 public bool SetAvatar (UUID userID, AvatarData avatar)
     bool success = m_localService.SetAvatar (userID, avatar);
     if (!success)
         success = m_remoteService.SetAvatar (userID, avatar);
     return success;
 public bool Store (UUID PrincipalID, AvatarData data)
     GD.Delete (m_realm, new string[1] { "PrincipalID" }, new object[1] { PrincipalID });
     for (int i = 0; i < data.Data.Count; i++)
         GD.Insert (m_realm, new object[3] { PrincipalID, data.Data.ElementAt (i).Key, data.Data.ElementAt (i).Value });
     return true;
 public bool SetAvatar(UUID principalID, AvatarData avatar)
                                                                                               new object[2]
     return m_Database.Store(principalID, avatar);
        public override bool SetAvatar(UUID userID, AvatarData avatar)
            Dictionary<string, object> sendData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            //sendData["SCOPEID"] = scopeID.ToString();
            sendData["VERSIONMIN"] = ProtocolVersions.ClientProtocolVersionMin.ToString();
            sendData["VERSIONMAX"] = ProtocolVersions.ClientProtocolVersionMax.ToString();
            sendData["METHOD"] = "setavatar";

            sendData["UserID"] = userID.ToString();

            Dictionary<string, object> structData = avatar.ToKVP();

#if (!ISWIN)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kvp in structData)
                if (kvp.Key != "Textures") sendData[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value.ToString();
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kvp in structData.Where(kvp => kvp.Key != "Textures"))
                sendData[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value.ToString();

            string reqString = WebUtils.BuildQueryString(sendData);
            //MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: queryString = {0}", reqString);
                List<string> serverURIs =
                foreach (string mServerUri in serverURIs)
                    string reply = SynchronousRestFormsRequester.MakeRequest("POST", mServerUri, reqString);
                    if (reply != string.Empty)
                        Dictionary<string, object> replyData = WebUtils.ParseXmlResponse(reply);

                        if (replyData.ContainsKey("result"))
                            if (replyData["result"].ToString().ToLower() == "success")
                                return true;
                            MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: SetAvatar reply data does not contain result field");
                        MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: SetAvatar received empty reply");
            catch (Exception e)
                MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: Exception when contacting avatar server: {0}", e.Message);

            return false;
 private AvatarData InternalGet (string realm, string field, string val)
     List<string> data = GD.Query (field, val, realm, "Name, Value");
     AvatarData retVal = new AvatarData ();
     retVal.AvatarType = 1;
     retVal.Data = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
     for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i += 2)
         retVal.Data[data[i]] = data[i + 1];
     return retVal;
 public bool Store(UUID PrincipalID, AvatarData data)
     GD.Delete(m_realm, new string[1] {"PrincipalID"}, new object[1] {PrincipalID});
     List<object[]> insertList = new List<object[]>();
     foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in data.Data)
         insertList.Add(new object[3]
                 kvp.Key == "Textures" ? kvp.Value : kvp.Value.MySqlEscape()
     GD.InsertMultiple(m_realm, insertList);
     return true;
 public bool Store(UUID PrincipalID, AvatarData data)
     QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
     filter.andFilters["PrincipalID"] = PrincipalID;
     GD.Delete(m_realm, filter);
     List<object[]> insertList = new List<object[]>();
     foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in data.Data)
         insertList.Add(new object[3]{
             kvp.Key == "Textures" ? kvp.Value : kvp.Value.MySqlEscape()
     GD.InsertMultiple(m_realm, insertList);
     return true;
        public AvatarData GetAvatar(UUID principalID)
            AvatarBaseData[] av = m_Database.Get("PrincipalID", principalID.ToString());
            if (av.Length == 0)
                return null;

