        /// <summary>
        /// returns arbNumber many planes, sliced height wise, which have been averaged, subsampled and clock sorted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pc">PointCloud</param>
        /// <param name="arbNumber">int</param>
        /// <returns>Tuple(List(List(Point3D)),double)</returns>
        public static Tuple <List <List <Point3D> >, double> pullAll(PointCloud pc, int arbNumber)
            double xmin = pc.getxMin();
            double xmax = pc.getxMax();
            double zmin = pc.getzMin();
            double zmax = pc.getzMax();

            double[] limits = { xmin, zmin, xmax, zmax };

            double ymin      = pc.getyMin();
            double ymax      = pc.getyMax();
            double increment = (ymax - ymin) / arbNumber;

            List <List <Point3D> > output = new List <List <Point3D> >();

            for (double i = ymin + (increment / 2); i <= ymax - (increment / 2); i = i + increment)
                List <Point3D> plane = pc.getKDTree().getAllPointsAt(i, increment / 2, limits);

                plane = SubSampler.averageSubSample(plane, sampleNumber);
                plane = PointSorter.clockSort(plane);

            return(Tuple.Create(output, increment));
        /// <summary>
        /// returns arbNumber many planes, sliced height wise, which have been averaged, subsampled and clock sorted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pc">PointCloud</param>
        /// <param name="arbNumber">int</param>
        /// <returns>Tuple(List(List(Point3D)),double)</returns>
        public static Tuple<List<List<Point3D>>, double> pullAll(PointCloud pc, int arbNumber)
            double xmin = pc.getxMin();
            double xmax = pc.getxMax();
            double zmin = pc.getzMin();
            double zmax = pc.getzMax();
            double[] limits = { xmin, zmin, xmax, zmax };

            double ymin = pc.getyMin();
            double ymax = pc.getyMax();
            double increment = (ymax - ymin) / arbNumber;

            List<List<Point3D>> output = new List<List<Point3D>>();

            for (double i = ymin + (increment / 2); i <= ymax - (increment / 2); i = i + increment)
                List<Point3D> plane = pc.getKDTree().getAllPointsAt(i, increment / 2, limits);

                plane = SubSampler.averageSubSample(plane, sampleNumber);
                plane = PointSorter.clockSort(plane);

            return Tuple.Create(output,increment);
        public static Tuple<double, double, List<List<Point3D>>> calculateLimbBounds(PointCloud pc, Dictionary<String, double[]> jointDepths, int limb, double weight)
            //Calculate limb bounds based on limb choice
            double finalCircum = 0.0;
            double numPlanes = 0.0;
            Tuple<List<List<Point3D>>, double> T = new Tuple<List<List<Point3D>>, double>(null, 0);

            //premodify limb circum factors with discovered weight
            if (weight < 60)
                ArmFactorL = 1.21;
                LegFactorL = 3.89;
                ArmFactorR = 1.02;
                LegFactorR = 2.96;
                ChestFactor = 1.62;
                ShoulderFactor = 1.43;
                WaistFactor = 6.63;
            else if (weight >= 60 && weight < 90)
                ArmFactorL = 1.07;
                LegFactorL = 3.10;
                ArmFactorR = 1.05;
                LegFactorR = 2.95;
                ChestFactor = 1.42;
                ShoulderFactor = 1.41;
                WaistFactor = 5.94;
            else if (weight >= 90)
                ArmFactorL = 0.91;
                LegFactorL = 3.39;
                ArmFactorR = 0.89;
                LegFactorR = 3.51;
                ChestFactor = 1.46;
                ShoulderFactor = 1.53;
                WaistFactor = 4.529;

            switch (limb)
                case 1:
                //SHOULDERS (1)
                xmin = jointDepths["ShoulderRight"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["ShoulderLeft"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["ShoulderCenter"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["Spine"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                premodifier = ShoulderFactor;

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);


                case 2:

                //ARM_LEFT (2)
                xmin = jointDepths["HipLeft"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["WristLeft"][1] + ((jointDepths["WristLeft"][1]-jointDepths["HipLeft"][1])/4);

                ymax = jointDepths["ShoulderLeft"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["WristLeft"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                premodifier = ArmFactorL;

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);


                case 3:

                //ARM_RIGHT (3)
                xmin = jointDepths["WristRight"][1] - ((jointDepths["HipRight"][1]-jointDepths["WristRight"][1])/4);
                xmax = jointDepths["HipRight"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["ShoulderRight"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["WristRight"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = ArmFactorR;


                case 4:


                xmin = jointDepths["ShoulderRight"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["ShoulderLeft"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["ShoulderCenter"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["Spine"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = ChestFactor;


                case 5:


                xmin = jointDepths["HipRight"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["HipLeft"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["HipCenter"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["HipLeft"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] {xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax};

