CompareTo() public method

public CompareTo ( BigInteger value ) : int
value BigInteger
return int
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a KeyPair using a BigInteger as a private key.
        /// BigInteger is checked for appropriate range.
        /// </summary>
        public KeyPair(BigInteger bi, bool compressed = false, byte addressType = 0)
            this.IsCompressedPoint = compressed;
            this.AddressType = addressType;

            var ps = Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Sec.SecNamedCurves.GetByName("secp256k1");
            if (bi.CompareTo(ps.N) >= 0 || bi.SignValue <= 0) {
                throw new ArgumentException("BigInteger is out of range of valid private keys");
            byte[] bb = Util.Force32Bytes(bi.ToByteArrayUnsigned());
            PrivateKeyBytes = bb;
		public AsymmetricCipherKeyPair GenerateKeyPair()
            BigInteger p, q, n, d, e, pSub1, qSub1, phi;

            // p and q values should have a length of half the strength in bits
			int strength = param.Strength;
            int pbitlength = (strength + 1) / 2;
            int qbitlength = (strength - pbitlength);
			int mindiffbits = strength / 3;

			e = param.PublicExponent;

			// TODO Consider generating safe primes for p, q (see DHParametersHelper.generateSafePrimes)
			// (then p-1 and q-1 will not consist of only small factors - see "Pollard's algorithm")

            // Generate p, prime and (p-1) relatively prime to e
            for (;;)
				p = new BigInteger(pbitlength, 1, param.Random);

				if (p.Mod(e).Equals(BigInteger.One))

				if (!p.IsProbablePrime(param.Certainty))

				if (e.Gcd(p.Subtract(BigInteger.One)).Equals(BigInteger.One)) 

            // Generate a modulus of the required length
            for (;;)
                // Generate q, prime and (q-1) relatively prime to e,
                // and not equal to p
                for (;;)
					q = new BigInteger(qbitlength, 1, param.Random);

					if (q.Subtract(p).Abs().BitLength < mindiffbits)

					if (q.Mod(e).Equals(BigInteger.One))

					if (!q.IsProbablePrime(param.Certainty))

					if (e.Gcd(q.Subtract(BigInteger.One)).Equals(BigInteger.One)) 

                // calculate the modulus
                n = p.Multiply(q);

                if (n.BitLength == param.Strength)

                // if we Get here our primes aren't big enough, make the largest
                // of the two p and try again
                p = p.Max(q);

			if (p.CompareTo(q) < 0)
				phi = p;
				p = q;
				q = phi;

            pSub1 = p.Subtract(BigInteger.One);
            qSub1 = q.Subtract(BigInteger.One);
            phi = pSub1.Multiply(qSub1);

            // calculate the private exponent
            d = e.ModInverse(phi);

            // calculate the CRT factors
            BigInteger dP, dQ, qInv;

            dP = d.Remainder(pSub1);
            dQ = d.Remainder(qSub1);
            qInv = q.ModInverse(p);

            return new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(
                new RsaKeyParameters(false, n, e),
                new RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters(n, e, d, p, q, dP, dQ, qInv));
        * Return a random BigInteger not less than 'min' and not greater than 'max'
        * @param min the least value that may be generated
        * @param max the greatest value that may be generated
        * @param random the source of randomness
        * @return a random BigInteger value in the range [min,max]
        public static BigInteger CreateRandomInRange(
            BigInteger		min,
            BigInteger		max,
            // TODO Should have been just Random class
            SecureRandom	random)
            int cmp = min.CompareTo(max);
            if (cmp >= 0)
                if (cmp > 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("'min' may not be greater than 'max'");

                return min;

            if (min.BitLength > max.BitLength / 2)
                return CreateRandomInRange(BigInteger.Zero, max.Subtract(min), random).Add(min);

            for (int i = 0; i < MaxIterations; ++i)
                BigInteger x = new BigInteger(max.BitLength, random);
                if (x.CompareTo(min) >= 0 && x.CompareTo(max) <= 0)
                    return x;