            AvatarData ret = new AvatarData();
            ret.Data = new Dictionary<string,string>();

            foreach (AvatarBaseData b in av)
                if (b.Data["Name"] == "AvatarType")
                    ret.AvatarType = Convert.ToInt32(b.Data["Value"]);
                    ret.Data[b.Data["Name"]] = b.Data["Value"];

            return ret;
 public bool Store(UUID PrincipalID, AvatarData data)
     lock (m_locks[PrincipalID])
         QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
         filter.andFilters["PrincipalID"] = PrincipalID;
         GD.Delete(m_realm, filter);
         List<object[]> insertList = new List<object[]>();
         foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in data.Data)
             insertList.Add(new object[3]{
         GD.InsertMultiple(m_realm, insertList);
     return true;
        public bool SetAvatar(UUID principalID, AvatarData avatar)
            int count = 0;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in avatar.Data)
                if (kvp.Key.StartsWith("_"))

            m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR SERVICE]: SetAvatar for {0}, attachs={1}", principalID, count);
            m_Database.Delete("PrincipalID", principalID.ToString());

            AvatarBaseData av = new AvatarBaseData();
            av.Data = new Dictionary<string,string>();

            av.PrincipalID = principalID;
            av.Data["Name"] = "AvatarType";
            av.Data["Value"] = avatar.AvatarType.ToString();

            if (!m_Database.Store(av))
                return false;

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string,string> kvp in avatar.Data)
                av.Data["Name"] = kvp.Key;
                av.Data["Value"] = kvp.Value;
                if (!m_Database.Store(av))
                    m_log.Error("[AVATARSERVICE]: Error saving appearance for " + principalID + ", data follows " +
                        kvp.Key + ", " + kvp.Value);
                    m_Database.Delete("PrincipalID", principalID.ToString());
                    return false;

            return true;
        public void LoadAvatarArchive(string FileName, string Name)
            UserAccount account = UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(UUID.Zero, Name);
            m_log.Info("[AvatarArchive] Loading archive from " + FileName);
            if (account == null)
                m_log.Error("[AvatarArchive] User not found!");
            string file = "";
            if (FileName.EndsWith(".database"))
                m_log.Info("[AvatarArchive] Loading archive from the database " + FileName);

                FileName = FileName.Substring(0, FileName.Length - 9);

                Aurora.Framework.IAvatarArchiverConnector avarchiver = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IAvatarArchiverConnector>();
                AvatarArchive archive = avarchiver.GetAvatarArchive(FileName);

                file = archive.ArchiveXML;
                m_log.Info("[AvatarArchive] Loading archive from " + FileName);
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(FileName);
                file = reader.ReadToEnd();

            string FolderNameToLoadInto = "";

            OSD m = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(file);
            if (m.Type != OSDType.Map)
                m_log.Warn("[AvatarArchiver]: Failed to load AA from " + FileName + ", text: " + file);
            OSDMap map = ((OSDMap)m);

            OSDMap assetsMap = ((OSDMap)map["Assets"]);
            OSDMap itemsMap = ((OSDMap)map["Items"]);
            OSDMap bodyMap = ((OSDMap)map["Body"]);

            AvatarAppearance appearance = ConvertXMLToAvatarAppearance(bodyMap, out FolderNameToLoadInto);

            appearance.Owner = account.PrincipalID;

            List<InventoryItemBase> items = new List<InventoryItemBase>();

            InventoryFolderBase AppearanceFolder = InventoryService.GetFolderForType (account.PrincipalID, InventoryType.Unknown, AssetType.Clothing);

            InventoryFolderBase folderForAppearance
                = new InventoryFolderBase(
                    UUID.Random(), FolderNameToLoadInto, account.PrincipalID,
                    -1, AppearanceFolder.ID, 1);


            folderForAppearance = InventoryService.GetFolder(folderForAppearance);

                LoadAssets(assetsMap, appearance);
                LoadItems(itemsMap, account.PrincipalID, folderForAppearance, appearance, out items);
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_log.Warn("[AvatarArchiver]: Error loading assets and items, " + ex.ToString());

            AvatarData adata = new AvatarData(appearance);
            AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, adata);

            m_log.Info("[AvatarArchive] Loaded archive from " + FileName);
        public void LoadAvatarArchive(string FileName, string First, string Last)
            UserAccount account = m_scene.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(UUID.Zero, First, Last);
            m_log.Debug("[AvatarArchive] Loading archive from " + FileName);
            if (account == null)
                m_log.Error("[AvatarArchive] User not found!");
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(FileName);

            string line = reader.ReadToEnd();
            string[] lines = line.Split('\n');
            List<string> file = new List<string>(lines);

