// private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); public static Scene CreateScene(RegionInfo regionInfo, AgentCircuitManager circuitManager, CommunicationsManager m_commsManager, StorageManager storageManager, ModuleLoader m_moduleLoader, ConfigSettings m_configSettings, OpenSimConfigSource m_config, string m_version) { HGSceneCommunicationService sceneGridService = new HGSceneCommunicationService(m_commsManager); return new HGScene( regionInfo, circuitManager, m_commsManager, sceneGridService, storageManager, m_moduleLoader, false, m_configSettings.PhysicalPrim, m_configSettings.See_into_region_from_neighbor, m_config.Source, m_version); }
protected virtual void LoadConfigSettings(IConfigSource configSource) { m_configLoader = new ConfigurationLoader(); m_config = m_configLoader.LoadConfigSettings(configSource, out m_configSettings, out m_networkServersInfo); ReadExtraConfigSettings(); }
public OpenSimConfigSource LoadConfigSettings( IConfigSource argvSource, out ConfigSettings configSettings) { IConfig startupConfig = argvSource.Configs["Startup"]; string iniFilename = startupConfig.GetString("inifile", DEFAULT_INI_FILE); // If we are using the default ini file path and it doesn't exist, create an initial // file that includes the base ini file if (iniFilename == DEFAULT_INI_FILE) { try { if (!File.Exists(iniFilename)) { using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(iniFilename)) writer.WriteLine("Include " + DEFAULT_INI_BASE_FILE); } } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.Error("Failed to create initial OpenSim.ini file. Please check file permissions " + "and pass the inifile parameter if necessary. Error: " + ex.Message); Environment.Exit(-1); } } // Create a configuration source and load the ini file m_config = new OpenSimConfigSource(); m_config.Source = LoadConfig(iniFilename); // Create m_configSettings and set it up configSettings = new ConfigSettings(); m_configSettings = configSettings; ReadConfigSettings(); return m_config; }
/// <summary> /// Loads the region configuration /// </summary> /// <param name="argvSource">Parameters passed into the process when started</param> /// <param name="configSettings"></param> /// <param name="networkInfo"></param> /// <returns>A configuration that gets passed to modules</returns> public OpenSimConfigSource LoadConfigSettings( IConfigSource argvSource, EnvConfigSource envConfigSource, out ConfigSettings configSettings, out NetworkServersInfo networkInfo) { m_configSettings = configSettings = new ConfigSettings(); m_networkServersInfo = networkInfo = new NetworkServersInfo(); bool iniFileExists = false; IConfig startupConfig = argvSource.Configs["Startup"]; List<string> sources = new List<string>(); string masterFileName = startupConfig.GetString("inimaster", "OpenSimDefaults.ini"); if (masterFileName == "none") masterFileName = String.Empty; if (IsUri(masterFileName)) { if (!sources.Contains(masterFileName)) sources.Add(masterFileName); } else { string masterFilePath = Path.GetFullPath( Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), masterFileName)); if (masterFileName != String.Empty) { if (File.Exists(masterFilePath)) { if (!sources.Contains(masterFilePath)) sources.Add(masterFilePath); } else { m_log.ErrorFormat("Master ini file {0} not found", Path.GetFullPath(masterFilePath)); Environment.Exit(1); } } } string iniFileName = startupConfig.GetString("inifile", "OpenSim.ini"); if (IsUri(iniFileName)) { if (!sources.Contains(iniFileName)) sources.Add(iniFileName); Application.iniFilePath = iniFileName; } else { Application.iniFilePath = Path.GetFullPath( Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), iniFileName)); if (!File.Exists(Application.iniFilePath)) { iniFileName = "OpenSim.xml"; Application.iniFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), iniFileName)); } if (File.Exists(Application.iniFilePath)) { if (!sources.Contains(Application.iniFilePath)) sources.Add(Application.iniFilePath); } } m_config = new OpenSimConfigSource(); m_config.Source = new IniConfigSource(); m_config.Source.Merge(DefaultConfig()); m_log.Info("[CONFIG]: Reading configuration settings"); for (int i = 0 ; i < sources.Count ; i++) { if (ReadConfig(m_config, sources[i])) { iniFileExists = true; AddIncludes(m_config, sources); } } // Override distro settings with contents of inidirectory string iniDirName = startupConfig.GetString("inidirectory", "config"); string iniDirPath = Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), iniDirName); if (Directory.Exists(iniDirPath)) { m_log.InfoFormat("[CONFIG]: Searching folder {0} for config ini files", iniDirPath); List<string> overrideSources = new List<string>(); string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(iniDirName); foreach (string filePath in fileEntries) { if (Path.GetExtension(filePath).ToLower() == ".ini") { if (!sources.Contains(Path.GetFullPath(filePath))) { overrideSources.Add(Path.GetFullPath(filePath)); // put it in sources too, to avoid circularity sources.Add(Path.GetFullPath(filePath)); } } } if (overrideSources.Count > 0) { OpenSimConfigSource overrideConfig = new OpenSimConfigSource(); overrideConfig.Source = new IniConfigSource(); for (int i = 0 ; i < overrideSources.Count ; i++) { if (ReadConfig(overrideConfig, overrideSources[i])) { iniFileExists = true; AddIncludes(overrideConfig, overrideSources); } } m_config.Source.Merge(overrideConfig.Source); } } if (sources.Count == 0) { m_log.FatalFormat("[CONFIG]: Could not load any configuration"); Environment.Exit(1); } else if (!iniFileExists) { m_log.FatalFormat("[CONFIG]: Could not load any configuration"); m_log.FatalFormat("[CONFIG]: Configuration exists, but there was an error loading it!"); Environment.Exit(1); } // Merge OpSys env vars m_log.Info("[CONFIG]: Loading environment variables for Config"); Util.MergeEnvironmentToConfig(m_config.Source); // Make sure command line options take precedence m_config.Source.Merge(argvSource); m_config.Source.ReplaceKeyValues(); ReadConfigSettings(); return m_config; }
/// <summary> /// Provide same ini loader functionality for standard ini and master ini - file system or XML over http /// </summary> /// <param name="iniPath">Full path to the ini</param> /// <returns></returns> private bool ReadConfig(OpenSimConfigSource configSource, string iniPath) { bool success = false; if (!IsUri(iniPath)) { m_log.InfoFormat("[CONFIG]: Reading configuration file {0}", Path.GetFullPath(iniPath)); configSource.Source.Merge(new IniConfigSource(iniPath)); success = true; } else { m_log.InfoFormat("[CONFIG]: {0} is a http:// URI, fetching ...", iniPath); // The ini file path is a http URI // Try to read it try { XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create(iniPath); XmlConfigSource cs = new XmlConfigSource(r); configSource.Source.Merge(cs); success = true; } catch (Exception e) { m_log.FatalFormat("[CONFIG]: Exception reading config from URI {0}\n" + e.ToString(), iniPath); Environment.Exit(1); } } return success; }
/// <summary> /// Adds the included files as ini configuration files /// </summary> /// <param name="sources">List of URL strings or filename strings</param> private void AddIncludes(OpenSimConfigSource configSource, List<string> sources) { //loop over config sources foreach (IConfig config in configSource.Source.Configs) { // Look for Include-* in the key name string[] keys = config.GetKeys(); foreach (string k in keys) { if (k.StartsWith("Include-")) { // read the config file to be included. string file = config.GetString(k); if (IsUri(file)) { if (!sources.Contains(file)) sources.Add(file); } else { string basepath = Path.GetFullPath(Util.configDir()); // Resolve relative paths with wildcards string chunkWithoutWildcards = file; string chunkWithWildcards = string.Empty; int wildcardIndex = file.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '*', '?' }); if (wildcardIndex != -1) { chunkWithoutWildcards = file.Substring(0, wildcardIndex); chunkWithWildcards = file.Substring(wildcardIndex); } string path = Path.Combine(basepath, chunkWithoutWildcards); path = Path.GetFullPath(path) + chunkWithWildcards; string[] paths = Util.Glob(path); // If the include path contains no wildcards, then warn the user that it wasn't found. if (wildcardIndex == -1 && paths.Length == 0) { m_log.WarnFormat("[CONFIG]: Could not find include file {0}", path); } else { foreach (string p in paths) { if (!sources.Contains(p)) sources.Add(p); } } } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the region configuration /// </summary> /// <param