DivideAndRemainder() public method

public DivideAndRemainder ( BigInteger val ) : Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger[]
val BigInteger
return Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger[]
        public static BigInteger H1hash(string ID, BigInteger p)
            // H1 je sha256(ID) mod p
            SHA256Managed crypt = new SHA256Managed();
            StringBuilder hash = new StringBuilder();
            byte[] crypto = crypt.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ID), 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(ID));
            foreach (byte theByte in crypto)

            BigInteger hsh = new BigInteger(hash.ToString(), 16);
            // hash mod p
            BigInteger x = hsh.DivideAndRemainder(p)[1];

            return x;
        public static string H2hash(BigInteger qid, BigInteger p)
            // H2 je RiPEMD-120: točka iz polja -> niz bita mod p
            string tocka = qid.ToString();

            RIPEMD160Managed crypt = new RIPEMD160Managed();
            StringBuilder hash = new StringBuilder();
            byte[] crypto = crypt.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(tocka), 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(tocka));
            foreach (byte theByte in crypto)

            BigInteger hsh = new BigInteger(hash.ToString(), 16);
            // hash mod n
            BigInteger c = hsh.DivideAndRemainder(p)[1];

            return c.ToString();
        public string Encode(byte[] input)
            // Decode byte[] to BigInteger
            BigInteger intData=new BigInteger(1,input);

            // Encode BigInteger to Base string
            string result=string.Empty;
                BigInteger[] divide=intData.DivideAndRemainder(Base);

            // Append `1` for each leading 0 byte
            for(int i=0;i<input.Length && input[i]==0;i++)
            { result=Alphabet[0]+result; }
            return result;
		public void TestDivideAndRemainder()
			// TODO More basic tests

			BigInteger n = new BigInteger(48, random);
			BigInteger[] qr = n.DivideAndRemainder(one);
			Assert.AreEqual(n, qr[0]);
			Assert.AreEqual(zero, qr[1]);

			for (int rep = 0; rep < 10; ++rep)
				BigInteger a = new BigInteger(100 - rep, 0, random);
				BigInteger b = new BigInteger(100 + rep, 0, random);
				BigInteger c = new BigInteger(10 + rep, 0, random);
				BigInteger d = a.Multiply(b).Add(c);
				BigInteger[] es = d.DivideAndRemainder(a);

				Assert.AreEqual(b, es[0]);
				Assert.AreEqual(c, es[1]);

			// Special tests for power of two since uses different code path internally
			for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
				int shift = random.Next(64);
				BigInteger a = one.ShiftLeft(shift);
				BigInteger b = new BigInteger(64 + random.Next(64), random);
				BigInteger bShift = b.ShiftRight(shift);
				BigInteger bMod = b.And(a.Subtract(one));

				string data = "shift=" + shift +", b=" + b.ToString(16);

				qr = b.DivideAndRemainder(a);
				Assert.AreEqual(bShift, qr[0], data);
				Assert.AreEqual(bMod, qr[1], data);

				qr = b.DivideAndRemainder(a.Negate());
				Assert.AreEqual(bShift.Negate(), qr[0], data);
				Assert.AreEqual(bMod, qr[1], data);

				qr = b.Negate().DivideAndRemainder(a);
				Assert.AreEqual(bShift.Negate(), qr[0], data);
				Assert.AreEqual(bMod.Negate(), qr[1], data);

				qr = b.Negate().DivideAndRemainder(a.Negate());
				Assert.AreEqual(bShift, qr[0], data);
				Assert.AreEqual(bMod.Negate(), qr[1], data);