            // fall back to a faster (restricted) method
            return new BigInteger(max.Subtract(min).BitLength - 1, random).Add(min);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor used by the pre-approved groups in JPakePrimeOrderGroups.
        /// These pre-approved groups can avoid the expensive checks.
        /// User-specified groups should not use this constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public JPakePrimeOrderGroup(BigInteger p, BigInteger q, BigInteger g, bool skipChecks)
            JPakeUtilities.ValidateNotNull(p, "p");
            JPakeUtilities.ValidateNotNull(q, "q");
            JPakeUtilities.ValidateNotNull(g, "g");

            if (!skipChecks)
                if (!p.Subtract(JPakeUtilities.One).Mod(q).Equals(JPakeUtilities.Zero))
                    throw new ArgumentException("p-1 must be evenly divisible by q");
                if (g.CompareTo(BigInteger.Two) == -1 || g.CompareTo(p.Subtract(JPakeUtilities.One)) == 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("g must be in [2, p-1]");
                if (!g.ModPow(q, p).Equals(JPakeUtilities.One))
                    throw new ArgumentException("g^q mod p must equal 1");

                // Note these checks do not guarantee that p and q are prime.
                // We just have reasonable certainty that they are prime.
                if (!p.IsProbablePrime(20))
                    throw new ArgumentException("p must be prime");
                if (!q.IsProbablePrime(20))
                    throw new ArgumentException("q must be prime");

            this.p = p;
            this.q = q;
            this.g = g;
 public Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger getGCD(Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger bd1, Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger bd2)
     Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger bigger  = (bd1.CompareTo(bd2) > 0) ? bd1 : bd2;
     Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger smaller = (bd1.CompareTo(bd2) < 0) ? bd1 : bd2;
     Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger gcd     = smaller;
     while (!Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger.Zero.Equals(smaller))
         gcd     = smaller;
         smaller = bigger.Mod(smaller);
         bigger  = gcd;
		public AsymmetricCipherKeyPair GenerateKeyPair()
			SecureRandom random = param.Random;
			Gost3410Parameters gost3410Params = param.Parameters;

			BigInteger q = gost3410Params.Q;
			BigInteger x;
				x = new BigInteger(256, random);
			while (x.SignValue < 1 || x.CompareTo(q) >= 0);

			BigInteger p = gost3410Params.P;
			BigInteger a = gost3410Params.A;

			// calculate the public key.
			BigInteger y = a.ModPow(x, p);

			if (param.PublicKeyParamSet != null)
				return new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(
					new Gost3410PublicKeyParameters(y, param.PublicKeyParamSet),
					new Gost3410PrivateKeyParameters(x, param.PublicKeyParamSet));

			return new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(
				new Gost3410PublicKeyParameters(y, gost3410Params),
				new Gost3410PrivateKeyParameters(x, gost3410Params));
         * Given the domain parameters this routine Generates an EC key
         * pair in accordance with X9.62 section 5.2.1 pages 26, 27.
        public IAsymmetricCipherKeyPair GenerateKeyPair()
            var n = _parameters.N;
            IBigInteger d;
                d = new BigInteger(n.BitLength, _random);
            while (d.SignValue == 0 || (d.CompareTo(n) >= 0));

            var isEcdh = _algorithm == "ECDH";

            var q = _parameters.G.Multiply(d);

            if (_publicKeyParamSet != null)
                return new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(
                        ? new ECDHPublicKeyParameters(q, _publicKeyParamSet, _hashAlgorithm, _symmetricKeyAlgorithm)
                        : new ECPublicKeyParameters(_algorithm, q, _publicKeyParamSet),
                    new ECPrivateKeyParameters(_algorithm, d, _publicKeyParamSet));
            return new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(
                    ? new ECDHPublicKeyParameters(q, _parameters, _hashAlgorithm, _symmetricKeyAlgorithm)
                    : new ECPublicKeyParameters(_algorithm, q, _parameters),
                new ECPrivateKeyParameters(_algorithm, d, _parameters));
        public BigInteger ConvertInput(
			byte[]	inBuf,
			int		inOff,
			int		inLen)
            int maxLength = (bitSize + 7) / 8;

            if (inLen > maxLength)
                throw new DataLengthException("input too large for RSA cipher.");

            byte[] block;
            if (inOff != 0 || inLen != inBuf.Length)
                block = new byte[inLen];
                Array.Copy(inBuf, inOff, block, 0, inLen);
                block = inBuf;

