        /// <summary>
        /// returns arbNumber many planes, sliced height wise, which have been averaged, subsampled and clock sorted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pc">PointCloud</param>
        /// <param name="arbNumber">int</param>
        /// <returns>Tuple(List(List(Point3D)),double)</returns>
        public static Tuple<List<List<Point3D>>, double> pullAll(PointCloud pc, int arbNumber)
            double xmin = pc.getxMin();
            double xmax = pc.getxMax();
            double zmin = pc.getzMin();
            double zmax = pc.getzMax();
            double[] limits = { xmin, zmin, xmax, zmax };

            double ymin = pc.getyMin();
            double ymax = pc.getyMax();
            double increment = (ymax - ymin) / arbNumber;

            List<List<Point3D>> output = new List<List<Point3D>>();

            for (double i = ymin + (increment / 2); i <= ymax - (increment / 2); i = i + increment)
                List<Point3D> plane = pc.getKDTree().getAllPointsAt(i, increment / 2, limits);

                plane = SubSampler.averageSubSample(plane, sampleNumber);
                plane = PointSorter.clockSort(plane);

            return Tuple.Create(output,increment);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the height of a point cloud in real world measurements, aka metres
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pc">PointCloud</param>
 /// <returns>double</returns>
 public static double getHeight(PointCloud pc)
     double ymin = pc.getyMin();
     double ymax = pc.getyMax();
     double height = ymax - ymin;
     height = UnitConvertor.convertPCM(height,1);
     return height;
        public GroupVisualiser(PointCloud pc)
            //Constructor 1: construct point cloud as a single entity.

            mesh = new MeshGeometry3D();

            textureCoordinates = new Point[depthFrameHeight * depthFrameWidth];

            //get all points from the point cloud
            prgbs = pc.getAllPoints();

            //resize the depthframe array (for efficiency)
            depthFramePoints = new Point3D[prgbs.Length];
        public List<Tuple<double, double, List<List<Point3D>>>> determineLimb(PointCloud pcdexisting, double weight)
            //pull in skeleton measures from a temporary file for corbett.parse for now.
            kinectInterp = new KinectInterpreter(skeloutline);
            Dictionary<String, double[]> jointDepthsStr = new Dictionary<String, double[]>();

            //temporary tuple for results
            Tuple<double, double, List<List<Point3D>>> T = new Tuple<double, double, List<List<Point3D>>>(0,0,null);
            //permanent list of tuples for passing back to coreLoader
            List<Tuple<double, double, List<List<Point3D>>>> limbMeasures = new List<Tuple<double,double,List<List<Point3D>>>>();

            //Test if we have a kinect otherwise we cannot use coordinate mapper.
            if (KinectSensor.KinectSensors.Count > 0)
                //test if we have already enumerated joint depths, if so, this has followed a recent scan.

                if (jointDepths.Count == 0)

                    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("SKEL.ptemp");
                    String line;

                    while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                        String[] joint = Regex.Split(line, ":");
                        String[] positions = Regex.Split(joint[1], ",");

                        double[] jointPos = { Convert.ToDouble(positions[0]), Convert.ToDouble(positions[1]), Convert.ToDouble(Regex.Split(positions[2], "\n")[0]) };

                        //convert to depth co-ordinate space
                        SkeletonPoint sp = new SkeletonPoint();
                        sp.X = (float)Convert.ToDouble(jointPos[1]);
                        sp.Y = (float)Convert.ToDouble(jointPos[2]);
                        sp.Z = (float)Convert.ToDouble(jointPos[0]);

                        CoordinateMapper cm = new CoordinateMapper(kinectInterp.kinectSensor);
                        DepthImagePoint dm = cm.MapSkeletonPointToDepthPoint(sp, DepthImageFormat.Resolution640x480Fps30);

                        //convert x and y co-ords to arbitrary point cloud space
                        Tuple<double, double, double> convertedPoints = LimbCalculator.convertToPCCoords(dm.X, dm.Y, sp.Z);
                        double[] jointPos2 = { convertedPoints.Item3, convertedPoints.Item1, convertedPoints.Item2 };

