//Case 34: 1.3.1_SetPatient_Normal public void Run_Patient_SetPatient_Normal_Case34() { int runCount = 0; int matchItem = 1; string patientUID = string.Empty; bool isCreatePatient = false; foreach (InputDataSet ids in this.Input.DataSets) { isCreatePatient = false; runCount++; Round r = this.NewRound(runCount.ToString(), "set patient"); CheckPoint pCreate = new CheckPoint("Create Patient", "Test create"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pCreate); PatientService ps = new PatientService(); XMLParameter cpatientData = new XMLParameter("patient"); XMLParameter spatientData = new XMLParameter("patient"); for (int i = 0; i < ids.InputParameters.Count; i++) { if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "create") { cpatientData.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); isCreatePatient = true; } if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "set") { spatientData.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); matchItem++; } } if (isCreatePatient) { XMLResult rslCreate = ps.createPatient(cpatientData); if (!rslCreate.IsErrorOccured) { patientUID = rslCreate.SingleResult; pCreate.Result = TestResult.Pass; pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("create", "Create patient UID", patientUID); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("PAS: Create patient UID:{0}",patientUID); } else { pCreate.Result = TestResult.Fail; pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("create", "Create patient ERR", rslCreate.Message); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("PAS: Create patient ERR:{0}",rslCreate.Message); } } CheckPoint pSet = new CheckPoint("Set Patient", "Test set"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pSet); XMLResult rslSet = ps.setPatient(spatientData, patientUID); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); XMLResult rslGet = ps.getPatient(patientUID); if (rslSet.IsErrorOccured || rslGet.IsErrorOccured) { pSet.Result = TestResult.Fail; pSet.Outputs.AddParameter("set", "Set patient ERR", patientUID); } for (int j = 0; j < rslGet.ArrayResult.Length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < spatientData.Length; k++) { if (rslGet.ArrayResult.GetParameterName(j) == spatientData.GetParameterName(k) && rslGet.ArrayResult.GetParameterValue(j) == spatientData.GetParameterValue(k)) matchItem--; } } //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("PAS: Get patient match:{0}",matchItem - 1); if (matchItem == 1) { pSet.Outputs.AddParameter("set", "Set patient OK", patientUID); } else { pSet.Result = TestResult.Fail; pSet.Outputs.AddParameter("set", "Set patient ERR", rslSet.Message); } XMLResult delPat = ps.deletePatient(patientUID); if (!delPat.IsErrorOccured) { pSet.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient OK", "Delete Patient", delPat.Message); pSet.Result = TestResult.Pass; } SaveRound(r); } Output(); }
//Case 992: 1.3.7_GetPresentationStateDescription_N02_WhenPSNotExist public void Run_PS_GetPresentationStateDescription_PSNotExist_Case992() { int runCount = 0; string patientUID = string.Empty; bool isCreatePatient = false; bool isDeletePatient = false; foreach (InputDataSet ids in this.Input.DataSets) { isCreatePatient = false; isDeletePatient = false; runCount++; Round r = this.NewRound(runCount.ToString(), "Import image"); CheckPoint pCreate = new CheckPoint("Create Patient", "Test create"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pCreate); PatientService ps = new PatientService(); ImportService ims = new ImportService(); PresentationStateService pss = new PresentationStateService(); XMLParameter pa = new XMLParameter("patient"); XMLParameter ia = new XMLParameter("import"); //XMLParameter psa = new XMLParameter("presentationstate"); for (int i = 0; i < ids.InputParameters.Count; i++) { if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "create") { pa.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); isCreatePatient = true; } if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "import") { ia.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); } if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "delete") { isDeletePatient = true; } } if (isCreatePatient) { XMLResult result = ps.createPatient(pa); if (!result.IsErrorOccured) { patientUID = result.SingleResult; pCreate.Result = TestResult.Pass; pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("create", "Create patient UID", patientUID); } } CheckPoint pImport = new CheckPoint("Import Image", "Test import"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pImport); string filePath = string.Empty; string archivePath = string.Empty; bool move = false; for (int c = 0; c < ia.Length; c++) { if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "path") filePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "archivePath") archivePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "move") { if (ia.GetParameterValue(c) == "true") move = true; } } XMLResult rslImport = ims.importObject(patientUID, "", filePath, archivePath, move, "false"); if (rslImport.IsErrorOccured) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import", "Import image fail", rslImport.Message); pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import", "Import image error code", rslImport.Code.ToString()); } else { pImport.Result = TestResult.Pass; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import", "Import image OK", rslImport.Message); for (int findPs = 0; findPs < rslImport.MultiResults.Count; findPs++) { if (rslImport.MultiResults[findPs].Name == "presentationstate") { string psUID = rslImport.MultiResults[findPs].Parameters[0].ParameterValue; XMLResult psreturn = pss.getPresentationState(psUID); CheckPoint pGetPS = new CheckPoint("Get Presentation State", "PS Desc"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pGetPS); if (psreturn.MultiResults.Count == 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(psreturn.MultiResults[0].GetParameterValueByName("image_internal_id")) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(psreturn.MultiResults[0].GetParameterValueByName("general.xml")) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(psreturn.MultiResults[0].GetParameterValueByName("processing.xml")) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(psreturn.MultiResults[0].GetParameterValueByName("annotation.xml"))) { pGetPS.Result = TestResult.Pass; pGetPS.Outputs.AddParameter("get presentation state", "get presentation state as expect", psreturn.ResultContent); } else { pGetPS.Result = TestResult.Fail; pGetPS.Outputs.AddParameter("get presentation state", "get presentation state not as expect", psreturn.ResultContent); } } } } if (isDeletePatient) { XMLResult rltDelete = ps.deletePatient(patientUID); if (!rltDelete.IsErrorOccured) { pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient", "Delete Patient", rltDelete.Message); } } SaveRound(r); } Output(); }
//Case 1043: 1.3.17_workflow_ImportCeph_GetImageInfo_RadilogIsNotSaved public void Run_WorkFlow_ImportCeph_RadioLog_Case1043() { int runCount = 0; string patientUID = string.Empty; bool isCreatePatient = false; bool isDeletePatient = true; foreach (InputDataSet ids in this.Input.DataSets) { isCreatePatient = false; runCount++; Round r = this.NewRound(runCount.ToString(), "Import image"); PatientService patientSvc = new PatientService(); ImportService importSvc = new ImportService(); ImageService imageSvc = new ImageService(); string radioLogBeforeImport = string.Empty; string radioLogAfterImport = string.Empty; string imageID = null; XMLParameter pa = new XMLParameter("patient"); XMLParameter ia = new XMLParameter("import"); for (int i = 0; i < ids.InputParameters.Count; i++) { if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "create") { pa.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); isCreatePatient = true; } if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "import") { ia.