddItem("1"); levelFilter.AddItem("2"); levelFilter.AddItem("3"); levelFilter.AddItem("4"); levelFilter.AddItem("5"); levelFilter.selectedIndex = 0; levelFilter.relativePosition = new Vector3(levelLabel.relativePosition.x + levelLabel.width + 5, 5); levelFilter.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (c, i) => Search(); // Size UILabel sizeLabel = buildingFilters.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); sizeLabel.textScale = 0.8f; sizeLabel.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 8, 0); sizeLabel.text = "Size: "; sizeLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(levelFilter.relativePosition.x + levelFilter.width + 10, 5); sizeFilterX = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateDropDown(buildingFilters); sizeFilterX.size = new Vector2(55, 25); sizeFilterX.AddItem("All"); sizeFilterX.AddItem("1"); sizeFilterX.AddItem("2"); sizeFilterX.AddItem("3"); sizeFilterX.AddItem("4"); sizeFilterX.selectedIndex = 0; sizeFilterX.relativePosition = new Vector3(sizeLabel.relativePosition.x + sizeLabel.width + 5, 5); UILabel XLabel = buildingFilters.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); XLabel.textScale = 0.8f; XLabel.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 8, 0); XLabel.text = "X"; XLabel.isVisible = false; XLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(sizeFilterX.relativePosition.x + sizeFilterX.width - 5, 5); sizeFilterY = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateDropDown(buildingFilters); sizeFilterY.size = new Vector2(45, 25); sizeFilterY.AddItem("1"); sizeFilterY.AddItem("2"); sizeFilterY.AddItem("3"); sizeFilterY.AddItem("4"); sizeFilterY.selectedIndex = 0; sizeFilterY.isVisible = false; sizeFilterY.relativePosition = new Vector3(XLabel.relativePosition.x + XLabel.width + 5, 5); sizeFilterX.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (c, i) => { if (i == 0) { sizeFilterX.width = 55; XLabel.isVisible = false; sizeFilterY.isVisible = false; } else { sizeFilterX.width = 45; XLabel.isVisible = true; sizeFilterY.isVisible = true; } UpdateBuildingFilters(); Search(); }; sizeFilterY.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (c, i) => Search(); UIPanel panel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); panel.atlas = SamsamTS.UIUtils.GetAtlas("Ingame"); panel.backgroundSprite = "GenericTabHovered"; panel.size = new Vector2(parent.width, 45); panel.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, -panel.height + 5); filterPloppable = panel.AddUIComponent <UIFilterPloppable>(); filterPloppable.isVisible = false; filterPloppable.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 0); filterPloppable.eventFilteringChanged += (c, p) => Search(); filterGrowable = panel.AddUIComponent <UIFilterGrowable>(); filterGrowable.isVisible = false; filterGrowable.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 0); filterGrowable.eventFilteringChanged += (c, p) => Search(); UpdateFilterPanels(); size =; }
public override void Start() { instance = this; UnityEngine.Random.InitState(System.Environment.TickCount); // panel for search input box, type filter and building filters inputPanel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); inputPanel.atlas = SamsamTS.UIUtils.GetAtlas("Ingame"); inputPanel.backgroundSprite = "GenericTab"; inputPanel.color = new Color32(196, 200, 206, 255); inputPanel.size = new Vector2(parent.width, 35); inputPanel.relativePosition = new Vector2(0, -inputPanel.height - 40); // search input box input = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateTextField(inputPanel); input.size = new Vector2(250, 28); = 6; input.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, 4); string search = null; input.eventTextChanged += (c, p) => { search = p; Search(); }; input.eventTextCancelled += (c, p) => { if (search != null) { input.text = search; } }; input.eventKeyDown += (component, eventParam) => { if (eventParam.keycode != KeyCode.DownArrow && eventParam.keycode != KeyCode.UpArrow) { return; } if (typeFilter != null) { typeFilter.selectedIndex = Mathf.Clamp(typeFilter.selectedIndex + (eventParam.keycode == KeyCode.DownArrow ? 1 : -1), 0, typeFilter.items.Length); } }; // search icon searchIcon = inputPanel.AddUIComponent <UISprite>(); searchIcon.size = new Vector2(25, 30); searchIcon.atlas = FindIt.atlas; searchIcon.spriteName = "FindItDisabled"; searchIcon.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, 4); // change custom tag panel visibility clearButton = inputPanel.AddUIComponent <UISprite>(); clearButton.size = new Vector2(30, 30); clearButton.atlas = FindIt.atlas; clearButton.spriteName = "Clear"; clearButton.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_SEBTP"); clearButton.opacity = 0.5f; clearButton.relativePosition = new Vector3(input.relativePosition.x + input.width + 5, 2.5f); clearButton.eventClicked += (c, p) => { input.text = ""; //PickerRandomTest(); }; clearButton.