            ScenePresence SP;
            m_scene.TryGetScenePresence(account.PrincipalID, out SP);
            if (SP == null)
                return; //Bad people!
            SP.ControllingClient.SendAlertMessage("Appearance loading in progress...");


            string FolderNameToLoadInto = "";
            List<UUID> AttachmentUUIDs = new List<UUID>();
            List<string> AttachmentPoints = new List<string>();
            List<string> AttachmentAssets = new List<string>();

            AvatarAppearance appearance = ConvertXMLToAvatarAppearance(file, out AttachmentUUIDs, out AttachmentPoints, out AttachmentAssets, out FolderNameToLoadInto);

            appearance.Owner = account.PrincipalID;

            List<InventoryItemBase> items = new List<InventoryItemBase>();

            InventoryFolderBase AppearanceFolder = m_scene.InventoryService.GetFolderForType(account.PrincipalID, AssetType.Clothing);

            UUID newFolderId = UUID.Random();

            InventoryFolderBase folderForAppearance
                = new InventoryFolderBase(
                    newFolderId, FolderNameToLoadInto, account.PrincipalID,
                    -1, AppearanceFolder.ID, 1);

            folderForAppearance = m_scene.InventoryService.GetFolder(folderForAppearance);

            #region Appearance setup

            if (appearance.BodyItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.BodyItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.BodyItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.BodyItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.EyesItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.EyesItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.EyesItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.EyesItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.GlovesItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.GlovesItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.GlovesItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.GlovesItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.HairItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.HairItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.HairItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.HairItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.JacketItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.JacketItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.JacketItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.JacketItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.PantsItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.PantsItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.PantsItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.PantsItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.ShirtItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.ShirtItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.ShirtItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.ShirtItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.ShoesItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.ShoesItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.ShoesItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.ShoesItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.SkinItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.SkinItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.SkinItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.SkinItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.SkirtItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.SkirtItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.SkirtItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.SkirtItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.SocksItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.SocksItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.SocksItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.SocksItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.UnderPantsItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.UnderPantsItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.UnderPantsItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.UnderPantsItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.UnderShirtItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.UnderShirtItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.UnderShirtItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.UnderShirtItem = IB.ID;

            appearance.ClearAttachments(); //Clear so that we can rebuild
            int i = 0;
            foreach (UUID uuid in AttachmentUUIDs)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(uuid));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, uuid, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.SetAttachment(int.Parse(AttachmentPoints[i]), IB.ID, UUID.Parse(AttachmentAssets[i]));


            foreach (InventoryItemBase itemCopy in items)
                if (itemCopy == null)
                    SP.ControllingClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("Can't find item to give. Nothing given.", false);
                if (!SP.IsChildAgent)

            appearance.Owner = account.PrincipalID;
            AvatarData adata = new AvatarData(appearance);
            m_scene.AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, adata);

            SP.Appearance = appearance;

            if (appearance.Texture != null)
                for (i = 0; i < appearance.Texture.FaceTextures.Length; i++)
                    Primitive.TextureEntryFace face = (appearance.Texture.FaceTextures[i]);

                    if (face != null && face.TextureID != AppearanceManager.DEFAULT_AVATAR_TEXTURE)
                        m_log.Warn("[APPEARANCE]: Missing baked texture " + face.TextureID + " (" + i + ") for avatar " + this.Name);
            m_log.Debug("[AvatarArchive] Loaded archive from " + FileName);
        public LoginResponse Login(string Name, string passwd, string startLocation, UUID scopeID,
            string clientVersion, string channel, string mac, string id0, IPEndPoint clientIP, Hashtable requestData, UUID secureSession)
            UUID session = UUID.Random();

            MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login request for {0} from {1} with user agent {2} starting in {3}",
                Name, clientIP.Address, clientVersion, startLocation);
            UserAccount account = m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount (scopeID, Name);
                string DisplayName = account.Name;
                IAgentInfo agent = null;