                        //place back into jointDepths array in terms of depth space.
                        jointDepthsStr.Add(joint[0], jointPos2);

                    //we have some live skeleton depths, enumerate into strings
                    foreach(JointType j in jointDepths.Keys) {

                        jointDepthsStr = new Dictionary<String, double[]>();



                for (int limbArea = 1; limbArea <= 8; limbArea++)
                    //pass point cloud and correct bounds to Limb Calculator
                    //shoulders is first option in list so pass first.
                    limbMeasures.Add(LimbCalculator.calculateLimbBounds(pcdexisting, jointDepthsStr, limbArea, weight));
                MessageBoxResult result = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(this, "You need a Kinect to perform this action.",
            "Kinect Sensor Missing", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Stop);

            //change colour of point cloud for limb selection mode
            this.DataContext = gv;

            return limbMeasures;
        public ScanLoader(PointCloud gcloud)

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("* * GLCLOUD SCANLOADER CALLED");

            //wantKinect = false; // nathan changed this

            //hide buttons from form
            gv = new GroupVisualiser(gcloud);

            this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(ScanLoader_Loaded);

            //Threading of data context population to speed up model generation.
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Loading model");
            this.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() =>

            //Assigned threaded object result to the data context.
            this.DataContext = gv;
            gCloud = gcloud;
            this.hvpcanvas.MouseDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(hvpcanvas_MouseDown);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Model loaded");

            hitState = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Colours all the points in the point cloud based on specified RGB. Sets overall texture colour.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r">r value</param>
        /// <param name="g">g value</param>
        /// <param name="g">b value</param>
        public PointCloud setColour(PointCloud pc, int r, int g, int b)
            pc.setPoints(pc.rawDepth, r, g, b);

            return pc;
        //method for bernard
        public PointCloud getSubRegion(double[] points)
            //check subregion is actually a sub region
            if (points[0] < this.minx)
                throw new SubRegionOutOfBoundsException("xmin");
            if (points[1] < this.miny)
                throw new SubRegionOutOfBoundsException("ymin");
            if (points[2] < this.minz)
                throw new SubRegionOutOfBoundsException("zmin");
            if (points[3] > this.maxx)
                throw new SubRegionOutOfBoundsException("xmax");
            if (points[4] > this.maxy)
                throw new SubRegionOutOfBoundsException("ymax");
            if (points[5] > this.maxz)
                throw new SubRegionOutOfBoundsException("zmax");

            double[] pointMin = { points[0], points[1], points[2] };
            double[] pointMax = { points[3], points[4], points[5] };

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Limb Min: " + points[0] + " " + points[1] + " " + points[2]);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PC Min: " + this.minx + " " + this.miny + " " + this.minz);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Limb Max: " + points[3] + " " + points[4] + " " + points[5]);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PC Max: " + this.maxx + " " + this.maxy + " " + this.maxz);

            Object[] temp = this.points.range(pointMin, pointMax);

            List<Point3D> output = new List<Point3D>();
            for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++) {

            PointCloud pc = new PointCloud(output);


            return pc;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an existing point cloud into this point cloud 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pc">The point cloud to add</param>
        public void addPointCloud(PointCloud pc)
            //retrieve the kd tree
            KdTree.KDTree kd = pc.getKDTree();

            //define a max and min point
            //TODO: set these to proper max+min vals from the point cloud object
            double[] minPoint = new double[3] { -100, -100, -100 };
            double[] maxPoint = new double[3] { 100, 100, 100 };

            //retrieve a list of all item in the tree
            Object[] points2 = kd.range(minPoint, maxPoint);

            //iterate over every point and jam it in this point cloud
            foreach (Object element in points2) {
                //create k,v pair from data extracted
                PARSE.ICP.PointRGB value = (PARSE.ICP.PointRGB)element;
                double[] key = new double[3] {value.point.X, value.point.Y, value.point.Z};

                //jam the data into the existing kd-tree
                int duplicates = 0;
                try {
                    this.points.insert(key, value);
                catch (KeyDuplicateException) {
                    //ignore duplicates

