        private CheckResult VerifyCommonMemory(PKM pkm, int handler, int gen)
            var memory = MemoryVariableSet.Read(pkm, handler);

            // Actionable HM moves
            int matchingMoveMemory = Array.IndexOf(Memories.MoveSpecificMemories[0], memory.MemoryID);

            if (matchingMoveMemory != -1)
                // Gen8 has no HMs, so this memory can never exist.
                if (gen != 6 || (pkm.Species != (int)Species.Smeargle && !Legal.GetCanLearnMachineMove(pkm, Memories.MoveSpecificMemories[1][matchingMoveMemory], 6)))
                    return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)));

            switch (memory.MemoryID)
            // {0} saw {2} carrying {1} on its back. {4} that {3}.
            case 21 when gen != 6 || !Legal.GetCanLearnMachineMove(new PK6 {
                    Species = memory.Variable, EXP = Experience.GetEXP(100, PersonalTable.XY.GetFormeIndex(memory.Variable, 0))
                }, 19, 6):
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)));

            case 16 when memory.Variable == 0 && !GetIsMoveKnowable(pkm, gen, memory.Variable):
            case 48 when memory.Variable == 0 && !GetIsMoveKnowable(pkm, gen, memory.Variable):
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)));

            // {0} was able to remember {2} at {1}'s instruction. {4} that {3}.
            case 49 when memory.Variable == 0 && !GetIsMoveLearnable(pkm, gen, memory.Variable):
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)));

            if (gen == 6 && !Memories.CanHaveIntensity(memory.MemoryID, memory.Intensity))
                if (pkm.Gen6 || (pkm.Gen7 && memory.MemoryID != 0)) // todo: memory intensity checks for gen8
                    return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryIndexIntensityMin, memory.Handler, Memories.GetMinimumIntensity(memory.MemoryID))));

            if (gen == 6 && memory.MemoryID != 4 && !Memories.CanHaveFeeling(memory.MemoryID, memory.Feeling))
                if (pkm.Gen6 || (pkm.Gen7 && memory.MemoryID != 0)) // todo: memory feeling checks for gen8
                    return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryFeelInvalid, memory.Handler)));

            return(GetValid(string.Format(LMemoryF_0_Valid, memory.Handler)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the minimum Experience points for the specified level.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="level">Current level</param>
 /// <param name="species">National Dex number of the Pokémon.</param>
 /// <param name="forme">AltForm ID (starters in Let's Go)</param>
 /// <returns>Experience points needed to have specified level.</returns>
 public static uint GetEXP(int level, int species, int forme)
     return(Experience.GetEXP(level, species, forme));
        public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
            var pkm = data.pkm;

            if (pkm is IAwakened a)
                VerifyAwakenedValues(data, a);
            var enc = data.EncounterMatch;
            int sum = pkm.EVTotal;

            if (sum > 0 && pkm.IsEgg)

            // In Generations I and II, when a Pokémon is taken out of the Day Care, its experience will lower to the minimum value for its current level.
            int format = pkm.Format;

            if (format < 3) // can abuse daycare for EV training without EXP gain

            if (sum > 510) // format >= 3
            var evs = pkm.EVs;

            if (format >= 6 && evs.Any(ev => ev > 252))

            const int vitaMax = 100;     // Vitamin Max

            if (format < 5)              // 3/4
                if (enc.LevelMin == 100) // only true for Gen4 and Format=4
                    // Cannot EV train at level 100 -- Certain events are distributed at level 100.
                    if (evs.Any(ev => ev > vitaMax)) // EVs can only be increased by vitamins to a max of 100.
                else // check for gained EVs without gaining EXP -- don't check gen5+ which have wings to boost above 100.
                    var growth  = PersonalTable.HGSS[enc.Species].EXPGrowth;
                    var baseEXP = Experience.GetEXP(enc.LevelMin, growth);
                    if (baseEXP == pkm.EXP && evs.Any(ev => ev > vitaMax))
                        data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LEffortUntrainedCap, vitaMax)));

            // Only one of the following can be true: 0, 508, and x%6!=0
            if (sum == 0 && !enc.IsWithinRange(pkm))
                data.AddLine(Get(LEffortEXPIncreased, Severity.Fishy));
            else if (sum == 508)
                data.AddLine(Get(LEffort2Remaining, Severity.Fishy));
            else if (evs[0] != 0 && evs.All(ev => evs[0] == ev))
                data.AddLine(Get(LEffortAllEqual, Severity.Fishy));
        private CheckResult VerifyCommonMemory(PKM pkm, int handler, int gen, LegalInfo info)
            var memory = MemoryVariableSet.Read((ITrainerMemories)pkm, handler);