                IAgentConnector agentData = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IAgentConnector>();
                IProfileConnector profileData = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IProfileConnector>();
                if (agentData != null)
                    agent = agentData.GetAgent(account.PrincipalID);

                requestData["ip"] = clientIP.ToString();
                foreach (ILoginModule module in LoginModules)
                    string message;
                    if (!module.Login(requestData, account.PrincipalID, out message))
                        LLFailedLoginResponse resp = new LLFailedLoginResponse(LoginResponseEnum.PasswordIncorrect,
                            message, false);
                        return resp;

                // Get the user's inventory
                if (m_RequireInventory && m_InventoryService == null)
                    MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: inventory service not set up");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;
                List<InventoryFolderBase> inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton(account.PrincipalID);
                if (m_RequireInventory && ((inventorySkel == null) || (inventorySkel.Count == 0)))
                    m_InventoryService.CreateUserInventory(account.PrincipalID, m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive == "");
                    inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (m_RequireInventory && ((inventorySkel == null) || (inventorySkel.Count == 0)))
                        MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: unable to retrieve user inventory");
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;
                if (m_InventoryService.CreateUserRootFolder (account.PrincipalID))
                    //Gotta refetch... since something went wrong
                    inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton (account.PrincipalID);

                if (profileData != null)
                    IUserProfileInfo UPI = profileData.GetUserProfile(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (UPI == null)
                        UPI = profileData.GetUserProfile(account.PrincipalID);
                        UPI.AArchiveName = m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive;
                        UPI.IsNewUser = true;
                        //profileData.UpdateUserProfile(UPI); //It gets hit later by the next thing
                    //Find which is set, if any
                    string archiveName = (UPI.AArchiveName != "" && UPI.AArchiveName != " ") ? UPI.AArchiveName : m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive;
                    if (UPI.IsNewUser && archiveName != "")
                        AvatarAppearance appearance = m_ArchiveService.LoadAvatarArchive(archiveName, account.Name);
                        UPI.AArchiveName = "";
                        inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton(account.PrincipalID);
                        AvatarData adata = new AvatarData(appearance);
                        m_AvatarService.SetAppearance(account.PrincipalID, appearance);
                    if (UPI.IsNewUser)
                        UPI.IsNewUser = false;
                    if(UPI.DisplayName != "")
                        DisplayName = UPI.DisplayName;

                // Get active gestures
                List<InventoryItemBase> gestures = m_InventoryService.GetActiveGestures(account.PrincipalID);
                //MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: {0} active gestures", gestures.Count);

                //Reset logged in to true if the user was crashed, but don't fire the logged in event yet
                m_agentInfoService.SetLoggedIn (account.PrincipalID.ToString (), true, false, UUID.Zero);
                //Lock it as well
                m_agentInfoService.LockLoggedInStatus (account.PrincipalID.ToString (), true);
                //Now get the logged in status, then below make sure to kill the previous agent if we crashed before
                UserInfo guinfo = m_agentInfoService.GetUserInfo (account.PrincipalID.ToString ());
                // Clear out any existing CAPS the user may have
                if (m_CapsService != null)
                    IAgentProcessing agentProcessor = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IAgentProcessing>();
                    if (agentProcessor != null)
                        IClientCapsService clientCaps = m_CapsService.GetClientCapsService(account.PrincipalID);
                        if (clientCaps != null)
                            IRegionClientCapsService rootRegionCaps = clientCaps.GetRootCapsService();
                            if (rootRegionCaps != null)
                                agentProcessor.LogoutAgent(rootRegionCaps, !m_AllowDuplicateLogin);

                // Change Online status and get the home region
                GridRegion home = null;
                if (guinfo != null && (guinfo.HomeRegionID != UUID.Zero) && m_GridService != null)
                    home = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(scopeID, guinfo.HomeRegionID);
                bool GridUserInfoFound = true;
                if (guinfo == null)
                    GridUserInfoFound = false;
                    // something went wrong, make something up, so that we don't have to test this anywhere else
                    guinfo = new UserInfo {UserID = account.PrincipalID.ToString()};
                    guinfo.CurrentPosition = guinfo.HomePosition = new Vector3(128, 128, 30);