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); } } XMLParameter epGetImagInfo = new XMLParameter(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.ExpectedValues.Count; i++) { if (ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Step == "getImageInfo") { epGetImagInfo.AddParameter(ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value); } } try { #region Step1: Create Image if (isCreatePatient) { CheckPoint pCreate = new CheckPoint("Create Patient", "Test create"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pCreate); XMLResult rtCreatePatient = patientSvc.createPatient(pa); if (!rtCreatePatient.IsErrorOccured) { patientUID = rtCreatePatient.SingleResult; pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("Create patient UID", "Create Patient", patientUID); pCreate.Result = TestResult.Pass; } } #endregion #region Step2: Get patient radio log info before import CheckPoint cpGetPatientBeforeImport = new CheckPoint("GetPatient", "Get Patient Info before import image"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpGetPatientBeforeImport); XMLResult rtGetPatientBeforeImport = patientSvc.getPatient(patientUID); if (rtGetPatientBeforeImport.IsErrorOccured) { cpGetPatientBeforeImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetPatientBeforeImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Patient Info before import image returns error", "GetPatient", rtGetPatientBeforeImport.ResultContent); } else { cpGetPatientBeforeImport.Result = TestResult.Pass; cpGetPatientBeforeImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Patient Info before import image returns ok", "GetPatient", rtGetPatientBeforeImport.ResultContent); radioLogBeforeImport = rtGetPatientBeforeImport.MultiResults[0].GetParameterValueByName("cumulative_dose"); //get the cumulative_dose info } #endregion #region Step3: Import Image CheckPoint pImport = new CheckPoint("Import Image", "Test import"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pImport); string filePath = string.Empty; string archivePath = string.Empty; bool move = false; for (int c = 0; c < ia.Length; c++) { if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "path") { filePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); } else if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "archivePath") { archivePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); } else if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "move") { if (ia.GetParameterValue(c) == "true") { move = true; } } } XMLResult rtlImport = importSvc.importObject(patientUID, "", filePath, archivePath, move, "false"); //import return sample: // <trophy type="result" version="1.0"> // <status code="0" message="ok" /> // <image><parameter key="internal_id" value="2bfb416b-037e-41e7-aaef-8d2bd08b1ae7" /></image> // <presentationstate><parameter key="internal_id" value="75675345-a164-4088-b6d3-1b2ae86b703b" /></presentationstate> // </trophy> if (rtlImport.IsErrorOccured) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import image fail", "Import", rtlImport.Message); pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import image returns error code", "Import", rtlImport.Code.ToString()); } else { // Check the return contiains image id and ps id imageID = rtlImport.MultiResults[0].GetParameterValueByName("internal_id"); // image internal_id if (imageID == null || imageID == string.Empty) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import image returns wrong image internal id", "Import", rtlImport.ResultContent); } string psID = null; psID = rtlImport.MultiResults[1].GetParameterValueByName("internal_id"); // ps internal_id if (psID == null || psID == string.Empty) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import image returns wrong ps internal id", "Import", rtlImport.ResultContent); } else { pImport.Result = TestResult.Pass; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import image returns OK", "Import", rtlImport.ResultContent); } } #endregion #region Step4: Call GetImageInfo to check the radio log info CheckPoint cpGetImageInfo = new CheckPoint("GetImageInfo", "Get the image info of the imported image"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpGetImageInfo); XMLParameter pGetImageInfo = new XMLParameter("image"); pGetImageInfo.AddParameter("internal_id", imageID); XMLResult rtGetImageInfo = imageSvc.getImageInfo(pGetImageInfo); if (rtGetImageInfo.IsErrorOccured) { cpGetImageInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetImageInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get the image info of the imported image return error", "GetImageInfo", rtGetImageInfo.ResultContent); } else { cpGetImageInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Info return success", "getImageInfo", rtGetImageInfo.Message); //Check the return info contain the expected key and value: <parameter key="XXX" value="XXX" /> foreach (XMLParameterNode node in epGetImagInfo.Parameters) { if (!rtGetImageInfo.ResultContent.Contains("parameter key=\"" + node.ParameterName + "\" value=\"" + node.ParameterValue + "\"")) { cpGetImageInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetImageInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Info returns wrong key-value info for: " + node.ParameterName, "GetImageInfo", rtGetImageInfo.ResultContent); continue; } else { cpGetImageInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Info returns correct key-value info for: " + node.ParameterName, "GetImageInfo", "ok"); } } if (cpGetImageInfo.Result != TestResult.Fail) { cpGetImageInfo.Result = TestResult.Pass; cpGetImageInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Info return all correct info", "GetImageInfo", rtGetImageInfo.ResultContent); } } #endregion #region Step5: Get patient radio log info after import CheckPoint cpGetPatientAfterImport = new CheckPoint("GetPatient", "Get Patient Info after import image"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpGetPatientAfterImport); XMLResult rtGetPatientAfterImport = patientSvc.getPatient(patientUID); if (rtGetPatientAfterImport.IsErrorOccured) { cpGetPatientAfterImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetPatientAfterImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Patient Info after import image returns error", "GetPatient", rtGetPatientAfterImport.ResultContent); } else { cpGetPatientAfterImport.Result = TestResult.Pass; cpGetPatientAfterImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Patient Info after import image returns ok", "GetPatient", rtGetPatientAfterImport.ResultContent); radioLogAfterImport = rtGetPatientAfterImport.MultiResults[0].GetParameterValueByName("cumulative_dose"); //get the cumulative_dose info } #endregion #region Step6: Check the patient radio log info not changes after import image CheckPoint cpPatientRadioLogInfo = new CheckPoint("Patient Radiolog Info", "Check patient radio log info not changes aftert import image"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpPatientRadioLogInfo); if (radioLogAfterImport == radioLogBeforeImport) { cpPatientRadioLogInfo.Result = TestResult.Pass; cpPatientRadioLogInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Patient radio log info not changes aftert import image", "Patient Radiolog Info", "Before import value is: " + radioLogBeforeImport + ". After import value is: " + radioLogAfterImport); } else { cpPatientRadioLogInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpPatientRadioLogInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Patient radio log info changes aftert import image", "Patient Radiolog Info", "Before import value is: " + radioLogBeforeImport + ". After import value is: " + radioLogAfterImport); } #endregion #region Step7: Delete Patient if (isDeletePatient) { CheckPoint cpDelete = new CheckPoint("Delete Patient", "Test delete patient"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpDelete); XMLResult rltDelete = patientSvc.deletePatient(patientUID); if (rltDelete.IsErrorOccured) { cpDelete.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient returns error", "Delete Patient", rltDelete.Message); cpDelete.Result = TestResult.Fail; } else { cpDelete.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient returns OK", "Delete Patient", rltDelete.Message); cpDelete.Result = TestResult.Pass; } } #endregion SaveRound(r); } catch (Exception ex) { CheckPoint cp = new CheckPoint(); r.CheckPoints.Add(cp); cp.Outputs.AddParameter("Exception thrown", "Exception Message", ex.Message); cp.Result = TestResult.Fail; SaveRound(r); } } Output(); }
