        public NPCObject Copy()
            NPCObject copy = new NPCObject();

            copy.EngageType    = EngageType;
            copy.SpeedPlus     = SpeedPlus;
            copy.B2b3          = B2b3;
            copy.B2b4          = B2b4;
            copy.B2b5          = B2b5;
            copy.B2b6          = B2b6;
            copy.B2b7          = B2b7;
            copy.B3b0          = B3b0;
            copy.B3b1          = B3b1;
            copy.B3b2          = B3b2;
            copy.B3b3          = B3b3;
            copy.B3b4          = B3b4;
            copy.B3b5          = B3b5;
            copy.B3b6          = B3b6;
            copy.B3b7          = B3b7;
            copy.B4b0          = B4b0;
            copy.B4b1          = B4b1;
            copy.NPCID         = NPCID;
            copy.Action        = Action;
            copy.Event         = Event;
            copy.Pack          = Pack;
            copy.EngageTrigger = EngageTrigger;
            copy.B7b6          = B7b6;
            copy.B7b7          = B7b7;
            copy.AfterBattle   = AfterBattle;
            copy.X       = X;
            copy.Y       = Y;
            copy.Z       = Z;
            copy.ShowNPC = ShowNPC;
            copy.ZHalf   = ZHalf;
            copy.F       = F;
            copy.Mem70A7 = Mem70A7;
        private void AddNew(NPCObject newNPCObject)
            // Insert the new object at the current top-left visible bounds of the tilemap PictureBox
            Point topLeftVisibleBounds = new Point(Math.Abs(picture.Left) / zoom, Math.Abs(picture.Top) / zoom);
            int   x = collision.PixelCoords[topLeftVisibleBounds.Y * 1024 + topLeftVisibleBounds.X].X + 2;
            int   y = collision.PixelCoords[topLeftVisibleBounds.Y * 1024 + topLeftVisibleBounds.X].Y + 4;
            Point isometricLocation = new Point(x, y);

            if (Model.FreeNPCSpace() >= 12)
                if (npcObjects.Count < 28)
                    int selectedIndex = -1;
                    if (npcObjects.Count > 0)
                        npcObjects.Insert(SelectedNPC + 1, newNPCObject);
                        selectedIndex = listBox.SelectedIndex;
                        npcObjects.Insert(0, newNPCObject);
                    MessageBox.Show("Could not insert any more NPCs. The maximum number of NPCs plus NPC clones allowed is 28.",
                                    "LAZY SHELL", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                MessageBox.Show("Could not insert the NPC. " + Model.MaximumSpaceExceeded("NPCs"),
                                "LAZY SHELL", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the reference information for a set of NPCs which can reference
        /// a specified index in an NPCObject collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NPCObjects"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ReferenceInfo GetReferenceInfo(List <NPCObject> NPCObjects, int index)
            ReferenceInfo referenceInfo = new ReferenceInfo();

            // Cancel if specified index at end of collection
            if (index >= NPCObjects.Count - 1)

            // Determine maximum number of references based on specified index
            int maxReferenceCount = NPCObjects.Count - (index + 1);

            if (maxReferenceCount > 15)
                maxReferenceCount = 15;

            // Declare the specified index and the siblings after the specified index
            var npcObject    = NPCObjects[index];
            var nextSiblings = NPCObjects.GetRange(index + 1, maxReferenceCount);

            #region Compare base variables

            // First, compare referenced variables and trim sibling list accordingly
            for (int i = 0; i < nextSiblings.Count; i++)
                NPCObject sibling = nextSiblings[i];