            BigInteger input = new BigInteger(1, block);

            if (input.CompareTo(key.Modulus) >= 0)
                throw new DataLengthException("input too large for RSA cipher.");

            return input;
         * generate a signature for the given message using the key we were
         * initialised with. For conventional Gost3410 the message should be a Gost3411
         * hash of the message of interest.
         * @param message the message that will be verified later.
        public BigInteger[] GenerateSignature(
			byte[] message)
            byte[] mRev = new byte[message.Length]; // conversion is little-endian
            for (int i = 0; i != mRev.Length; i++)
                mRev[i] = message[mRev.Length - 1 - i];

            BigInteger m = new BigInteger(1, mRev);
            Gost3410Parameters parameters = key.Parameters;
            BigInteger k;

                k = new BigInteger(parameters.Q.BitLength, random);
            while (k.CompareTo(parameters.Q) >= 0);

            BigInteger r = parameters.A.ModPow(k, parameters.P).Mod(parameters.Q);

            BigInteger s = k.Multiply(m).

            return new BigInteger[]{ r, s };
        public static string ByteArrayToBase58(byte[] ba)
            Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger addrremain = new Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger(1, ba);

            Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger big0  = new Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger("0");
            Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger big58 = new Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger("58");

            string b58 = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz";

            string rv = "";

            while (addrremain.CompareTo(big0) > 0)
                int d = Convert.ToInt32(addrremain.Mod(big58).ToString());
                addrremain = addrremain.Divide(big58);
                rv         = b58.Substring(d, 1) + rv;

            // handle leading zeroes
            foreach (byte b in ba)
                if (b != 0)
                rv = "1" + rv;
		public RsaSecretBcpgKey(
			BigInteger d,
			BigInteger p,
			BigInteger q)
			// PGP requires (p < q)
			int cmp = p.CompareTo(q);
			if (cmp >= 0)
				if (cmp == 0)
					throw new ArgumentException("p and q cannot be equal");

				BigInteger tmp = p;
				p = q;
				q = tmp;

			this.d = new MPInteger(d);
			this.p = new MPInteger(p);
			this.q = new MPInteger(q);
			this.u = new MPInteger(p.ModInverse(q));

			this.expP = d.Remainder(p.Subtract(BigInteger.One));
			this.expQ = d.Remainder(q.Subtract(BigInteger.One));
			this.crt = q.ModInverse(p);
		public Gost3410PublicKeyParameters(
			BigInteger			y,
			DerObjectIdentifier publicKeyParamSet)
			: base(false, publicKeyParamSet)
			if (y.SignValue < 1 || y.CompareTo(Parameters.P) >= 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("Invalid y for GOST3410 public key", "y");

			this.y = y;
		public Gost3410PrivateKeyParameters(
			BigInteger			x,
			DerObjectIdentifier	publicKeyParamSet)
			: base(true, publicKeyParamSet)
			if (x.SignValue < 1 || x.BitLength > 256 || x.CompareTo(Parameters.Q) >= 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("Invalid x for GOST3410 private key", "x");

			this.x = x;
		public DHParameters(
			BigInteger				p,
			BigInteger				g,
			BigInteger				q,
			int						m,
			int						l,
			BigInteger				j,
			DHValidationParameters	validation)
			if (p == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("p");
			if (g == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("g");
			if (!p.TestBit(0))
				throw new ArgumentException("field must be an odd prime", "p");
			if (g.CompareTo(BigInteger.Two) < 0
				|| g.CompareTo(p.Subtract(BigInteger.Two)) > 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("generator must in the range [2, p - 2]", "g");
			if (q != null && q.BitLength >= p.BitLength)
				throw new ArgumentException("q too big to be a factor of (p-1)", "q");
			if (m >= p.BitLength)
				throw new ArgumentException("m value must be < bitlength of p", "m");
			if (l != 0)
                // TODO Check this against the Java version, which has 'l > p.BitLength' here
	            if (l >= p.BitLength)
                	throw new ArgumentException("when l value specified, it must be less than bitlength(p)", "l");
				if (l < m)
					throw new ArgumentException("when l value specified, it may not be less than m value", "l");
			if (j != null && j.CompareTo(BigInteger.Two) < 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("subgroup factor must be >= 2", "j");

			// TODO If q, j both provided, validate p = jq + 1 ?