//Case 1220: 1.9.1_WorkFlow_N2_Import CS Model_GetVolumeInfo public void Run_3D_ImportCSModel_GetVolumeInfo_Case1220() { int runCount = 0; string patientUID = string.Empty; bool isCreatePatient = false; bool isDeletePatient = true; foreach (InputDataSet ids in this.Input.DataSets) { isCreatePatient = false; runCount++; Round r = this.NewRound(runCount.ToString(), "Import image"); ImportService importSvc = new ImportService(); XMLParameter pCreatePatient = new XMLParameter("patient"); XMLParameter pImportImage = new XMLParameter("import"); for (int i = 0; i < ids.InputParameters.Count; i++) { if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "create") { pCreatePatient.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); isCreatePatient = true; } if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "import") { pImportImage.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); } } XMLParameter epGetVolumeInfo = new XMLParameter(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.ExpectedValues.Count; i++) { if (ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Step == "getVolumeInfo") { epGetVolumeInfo.AddParameter(ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value); } } try { PatientService patientSvc = new PatientService(); if (isCreatePatient) { CheckPoint pCreate = new CheckPoint("Create Patient", "Test create"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pCreate); XMLResult result = patientSvc.createPatient(pCreatePatient); if (!result.IsErrorOccured) { patientUID = result.SingleResult; pCreate.Result = TestResult.Pass; pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("Create patient UID", "Create Patient", patientUID); } else { pCreate.Result = TestResult.Fail; pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("Create patient returns error", "Create Patient", result.ResultContent); } } CheckPoint cpImport = new CheckPoint("Import Image", "Test import"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpImport); string filePath = string.Empty; string archivePath = string.Empty; bool overrideExisted = false; for (int c = 0; c < pImportImage.Length; c++) { if (pImportImage.GetParameterName(c) == "path") filePath = pImportImage.GetParameterValue(c); if (pImportImage.GetParameterName(c) == "archivePath") archivePath = pImportImage.GetParameterValue(c); if (pImportImage.GetParameterName(c) == "move") { if (pImportImage.GetParameterValue(c) == "true") overrideExisted = true; } } XMLResult rtlImport = importSvc.importObject(patientUID, "", filePath, archivePath, overrideExisted, "false"); /********************************************** import return sample: - <trophy type="result" version="1.0"> <status code="0" message="ok" /> - <volume> <parameter key="internal_id" value="5412d81a-c096-4b0d-ab93-524266af21b6" /> </volume> </trophy> * **********************************************/ if (rtlImport.IsErrorOccured) { cpImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import volume fail", "Import", rtlImport.Message); cpImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import volume returns error code", "Import", rtlImport.Code.ToString()); } else { // Check the return contiains image id and ps id string volumeID = null; volumeID = rtlImport.MultiResults[0].GetParameterValueByName("internal_id"); // image internal_id if (volumeID == null || volumeID == string.Empty) { cpImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import volume returns wrong volume internal id", "Import", rtlImport.ResultContent); } else { cpImport.Result = TestResult.Pass; cpImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import volume returns OK", "Import", rtlImport.ResultContent); } #region Call getVolumeInfo to check expected key and value VolumeService volumeSvc = new VolumeService(); XMLParameter pGetVolumeInfo = new XMLParameter("volume"); pGetVolumeInfo.AddParameter("internal_id", volumeID); CheckPoint cpGetVolumeInfo = new CheckPoint("GetVolumeInfo", "Call GetVolumeInfo to check the return value"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpGetVolumeInfo); XMLResult rtGetVolumeInfo = volumeSvc.getVolumeInfo(pGetVolumeInfo); if (rtGetVolumeInfo.IsErrorOccured) { cpGetVolumeInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetVolumeInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Volume Info return error", "GetVolumeInfo", rtGetVolumeInfo.ResultContent); } else { cpGetVolumeInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Volume Info return success", "GetVolumeInfo", rtGetVolumeInfo.Message); //Check the return info contain the expected key and value: parameter key="XXX" value="XXX" foreach (XMLParameterNode node in epGetVolumeInfo.Parameters) { if (!rtGetVolumeInfo.ResultContent.Contains("parameter key=\"" + node.ParameterName + "\" value=\"" + node.ParameterValue + "\"")) { cpGetVolumeInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetVolumeInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Volume Info returns wrong key-value info for: " + node.ParameterName, "GetVolumeInfo", rtGetVolumeInfo.ResultContent); continue; } else { cpGetVolumeInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Volume Info returns correct key-value info for: " + node.ParameterName, "GetVolumeInfo", "ok"); } } if (cpGetVolumeInfo.Result != TestResult.Fail) { cpGetVolumeInfo.Result = TestResult.Pass; cpGetVolumeInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Volume Info returns all correct info", "GetVolumeInfo", rtGetVolumeInfo.ResultContent); } } #endregion } if (isDeletePatient) { CheckPoint cpDelete = new CheckPoint("Delete Patient", "Test delete patient"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpDelete); XMLResult rltDelete = patientSvc.deletePatient(patientUID); if (rltDelete.IsErrorOccured) { cpDelete.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient returns error", "Delete Patient", rltDelete.Message); cpDelete.Result = TestResult.Fail; } else { cpDelete.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient returns OK", "Delete Patient", rltDelete.Message); cpDelete.Result = TestResult.Pass; } } SaveRound(r); } catch (Exception ex) { CheckPoint cp = new CheckPoint(); r.CheckPoints.Add(cp); cp.Outputs.AddParameter("Exception thrown", "Exception Message", ex.ToString()); cp.Result = TestResult.Fail; SaveRound(r); } } Output(); }
//Case 512: 1.2.3_ImportZip_Normal public void Run_Import_Zip_Case512() { int runCount = 0; string patientUID = string.Empty; bool isCreatePatient = false; bool isDeletePatient = false; foreach (InputDataSet ids in this.Input.DataSets) { isCreatePatient = false; isDeletePatient = false; runCount++; Round r = this.NewRound(runCount.ToString(), "Import image"); CheckPoint pCreate = new CheckPoint("Create Patient", "Test create"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pCreate); PatientService ps = new PatientService(); ImportService ims = new ImportService(); PresentationStateService pss = new PresentationStateService(); XMLParameter pa = new XMLParameter("patient"); XMLParameter ia = new XMLParameter("import"); XMLParameter ObjFilter = new XMLParameter("filter"); for (int i = 0; i < ids.InputParameters.Count; i++) { if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "create") { pa.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); isCreatePatient = true; } if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "import") { ia.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); } if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "delete") { isDeletePatient = true; } } if (isCreatePatient) { XMLResult result = ps.createPatient(pa); if (!result.IsErrorOccured) { patientUID = result.SingleResult; pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("create", "Create patient UID", patientUID); pCreate.Result = TestResult.Pass; } } CheckPoint pImport = new CheckPoint("Import Image", "Test import"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pImport); string filePath = string.Empty; string archivePath = string.Empty; bool move = false; for (int c = 0; c < ia.Length; c++) { if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "path") filePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "archivePath") archivePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "move") { if (ia.GetParameterValue(c) == "true") move = true; } } XMLResult rslImport = ims.importObject(patientUID, "", filePath, archivePath, move, "false"); if (rslImport.IsErrorOccured) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import", "Import image fail", rslImport.Message); pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import", "Import image error code", rslImport.Code.ToString()); } else { pImport.Result = TestResult.Pass; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import", "Import image OK", rslImport.Message); ObjFilter.AddParameter("patient_internal_id", patientUID); ObjFilter.AddParameter("type", "presentationstate"); ObjFilter.AddParameter("current", "true"); XMLResult listObjcetRsl = ps.listObjects(ObjFilter); CheckPoint pListObject = new CheckPoint("List Image", "Test list object"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pListObject); if (listObjcetRsl.IsErrorOccured) { pListObject.Result = TestResult.Fail; pListObject.Outputs.AddParameter("Erron in List Object", "List Object", "List Patient Presentation State Error"); } else { pListObject.Outputs.AddParameter("List Object return content", "List Object", listObjcetRsl.ResultContent); if (listObjcetRsl.ArrayResult.Length == 3) { bool isMatchXML = true; for (int index = 0; index < listObjcetRsl.ArrayResult.Parameters.Count; index++) { XMLResult getPSRsl = pss.getPresentationState(listObjcetRsl.ArrayResult.Parameters[index].ParameterValue); if (getPSRsl.ArrayResult.Parameters.Count != 4) { isMatchXML = false; pListObject.Outputs.AddParameter("Get PS return content", "Get PS Description", getPSRsl.ResultContent); break; } } if (isMatchXML) { pListObject.Result = TestResult.Pass; } else { pListObject.Result = TestResult.Fail; pListObject.Outputs.AddParameter("Get PS description error", "Get PS Description", "Not return all xml and image id"); } } else { pListObject.Result = TestResult.Fail; pListObject.Outputs.AddParameter("The PS count not match", "Get All PS Description", "Not three PS be retrieve."); } } } if (isDeletePatient) { XMLResult rslDelete = ps.deletePatient(patientUID); if (!rslDelete.IsErrorOccured) { pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient", "Delete Patient", rslDelete.ResultContent); } } SaveRound(r); } Output(); }