                // Compare all base variables
                if (sibling.SpeedPlus != npcObject.SpeedPlus ||
                    sibling.EngageTrigger != npcObject.EngageTrigger ||
                    sibling.AfterBattle != npcObject.AfterBattle ||
                    sibling.B2b3 != npcObject.B2b3 ||
                    sibling.B2b4 != npcObject.B2b4 ||
                    sibling.B2b5 != npcObject.B2b5 ||
                    sibling.B2b6 != npcObject.B2b6 ||
                    sibling.B2b7 != npcObject.B2b7 ||
                    sibling.B3b0 != npcObject.B3b0 ||
                    sibling.B3b1 != npcObject.B3b1 ||
                    sibling.B3b2 != npcObject.B3b2 ||
                    sibling.B3b3 != npcObject.B3b3 ||
                    sibling.B3b4 != npcObject.B3b4 ||
                    sibling.B3b5 != npcObject.B3b5 ||
                    sibling.B3b6 != npcObject.B3b6 ||
                    sibling.B3b7 != npcObject.B3b7 ||
                    sibling.B4b0 != npcObject.B4b0 ||
                    sibling.B4b1 != npcObject.B4b1 ||
                    sibling.B7b6 != npcObject.B7b6 ||
                    sibling.B7b7 != npcObject.B7b7)
                    // If comparison failed, remove current and all subsequent siblings
                    nextSiblings.RemoveRange(i, nextSiblings.Count - i);

                // Cancel whole operation if no siblings left
                if (nextSiblings.Count == 0)

                // If treasure, don't need to execute following code
                if (npcObject.EngageType == EngageType.Treasure)

                // Compare all referenced variables using boundaries
                // (Treasure engage type does not reference anything)
                if (npcObject.EngageType == EngageType.Event)
                    if (sibling.NPCID > npcObject.NPCID + 7 ||
                        sibling.NPCID < npcObject.NPCID - 7 ||
                        sibling.Action > npcObject.Action + 3 ||
                        sibling.Action < npcObject.Action - 3 ||
                        sibling.Event > npcObject.Event + 7 ||
                        sibling.Event < npcObject.Event - 7)
                        // If comparison failed, remove current and all subsequent siblings
                        nextSiblings.RemoveRange(i, nextSiblings.Count - i);
                else if (npcObject.EngageType == EngageType.Battle)
                    if (sibling.Action > npcObject.Action + 15 ||
                        sibling.Action < npcObject.Action - 15 ||
                        sibling.Pack > npcObject.Pack + 15 ||
                        sibling.Pack < npcObject.Pack - 15)
                        // If comparison failed, remove current and all subsequent siblings
                        nextSiblings.RemoveRange(i, nextSiblings.Count - i);

                // Cancel whole operation if no siblings left
                if (nextSiblings.Count == 0)


            // Cancel whole operation if no siblings left
            if (nextSiblings.Count == 0)

            // If treasure, don't need to execute following code
            if (npcObject.EngageType == EngageType.Treasure)

            #region Calculate lowest values

            // Declare a floor and ceiling value for the variables
            int lowestNPCID   = npcObject.NPCID;
            int lowestAction  = npcObject.Action;
            int lowestEvent   = npcObject.Event;
            int lowestPack    = npcObject.Pack;
            int highestNPCID  = npcObject.NPCID;
            int highestAction = npcObject.Action;
            int highestEvent  = npcObject.Event;
            int highestPack   = npcObject.Pack;

            // Trim siblings based on their variables' extension beyond the floor and ceiling boundaries
            for (int i = 0; i < nextSiblings.Count; i++)
                NPCObject sibling = nextSiblings[i];

                // Check if variables too high or low
                if (npcObject.EngageType == EngageType.Event)
                    if (sibling.NPCID > lowestNPCID + 7 ||
                        sibling.NPCID < highestNPCID - 7 ||
                        sibling.Action > lowestAction + 3 ||
                        sibling.Action < highestAction - 3 ||
                        sibling.Event > lowestEvent + 7 ||
                        sibling.Event < highestEvent - 7)
                        // If comparison failed, remove current and all subsequent siblings
                        nextSiblings.RemoveRange(i, nextSiblings.Count - i);
                else if (npcObject.EngageType == EngageType.Battle)
                    if (sibling.Action > lowestAction + 15 ||
                        sibling.Action < highestAction - 15 ||
                        sibling.Pack > lowestPack + 15 ||
                        sibling.Pack < highestPack - 15)
                        // If comparison failed, remove current and all subsequent siblings
                        nextSiblings.RemoveRange(i, nextSiblings.Count - i);