name="argvSource">Parameters passed into the process when started</param> /// <param name="configSettings"></param> /// <param name="networkInfo"></param> /// <returns>A configuration that gets passed to modules</returns> public OpenSimConfigSource LoadConfigSettings( IConfigSource argvSource, EnvConfigSource envConfigSource, out ConfigSettings configSettings, out NetworkServersInfo networkInfo) { m_configSettings = configSettings = new ConfigSettings(); m_networkServersInfo = networkInfo = new NetworkServersInfo(); bool iniFileExists = false; IConfig startupConfig = argvSource.Configs["Startup"]; List<string> sources = new List<string>(); string masterFileName = startupConfig.GetString("inimaster", "OpenSimDefaults.ini"); if (masterFileName == "none") masterFileName = String.Empty; if (IsUri(masterFileName)) { if (!sources.Contains(masterFileName)) sources.Add(masterFileName); } else { string masterFilePath = Path.GetFullPath( Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), masterFileName)); if (masterFileName != String.Empty) { if (File.Exists(masterFilePath)) { if (!sources.Contains(masterFilePath)) sources.Add(masterFilePath); } else { m_log.ErrorFormat("Master ini file {0} not found", masterFilePath); Environment.Exit(1); } } } string iniFileName = startupConfig.GetString("inifile", "OpenSim.ini"); if (IsUri(iniFileName)) { if (!sources.Contains(iniFileName)) sources.Add(iniFileName); Application.iniFilePath = iniFileName; } else { Application.iniFilePath = Path.GetFullPath( Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), iniFileName)); if (!File.Exists(Application.iniFilePath)) { iniFileName = "OpenSim.xml"; Application.iniFilePath = Path.GetFullPath( Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), iniFileName)); } if (File.Exists(Application.iniFilePath)) { if (!sources.Contains(Application.iniFilePath)) sources.Add(Application.iniFilePath); } } string iniDirName = startupConfig.GetString("inidirectory", "config"); string iniDirPath = Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), iniDirName); if (Directory.Exists(iniDirPath)) { m_log.InfoFormat("Searching folder {0} for config ini files", iniDirPath); string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(iniDirName); foreach (string filePath in fileEntries) { if (Path.GetExtension(filePath).ToLower() == ".ini") { if (!sources.Contains(Path.GetFullPath(filePath))) sources.Add(Path.GetFullPath(filePath)); } } } m_config = new OpenSimConfigSource(); m_config.Source = new IniConfigSource(); m_config.Source.Merge(DefaultConfig()); m_log.Info("[CONFIG]: Reading configuration settings"); if (sources.Count == 0) { m_log.FatalFormat("[CONFIG]: Could not load any configuration"); m_log.FatalFormat("[CONFIG]: Did you copy the OpenSimDefaults.ini.example file to OpenSimDefaults.ini?"); Environment.Exit(1); } for (int i = 0 ; i < sources.Count ; i++) { if (ReadConfig(sources[i])) { iniFileExists = true; AddIncludes(sources); } } if (!iniFileExists) { m_log.FatalFormat("[CONFIG]: Could not load any configuration"); m_log.FatalFormat("[CONFIG]: Configuration exists, but there was an error loading it!"); Environment.Exit(1); } // Make sure command line options take precedence m_config.Source.Merge(argvSource); IConfig enVars = m_config.Source.Configs["Environment"]; if( enVars != null ) { string[] env_keys = enVars.GetKeys(); foreach ( string key in env_keys ) { envConfigSource.AddEnv(key, string.Empty); } envConfigSource.LoadEnv(); m_config.Source.Merge(envConfigSource); m_config.Source.ExpandKeyValues(); } ReadConfigSettings(); return m_config; }
public OpenSimConfigSource LoadConfigSettings(IConfigSource configSource, out ConfigSettings configSettings, out NetworkServersInfo networkInfo) { m_configSettings = configSettings = new ConfigSettings(); m_networkServersInfo = networkInfo = new NetworkServersInfo(); bool iniFileExists = false; IConfig startupConfig = configSource.Configs["Startup"]; //old style or new style settings? string iniFileName = startupConfig.GetString("inifile", "Halcyon.ini"); ApplicationBase.iniFilePath = Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), iniFileName); string masterFileName = startupConfig.GetString("inimaster", String.Empty); string masterfilePath = Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), masterFileName); string iniDirName = startupConfig.GetString("inidirectory", "config"); //string iniDirPath = Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), iniDirName); m_config = new OpenSimConfigSource(); m_config.Source = new IniConfigSource(); m_config.Source.Merge(DefaultConfig()); m_log.Info("[CONFIG] Reading configuration settings"); Uri configUri; String xmlPath = Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), "Halcyon.xml"); //check for master .INI file (name passed in command line, no default), or XML over http if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(masterFileName)) // If a master file name is given ... { m_log.InfoFormat("[CONFIG] Reading config master file {0}", masterfilePath); bool isMasterUri = Uri.TryCreate(masterFileName, UriKind.Absolute, out configUri) && configUri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp; if (!ReadConfig(masterFileName, masterfilePath, m_config, isMasterUri)) { m_log.FatalFormat("[CONFIG] Could not open master config file {0}", masterfilePath); } } if (Directory.Exists(iniDirName)) { m_log.InfoFormat("Searching folder: {0} , for config ini files", iniDirName); string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(iniDirName); foreach (string filePath in fileEntries) { if (Path.GetExtension(filePath).ToLower() == ".ini") { // m_log.InfoFormat("reading ini file < {0} > from config dir", filePath); ReadConfig(Path.GetFileName(filePath), filePath, m_config, false); } } } // Check for .INI file (either default or name passed on command // line) or XML config source over http bool isIniUri = Uri.TryCreate(iniFileName, UriKind.Absolute, out configUri) && configUri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp; iniFileExists = ReadConfig(iniFileName, ApplicationBase.iniFilePath, m_config, isIniUri); if (!iniFileExists) { // check for a xml config file if (File.Exists(xmlPath)) { ApplicationBase.iniFilePath = xmlPath; m_log.InfoFormat("Reading XML configuration from {0}", Path.GetFullPath(xmlPath)); iniFileExists = true; m_config.Source = new XmlConfigSource(); m_config.Source.Merge(new XmlConfigSource(ApplicationBase.iniFilePath)); } } m_config.Source.Merge(configSource); if (!iniFileExists) { m_log.FatalFormat("[CONFIG] Could not load any configuration"); if (!isIniUri) m_log.FatalFormat("[CONFIG] Tried to load {0}, ", Path.GetFullPath(ApplicationBase.iniFilePath)); else m_log.FatalFormat("[CONFIG] Tried to load from URI {0}, ", iniFileName); m_log.FatalFormat("[CONFIG] and XML source {0}", Path.GetFullPath(xmlPath)); string sampleName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ApplicationBase.iniFilePath) + ".sample.ini"; m_log.FatalFormat("[CONFIG] Did you copy the {0} file to {1}?", sampleName, ApplicationBase.iniFilePath); Environment.Exit(1); } ReadConfigSettings(); return m_config; }
/// <summary> /// Provide same ini loader functionality for standard ini and master ini - file system or XML over http /// </summary> /// <param name="iniName">The name of the ini to load</param> /// <param name="iniPath">Full path to the ini</param> /// <param name="m_config">The current configuration source</param> /// <param name="isUri">Boolean representing whether the ini source is a URI path over http or a file on the system</param> /// <returns></returns> private bool ReadConfig(string iniName, string iniPath, OpenSimConfigSource m_config, bool isUri) { bool success = false; if (!isUri && File.Exists(iniPath)) { m_log.InfoFormat("[CONFIG] Reading configuration file {0}", Path.GetFullPath(iniPath)); // From reading Nini's code, it seems that later merged keys replace earlier ones. m_config.Source.Merge(new IniConfigSource(iniPath)); success = true; } else { if (isUri) { m_log.InfoFormat("[CONFIG] {0} is a http:// URI, fetching ...", iniName); // The ini file path is a http URI // Try to read it try { XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create(iniName); XmlConfigSource cs = new XmlConfigSource(r); m_config.Source.Merge(cs); success = true; m_log.InfoFormat("[CONFIG] Loaded config from {0}", iniName); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.FatalFormat("[CONFIG] Exception reading config from URI {0}\n" + e.ToString(), iniName); Environment.Exit(1); } } } return success; }