			this.p = p;
			this.g = g;
			this.q = q;
			this.m = m;
			this.l = l;
			this.j = j;
			this.validation = validation;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns error message in a string if private key is not within the valid range (2 ... N-1)
        /// </summary>
        private string validateRange()
            Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger Db = new Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger(1, _privKey);
            BigInteger N = Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Sec.SecNamedCurves.GetByName("secp256k1").N;

            if (Db == BigInteger.Zero || Db.CompareTo(N) >= 0)
                return("Not a valid private key");
        public String decipher(List <Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger> cipher, MHPrivateKey key)
            String decrypted = "";

            Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger temp = Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger.ValueOf(0);
            int tmp = 0;

            Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger bits = Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger.ValueOf(0);

            for (int i = 0; i < cipher.Count; i++)
                temp = cipher.ElementAt(i);
                int bitlen = temp.BitLength;
                int ff     = 0;
                while (bitlen < (int)Math.Pow(2, ff))
                if (ff > bitlen)
                    bitlen = ff;

                for (int j = 0; j < bitlen; j++)
                    if (temp.Mod(Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger.ValueOf(2)).CompareTo(Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger.ValueOf(1)) == 0)
                        bits = bits.Add(key.w1.Multiply(Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger.ValueOf((long)Math.Pow(2, j))));
                    temp = temp.ShiftRight(1);
                bits = bits.Mod(key.n);
                List <Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger> list = key.a;
                Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger        temper;

                int k = key.a.Count - 1;
                while (k >= 0)
                    temper = list.ElementAt(k);
                    if (bits.CompareTo(temper) > -1)
                        tmp += (int)Math.Pow(2, k);
                        bits = bits.Subtract(temper);
                decrypted += (binaryToChar(Convert.ToString(tmp, 2))).ToString();

                bits = Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger.ValueOf(0);
                tmp  = 0;
        public virtual BigInteger NextK()
            int qBitLength = q.BitLength;

            BigInteger k;
                k = new BigInteger(qBitLength, random);
            while (k.SignValue < 1 || k.CompareTo(q) >= 0);

            return k;
        public IBigInteger ConvertInput(
			byte[]	inBuf,
			int		inOff,
			int		inLen)
            int maxLength = (bitSize + 7) / 8;

            if (inLen > maxLength)
                throw new DataLengthException("input too large for RSA cipher.");

            IBigInteger input = new BigInteger(1, inBuf, inOff, inLen);

            if (input.CompareTo(key.Modulus) >= 0)
                throw new DataLengthException("input too large for RSA cipher.");

            return input;
        /// <summary>
        /// MPI encoded numbers are produced by the OpenSSL BN_bn2mpi function.
        /// They consist of a 4 byte big endian length field, followed by the stated number of bytes representing the number in big endian format (with a sign bit).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <param name="includeLength">Indicates whether the 4 byte length field should be included</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static byte[] Encode(BigInteger value,bool includeLength=true)
                { return new byte[0]; }
                return new byte[] { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };

            bool isNegative=value.CompareTo(BigInteger.Zero)<0;
            { value=value.Negate(); }

            byte[] array=value.ToByteArray();
            int length=array.Length;
            if((array[0] & 0x80)==0x80)
            { length++; }

                byte[] result=new byte[length+4];

                { result[4]|=0x80; }
                return result;
                byte[] result;
                    result=new byte[length];
                { result=array; }

                { result[0]|=0x80; }

                return result;
        public AsymmetricCipherKeyPair GenerateKeyPair()
            SecureRandom random = param.Random;
            Gost3410Parameters gost3410Params = param.Parameters;

            BigInteger q = gost3410Params.Q, x;

            int minWeight = 64;
            for (;;)
                x = new BigInteger(256, random);

                if (x.SignValue < 1 || x.CompareTo(q) >= 0)

                 * Require a minimum weight of the NAF representation, since low-weight primes may be
                 * weak against a version of the number-field-sieve for the discrete-logarithm-problem.
                 * See "The number field sieve for integers of low weight", Oliver Schirokauer.
                if (WNafUtilities.GetNafWeight(x) < minWeight)


            BigInteger p = gost3410Params.P;
            BigInteger a = gost3410Params.A;