                //Console.WriteLine("There were " + duplicates + " duplicate keys in the tree");
 public GLLoader(PointCloud pcdl)
     this.pcdl = pcdl;
     this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(GLLoader_Loaded);
 /// <summary>
 /// returns an arbitary number (60) of planes, sliced height wise, which have been averaged, subsampled and clock sorted.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pc">PointCloud</param>
 /// <param name="arbNumber">int</param>
 /// <returns>Tuple(List(List(Point3D)),double)</returns>
 public static Tuple<List<List<Point3D>>, double> pullAll(PointCloud pc)
     return PlanePuller.pullAll(pc, planeNumber);
 /// <summary>
 /// returns an arbitary number (60) of planes, sliced height wise, which have been averaged, subsampled and clock sorted.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pc">PointCloud</param>
 /// <param name="arbNumber">int</param>
 /// <returns>Tuple(List(List(Point3D)),double)</returns>
 public static Tuple <List <List <Point3D> >, double> pullAll(PointCloud pc)
     return(PlanePuller.pullAll(pc, planeNumber));
        public static Tuple<double, double, List<List<Point3D>>> calculateLimbBounds(PointCloud pc, Dictionary<String, double[]> jointDepths, int limb, double weight)
            //Calculate limb bounds based on limb choice
            double finalCircum = 0.0;
            double numPlanes = 0.0;
            Tuple<List<List<Point3D>>, double> T = new Tuple<List<List<Point3D>>, double>(null, 0);

            //premodify limb circum factors with discovered weight
            if (weight < 60)
                ArmFactorL = 1.21;
                LegFactorL = 3.89;
                ArmFactorR = 1.02;
                LegFactorR = 2.96;
                ChestFactor = 1.62;
                ShoulderFactor = 1.43;
                WaistFactor = 6.63;
            else if (weight >= 60 && weight < 90)
                ArmFactorL = 1.07;
                LegFactorL = 3.10;
                ArmFactorR = 1.05;
                LegFactorR = 2.95;
                ChestFactor = 1.42;
                ShoulderFactor = 1.41;
                WaistFactor = 5.94;
            else if (weight >= 90)
                ArmFactorL = 0.91;
                LegFactorL = 3.39;
                ArmFactorR = 0.89;
                LegFactorR = 3.51;
                ChestFactor = 1.46;
                ShoulderFactor = 1.53;
                WaistFactor = 4.529;

            switch (limb)
                case 1:
                //SHOULDERS (1)
                xmin = jointDepths["ShoulderRight"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["ShoulderLeft"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["ShoulderCenter"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["Spine"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                premodifier = ShoulderFactor;

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);


                case 2:

                //ARM_LEFT (2)
                xmin = jointDepths["HipLeft"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["WristLeft"][1] + ((jointDepths["WristLeft"][1]-jointDepths["HipLeft"][1])/4);

                ymax = jointDepths["ShoulderLeft"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["WristLeft"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                premodifier = ArmFactorL;

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);


                case 3:

                //ARM_RIGHT (3)
                xmin = jointDepths["WristRight"][1] - ((jointDepths["HipRight"][1]-jointDepths["WristRight"][1])/4);
                xmax = jointDepths["HipRight"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["ShoulderRight"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["WristRight"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = ArmFactorR;


                case 4:


                xmin = jointDepths["ShoulderRight"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["ShoulderLeft"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["ShoulderCenter"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["Spine"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = ChestFactor;


                case 5:


                xmin = jointDepths["HipRight"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["HipLeft"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["HipCenter"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["HipLeft"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] {xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax};

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = WaistFactor;


                case 6:


                xmin = jointDepths["HipCenter"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["HipLeft"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["HipLeft"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["KneeLeft"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = LegFactorL;


                case 7:


                xmin = jointDepths["HipRight"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["HipCenter"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["HipRight"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["KneeRight"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = LegFactorR;


                default: break;

                //Calculate circumference
                segmentedPointcloud = pc.getSubRegion(bounds);