// Case 721: 1.3.10_ImportImage_N02_Archived image public void Run_Import_ArchivedImage_Case721() { int runCount = 0; string patientUID = string.Empty; bool isCreatePatient = false; bool isDeletePatient = true; foreach (InputDataSet ids in this.Input.DataSets) { isCreatePatient = false; runCount++; Round r = this.NewRound(runCount.ToString(), "Import image"); ImportService ims = new ImportService(); XMLParameter pa = new XMLParameter("patient"); XMLParameter ia = new XMLParameter("import"); for (int i = 0; i < ids.InputParameters.Count; i++) { if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "create") { pa.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); isCreatePatient = true; } if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "import") { ia.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); } } XMLParameter epGetImagInfo = new XMLParameter(); XMLParameter epGetImageDescription = new XMLParameter(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.ExpectedValues.Count; i++) { if (ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Step == "getImageInfo") { epGetImagInfo.AddParameter(ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value); } else if (ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Step == "getImageDescription") { epGetImageDescription.AddParameter(ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value); } } try { PatientService patientSvc = new PatientService(); if (isCreatePatient) { CheckPoint pCreate = new CheckPoint("Create Patient", "Test create"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pCreate); XMLResult result = patientSvc.createPatient(pa); if (!result.IsErrorOccured) { patientUID = result.SingleResult; pCreate.Result = TestResult.Pass; pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("Create patient UID", "Create Patient", patientUID); } else { pCreate.Result = TestResult.Fail; pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("Create patient returns error", "Create Patient", result.ResultContent); } } CheckPoint pImport = new CheckPoint("Import Image", "Test import"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pImport); string filePath = string.Empty; string archivePath = string.Empty; bool move = false; for (int c = 0; c < ia.Length; c++) { if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "path") filePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "archivePath") archivePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "move") { if (ia.GetParameterValue(c) == "true") move = true; } } XMLResult rslImport = ims.importObject(patientUID, "", filePath, archivePath, move, "false"); //import return sample: // <trophy type="result" version="1.0"> // <status code="0" message="ok" /> // <image><parameter key="internal_id" value="2bfb416b-037e-41e7-aaef-8d2bd08b1ae7" /></image> // <presentationstate><parameter key="internal_id" value="75675345-a164-4088-b6d3-1b2ae86b703b" /></presentationstate> // </trophy> if (rslImport.IsErrorOccured) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import image fail", "Import", rslImport.Message); pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import image returns error code", "Import", rslImport.Code.ToString()); } else { // Check the return contiains image id and ps id string imageID = null; imageID = rslImport.MultiResults[0].GetParameterValueByName("internal_id"); // image internal_id if (imageID == null || imageID == string.Empty) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import image returns wrong image internal id", "Import", rslImport.ResultContent); } string psID = null; psID = rslImport.MultiResults[1].GetParameterValueByName("internal_id"); // ps internal_id if (psID == null || psID == string.Empty) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import image returns wrong ps internal id", "Import", rslImport.ResultContent); } else { pImport.Result = TestResult.Pass; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import image returns OK", "Import", rslImport.ResultContent); } #region Call getImageInfo to check expected key and value ImageService imageSvc = new ImageService(); XMLParameter pGetImageInfo = new XMLParameter("image"); pGetImageInfo.AddParameter("internal_id", imageID); CheckPoint cpGetImageInfo = new CheckPoint("GetImageInfo", "Call GetImageInfo to check the dcm_anatomic_region value"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpGetImageInfo); XMLResult rtGetImageInfo = imageSvc.getImageInfo(pGetImageInfo); if (rtGetImageInfo.IsErrorOccured) { cpGetImageInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetImageInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Info return error", "getImageInfo", rtGetImageInfo.ResultContent); } else { cpGetImageInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Info return success", "getImageInfo", rtGetImageInfo.Message); //Check the return info contain the expected key and value: parameter key="XXX" value="XXX" foreach (XMLParameterNode node in epGetImagInfo.Parameters) { if (!rtGetImageInfo.ResultContent.Contains("parameter key=\"" + node.ParameterName + "\" value=\"" + node.ParameterValue + "\"")) { cpGetImageInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetImageInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Info returns wrong key-value info for: " + node.ParameterName, "GetImageInfo", rtGetImageInfo.ResultContent); continue; } else { cpGetImageInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Info returns correct key-value info for: " + node.ParameterName, "GetImageInfo", "ok"); } } if (cpGetImageInfo.Result != TestResult.Fail) { cpGetImageInfo.Result = TestResult.Pass; cpGetImageInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Info return all correct info", "GetImageInfo", rtGetImageInfo.ResultContent); } } #endregion #region Call getImageDescription to check expected key and value CheckPoint cpGetImageDescription = new CheckPoint("GetImageDescription", "Call GetImageDescription to check the info in return value"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpGetImageDescription); XMLResult rtGetImageDescription = imageSvc.getImageDescription(imageID); if (rtGetImageDescription.IsErrorOccured) { cpGetImageDescription.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetImageDescription.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Description returns error", "getImageDescription", rtGetImageDescription.ResultContent); } else { cpGetImageDescription.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Description return success", "getImageDescription", rtGetImageDescription.Message); //Check the return info contain the expected key and value: parameter key="XXX" value="XXX" foreach (XMLParameterNode node in epGetImageDescription.Parameters) { if (!rtGetImageDescription.ResultContent.Contains("parameter key=\"" + node.ParameterName + "\" value=\"" + node.ParameterValue + "\"")) { cpGetImageDescription.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetImageDescription.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Description returns wrong key-value info for: " + node.ParameterName, "GetImageDescription", rtGetImageDescription.ResultContent); continue; } else { cpGetImageDescription.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Description returns correct key-value info for: " + node.ParameterName, "GetImageDescription", "ok"); } } if (cpGetImageDescription.Result != TestResult.Fail) { cpGetImageDescription.Result = TestResult.Pass; cpGetImageDescription.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Description returns all correct info", "GetImageDescription", rtGetImageDescription.ResultContent); } } #endregion } if (isDeletePatient) { CheckPoint cpDelete = new CheckPoint("Delete Patient", "Test delete patient"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpDelete); XMLResult rltDelete = patientSvc.deletePatient(patientUID); if (rltDelete.IsErrorOccured) { cpDelete.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient returns error", "Delete Patient", rltDelete.Message); cpDelete.Result = TestResult.Fail; } else { cpDelete.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient returns OK", "Delete Patient", rltDelete.Message); cpDelete.Result = TestResult.Pass; } } SaveRound(r); } catch (Exception ex) { CheckPoint cp = new CheckPoint(); r.CheckPoints.Add(cp); cp.Outputs.AddParameter("Exception thrown", "Exception Message", ex.Message); cp.Result = TestResult.Fail; SaveRound(r); } } Output(); }