            // calculate the public key.
            BigInteger y = a.ModPow(x, p);

            if (param.PublicKeyParamSet != null)
                return new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(
                    new Gost3410PublicKeyParameters(y, param.PublicKeyParamSet),
                    new Gost3410PrivateKeyParameters(x, param.PublicKeyParamSet));

            return new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(
                new Gost3410PublicKeyParameters(y, gost3410Params),
                new Gost3410PrivateKeyParameters(x, gost3410Params));
         * Generate a signature for the given message using the key we were
         * initialised with. For conventional DSA the message should be a SHA-1
         * hash of the message of interest.
         * @param message the message that will be verified later.
        public IBigInteger[] GenerateSignature(byte[] message)
            var parameters = _key.Parameters;
            var q = parameters.Q;
            var m = CalculateE(q, message);
            IBigInteger k;
                k = new BigInteger(q.BitLength, _random);
            while (k.CompareTo(q) >= 0);

            var r = parameters.G.ModPow(k, parameters.P).Mod(q);
            k = k.ModInverse(q).Multiply(m.Add(((DsaPrivateKeyParameters)_key).X.Multiply(r)));

            var s = k.Mod(q);

            return new[] { r, s };
        public ECDsaBouncyCastle()
            var secp256k1 = SecP256k1;
            var privateKey = new byte[secp256k1.N.BitLength];
            BigInteger d;

            using (var cryptoRng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create())
                    d = new BigInteger(1, privateKey);
                while (d.SignValue == 0 || (d.CompareTo(secp256k1.N) >= 0));


            _publicKey = new ECPublicKeyParameters(secp256k1.G.Multiply(d), secp256k1);
            _privateKey = new ECPrivateKeyParameters(d, secp256k1);
 public static string Encode(byte[] input)
     var bi = new BigInteger(1, input);
     var s = new StringBuilder();
     while (bi.CompareTo(Base) >= 0)
         var mod = bi.Mod(Base);
         s.Insert(0, new[] {Alphabet[mod.IntValue]});
         bi = bi.Subtract(mod).Divide(Base);
     s.Insert(0, new[] {Alphabet[bi.IntValue]});
     // Convert leading zeros too.
     foreach (var anInput in input)
         if (anInput == 0)
             s.Insert(0, new[] {Alphabet[0]});
     return s.ToString();
        public RsaSecretBcpgKey(
			BigInteger d,
			BigInteger p,
			BigInteger q)
            // pgp requires (p < q)
            if (p.CompareTo(q) > 0)
                BigInteger tmp = p;
                p = q;
                q = tmp;

            this.d = new MPInteger(d);
            this.p = new MPInteger(p);
            this.q = new MPInteger(q);
            this.u = new MPInteger(p.ModInverse(q));
            this.expP = d.Remainder(p.Subtract(BigInteger.One));
            this.expQ = d.Remainder(q.Subtract(BigInteger.One));
            this.crt = q.ModInverse(p);
        // 5.3 pg 28
         * Generate a signature for the given message using the key we were
         * initialised with. For conventional DSA the message should be a SHA-1
         * hash of the message of interest.
         * @param message the message that will be verified later.
        public BigInteger[] GenerateSignature(
            byte[] message)
            BigInteger n = key.Parameters.N;
            BigInteger e = calculateE(n, message);

            BigInteger r = null;
            BigInteger s = null;

            // 5.3.2
            do // Generate s
                BigInteger k = null;

                do // Generate r
                        k = new BigInteger(n.BitLength, random);
                    while (k.SignValue == 0 || k.CompareTo(n) >= 0);

                    ECPoint p = key.Parameters.G.Multiply(k);

                    // 5.3.3
                    BigInteger x = p.X.ToBigInteger();

                    r = x.Mod(n);
                while (r.SignValue == 0);

                BigInteger d = ((ECPrivateKeyParameters)key).D;

                s = k.ModInverse(n).Multiply(e.Add(d.Multiply(r).Mod(n))).Mod(n);
            while (s.SignValue == 0);

            return new BigInteger[]{ r, s };
        private BigInteger createInRange(
			BigInteger		max,
			SecureRandom	random)
            BigInteger x;
            int maxLength = max.BitLength;
            int count = 0;

                x = new BigInteger(maxLength, random);
            while ((x.SignValue == 0 || x.CompareTo(max) > 0) && count != MAX_ITERATIONS);

            if (count == MAX_ITERATIONS)  // fall back to a faster (restricted) method
                return new BigInteger(maxLength - 1, random).SetBit(0);