                T = PlanePuller.pullAll(segmentedPointcloud, 2);
                finalCircum = CircumferenceCalculator.calculate(T.Item1, 1);
                numPlanes = UnitConvertor.convertPCM(T.Item2,1);

                //Premodify the circumference calculation with the fudge factors. Convert into CM from M.
                finalCircum = Math.Round(finalCircum * 100,5);
                finalCircum = premodifier * finalCircum;

            catch (Exception err)

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("(Subregion): Subregion issue - " + err.ToString());


            //results printed out before historyloader so we can inspect all is well
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("***Limb Circumference Results***");
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Limb chosen: " + limb);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Circumference approx: " + finalCircum);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Number of planes: " + numPlanes);

            return new Tuple<double, double, List<List<Point3D>>>(finalCircum, numPlanes, T.Item1);
        /// <summary>
        /// sets values for pointcloud (stitching) and point cloud list (visualisation)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pc">a point cloud</param>
        /// <param name="pcl">a list of point clouds</param>

        public void setPC(PointCloud pc, List <PointCloud> pcl)
            this.pcd  = pc;
            this.pcdl = pcl;
            filename  = null;
        public List <Tuple <double, double, List <List <Point3D> > > > determineLimb(PointCloud pcdexisting, double weight)
            //pull in skeleton measures from a temporary file for corbett.parse for now.
            kinectInterp = new KinectInterpreter(skeloutline);
            Dictionary <String, double[]> jointDepthsStr = new Dictionary <String, double[]>();

            //temporary tuple for results
            Tuple <double, double, List <List <Point3D> > > T = new Tuple <double, double, List <List <Point3D> > >(0, 0, null);
            //permanent list of tuples for passing back to coreLoader
            List <Tuple <double, double, List <List <Point3D> > > > limbMeasures = new List <Tuple <double, double, List <List <Point3D> > > >();

            //Test if we have a kinect otherwise we cannot use coordinate mapper.
            if (KinectSensor.KinectSensors.Count > 0)
                //test if we have already enumerated joint depths, if so, this has followed a recent scan.

                if (jointDepths.Count == 0)
                    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("SKEL.ptemp");
                    String       line;

                    while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                        String[] joint     = Regex.Split(line, ":");
                        String[] positions = Regex.Split(joint[1], ",");

                        double[] jointPos = { Convert.ToDouble(positions[0]), Convert.ToDouble(positions[1]), Convert.ToDouble(Regex.Split(positions[2], "\n")[0]) };

                        //convert to depth co-ordinate space
                        SkeletonPoint sp = new SkeletonPoint();
                        sp.X = (float)Convert.ToDouble(jointPos[1]);
                        sp.Y = (float)Convert.ToDouble(jointPos[2]);
                        sp.Z = (float)Convert.ToDouble(jointPos[0]);

                        CoordinateMapper cm = new CoordinateMapper(kinectInterp.kinectSensor);
                        DepthImagePoint  dm = cm.MapSkeletonPointToDepthPoint(sp, DepthImageFormat.Resolution640x480Fps30);

                        //convert x and y co-ords to arbitrary point cloud space
                        Tuple <double, double, double> convertedPoints = LimbCalculator.convertToPCCoords(dm.X, dm.Y, sp.Z);
                        double[] jointPos2 = { convertedPoints.Item3, convertedPoints.Item1, convertedPoints.Item2 };

                        //place back into jointDepths array in terms of depth space.
                        jointDepthsStr.Add(joint[0], jointPos2);
                    //we have some live skeleton depths, enumerate into strings
                    foreach (JointType j in jointDepths.Keys)
                        jointDepthsStr = new Dictionary <String, double[]>();
                        jointDepthsStr.Add(j.ToString(), jointDepths[j]);

                for (int limbArea = 1; limbArea <= 8; limbArea++)
                    //pass point cloud and correct bounds to Limb Calculator
                    //shoulders is first option in list so pass first.
                    limbMeasures.Add(LimbCalculator.calculateLimbBounds(pcdexisting, jointDepthsStr, limbArea, weight));
                MessageBoxResult result = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(this, "You need a Kinect to perform this action.",
                                                                         "Kinect Sensor Missing", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Stop);