// Case 1048: 1.3.10_ImportImage_N05_TW5Tiff_FMS public void Run_Import_TW5Tiff_Case1048() { int runCount = 0; string patientUID = string.Empty; bool isCreatePatient = false; bool isDeletePatient = true; foreach (InputDataSet ids in this.Input.DataSets) { isCreatePatient = false; runCount++; Round r = this.NewRound(runCount.ToString(), "Import image"); ImportService ims = new ImportService(); XMLParameter pa = new XMLParameter("patient"); XMLParameter ia = new XMLParameter("import"); for (int i = 0; i < ids.InputParameters.Count; i++) { if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "create") { pa.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); isCreatePatient = true; } if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "import") { ia.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); } } XMLParameter epImport = new XMLParameter(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.ExpectedValues.Count; i++) { if (ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Step == "import") { epImport.AddParameter(ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value); } } try { PatientService patientSvc = new PatientService(); if (isCreatePatient) { CheckPoint pCreate = new CheckPoint("Create Patient", "Test create"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pCreate); XMLResult result = patientSvc.createPatient(pa); if (!result.IsErrorOccured) { patientUID = result.SingleResult; pCreate.Result = TestResult.Pass; pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("Create patient UID", "Create Patient", patientUID); } else { pCreate.Result = TestResult.Fail; pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("Create patient returns error", "Create Patient", result.ResultContent); } } CheckPoint pImport = new CheckPoint("Import Image", "Test import"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pImport); string filePath = string.Empty; string archivePath = string.Empty; bool move = false; for (int c = 0; c < ia.Length; c++) { if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "path") filePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "archivePath") archivePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "move") { if (ia.GetParameterValue(c) == "true") move = true; } } XMLResult rslImport = ims.importObject(patientUID, "", filePath, archivePath, move, "false"); /************************************************ import return sample: - <trophy type="result" version="1.0"> <status code="0" message="ok" /> - <fms> <parameter key="internal_id" value="79d96c5c-1ec5-4408-8709-622c0bd4a951" /> </fms> - <image> <parameter key="internal_id" value="1547aca3-7d98-4282-bd4c-e4e9547e126b" /> </image> - <presentationstate> <parameter key="internal_id" value="f0c4ed26-e41f-45dc-9f03-41e982d70b23" /> </presentationstate> - <image> <parameter key="internal_id" value="14831be6-ca69-417c-957f-c7f3a493cc70" /> </image> - <presentationstate> <parameter key="internal_id" value="a640fe70-7ad9-45c4-b68c-1f0ba2c503f1" /> </presentationstate> - <image> <parameter key="internal_id" value="d8b65e88-a9c7-4e7b-baac-05da4982f6be" /> </image> - <presentationstate> <parameter key="internal_id" value="18834173-1ce8-4d6e-9ce7-daf1745761e0" /> </presentationstate> - <image> <parameter key="internal_id" value="6608a41f-de96-4d0b-8391-6f16cf9fb812" /> </image> - <presentationstate> <parameter key="internal_id" value="c1b10673-a4ba-4ee9-824c-0431926b3f27" /> </presentationstate> - <other> <parameter key="total" value="4" /> <parameter key="success" value="4" /> </other> </trophy> * **********************************************/ if (rslImport.IsErrorOccured) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import image fail", "Import", rslImport.Message); pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import image returns error code", "Import", rslImport.Code.ToString()); } else { // Check the return contiains image id and ps id string fmsID = null; fmsID = rslImport.MultiResults[0].GetParameterValueByName("internal_id"); // image internal_id if (fmsID == null || fmsID == string.Empty) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import image returns wrong FMS internal id", "Import", rslImport.ResultContent); } #region Call getImageInfo to check expected key and value //Check the return info contain the expected key and value: parameter key="XXX" value="XXX" foreach (XMLParameterNode node in epImport.Parameters) { if (!rslImport.ResultContent.Contains("parameter key=\"" + node.ParameterName + "\" value=\"" + node.ParameterValue + "\"")) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import image returns wrong key-value info for: " + node.ParameterName, "Import", rslImport.ResultContent); continue; } else { pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import image returns correct key-value info for: " + node.ParameterName, "Import", "ok"); } } if (pImport.Result != TestResult.Fail) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Pass; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import image Info returns all correct info", "Import", rslImport.ResultContent); } #endregion } if (isDeletePatient) { CheckPoint cpDelete = new CheckPoint("Delete Patient", "Test delete patient"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpDelete); XMLResult rltDelete = patientSvc.deletePatient(patientUID); if (rltDelete.IsErrorOccured) { cpDelete.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient returns error", "Delete Patient", rltDelete.Message); cpDelete.Result = TestResult.Fail; } else { cpDelete.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient returns OK", "Delete Patient", rltDelete.Message); cpDelete.Result = TestResult.Pass; } } SaveRound(r); } catch (Exception ex) { CheckPoint cp = new CheckPoint(); r.CheckPoints.Add(cp); cp.Outputs.AddParameter("Exception thrown", "Exception Message", ex.Message); cp.Result = TestResult.Fail; SaveRound(r); } } Output(); }
//Case 981: 1.3.10_ImportImage_N01_WithNotification public void Run_Import_TestNotification_Case981() { int runCount = 0; string patientUID = string.Empty; bool isCreatePatient = false; bool isDeletePatient = false; string stopMessageType = "teststop"; string stopMessageContent = "teststop"; //LaunchNotification(); NotificationSim.ReceiveNotification rn = new NotificationSim.ReceiveNotification(); //NotificationSim.ReceiveNotification rn = new NotificationSim.ReceiveNotification(""); System.Collections.Generic.List<string> rms = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>(); rms.Add("topic.patientCreated"); rms.Add("topic.acquisitionCompleted"); rms.Add("topic.imageCreated"); rms.Add("topic.presentationStateModified"); rn.startListon(rms, stopMessageType, stopMessageContent); foreach (InputDataSet ids in this.Input.DataSets) { isCreatePatient = false; isDeletePatient = false; runCount++; Round r = this.NewRound(runCount.ToString(), "Import image"); CheckPoint pCreate = new CheckPoint("Create Patient", "Test create"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pCreate); PatientService ps = new PatientService(); ImportService ims = new ImportService(); ApplicationService ass = new ApplicationService(); XMLParameter pa = new XMLParameter("patient"); XMLParameter ia = new XMLParameter("import"); for (int i = 0; i < ids.InputParameters.Count; i++) { if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "create") { pa.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); isCreatePatient = true; } if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "import") { ia.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); } if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "delete") { isDeletePatient = true; } } if (isCreatePatient) { XMLResult result = ps.createPatient(pa); if (!result.IsErrorOccured) { patientUID = result.SingleResult; pCreate.Result = TestResult.Pass; pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("create", "Create patient UID", patientUID); } } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); CheckPoint pImport = new CheckPoint("Import Image", "Test import"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pImport); string filePath = string.Empty; string archivePath = string.Empty; for (int c = 0; c < ia.Length; c++) { if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "path") filePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "archivepath") archivePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); } XMLResult rslImport = ims.importObject(patientUID, "", filePath, archivePath, true, "false"); if (rslImport.IsErrorOccured) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import", "Import image fail", rslImport.Message); pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import", "Import image error code", rslImport.Code.ToString()); } else { pImport.Result = TestResult.Pass; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import", "Import image OK", rslImport.Message); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); ass.sendGenericNotification(stopMessageType, stopMessageContent); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); int getn = rn.getNotificationNumber(); CheckPoint pNotification = new CheckPoint("Receive Notification", "import message"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pNotification); if (getn == 3) { pNotification.Result = TestResult.Pass; foreach (string mmm in rn.getNotificationContent()) pNotification.Outputs.AddParameter("Notification message", "Content:", mmm); } else { pNotification.Result = TestResult.Fail; pNotification.Outputs.AddParameter("Message", "Content:", "miss message on receive"); } if (isDeletePatient) { XMLResult rslDelete = ps.deletePatient(patientUID); if (!rslDelete.IsErrorOccured) { pNotification.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient", "Delete Patient", rslDelete.ResultContent); } } SaveRound(r); } Output(); }
