        // Separates table by adding the two tables that were combined at first,
        // and adding them back to tableList.
        public void SeparateTables(CombinedTable <Table> combinedTable)
            foreach (Table table in combinedTable.combinedTables)

        private void DrawCombinedTable(CombinedTable <Table> combinedTable)
            combinedTable.placementX = Canvas.GetLeft(sourceButton);
            combinedTable.placementY = Canvas.GetTop(sourceButton);
            double newX          = Canvas.GetLeft(_hitRectangle);
            double newY          = Canvas.GetTop(_hitRectangle);
            bool   tableLocation = false;

            // Before the new, combined table is being drawn we hide the tables being combined.
            // This way, when we separate the tables again we change the visibility of the tables back to show,
            // and they're back to their original position.
            foreach (Table table in combinedTable.combinedTables)
                if (Area.Children.OfType <Button>().ToList().Find(x => (string)x.Content == $"Table { table.tableNumber }") != null)
                    Area.Children.OfType <Button>().ToList().Find(x => (string)x.Content == $"Table {table.tableNumber}").Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            // Left
            if (combinedTable.placementX > newX && combinedTable.placementY == newY + 10)
                Button button = new Button()
                    Content         = $"*Table { combinedTable.tableNumber }",
                    Width           = tableSize + 100,
                    Height          = tableSize,
                    Background      = Brushes.White,
                    BorderThickness = new Thickness(2),
                    ToolTip         = $"{ Content }" +
                                      $"\nSeats: { combinedTable.seats }" +
                                      $"\nStatus: { combinedTable.state }" +
                                      $"\nX: { newX + 10 }" +
                                      $"\nY: { newY + 10 }",

                button.Margin = new Thickness(10);
                Canvas.SetTop(button, newY);
                Canvas.SetLeft(button, newX);

                button.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(Button_Click);
            // Right
            else if (combinedTable.placementX < newX && combinedTable.placementY == newY + 10)
                Button button = new Button()
                    Content         = $"*Table { combinedTable.tableNumber }",
                    Width           = tableSize + 100,
                    Height          = tableSize,
                    Background      = Brushes.White,
                    BorderThickness = new Thickness(2),
                    ToolTip         = $"{ Content }" +
                                      $"\nSeats: { combinedTable.seats }" +
                                      $"\nStatus: { combinedTable.state }" +
                                      $"\nX: { combinedTable.placementX }" +
                                      $"\nY: { combinedTable.placementY }",

                Canvas.SetTop(button, combinedTable.placementY);
                Canvas.SetLeft(button, combinedTable.placementX);

                button.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(Button_Click);
            // Bottom
            else if (combinedTable.placementY < newY && combinedTable.placementX == newX + 10)
                Button button = new Button()
                    Content         = $"*Table { combinedTable.tableNumber }",
                    Width           = tableSize,
                    Height          = tableSize + 100,
                    Background      = Brushes.White,
                    BorderThickness = new Thickness(2),
                    ToolTip         = $"{ Content }" +
                                      $"\nSeats: { combinedTable.seats }" +
                                      $"\nStatus: { combinedTable.state }" +
                                      $"\nX: { combinedTable.placementX }" +
                                      $"\nY: { combinedTable.placementY }",

                Canvas.SetTop(button, combinedTable.placementY);
                Canvas.SetLeft(button, combinedTable.placementX);

                button.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(Button_Click);
            // Top
            else if (combinedTable.placementY > newY && combinedTable.placementX == newX + 10)
                Button button = new Button()
                    Content         = $"*Table { combinedTable.tableNumber }",
                    Width           = tableSize,
                    Height          = tableSize + 100,
                    Background      = Brushes.White,
                    BorderThickness = new Thickness(2),
                    ToolTip         = $"{ Content }" +
                                      $"\nSeats: { combinedTable.seats }" +
                                      $"\nStatus: { combinedTable.state }" +
                                      $"\nX: { newX + 10 }" +
                                      $"\nY: { newY + 10 }",

                button.Margin = new Thickness(10);
                Canvas.SetTop(button, newY);
                Canvas.SetLeft(button, newX);

                button.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(Button_Click);
        // Button representing a table on the map, Event handler
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // We get the button we clicked on from the sender
            Button clickedButton = (Button)sender;

            // Assign event has been triggered
            if (assignEventActivated)
                // If highlightedReservation hasn't been set its value is null, so we try to catch it
                    Table table = tableManagementSystem.TableList.Find(x => $"Table { x.tableNumber }" == (string)clickedButton.Content);

                    if (table == null)
                        table = tableManagementSystem.TableList.Find(x => $"*Table { x.tableNumber }" == (string)clickedButton.Content);
                        if (table == null)
                            MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not find table");
                    //tableManagementSystem.TableList.Find(x => $"*Table { x.tableNumber }" == (string)clickedButton.Content).state == "Occupied"
                    // Checks if the table is already occupied
                    if (table.state == "Occupied")
                        //throw new TableAlreadyAssignedException("Error: Cannot assign an occupied table!");
                        MessageBox.Show("The table is already occupied and could not be assigned");
                    // We assign the table with AssignTable
                        tableManagementSystem.AssignTable(table, highlightedReservation);
                        tableManagementSystem.ReservationList.Remove(tableManagementSystem.ReservationList.Find(x => x.id == highlightedReservation.id));


                        clickedButton.Background = Brushes.Orange;
                        sourceButton             = clickedButton;

                        // Updates the button to now display it's updated state
                        sourceButton.ToolTip = $"Table: { table.tableNumber }" +
                                               $"\nSeats: { table.seats }" +
                                               $"\nStatus: { table.state }" +
                                               $"\nX: { Canvas.GetLeft(sourceButton) }" +
                                               $"\nY: { Canvas.GetTop(sourceButton) }" +
                                               $"\nBookingID: { table.bookingID }";

                        // Reset...
                        assignEventActivated = false;
                        assignbtn.Background = Brushes.White;
                catch (NullReferenceException ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("A reservation has not been selected");
            // Combine event has been triggered
            else if (combineEventActivated)
                // Sets the second table and combines it with the source table if the source table already has been set and it isn't the one we clicked on
                if (combineTableSource != tableManagementSystem.TableList.Find(x => $"*Table { x.tableNumber }" == (string)clickedButton.Content) && combineTableSource != default)
                    secondButton       = clickedButton;
                    combineTableSecond = tableManagementSystem.TableList.Find(x => $"Table { x.tableNumber }" == (string)clickedButton.Content);
                    MessageBox.Show($"Table { combineTableSecond.tableNumber } er nu Second table");
                    currentCombinedTable = tableManagementSystem.CombineTables(combineTableSource, combineTableSecond);

                    // Hjælpefunktion der tjekker SourceTable's naboer (rektangler) og farver dem som er ledige
                else // Setting the Source table
                    sourceButton       = clickedButton;
                    combineTableSource = tableManagementSystem.TableList.Find(x => $"Table { x.tableNumber }" == (string)clickedButton.Content);

                    if (combineTableSource is null)
                        combineTableSource = AllCombinedTables.Find(x => $"Table { x.tableNumber }" == (string)clickedButton.Content);

                    MessageBox.Show($"Table { combineTableSource.tableNumber } er nu source table");