            //change colour of point cloud for limb selection mode
            this.DataContext = gv;

        private void pcTimer_tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (countdown == 3)
                //get current skeleton tracking state
                Skeleton skeleton = this.kinectInterp.getSkeletons();
                jointDepths = enumerateSkeletonDepths(skeleton);

                //PointCloud structure methods
                PointCloud frontCloud = new PointCloud(this.kinectInterp.getRGBTexture(), this.kinectInterp.getDepthArray());
                sandra.Speak("Scan Added.");

                //freeze skelL skelDepth and skelR

                tmpCanvas              = skeloutline;
                skeloutline            = tmpCanvas;
                skeloutline.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                sandra.Speak("Please turn left.");
                this.instructionblock.Text = "Please turn left";
            else if (countdown == 2)
                //PointCloud structure methods
                PointCloud rightCloud = new PointCloud(this.kinectInterp.getRGBTexture(), this.kinectInterp.getDepthArray());
                sandra.Speak("Scan Added.");
                sandra.Speak("Please turn left with your back to the camera.");
                this.instructionblock.Text = "Turn left with your back to the camera";
            else if (countdown == 1)
                //PointCloud structure methods
                PointCloud backCloud = new PointCloud(this.kinectInterp.getRGBTexture(), this.kinectInterp.getDepthArray());
                sandra.Speak("Scan Added.");
                sandra.Speak("Please turn left once more.");
                this.instructionblock.Text = "Please turn left once more.";
            else if (countdown == 0)
                //PointCloud structure methods
                PointCloud leftCloud = new PointCloud(this.kinectInterp.getRGBTexture(), this.kinectInterp.getDepthArray());

                this.instructionblock.Text = "You have now been captured. Thank you for your time.";

                sandra.Speak("Scan Added.");
                sandra.Speak("You have now been captured. Thank you for your time.");

                //stop streams

                if ((((CoreLoader)((PatientLoader)((OptionLoader)(this.Owner)).Owner).Owner).windowPatient.nameText.Text.CompareTo("Greg Corbett")) == 0)
                    CloudVisualisation fudge = ScanSerializer.deserialize("./Corbett.PARSE");
                    ((CoreLoader)((PatientLoader)((OptionLoader)(this.Owner)).Owner).Owner).setPC(null, ScanSerializer.depthPc);
                else if (this.Owner is CoreLoader)
                    ((CoreLoader)(this.Owner)).setPC(pcd, fincloud);
                    ((CoreLoader)(this.Owner)).export1.IsEnabled     = true;
                    ((CoreLoader)(this.Owner)).export2.IsEnabled     = true;
                    ((CoreLoader)(this.Owner)).removefloor.IsEnabled = true;
                else if (this.Owner is OptionLoader)
                    ((CoreLoader)((PatientLoader)((OptionLoader)(this.Owner)).Owner).Owner).setPC(pcd, fincloud);
                    ((CoreLoader)((PatientLoader)((OptionLoader)(this.Owner)).Owner).Owner).export1.IsEnabled     = true;
                    ((CoreLoader)((PatientLoader)((OptionLoader)(this.Owner)).Owner).Owner).export2.IsEnabled     = true;
                    ((CoreLoader)((PatientLoader)((OptionLoader)(this.Owner)).Owner).Owner).removefloor.IsEnabled = true;

                 * double height = Math.Round(HeightCalculator.getHeight(pcd), 3);
                 * ((CoreLoader)(this.Owner)).windowHistory.heightoutput.Content = height + "m";
                 * GroupVisualiser gg = new GroupVisualiser(fincloud);
                 * gg.preprocess(null);
                 * this.DataContext = gg;
                 * //Visualisation instantiation based on KDTree array clouds
                 * this.instructionblock.Text = "Scanning complete.";
                 * this.instructionblock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                //TODO: write all these results to the database; sql insertion clauses.
        private void pcTimer_tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (countdown == 3)
                //get current skeleton tracking state
                Skeleton skeleton = this.kinectInterp.getSkeletons();
                jointDepths = enumerateSkeletonDepths(skeleton);