// Case 1658: 1.2.3_ImportImage_SimpleInstance_large file public void Run_Import_SimpleInstance_LargeFile_Case1658() { int runCount = 0; string patientUID = string.Empty; bool isCreatePatient = false; bool isDeletePatient = true; foreach (InputDataSet ids in this.Input.DataSets) { isCreatePatient = false; runCount++; Round r = this.NewRound(runCount.ToString(), "Import image"); string instanceID = null; PatientService ps = new PatientService(); ImportService ims = new ImportService(); XMLParameter pa = new XMLParameter("patient"); XMLParameter ia = new XMLParameter("import"); for (int i = 0; i < ids.InputParameters.Count; i++) { if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "create") { pa.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); isCreatePatient = true; } if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "import") { ia.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); } } XMLParameter epGetInstanceInfo = new XMLParameter(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.ExpectedValues.Count; i++) { if (ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Step == "getInstanceInfo") { epGetInstanceInfo.AddParameter(ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value); } } try { if (isCreatePatient) { CheckPoint pCreate = new CheckPoint("Create Patient", "Test create"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pCreate); XMLResult result = ps.createPatient(pa); if (!result.IsErrorOccured) { patientUID = result.SingleResult; pCreate.Result = TestResult.Pass; pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("Create patient UID", "Create Patient", patientUID); } } CheckPoint pImport = new CheckPoint("Import Image", "Test import"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pImport); string filePath = string.Empty; string archivePath = string.Empty; bool move = false; for (int c = 0; c < ia.Length; c++) { if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "path") filePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "archivePath") archivePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "move") { if (ia.GetParameterValue(c) == "true") move = true; } } XMLResult rslImport = ims.importObject(patientUID, "", filePath, archivePath, move, "false"); /***************************************** * import simple instance return sample: * <trophy type="result" version="1.0"> * <status code="0" message="ok" /> * <instance><parameter key="internal_id" value="1f678090-2c54-4128-8d13-833645ac7483" /></instance> * </trophy> * ****************************************/ if (rslImport.IsErrorOccured) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import simple instance fail", "Import", rslImport.Message); pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import simple instance returns error code", "Import", rslImport.Code.ToString()); } else { // Check the return contiains instance id instanceID = rslImport.MultiResults[0].GetParameterValueByName("internal_id"); // image internal_id if (instanceID == null || instanceID == string.Empty) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import simple instance returns wrong instance internal id", "Import", rslImport.ResultContent); } else { pImport.Result = TestResult.Pass; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import simple instance returns OK", "Import", rslImport.ResultContent); } } #region Call getInstanceInfo to check expected key and value SimpleInstanceService simpleInstanceSvc = new SimpleInstanceService(); CheckPoint cpGetInstanceInfo = new CheckPoint("GetInstanceInfo", "Call GetInstanceInfo to check the return value"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpGetInstanceInfo); XMLResult rtGetInstanceInfo = simpleInstanceSvc.getInstanceInfo(instanceID); if (rtGetInstanceInfo.IsErrorOccured) { cpGetInstanceInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetInstanceInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Instance Info return error", "getInstanceInfo", rtGetInstanceInfo.ResultContent); } else { cpGetInstanceInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Instance Info return success", "getInstanceInfo", rtGetInstanceInfo.Message); //Check the return info contain the expected key and value: parameter key="XXX" value="XXX" foreach (XMLParameterNode node in epGetInstanceInfo.Parameters) { if (!rtGetInstanceInfo.ResultContent.Contains("parameter key=\"" + node.ParameterName + "\" value=\"" + node.ParameterValue + "\"")) { cpGetInstanceInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetInstanceInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Instance Info returns wrong key-value info for: " + node.ParameterName, "GetInstanceInfo", rtGetInstanceInfo.ResultContent); continue; } else { cpGetInstanceInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Instance Info returns correct key-value info for: " + node.ParameterName, "GetInstanceInfo", "ok"); } } if (cpGetInstanceInfo.Result != TestResult.Fail) { cpGetInstanceInfo.Result = TestResult.Pass; cpGetInstanceInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Instance Info return all correct info", "GetInstanceInfo", rtGetInstanceInfo.ResultContent); } } #endregion System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); if (isDeletePatient) { CheckPoint cpDelete = new CheckPoint("Delete Patient", "Test delete patient"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpDelete); XMLResult rltDelete = ps.deletePatient(patientUID); if (rltDelete.IsErrorOccured) { cpDelete.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient returns error", "Delete Patient", rltDelete.Message); cpDelete.Result = TestResult.Fail; } else { cpDelete.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient returns OK", "Delete Patient", rltDelete.Message); cpDelete.Result = TestResult.Pass; } } SaveRound(r); } catch (Exception ex) { CheckPoint cp = new CheckPoint(); r.CheckPoints.Add(cp); cp.Outputs.AddParameter("Exception thrown", "Exception Message", ex.Message); cp.Result = TestResult.Fail; SaveRound(r); } } Output(); }
// Case 1203: 1.3.10_ImportImage_N07_Import single 8100 dicom thin layer slice public void Run_Import_8100Slice_Case1203() { int runCount = 0; string patientUID = string.Empty; bool isCreatePatient = false; bool isDeletePatient = true; foreach (InputDataSet ids in this.Input.DataSets) { isCreatePatient = false; runCount++; Round r = this.NewRound(runCount.ToString(), "Import image"); ImportService ims = new ImportService(); XMLParameter pa = new XMLParameter("patient"); XMLParameter ia = new XMLParameter("import"); for (int i = 0; i < ids.InputParameters.Count; i++) { if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "create") { pa.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); isCreatePatient = true; } if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "import") { ia.