            return x;
 /// <summary>
 /// Encode a byte sequence as a base58-encoded string
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bytes">Byte sequence</param>
 /// <returns>Encoding result</returns>
 public static string Base58Encode(byte[] input)
     // TODO: This could be a lot more efficient.
     var bi = new BigInteger(1, input);
     var s = new StringBuilder();
     while (bi.CompareTo(_base) >= 0)
         var mod = bi.Mod(_base);
         s.Insert(0, new[] { strDigits[mod.IntValue] });
         bi = bi.Subtract(mod).Divide(_base);
     s.Insert(0, new[] { strDigits[bi.IntValue] });
     // Convert leading zeros too.
     foreach (var anInput in input)
         if (anInput == 0)
             s.Insert(0, new[] { strDigits[0] });
     return s.ToString();
        public AsymmetricCipherKeyPair GenerateKeyPair()
            SecureRandom random = param.Random;
            Gost3410Parameters gost3410Params = param.Parameters;

            BigInteger q = gost3410Params.Q, x;

            int minWeight = 64;
            for (;;)
                x = new BigInteger(256, random);

                if (x.SignValue < 1 || x.CompareTo(q) >= 0)

                if (WNafUtilities.GetNafWeight(x) < minWeight)


            BigInteger p = gost3410Params.P;
            BigInteger a = gost3410Params.A;

            // calculate the public key.
            BigInteger y = a.ModPow(x, p);

            if (param.PublicKeyParamSet != null)
                return new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(
                    new Gost3410PublicKeyParameters(y, param.PublicKeyParamSet),
                    new Gost3410PrivateKeyParameters(x, param.PublicKeyParamSet));

            return new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(
                new Gost3410PublicKeyParameters(y, gost3410Params),
                new Gost3410PrivateKeyParameters(x, gost3410Params));
		public AsymmetricCipherKeyPair GenerateKeyPair()
            DsaParameters dsaParams = param.Parameters;
            SecureRandom random = param.Random;

			BigInteger q = dsaParams.Q;
			BigInteger x;

                x = new BigInteger(160, random);
            while (x.SignValue == 0 || x.CompareTo(q) >= 0);

            // calculate the public key.
			BigInteger y = dsaParams.G.ModPow(x, dsaParams.P);

			return new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(
                new DsaPublicKeyParameters(y, dsaParams),
                new DsaPrivateKeyParameters(x, dsaParams));
        // 5.3 pg 28
         * Generate a signature for the given message using the key we were
         * initialised with. For conventional DSA the message should be a SHA-1
         * hash of the message of interest.
         * @param message the message that will be verified later.
        public IBigInteger[] GenerateSignature(byte[] message)
            var n = _key.Parameters.N;
            var e = CalculateE(n, message);

            IBigInteger r;
            IBigInteger s;

            // 5.3.2
            do // Generate s
                IBigInteger k;

                do // Generate r
                        k = new BigInteger(n.BitLength, _random);
                    while (k.SignValue == 0 || k.CompareTo(n) >= 0);

                    var p = _key.Parameters.G.Multiply(k);

                    // 5.3.3
                    var x = p.X.ToBigInteger();
                    r = x.Mod(n);
                while (r.SignValue == 0);

                var d = ((ECPrivateKeyParameters)_key).D;

                s = k.ModInverse(n).Multiply(e.Add(d.Multiply(r))).Mod(n);
            while (s.SignValue == 0);

            return new[] { r, s };
         * Given the domain parameters this routine Generates an EC key
         * pair in accordance with X9.62 section 5.2.1 pages 26, 27.
        public AsymmetricCipherKeyPair GenerateKeyPair()
            BigInteger n = parameters.N;
            BigInteger d;

                d = new BigInteger(n.BitLength, random);
            while (d.SignValue == 0 || (d.CompareTo(n) >= 0));