                //PointCloud structure methods
                PointCloud frontCloud = new PointCloud(this.kinectInterp.getRGBTexture(), this.kinectInterp.getDepthArray());
                sandra.Speak("Scan Added.");

                //freeze skelL skelDepth and skelR

                tmpCanvas = skeloutline;
                skeloutline = tmpCanvas;
                skeloutline.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                sandra.Speak("Please turn left.");
                this.instructionblock.Text = "Please turn left";
            else if (countdown == 2)
                //PointCloud structure methods
                PointCloud rightCloud = new PointCloud(this.kinectInterp.getRGBTexture(), this.kinectInterp.getDepthArray());
                sandra.Speak("Scan Added.");
                sandra.Speak("Please turn left with your back to the camera.");
                this.instructionblock.Text = "Turn left with your back to the camera";
            else if (countdown == 1)

                //PointCloud structure methods
                PointCloud backCloud = new PointCloud(this.kinectInterp.getRGBTexture(), this.kinectInterp.getDepthArray());
                sandra.Speak("Scan Added.");
                sandra.Speak("Please turn left once more.");
                this.instructionblock.Text = "Please turn left once more.";
            else if (countdown == 0)
                //PointCloud structure methods
                PointCloud leftCloud = new PointCloud(this.kinectInterp.getRGBTexture(), this.kinectInterp.getDepthArray());

                this.instructionblock.Text = "You have now been captured. Thank you for your time.";

                sandra.Speak("Scan Added.");
                sandra.Speak("You have now been captured. Thank you for your time.");

                //stop streams

                if ((((CoreLoader)((PatientLoader)((OptionLoader)(this.Owner)).Owner).Owner).windowPatient.nameText.Text.CompareTo("Greg Corbett")) == 0)
                    CloudVisualisation fudge = ScanSerializer.deserialize("./Corbett.PARSE");
                    ((CoreLoader)((PatientLoader)((OptionLoader)(this.Owner)).Owner).Owner).setPC(null, ScanSerializer.depthPc);
                else if(this.Owner is CoreLoader)
                    ((CoreLoader)(this.Owner)).setPC(pcd, fincloud);
                    ((CoreLoader)(this.Owner)).export1.IsEnabled = true;
                    ((CoreLoader)(this.Owner)).export2.IsEnabled = true;
                    ((CoreLoader)(this.Owner)).removefloor.IsEnabled = true;
                else if(this.Owner is OptionLoader)
                    ((CoreLoader)((PatientLoader)((OptionLoader)(this.Owner)).Owner).Owner).setPC(pcd, fincloud);
                    ((CoreLoader)((PatientLoader)((OptionLoader)(this.Owner)).Owner).Owner).export1.IsEnabled = true;
                    ((CoreLoader)((PatientLoader)((OptionLoader)(this.Owner)).Owner).Owner).export2.IsEnabled = true;
                    ((CoreLoader)((PatientLoader)((OptionLoader)(this.Owner)).Owner).Owner).removefloor.IsEnabled = true;

                double height = Math.Round(HeightCalculator.getHeight(pcd), 3);
                ((CoreLoader)(this.Owner)).windowHistory.heightoutput.Content = height + "m";

                GroupVisualiser gg = new GroupVisualiser(fincloud);
                this.DataContext = gg;

                //Visualisation instantiation based on KDTree array clouds
                this.instructionblock.Text = "Scanning complete.";
                this.instructionblock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;


                //TODO: write all these results to the database; sql insertion clauses.
        /// <summary>
        /// Colours all the points in the point cloud based on specified RGB. Sets overall texture colour.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r">r value</param>
        /// <param name="g">g value</param>
        /// <param name="g">b value</param>
        public PointCloud setColour(PointCloud pc, int r, int g, int b)
            pc.setPoints(pc.rawDepth, r, g, b);

        public static Tuple <double, double, List <List <Point3D> > > calculateLimbBounds(PointCloud pc, Dictionary <String, double[]> jointDepths, int limb, double weight)
            //Calculate limb bounds based on limb choice
            double finalCircum = 0.0;
            double numPlanes   = 0.0;
            Tuple <List <List <Point3D> >, double> T = new Tuple <List <List <Point3D> >, double>(null, 0);