                // If lower than lowest
                if (sibling.NPCID < lowestNPCID)
                    lowestNPCID = sibling.NPCID;
                if (sibling.Action < lowestAction)
                    lowestAction = sibling.Action;
                if (sibling.Event < lowestEvent)
                    lowestEvent = sibling.Event;
                if (sibling.Pack < lowestPack)
                    lowestPack = sibling.Pack;

                // If higher than highest
                if (sibling.NPCID > highestNPCID)
                    highestNPCID = sibling.NPCID;
                if (sibling.Action > highestAction)
                    highestAction = sibling.Action;
                if (sibling.Event > highestEvent)
                    highestEvent = sibling.Event;
                if (sibling.Pack > highestPack)
                    highestPack = sibling.Pack;


            // Cancel whole operation if no siblings left
            if (nextSiblings.Count == 0)

            //if (optimize)
            //    // Check each sibling to see if it can contain more references
            //    for (int i = 0; i < nextSiblings.Count; i++)
            //    {
            //        var siblingReferenceInfo = GetReferenceInfo(NPCObjects, index + 1 + i, false);

            //        // If so, remove following siblings so current sibling can contain them later
            //        if (siblingReferenceInfo.Count > nextSiblings.Count - i)
            //            nextSiblings.RemoveRange(i, nextSiblings.Count - i);
            //    }

            //    // Cancel whole operation if no siblings left
            //    if (nextSiblings.Count == 0)
            //        return referenceInfo;

            referenceInfo.Count      = nextSiblings.Count;
            referenceInfo.BaseEvent  = lowestEvent;
            referenceInfo.BaseNPCID  = lowestNPCID;
            referenceInfo.BaseAction = lowestAction;
            referenceInfo.BasePack   = lowestPack;

            // We have the full reference count
        // Read/write ROM
        public void ReadFromROM(List <NPCObject> NPCObjects, ref int offset)
            ReferenceInfo referenceInfo = new ReferenceInfo();

            byte temp = rom[offset++];

            referenceInfo.Count = temp & 0x0F;

            EngageType = (EngageType)((temp & 0x30) >> 4);
            temp       = rom[offset++];
            SpeedPlus  = (byte)(temp & 0x07);

            B2b3 = (temp & 0x08) == 0x08;
            B2b4 = (temp & 0x10) == 0x10;
            B2b5 = (temp & 0x20) == 0x20;
            B2b6 = (temp & 0x40) == 0x40;
            B2b7 = (temp & 0x80) == 0x80;

            temp = rom[offset++];
            B3b0 = (temp & 0x01) == 0x01;
            B3b1 = (temp & 0x02) == 0x02;
            B3b2 = (temp & 0x04) == 0x04;
            B3b3 = (temp & 0x08) == 0x08;
            B3b4 = (temp & 0x10) == 0x10;
            B3b5 = (temp & 0x20) == 0x20;
            B3b6 = (temp & 0x40) == 0x40;
            B3b7 = (temp & 0x80) == 0x80;

            B4b0 = (rom[offset] & 0x01) == 0x01;
            B4b1 = (rom[offset] & 0x02) == 0x02;

            referenceInfo.BaseNPCID  = (Bits.GetShort(rom, offset++) & 0x0FFF) >> 2;
            referenceInfo.BaseAction = (Bits.GetShort(rom, offset++) & 0x3FF0) >> 4;

            B7b6 = (rom[offset] & 0x40) == 0x40;
            B7b7 = (rom[offset++] & 0x80) == 0x80;

            ushort tempShort = Bits.GetShort(rom, offset++);

            if (EngageType == EngageType.Battle)
                referenceInfo.BasePack = tempShort & 0xFF;
                referenceInfo.BaseEvent = tempShort & 0xFFF;

            temp = rom[offset++];
            if (EngageType == EngageType.Battle)
                AfterBattle = (byte)((temp >> 1) & 0x07);
            EngageTrigger = (byte)Math.Min((temp & 0xF0) >> 4, 12);

            // Add references to collection
            ReadReference(ref offset, referenceInfo);
            int count = referenceInfo.Count;

            while (count-- > 0)
                NPCObject reference = this.Copy();
                reference.ReadReference(ref offset, referenceInfo);