            // Actionable HM moves
            int matchingMoveMemory = Array.IndexOf(Memories.MoveSpecificMemories[0], memory.MemoryID);

            if (matchingMoveMemory != -1)
                // Gen8 has no HMs, so this memory can never exist.
                if (gen != 6 || (pkm.Species != (int)Species.Smeargle && !Legal.GetCanLearnMachineMove(pkm, Memories.MoveSpecificMemories[1][matchingMoveMemory], 6)))
                    return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)));

            switch (memory.MemoryID)
            // {0} saw {2} carrying {1} on its back. {4} that {3}.
            case 21 when gen != 6 || !Legal.GetCanLearnMachineMove(new PK6 {
                    Species = memory.Variable, EXP = Experience.GetEXP(100, PersonalTable.XY.GetFormIndex(memory.Variable, 0))
                }, 19, 6):
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)));

            case 16 or 48 when !CanKnowMove(pkm, memory, gen, info, memory.MemoryID == 16):
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)));

            case 49 when memory.Variable == 0 || !Legal.GetCanRelearnMove(pkm, memory.Variable, gen, info.EvoChainsAllGens[gen]):
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)));

            // Dynamaxing
            // {0} battled at {1}’s side against {2} that Dynamaxed. {4} that {3}.
            case 71 when !GetCanBeCaptured(memory.Variable, 8, handler == 0 ? (GameVersion)pkm.Version : GameVersion.Any):
            // {0} battled {2} and Dynamaxed upon {1}’s instruction. {4} that {3}.
            case 72 when !((PersonalInfoSWSH)PersonalTable.SWSH[memory.Variable]).IsPresentInGame:
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadSpecies, handler == 0 ? L_XOT : L_XHT)));

            // Move
            // {0} studied about how to use {2} in a Box, thinking about {1}. {4} that {3}.
            // {0} practiced its cool pose for the move {2} in a Box, wishing to be praised by {1}. {4} that {3}.
            case 80 or 81 when !CanKnowMove(pkm, memory, gen, info):
                return(Get(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler), gen == 8 ? Severity.Fishy : Severity.Invalid));

            // Species
            // {0} had a great chat about {1} with the {2} that it was in a Box with. {4} that {3}.
            // {0} became good friends with the {2} in a Box, practiced moves with it, and talked about the day that {0} would be praised by {1}. {4} that {3}.
            // {0} got in a fight with the {2} that it was in a Box with about {1}. {4} that {3}.
            case 82 or 83 or 87 when !((PersonalInfoSWSH)PersonalTable.SWSH[memory.Variable]).IsPresentInGame:
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadSpecies, handler == 0 ? L_XOT : L_XHT)));

            // Item
            // {0} went to a Pokémon Center with {1} to buy {2}. {4} that {3}.
            case 5 when !CanBuyItem(gen, memory.Variable):
            // {1} used {2} when {0} was in trouble. {4} that {3}.
            case 15 when !CanUseItem(gen, memory.Variable, pkm.Species):
            // {0} saw {1} using {2}. {4} that {3}.
            case 26 when !CanUseItemGeneric(gen, memory.Variable):
            // {0} planted {2} with {1} and imagined a big harvest. {4} that {3}.
            case 34 when !CanPlantBerry(gen, memory.Variable):
            // {1} had {0} hold items like {2} to help it along. {4} that {3}.
            case 40 when !CanHoldItem(gen, memory.Variable):
            // {0} was excited when {1} won prizes like {2} through Loto-ID. {4} that {3}.
            case 51 when !CanWinRotoLoto(gen, memory.Variable):
            // {0} was worried if {1} was looking for the {2} that it was holding in a Box. {4} that {3}.
            // When {0} was in a Box, it thought about the reason why {1} had it hold the {2}. {4} that {3}.
            case 84 or 88 when !Legal.HeldItems_SWSH.Contains((ushort)memory.Variable) || pkm.IsEgg:
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadItem, memory.Handler)));

            if (gen == 6 && !Memories.CanHaveIntensity(memory.MemoryID, memory.Intensity))
                if (pkm.Gen6 || (pkm.Gen7 && memory.MemoryID != 0)) // todo: memory intensity checks for gen8
                    return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryIndexIntensityMin, memory.Handler, Memories.GetMinimumIntensity(memory.MemoryID))));

            if (gen == 6 && memory.MemoryID != 4 && !Memories.CanHaveFeeling(memory.MemoryID, memory.Feeling))
                if (pkm.Gen6 || (pkm.Gen7 && memory.MemoryID != 0)) // todo: memory feeling checks for gen8
                    return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryFeelInvalid, memory.Handler)));

            return(GetValid(string.Format(LMemoryF_0_Valid, memory.Handler)));
        public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
            var pkm            = data.pkm;
            var EncounterMatch = data.EncounterOriginal;

            if (EncounterMatch is MysteryGift gift)
                if (gift.Level != pkm.Met_Level && pkm.HasOriginalMetLocation)
                    switch (gift)
                    case WC3 wc3 when wc3.Met_Level == pkm.Met_Level || wc3.IsEgg:

                    case WC7 wc7 when wc7.MetLevel == pkm.Met_Level:

                if (gift.Level > pkm.CurrentLevel)

            if (pkm.IsEgg)
                int elvl = Legal.GetEggHatchLevel(pkm);
                if (elvl != pkm.CurrentLevel)
                    data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LEggFMetLevel_0, elvl)));

                var reqEXP = EncounterMatch is EncounterStatic s && s.Version == GameVersion.C
                    ? 125 // Gen2 Dizzy Punch gifts always have 125 EXP, even if it's more than the Lv5 exp required.
                    : Experience.GetEXP(elvl, pkm.Species, pkm.AltForm);
                if (reqEXP != pkm.EXP)

            int lvl = pkm.CurrentLevel;

            if (lvl < pkm.Met_Level)
            else if (!EncounterMatch.IsWithinRange(pkm) && lvl != 100 && pkm.EXP == Experience.GetEXP(lvl, pkm.Species, pkm.AltForm))
                data.AddLine(Get(LLevelEXPThreshold, Severity.Fishy));
        public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
            var pkm = data.pkm;
            var enc = data.EncounterOriginal;

            if (enc is MysteryGift gift)
                if (gift.Level != pkm.Met_Level && pkm.HasOriginalMetLocation)
                    switch (gift)
                    case WC3 wc3 when wc3.Met_Level == pkm.Met_Level || wc3.IsEgg:

                    case WC7 wc7 when wc7.MetLevel == pkm.Met_Level:

                    case PGT {
                            IsManaphyEgg: true
                    } when pkm.Met_Level == 0 :

                if (gift.Level > pkm.CurrentLevel)

            if (pkm.IsEgg)
                int elvl = enc.LevelMin;
                if (elvl != pkm.CurrentLevel)
                    data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LEggFMetLevel_0, elvl)));

                var reqEXP = enc is EncounterStatic2Odd
                    ? 125 // Gen2 Dizzy Punch gifts always have 125 EXP, even if it's more than the Lv5 exp required.
                    : Experience.GetEXP(elvl, pkm.PersonalInfo.EXPGrowth);
                if (reqEXP != pkm.EXP)

            int lvl = pkm.CurrentLevel;

            if (lvl >= 100)
                var expect = Experience.GetEXP(100, pkm.PersonalInfo.EXPGrowth);
                if (pkm.EXP != expect)

            if (lvl < pkm.Met_Level)
            else if (!enc.IsWithinEncounterRange(pkm) && lvl != 100 && pkm.EXP == Experience.GetEXP(lvl, pkm.PersonalInfo.EXPGrowth))
                data.AddLine(Get(LLevelEXPThreshold, Severity.Fishy));
        private CheckResult VerifyCommonMemory(PKM pkm, int handler, int gen, LegalInfo info, MemoryContext context)
            var memory = MemoryVariableSet.Read((ITrainerMemories)pkm, handler);

            // Actionable HM moves
            int matchingMoveMemory = Array.IndexOf(MemoryContext6.MoveSpecificMemories[0], memory.MemoryID);

            if (matchingMoveMemory != -1)
                if (gen != 6) // Gen8 has no HMs, so this memory can never exist.
                    return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)));

                if (pkm.Species != (int)Species.Smeargle)
                    if (!GetCanLearnMachineMove(pkm, info.EvoChainsAllGens[gen], MemoryContext6.MoveSpecificMemories[1][matchingMoveMemory], 6))
                        return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)));

            if (context.IsInvalidGeneralLocationMemoryValue(memory.MemoryID, memory.Variable, info.EncounterMatch, pkm))
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadLocation, memory.Handler)));

            switch (memory.MemoryID)
            case 19 when pkm.Species is (int)Species.Urshifu && memory.Variable is not 34:       // tall building is the only location for evolving Urshifu
            case 19 when pkm.Species is (int)Species.Runerigus && memory.Variable is not 72:     // vast field is the only location for evolving Runerigus
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadLocation, memory.Handler)));

            // {0} saw {2} carrying {1} on its back. {4} that {3}.
            case 21 when gen != 6 || !GetCanLearnMachineMove(new PK6 {
                    Species = memory.Variable, EXP = Experience.GetEXP(100, PersonalTable.XY.GetFormIndex(memory.Variable, 0))
                }, (int)Move.Fly, 6):
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)));

            // {0} used {2} at {1}’s instruction, but it had no effect. {4} that {3}.
            // The Move Deleter that {0} met through {1} made it forget {2}. {4} that {3}.
            case 16 or 48 when !CanKnowMove(pkm, memory, gen, info, memory.MemoryID == 16):
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)));

            case 49 when memory.Variable == 0 || !GetCanRelearnMove(pkm, memory.Variable, gen, info.EvoChainsAllGens[gen]):
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler)));