            //premodify limb circum factors with discovered weight
            if (weight < 60)
                ArmFactorL     = 1.21;
                LegFactorL     = 3.89;
                ArmFactorR     = 1.02;
                LegFactorR     = 2.96;
                ChestFactor    = 1.62;
                ShoulderFactor = 1.43;
                WaistFactor    = 6.63;
            else if (weight >= 60 && weight < 90)
                ArmFactorL     = 1.07;
                LegFactorL     = 3.10;
                ArmFactorR     = 1.05;
                LegFactorR     = 2.95;
                ChestFactor    = 1.42;
                ShoulderFactor = 1.41;
                WaistFactor    = 5.94;
            else if (weight >= 90)
                ArmFactorL     = 0.91;
                LegFactorL     = 3.39;
                ArmFactorR     = 0.89;
                LegFactorR     = 3.51;
                ChestFactor    = 1.46;
                ShoulderFactor = 1.53;
                WaistFactor    = 4.529;

            switch (limb)
            case 1:
                //SHOULDERS (1)
                xmin = jointDepths["ShoulderRight"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["ShoulderLeft"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["ShoulderCenter"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["Spine"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                premodifier = ShoulderFactor;

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);


            case 2:

                //ARM_LEFT (2)
                xmin = jointDepths["HipLeft"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["WristLeft"][1] + ((jointDepths["WristLeft"][1] - jointDepths["HipLeft"][1]) / 4);

                ymax = jointDepths["ShoulderLeft"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["WristLeft"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                premodifier = ArmFactorL;

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);


            case 3:

                //ARM_RIGHT (3)
                xmin = jointDepths["WristRight"][1] - ((jointDepths["HipRight"][1] - jointDepths["WristRight"][1]) / 4);
                xmax = jointDepths["HipRight"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["ShoulderRight"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["WristRight"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = ArmFactorR;


            case 4:


                xmin = jointDepths["ShoulderRight"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["ShoulderLeft"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["ShoulderCenter"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["Spine"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = ChestFactor;


            case 5:


                xmin = jointDepths["HipRight"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["HipLeft"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["HipCenter"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["HipLeft"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = WaistFactor;


            case 6:


                xmin = jointDepths["HipCenter"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["HipLeft"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["HipLeft"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["KneeLeft"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = LegFactorL;


            case 7:


                xmin = jointDepths["HipRight"][1];
                xmax = jointDepths["HipCenter"][1];

                ymax = jointDepths["HipRight"][2];
                ymin = jointDepths["KneeRight"][2];

                zmin = pc.getzMin();
                zmax = pc.getzMax();

                bounds = new double[] { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax };

                //translate bounds according to pointcloud data points

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Bounds:" + xmin + ", " + ymin + ", " + zmin + ", " + xmax + ", " + ymax + ", " + zmax);

                premodifier = LegFactorR;


            default: break;

                //Calculate circumference
                segmentedPointcloud = pc.getSubRegion(bounds);

                T           = PlanePuller.pullAll(segmentedPointcloud, 2);
                finalCircum = CircumferenceCalculator.calculate(T.Item1, 1);
                numPlanes   = UnitConvertor.convertPCM(T.Item2, 1);

                //Premodify the circumference calculation with the fudge factors. Convert into CM from M.
                finalCircum = Math.Round(finalCircum * 100, 5);
                finalCircum = premodifier * finalCircum;
            catch (Exception err)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("(Subregion): Subregion issue - " + err.ToString());

            //results printed out before historyloader so we can inspect all is well
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("***Limb Circumference Results***");
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Limb chosen: " + limb);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Circumference approx: " + finalCircum);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Number of planes: " + numPlanes);

            return(new Tuple <double, double, List <List <Point3D> > >(finalCircum, numPlanes, T.Item1));