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { clearButton.opacity = 1.0f; }; clearButton.eventMouseLeave += (c, p) => { clearButton.opacity = 0.5f; }; // asset type filter. Also Manipulated by the Picker mod through reflection. // Need to notify Quboid if a new dropdown item is added, or the item order is changed typeFilter = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateDropDown(inputPanel); = "FindIt_AssetTypeFilter"; typeFilter.size = new Vector2(105, 25); typeFilter.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_POP_SCR"); typeFilter.relativePosition = new Vector3(clearButton.relativePosition.x + clearButton.width + 15, 5); if (FindIt.isRicoEnabled) { string[] items = { Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IA"), // All Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IN"), // Network Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IP"), // Ploppable Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IG"), // Growable Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IR"), // RICO Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IGR"), // Growable/RICO Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IPR"), // Prop Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_ID"), // Decal Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IT") // Tree }; typeFilter.items = items; } else { string[] items = { Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IA"), // All Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IN"), // Network Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IP"), // Ploppable Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IG"), // Growable Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IPR"), // Prop Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_ID"), // Decal Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_IT") // Tree }; typeFilter.items = items; } typeFilter.selectedIndex = 0; typeFilter.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (c, p) => { UpdateFilterPanels(); Search(); }; // workshop filter checkbox (custom assets saved in local asset folder are also included) workshopFilter = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(inputPanel); workshopFilter.isChecked = true; workshopFilter.width = 80; workshopFilter.label.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_WF"); workshopFilter.label.textScale = 0.8f; workshopFilter.relativePosition = new Vector3(typeFilter.relativePosition.x + typeFilter.width + 12, 10); workshopFilter.eventCheckChanged += (c, i) => Search(); // vanilla filter checkbox vanillaFilter = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(inputPanel); vanillaFilter.isChecked = true; vanillaFilter.width = 80; vanillaFilter.label.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_VF"); vanillaFilter.label.textScale = 0.8f; vanillaFilter.relativePosition = new Vector3(workshopFilter.relativePosition.x + workshopFilter.width, 10); vanillaFilter.eventCheckChanged += (c, i) => Search(); // change custom tag panel visibility tagToolIcon = inputPanel.AddUIComponent <UISprite>(); tagToolIcon.size = new Vector2(26, 21); tagToolIcon.atlas = FindIt.atlas; tagToolIcon.spriteName = "Tag"; tagToolIcon.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_SCTP"); tagToolIcon.opacity = 0.5f; tagToolIcon.relativePosition = new Vector3(vanillaFilter.relativePosition.x + vanillaFilter.width + 5, 7); tagToolIcon.eventClicked += (c, p) => { if (tagPanel == null) { tagToolIcon.opacity = 1.0f; CreateCustomTagPanel(); } else { tagToolIcon.opacity = 0.5f; DestroyCustomTagPanel(); Search(); } UpdateTopPanelsPosition(); }; tagToolIcon.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { tagToolIcon.opacity = 1.0f; }; tagToolIcon.eventMouseLeave += (c, p) => { if (tagPanel != null) { tagToolIcon.opacity = 1.0f; } else { tagToolIcon.opacity = 0.5f; } }; // change extra filters panel visibility extraFiltersIcon = inputPanel.AddUIComponent <UISprite>(); extraFiltersIcon.size = new Vector2(26, 23); extraFiltersIcon.atlas = FindIt.atlas; extraFiltersIcon.spriteName = "ExtraFilters"; extraFiltersIcon.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_EFI"); extraFiltersIcon.opacity = 0.5f; extraFiltersIcon.relativePosition = new Vector3(tagToolIcon.relativePosition.x + tagToolIcon.width + 5, 6); extraFiltersIcon.eventClicked += (c, p) => { if (extraFiltersPanel == null) { extraFiltersIcon.opacity = 1.0f; CreateExtraFiltersPanel(); } else { extraFiltersIcon.opacity = 0.5f; DestroyExtraFiltersPanel(); Search(); } UpdateTopPanelsPosition(); }; extraFiltersIcon.