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = WaistFactor;


                case 6:


                xmin = jointDepths["HipCenter"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["HipLeft"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["HipLeft"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["KneeLeft"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = LegFactorL;


                case 7:


                xmin = jointDepths["HipRight"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["HipCenter"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["HipRight"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["KneeRight"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = LegFactorR;


                default: break;

                //Calculate circumference
                segmentedPointcloud = pc.getSubRegion(bounds);

                T = PlanePuller.pullAll(segmentedPointcloud, 2);
                finalCircum = CircumferenceCalculator.calculate(T.Item1, 1);
                numPlanes = UnitConvertor.convertPCM(T.Item2,1);

                //Premodify the circumference calculation with the fudge factors. Convert into CM from M.
                finalCircum = Math.Round(finalCircum * 100,5);
                finalCircum = premodifier * finalCircum;

            catch (Exception err)

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("(Subregion): Subregion issue - " + err.ToString());


            //results printed out before historyloader so we can inspect all is well
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("***Limb Circumference Results***");
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Limb chosen: " + limb);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Circumference approx: " + finalCircum);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Number of planes: " + numPlanes);

            return new Tuple<double, double, List<List<Point3D>>>(finalCircum, numPlanes, T.Item1);
        public static Tuple <double, double, List <List <Point3D> > > calculateLimbBounds(PointCloud pc, Dictionary <String, double[]> jointDepths, int limb, double weight)
            //Calculate limb bounds based on limb choice
            double finalCircum = 0.0;
            double numPlanes   = 0.0;
            Tuple <List <List <Point3D> >, double> T = new Tuple <List <List <Point3D> >, double>(null, 0);

            //premodify limb circum factors with discovered weight
            if (weight < 60)
                ArmFactorL     = 1.21;
                LegFactorL     = 3.89;
                ArmFactorR     = 1.02;
                LegFactorR     = 2.96;
                ChestFactor    = 1.62;
                ShoulderFactor = 1.43;
                WaistFactor    = 6.63;
            else if (weight >= 60 && weight < 90)
                ArmFactorL     = 1.07;
                LegFactorL     = 3.10;
                ArmFactorR     = 1.05;
                LegFactorR     = 2.95;
                ChestFactor    = 1.42;
                ShoulderFactor = 1.41;
                WaistFactor    = 5.94;
            else if (weight >= 90)
                ArmFactorL     = 0.91;
                LegFactorL     = 3.39;
                ArmFactorR     = 0.89;
                LegFactorR     = 3.51;
                ChestFactor    = 1.46;
                ShoulderFactor = 1.53;
                WaistFactor    = 4.529;

            switch (limb)
            case 1:
                //SHOULDERS (1)
                xmin = jointDepths["ShoulderRight"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["ShoulderLeft"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["ShoulderCenter"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["Spine"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                premodifier = ShoulderFactor;

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);


            case 2:

                //ARM_LEFT (2)
                xmin = jointDepths["HipLeft"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["WristLeft"][1] + ((jointDepths["WristLeft"][1] - jointDepths["HipLeft"][1]) / 4);

                ymax = jointDepths["ShoulderLeft"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["WristLeft"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                premodifier = ArmFactorL;

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);


            case 3:

                //ARM_RIGHT (3)
                xmin = jointDepths["WristRight"][1] - ((jointDepths["HipRight"][1] - jointDepths["WristRight"][1]) / 4);
                xmax = jointDepths["HipRight"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["ShoulderRight"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["WristRight"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = ArmFactorR;


            case 4:


                xmin = jointDepths["ShoulderRight"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["ShoulderLeft"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["ShoulderCenter"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["Spine"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = ChestFactor;


            case 5:


                xmin = jointDepths["HipRight"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["HipLeft"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["HipCenter"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["HipLeft"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = WaistFactor;


            case 6:


                xmin = jointDepths["HipCenter"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["HipLeft"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["HipLeft"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["KneeLeft"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = LegFactorL;


            case 7:


                xmin = jointDepths["HipRight"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["HipCenter"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["HipRight"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["KneeRight"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = LegFactorR;


            default: break;

                //Calculate circumference
                segmentedPointcloud = pc.getSubRegion(bounds);

                T           = PlanePuller.pullAll(segmentedPointcloud, 2);
                finalCircum = CircumferenceCalculator.calculate(T.Item1, 1);
                numPlanes   = UnitConvertor.convertPCM(T.Item2, 1);

                //Premodify the circumference calculation with the fudge factors. Convert into CM from M.
                finalCircum = Math.Round(finalCircum * 100, 5);
                finalCircum = premodifier * finalCircum;
            catch (Exception err)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("(Subregion): Subregion issue - " + err.ToString());

            //results printed out before historyloader so we can inspect all is well
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("***Limb Circumference Results***");
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Limb chosen: " + limb);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Circumference approx: " + finalCircum);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Number of planes: " + numPlanes);

            return(new Tuple <double, double, List <List <Point3D> > >(finalCircum, numPlanes, T.Item1));