            // Dynamaxing
            // {0} battled at {1}’s side against {2} that Dynamaxed. {4} that {3}.
            case 71 when !GetCanDynamaxTrainer(memory.Variable, 8, handler == 0 ? (GameVersion)pkm.Version : GameVersion.Any):
            // {0} battled {2} and Dynamaxed upon {1}’s instruction. {4} that {3}.
            case 72 when !((PersonalInfoSWSH)PersonalTable.SWSH[memory.Variable]).IsPresentInGame:
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadSpecies, memory.Handler)));

            // Move
            // {0} studied about how to use {2} in a Box, thinking about {1}. {4} that {3}.
            // {0} practiced its cool pose for the move {2} in a Box, wishing to be praised by {1}. {4} that {3}.
            case 80 or 81 when !CanKnowMove(pkm, memory, gen, info):
                return(Get(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadMove, memory.Handler), Severity.Invalid));

            // Species
            // {0} had a great chat about {1} with the {2} that it was in a Box with. {4} that {3}.
            // {0} became good friends with the {2} in a Box, practiced moves with it, and talked about the day that {0} would be praised by {1}. {4} that {3}.
            // {0} got in a fight with the {2} that it was in a Box with about {1}. {4} that {3}.
            case 82 or 83 or 87 when !((PersonalInfoSWSH)PersonalTable.SWSH[memory.Variable]).IsPresentInGame:
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadSpecies, memory.Handler)));

            // Item
            // {0} went to a Pokémon Center with {1} to buy {2}. {4} that {3}.
            case 5 when !CanBuyItem(gen, memory.Variable, handler == 0 ? (GameVersion)pkm.Version : GameVersion.Any):
            // {1} used {2} when {0} was in trouble. {4} that {3}.
            case 15 when !CanUseItem(gen, memory.Variable, pkm.Species):
            // {0} saw {1} using {2}. {4} that {3}.
            case 26 when !CanUseItemGeneric(gen, memory.Variable):
            // {0} planted {2} with {1} and imagined a big harvest. {4} that {3}.
            case 34 when !CanPlantBerry(gen, memory.Variable):
            // {1} had {0} hold items like {2} to help it along. {4} that {3}.
            case 40 when !CanHoldItem(gen, memory.Variable):
            // {0} was excited when {1} won prizes like {2} through Loto-ID. {4} that {3}.
            case 51 when !CanWinRotoLoto(gen, memory.Variable):
            // {0} was worried if {1} was looking for the {2} that it was holding in a Box. {4} that {3}.
            // When {0} was in a Box, it thought about the reason why {1} had it hold the {2}. {4} that {3}.
            case 84 or 88 when !Legal.HeldItems_SWSH.Contains((ushort)memory.Variable) || pkm.IsEgg:
                return(GetInvalid(string.Format(LMemoryArgBadItem, memory.Handler)));

            return(VerifyCommonMemoryEtc(memory, context));
        public override void Verify(LegalityAnalysis data)
            var pkm = data.pkm;

            if (pkm is IAwakened a)
                VerifyAwakenedValues(data, a);
            var EncounterMatch = data.EncounterMatch;
            var evs            = pkm.EVs;
            int sum            = pkm.EVTotal;

            if (sum > 0 && pkm.IsEgg)
            if (pkm.Format >= 3 && sum > 510)
            if (pkm.Format >= 6 && evs.Any(ev => ev > 252))
            if (pkm.Format == 4 && pkm.Gen4 && EncounterMatch.LevelMin == 100)
                // Cannot EV train at level 100 -- Certain events are distributed at level 100.
                if (evs.Any(ev => ev > 100)) // EVs can only be increased by vitamins to a max of 100.
            else if (pkm.Format < 5)
                // In Generations I and II, when a Pokémon is taken out of the Day Care, its experience will lower to the minimum value for its current level.
                if (pkm.Format < 3) // can abuse daycare for EV training without EXP gain

                const int maxEV = 100; // Vitamin Max
                if (Experience.GetEXP(EncounterMatch.LevelMin, pkm.Species, pkm.AltForm) == pkm.EXP && evs.Any(ev => ev > maxEV))
                    data.AddLine(GetInvalid(string.Format(LEffortUntrainedCap, maxEV)));

            // Only one of the following can be true: 0, 508, and x%6!=0
            if (sum == 0 && !EncounterMatch.IsWithinRange(pkm))
                data.AddLine(Get(LEffortEXPIncreased, Severity.Fishy));
            else if (sum == 508)
                data.AddLine(Get(LEffort2Remaining, Severity.Fishy));
            else if (evs[0] != 0 && evs.All(ev => evs[0] == ev))
                data.AddLine(Get(LEffortAllEqual, Severity.Fishy));