            ECPoint q = parameters.G.Multiply(d);

            if (publicKeyParamSet != null)
                return new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(
                    new ECPublicKeyParameters(algorithm, q, publicKeyParamSet),
                    new ECPrivateKeyParameters(algorithm, d, publicKeyParamSet));

            return new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(
                new ECPublicKeyParameters(algorithm, q, parameters),
                new ECPrivateKeyParameters(algorithm, d, parameters));
        // 5.3 pg 28
         * Generate a signature for the given message using the key we were
         * initialised with. For conventional DSA the message should be a SHA-1
         * hash of the message of interest.
         * @param message the message that will be verified later.
        public virtual BigInteger[] GenerateSignature(byte[] message)
            ECDomainParameters ec = key.Parameters;
            BigInteger n = ec.N;
            BigInteger e = CalculateE(n, message);
            BigInteger d = ((ECPrivateKeyParameters)key).D;

            BigInteger r, s;

            ECMultiplier basePointMultiplier = CreateBasePointMultiplier();

            // 5.3.2
            do // Generate s
                BigInteger k;
                do // Generate r
                        k = new BigInteger(n.BitLength, random);
                    while (k.SignValue == 0 || k.CompareTo(n) >= 0);

                    ECPoint p = basePointMultiplier.Multiply(ec.G, k).Normalize();

                    // 5.3.3
                    r = p.AffineXCoord.ToBigInteger().Mod(n);
                while (r.SignValue == 0);

                s = k.ModInverse(n).Multiply(e.Add(d.Multiply(r))).Mod(n);
            while (s.SignValue == 0);

            return new BigInteger[]{ r, s };
		internal bool RabinMillerTest(
			int		certainty,
			Random	random)
			Debug.Assert(certainty > 0);
			Debug.Assert(BitLength > 2);

			// let n = 1 + d . 2^s
			BigInteger n = this;
			BigInteger nMinusOne = n.Subtract(One);
			int s = nMinusOne.GetLowestSetBit();
			BigInteger r = nMinusOne.ShiftRight(s);

			Debug.Assert(s >= 1);

				// TODO Make a method for random BigIntegers in range 0 < x < n)
				// - Method can be optimized by only replacing examined bits at each trial
				BigInteger a;
					a = new BigInteger(n.BitLength, random);
				while (a.CompareTo(One) <= 0 || a.CompareTo(nMinusOne) >= 0);

				BigInteger y = a.ModPow(r, n);

				if (!y.Equals(One))
					int j = 0;
					while (!y.Equals(nMinusOne))
						if (++j == s)
							return false;

						y = y.ModPow(Two, n);

						if (y.Equals(One))
							return false;

				certainty -= 2; // composites pass for only 1/4 possible 'a'
			while (certainty > 0);

			return true;
		// Section 7.2.6 ECVP-NR, pg 35
		 * return true if the value r and s represent a signature for the
		 * message passed in. Generally, the order of the curve should be at
		 * least as long as the hash of the message of interest, and with
		 * ECNR, it *must* be at least as long.  But just in case the signer
		 * applied mod(n) to the longer digest, this implementation will
		 * apply mod(n) during verification.
		 * @param digest  the digest to be verified.
		 * @param r       the r value of the signature.
		 * @param s       the s value of the signature.
		 * @exception DataLengthException if the digest is longer than the key allows
		public bool VerifySignature(
			byte[]		message,
			BigInteger	r,
			BigInteger	s)
			if (this.forSigning)
				// not properly initilaized... deal with it
				throw new InvalidOperationException("not initialised for verifying");

			ECPublicKeyParameters pubKey = (ECPublicKeyParameters)key;
			BigInteger n = pubKey.Parameters.N;
			int nBitLength = n.BitLength;

			BigInteger e = new BigInteger(1, message);
			int eBitLength = e.BitLength;

			if (eBitLength > nBitLength)
				throw new DataLengthException("input too large for ECNR key.");

			// r in the range [1,n-1]
			if (r.CompareTo(BigInteger.One) < 0 || r.CompareTo(n) >= 0)
				return false;

			// TODO So why is this different from the spec?
			// s in the range [0,n-1]           NB: ECNR spec says 0
			if (s.CompareTo(BigInteger.Zero) < 0 || s.CompareTo(n) >= 0)
				return false;

			// compute P = sG + rW

			ECPoint G = pubKey.Parameters.G;
			ECPoint W = pubKey.Q;
			// calculate P using Bouncy math
			ECPoint P = ECAlgorithms.SumOfTwoMultiplies(G, s, W, r);

            if (P.IsInfinity)
                return false;

			BigInteger x = P.X.ToBigInteger();
			BigInteger t = r.Subtract(x).Mod(n);

			return t.Equals(e);