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { extraFiltersIcon.opacity = 1.0f; }; extraFiltersIcon.eventMouseLeave += (c, p) => { if (extraFiltersPanel != null) { extraFiltersIcon.opacity = 1.0f; } else { extraFiltersIcon.opacity = 0.5f; } }; quickMenuIcon = inputPanel.AddUIComponent <UISprite>(); quickMenuIcon.size = new Vector2(26, 23); quickMenuIcon.atlas = FindIt.atlas; quickMenuIcon.spriteName = "QuickMenu"; quickMenuIcon.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_QM_TIT"); quickMenuIcon.opacity = 0.5f; quickMenuIcon.relativePosition = new Vector3(extraFiltersIcon.relativePosition.x + extraFiltersIcon.width + 5, 6); quickMenuIcon.eventClicked += (c, p) => { UIQuickMenuPopUp.ShowAt(quickMenuIcon); quickMenuVisible = true; quickMenuIcon.opacity = 1.0f; }; quickMenuIcon.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => { quickMenuIcon.opacity = 1.0f; }; quickMenuIcon.eventMouseLeave += (c, p) => { if (quickMenuVisible) { quickMenuIcon.opacity = 1.0f; } else { quickMenuIcon.opacity = 0.5f; } }; // building size filter sizeLabel = inputPanel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); sizeLabel.textScale = 0.8f; sizeLabel.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 8, 0); sizeLabel.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SE_SZ"); sizeLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(quickMenuIcon.relativePosition.x + quickMenuIcon.width + 10, 5); sizeFilterX = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateDropDown(inputPanel); sizeFilterX.size = new Vector2(55, 25); sizeFilterX.items = filterItemsGrowable; sizeFilterX.selectedIndex = 0; sizeFilterX.relativePosition = new Vector3(sizeLabel.relativePosition.x + sizeLabel.width + 5, 5); sizeFilterY = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateDropDown(inputPanel); sizeFilterY.size = new Vector2(55, 25); sizeFilterY.items = filterItemsGrowable; sizeFilterY.selectedIndex = 0; sizeFilterY.relativePosition = new Vector3(sizeFilterX.relativePosition.x + sizeFilterX.width + 10, 5); sizeFilterX.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (c, i) => Search(); sizeFilterY.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (c, i) => Search(); // panel of sort button and filter toggle tabs panel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>(); panel.atlas = SamsamTS.UIUtils.GetAtlas("Ingame"); panel.backgroundSprite = "GenericTabHovered"; panel.size = new Vector2(parent.width, 45); panel.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, -panel.height + 5); // sort button sortButton = SamsamTS.UIUtils.CreateButton(panel); sortButton.size = new Vector2(100, 35); sortButton.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SO_RE"); sortButton.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_SO_RETP"); sortButton.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, 5); sortButton.eventClick += (c, p) => { if (sortButtonTextState) { sortButton.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SO_NE"); sortButtonTextState = false; sortButton.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_SO_NETP"); } else { sortButton.text = Translations.Translate("FIF_SO_RE"); sortButtonTextState = true; sortButton.tooltip = Translations.Translate("FIF_SO_RETP"); } Search(); if (FindIt.isPOEnabled) { FindIt.instance.POTool.UpdatePOInfoList(); } }; // ploppable filter tabs filterPloppable = panel.AddUIComponent <UIFilterPloppable>(); filterPloppable.isVisible = false; filterPloppable.relativePosition = new Vector3(sortButton.relativePosition.x + sortButton.width, 0); filterPloppable.eventFilteringChanged += (c, p) => Search(); // growable filter tabs filterGrowable = panel.AddUIComponent <UIFilterGrowable>(); filterGrowable.isVisible = false; filterGrowable.relativePosition = new Vector3(sortButton.relativePosition.x + sortButton.width, 0); filterGrowable.eventFilteringChanged += (c, p) => Search(); // prop filter tabs filterProp = panel.AddUIComponent <UIFilterProp>(); filterProp.isVisible = false; filterProp.relativePosition = new Vector3(sortButton.relativePosition.x + sortButton.width, 0); filterProp.eventFilteringChanged += (c, p) => Search(); // tree filter tabs filterTree = panel.AddUIComponent <UIFilterTree>(); filterTree.isVisible = false; filterTree.relativePosition = new Vector3(sortButton.relativePosition.x + sortButton.width, 0); filterTree.eventFilteringChanged += (c, p) => Search(); // network filter tabs filterNetwork = panel.AddUIComponent <UIFilterNetwork>(); filterNetwork.isVisible = false; filterNetwork.relativePosition = new Vector3(sortButton.relativePosition.x + sortButton.width, 0); filterNetwork.eventFilteringChanged += (c, p) => Search(); // decal filter tabs filterDecal = panel.AddUIComponent <UIFilterDecal>(); filterDecal.isVisible = false; filterDecal.relativePosition = new Vector3(sortButton.relativePosition.x + sortButton.width, 0); UpdateFilterPanels(); size =; }