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); } } string epGetImageInfoImageType = null; string epGetImageInfoAnatomicRegion = null; string epGetImageInfoAnatomicRegionModifiers = null; string epGetPSInfoImageType = null; string epGetPSInfoAnatomicRegion = null; string epGetPSInfoAnatomicRegionModifiers = null; for (int i = 0; i < ids.ExpectedValues.Count; i++) { if (ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Step == "getImageInfo") { switch (ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Key) { case "image_type": epGetImageInfoImageType = ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value; break; case "dcm_anatomic_region": epGetImageInfoAnatomicRegion = ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value; break; case "dcm_anatomic_region_modifiers": epGetImageInfoAnatomicRegionModifiers = ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value; break; default: break; } } else if (ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Step == "getPresentationStateInfo") { switch (ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Key) { case "image_type": epGetPSInfoImageType = ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value; break; case "dcm_anatomic_region": epGetPSInfoAnatomicRegion = ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value; break; case "dcm_anatomic_region_modifiers": epGetPSInfoAnatomicRegionModifiers = ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value; break; default: break; } } } try { PatientService patientSvc = new PatientService(); if (isCreatePatient) { CheckPoint pCreate = new CheckPoint("Create Patient", "Test create"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pCreate); XMLResult result = patientSvc.createPatient(pa); if (!result.IsErrorOccured) { patientUID = result.SingleResult; pCreate.Result = TestResult.Pass; pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("Create patient UID", "Create Patient", patientUID); } else { pCreate.Result = TestResult.Fail; pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("Create patient returns error", "Create Patient", result.ResultContent); } } CheckPoint pImport = new CheckPoint("Import Image", "Test import"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pImport); string filePath = string.Empty; string archivePath = string.Empty; bool move = false; for (int c = 0; c < ia.Length; c++) { if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "path") filePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "archivePath") archivePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "move") { if (ia.GetParameterValue(c) == "true") move = true; } } XMLResult rslImport = ims.importObject(patientUID, "", filePath, archivePath, move, "false"); //import return sample: // <trophy type="result" version="1.0"> // <status code="0" message="ok" /> // <image><parameter key="internal_id" value="2bfb416b-037e-41e7-aaef-8d2bd08b1ae7" /></image> // <presentationstate><parameter key="internal_id" value="75675345-a164-4088-b6d3-1b2ae86b703b" /></presentationstate> // </trophy> if (rslImport.IsErrorOccured) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import image fail", "Import", rslImport.Message); pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import image returns error code", "Import", rslImport.Code.ToString()); } else { // Check the return contiains image id and ps id string imageID = null; imageID = rslImport.MultiResults[0].GetParameterValueByName("internal_id"); // image internal_id if (imageID == null || imageID == string.Empty) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import image returns wrong image internal id", "Import", rslImport.ResultContent); } string psID = null; psID = rslImport.MultiResults[1].GetParameterValueByName("internal_id"); // ps internal_id if (psID == null || psID == string.Empty) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import image returns wrong ps internal id", "Import", rslImport.ResultContent); } else { pImport.Result = TestResult.Pass; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import image returns OK", "Import", rslImport.ResultContent); } #region Call getImageInfo to check image_type and anatomic_region ImageService imageSvc = new ImageService(); PresentationStateService psSvc = new PresentationStateService(); XMLParameter pGetImageInfo = new XMLParameter("image"); pGetImageInfo.AddParameter("internal_id", imageID); CheckPoint cpGetImageInfo = new CheckPoint("GetImageInfo", "Call GetImageInfo to check the dcm_anatomic_region value"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpGetImageInfo); XMLResult rtGetImageInfo = imageSvc.getImageInfo(pGetImageInfo); if (rtGetImageInfo.IsErrorOccured) { cpGetImageInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetImageInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Info return error", "getImageInfo", rtGetImageInfo.ResultContent); } else { cpGetImageInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Info return success", "getImageInfo", rtGetImageInfo.Message); // Check the image_type, anatomic_region values in return are correct if (!rtGetImageInfo.ResultContent.Contains("parameter key=\"image_type\" value=\"" + epGetImageInfoImageType + "\"")) //parameter key="image_type" value="PANOV6" { cpGetImageInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetImageInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Info return wrong image_type info", "getImageInfo", rtGetImageInfo.ResultContent); } else if (!rtGetImageInfo.ResultContent.Contains("parameter key=\"dcm_anatomic_region\" value=\"" + epGetImageInfoAnatomicRegion + "\"")) // parameter key="dcm_anatomic_region" value="Jaw region" { cpGetImageInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetImageInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Info return wrong dcm_anatomic_region info", "getImageInfo", rtGetImageInfo.ResultContent); } else if (!rtGetImageInfo.ResultContent.Contains("parameter key=\"dcm_anatomic_region_modifiers\" value=\"" + epGetImageInfoAnatomicRegionModifiers + "\"")) // parameter key="dcm_anatomic_region_modifiers" value="Molar 1" { cpGetImageInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetImageInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Info return wrong dcm_anatomic_region_modifiers info", "getImageInfo", rtGetImageInfo.ResultContent); } else { cpGetImageInfo.Result = TestResult.Pass; cpGetImageInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get Image Info return correct info", "getImageInfo", rtGetImageInfo.ResultContent); } } XMLParameterCollection pGetPSInfo = new XMLParameterCollection(); XMLParameter psList = new XMLParameter("presentationstate"); psList.AddParameter("internal_id", psID); pGetPSInfo.Add(psList); CheckPoint cpGetPSInfo = new CheckPoint("GetPSInfo", "Call GetPSInfo to check the dcm_anatomic_region value"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpGetPSInfo); XMLResult rtGetPSInfo = psSvc.getPresentationStateInfo(pGetPSInfo); if (rtGetPSInfo.IsErrorOccured) { cpGetPSInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetPSInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get PS Info return error", "GetPSInfo", rtGetPSInfo.ResultContent); } else { cpGetPSInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get PS Info return success", "GetPSInfo", rtGetPSInfo.Message); // Check the image_type, anatomic_region values in return are correct if (!rtGetPSInfo.ResultContent.Contains("parameter key=\"image_type\" value=\"" + epGetPSInfoImageType + "\"")) //parameter key="image_type" value="PANOV6" { cpGetPSInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetPSInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get PS Info return wrong image_type info", "GetPSInfo", rtGetPSInfo.ResultContent); } else if (!rtGetPSInfo.ResultContent.Contains("parameter key=\"dcm_anatomic_region\" value=\"" + epGetPSInfoAnatomicRegion + "\"")) // parameter key="dcm_anatomic_region" value="Jaw region" { cpGetPSInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetPSInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get PS Info return wrong dcm_anatomic_region info", "GetPSInfo", rtGetPSInfo.ResultContent); } else if (!rtGetPSInfo.ResultContent.Contains("parameter key=\"dcm_anatomic_region_modifiers\" value=\"" + epGetPSInfoAnatomicRegionModifiers + "\"")) // parameter key="dcm_anatomic_region_modifiers" value="Molar 1" { cpGetPSInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetPSInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get PS Info return wrong dcm_anatomic_region_modifiers info", "GetPSInfo", rtGetPSInfo.ResultContent); } else { cpGetPSInfo.Result = TestResult.Pass; cpGetPSInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get PS Info return correct info", "GetPSInfo", rtGetPSInfo.ResultContent); } } CheckPoint cpGetPS = new CheckPoint("GetPS", "Call GetPS to check the ps xml info"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpGetPS); XMLResult rtGetPS = psSvc.getPresentationState(psID); if (rtGetPS.IsErrorOccured) { cpGetPS.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetPS.Outputs.AddParameter("Get PS return error", "GetPS", rtGetPS.ResultContent); } else { cpGetPS.Outputs.AddParameter("Get PS return success", "GetPS", rtGetPS.Message); if (rtGetPS.ResultContent.Contains("parameter key=\"general.xml\"") && rtGetPS.ResultContent.Contains("parameter key=\"processing.xml\"") && rtGetPS.ResultContent.Contains("parameter key=\"annotation.xml\"")) // Should return empty ps info for this case as there is not { cpGetPS.Result = TestResult.Pass; cpGetPS.Outputs.AddParameter("Get PS return correct info", "GetPS", rtGetPS.ResultContent); } else { cpGetPS.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetPS.Outputs.AddParameter("Get PS return wrong content", "GetPS", rtGetPS.ResultContent); } } #endregion } if (isDeletePatient) { CheckPoint cpDelete = new CheckPoint("Delete Patient", "Test delete patient"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpDelete); XMLResult rltDelete = patientSvc.deletePatient(patientUID); if (rltDelete.IsErrorOccured) { cpDelete.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient returns error", "Delete Patient", rltDelete.Message); cpDelete.Result = TestResult.Fail; } else { cpDelete.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient returns OK", "Delete Patient", rltDelete.Message); cpDelete.Result = TestResult.Pass; } } SaveRound(r); } catch (Exception ex) { CheckPoint cp = new CheckPoint(); r.CheckPoints.Add(cp); cp.Outputs.AddParameter("Exception thrown", "Exception Message", ex.Message); cp.Result = TestResult.Fail; SaveRound(r); } } Output(); }
// Case 1496: 1.2.3_ImportImage_FMS public void Run_Import_FMS_Case1496() { int runCount = 0; string patientUID = string.Empty; bool isCreatePatient = false; bool isDeletePatient = true; foreach (InputDataSet ids in this.Input.DataSets) { isCreatePatient = false; runCount++; Round r = this.NewRound(runCount.ToString(), "Import image"); CheckPoint pCreate = new CheckPoint("Create Patient", "Test create"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pCreate); PatientService ps = new PatientService(); ImportService ims = new ImportService(); XMLParameter pa = new XMLParameter("patient"); XMLParameter ia = new XMLParameter("import"); for (int i = 0; i < ids.InputParameters.Count; i++) { if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "create") { pa.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); isCreatePatient = true; } if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "import") { ia.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); } } string ep_nodeNum = string.Empty; string ep_totalSubImageNum = string.Empty; string ep_successImageNum = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < ids.ExpectedValues.Count; i++) { if (ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Step == "import") { if (ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Key == "node") { ep_nodeNum = ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value; } else if (ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Key == "total") { ep_totalSubImageNum = ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value; } else if (ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Key == "success") { ep_successImageNum = ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value; } } } XMLParameter epGetFMSInfo = new XMLParameter(); //XMLParameter epGetFMSDescription = new XMLParameter(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.ExpectedValues.Count; i++) { if (ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Step == "getFMSInfo") { epGetFMSInfo.AddParameter(ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value); } //else if (ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Step == "getFMSDescription") //{ // epGetFMSDescription.AddParameter(ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.ExpectedValues.GetParameter(i).Value); //} } try { if (isCreatePatient) { XMLResult result = ps.createPatient(pa); if (!result.IsErrorOccured) { patientUID = result.SingleResult; pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("Create patient UID", "Create Patient", patientUID); pCreate.Result = TestResult.Pass; } else { pCreate.Outputs.AddParameter("Create patient UID", "Create Patient Fail", result.ResultContent); pCreate.Result = TestResult.Fail; } } CheckPoint pImport = new CheckPoint("Import Image", "Test import"); r.CheckPoints.Add(pImport); string filePath = string.Empty; string archivePath = string.Empty; bool move = false; for (int c = 0; c < ia.Length; c++) { if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "path") filePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "archivePath") archivePath = ia.GetParameterValue(c); if (ia.GetParameterName(c) == "move") { if (ia.GetParameterValue(c) == "true") move = true; } } XMLResult rslImport = ims.importObject(patientUID, "", filePath, archivePath, move, "false"); /*********************** import FMS return sample: <trophy type="result" version="1.0"> <status code="0" message="ok" /> - <fms> <parameter key="internal_id" value="637e9a0d-73dc-447e-bf7d-607b6a088468" /> </fms> - <image> <parameter key="internal_id" value="c8e90079-1f6f-4d6c-92d2-4cd91e63c3bc" /> </image> - <presentationstate> <parameter key="internal_id" value="2ff59bd5-d1c3-4a3b-a514-9871abded236" /> </presentationstate> - <image> <parameter key="internal_id" value="9057d7c5-8e1a-4aee-95ce-a4a9e98dc42e" /> </image> - <presentationstate> <parameter key="internal_id" value="99179d8d-9855-4bb4-b1c0-c47c7e364d95" /> </presentationstate> </trophy> * **********************/ if (rslImport.IsErrorOccured) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import FMS fail", "Import", rslImport.Message); pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import FMS returns error code", "Import", rslImport.Code.ToString()); } else { if (rslImport.MultiResults.Count.ToString() != ep_nodeNum) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import FMS returns wrong node", "Import", rslImport.ResultContent); } else { pImport.Result = TestResult.Pass; for (int i = 0; i < rslImport.MultiResults.Count - 1; i++) { string internalID = rslImport.MultiResults[i].GetParameterValueByName("internal_id"); if (internalID == null || internalID == string.Empty) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import image returns wrong FMS, image or PS info", "Import", rslImport.ResultContent); break; } } if (pImport.Result == TestResult.Pass) { string totalSubImages = rslImport.MultiResults[rslImport.MultiResults.Count - 1].GetParameterValueByName("total"); string successSubImages = rslImport.MultiResults[rslImport.MultiResults.Count - 1].GetParameterValueByName("success"); if (totalSubImages != ep_totalSubImageNum || successSubImages != ep_successImageNum) { pImport.Result = TestResult.Fail; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("Import FMS returns wrong info for [other] when import sub images", "Import", rslImport.ResultContent); } else { pImport.Result = TestResult.Pass; pImport.Outputs.AddParameter("import FMS returns OK", "Import", rslImport.ResultContent); } } } } #region Call GetFMSInfo to check the return value FMSService fmsSvc = new FMSService(); string fmsID = string.Empty; // Try to get from the import return fmsID = rslImport.MultiResults[0].GetParameterValueByName("internal_id"); CheckPoint cpGetFMSInfo = new CheckPoint("GetFMSInfo", "Call GetFMSInfo to check the return value"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpGetFMSInfo); XMLResult rtGetFMSInfo = fmsSvc.getFMSInfo(fmsID); if (rtGetFMSInfo.IsErrorOccured) { cpGetFMSInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetFMSInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get FMS Info returns error", "getFMSInfo", rtGetFMSInfo.ResultContent); } else { cpGetFMSInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get FMS Info returns success", "getFMSInfo", rtGetFMSInfo.Message); //Check the return info contain the expected key and value: parameter key="XXX" value="XXX" foreach (XMLParameterNode node in epGetFMSInfo.Parameters) { if (!rtGetFMSInfo.ResultContent.Contains("parameter key=\"" + node.ParameterName + "\" value=\"" + node.ParameterValue + "\"")) { cpGetFMSInfo.Result = TestResult.Fail; cpGetFMSInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get FMS Info returns wrong key-value info for: " + node.ParameterName, "GetFMSInfo", rtGetFMSInfo.ResultContent); continue; } else { cpGetFMSInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get FMS Info returns correct key-value info for: " + node.ParameterName, "GetFMSInfo", "ok"); } } if (cpGetFMSInfo.Result != TestResult.Fail) { cpGetFMSInfo.Result = TestResult.Pass; cpGetFMSInfo.Outputs.AddParameter("Get FMS Info return all correct info", "GetFMSInfo", rtGetFMSInfo.ResultContent); } } #endregion if (isDeletePatient) { CheckPoint cpDelete = new CheckPoint("Delete Patient", "Test delete patient"); r.CheckPoints.Add(cpDelete); XMLResult rltDelete = ps.deletePatient(patientUID); if (rltDelete.IsErrorOccured) { cpDelete.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient returns error", "Delete Patient", rltDelete.Message); cpDelete.Result = TestResult.Fail; } else { cpDelete.Outputs.AddParameter("Delete created patient returns OK", "Delete Patient", rltDelete.Message); cpDelete.Result = TestResult.Pass; } } SaveRound(r); } catch (Exception ex) { CheckPoint cp = new CheckPoint(); r.CheckPoints.Add(cp); cp.Outputs.AddParameter("Exception thrown", "Exception Message", ex.Message); cp.Result = TestResult.Fail; SaveRound(r); } } Output(); }