                // Find the destination region/grid
                string where = string.Empty;
                Vector3 position = Vector3.Zero;
                Vector3 lookAt = Vector3.Zero;
                TeleportFlags tpFlags = TeleportFlags.ViaLogin;
                GridRegion destination = FindDestination (account, scopeID, guinfo, session, startLocation, home, out tpFlags, out where, out position, out lookAt);
                if (destination == null)
                    MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: destination not found");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.DeadRegionProblem;
                if (!GridUserInfoFound || guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero) //Give them a default home and last
                    if (m_GridService != null)
                        List<GridRegion> DefaultRegions = m_GridService.GetDefaultRegions(account.ScopeID);
                        GridRegion DefaultRegion = null;
                        DefaultRegion = DefaultRegions.Count == 0 ? destination : DefaultRegions[0];

                        if (m_DefaultHomeRegion != "" && guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero)
                            GridRegion newHomeRegion = m_GridService.GetRegionByName(account.ScopeID, m_DefaultHomeRegion);
                            if (newHomeRegion == null)
                                guinfo.HomeRegionID = guinfo.CurrentRegionID = DefaultRegion.RegionID;
                                guinfo.HomeRegionID = guinfo.CurrentRegionID = newHomeRegion.RegionID;
                        else if (guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero)
                            guinfo.HomeRegionID = guinfo.CurrentRegionID = DefaultRegion.RegionID;

                    //Z = 0 so that it fixes it on the region server and puts it on the ground
                    guinfo.CurrentPosition = guinfo.HomePosition = new Vector3(128, 128, 25);

                    guinfo.HomeLookAt = guinfo.CurrentLookAt = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                    m_agentInfoService.SetLastPosition(guinfo.UserID, guinfo.CurrentRegionID, guinfo.CurrentPosition, guinfo.CurrentLookAt);
                    m_agentInfoService.SetHomePosition(guinfo.UserID, guinfo.HomeRegionID, guinfo.HomePosition, guinfo.HomeLookAt);

                // Get the avatar
                AvatarAppearance avappearance;
                if (m_AvatarService != null)
                    avappearance = m_AvatarService.GetAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (avappearance == null)
                        //Create an appearance for the user if one doesn't exist
                        if (m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive != "")
                            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[LLoginService]: Cannot find an appearance for user " + account.Name +
                                ", loading the default avatar from " + m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive + ".");
                            m_ArchiveService.LoadAvatarArchive(m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive, account.Name);
                            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[LLoginService]: Cannot find an appearance for user " + account.Name + ", setting to the default avatar.");
                            AvatarAppearance appearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                            m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, new AvatarData(appearance));
                        avappearance = m_AvatarService.GetAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                        //Verify that all assets exist now
                        for (int i = 0; i < avappearance.Wearables.Length; i++)
                            bool messedUp = false;
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<UUID, UUID> item in avappearance.Wearables[i].GetItems())
                                AssetBase asset = m_AssetService.Get(item.Value.ToString());
                                if (asset == null)
                                    InventoryItemBase invItem = m_InventoryService.GetItem (new InventoryItemBase (item.Value));
                                    if (invItem == null)
                                        MainConsole.Instance.Warn("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Missing avatar appearance asset for user " + account.Name + " for item " + item.Value + ", asset should be " + item.Key + "!");
                                        messedUp = true;
                            if (messedUp)
                                avappearance.Wearables[i] = AvatarWearable.DefaultWearables[i];
                        //Also verify that all baked texture indices exist
                        foreach (byte BakedTextureIndex in AvatarAppearance.BAKE_INDICES)
                            if (BakedTextureIndex == 19) //Skirt isn't used unless you have a skirt
                            if (avappearance.Texture.GetFace(BakedTextureIndex).TextureID == AppearanceManager.DEFAULT_AVATAR_TEXTURE)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Warn("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Bad texture index for user " + account.Name + " for " + BakedTextureIndex + "!");
                                avappearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                                m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, new AvatarData(avappearance));
                    avappearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);

                // Instantiate/get the simulation interface and launch an agent at the destination
                string reason = string.Empty;
                AgentCircuitData aCircuit = LaunchAgentAtGrid (destination, tpFlags, account, avappearance, session, secureSession, position, where,
                    clientIP, out where, out reason, out destination);

                if (aCircuit == null)
                    MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: {0}", reason);
                    return new LLFailedLoginResponse (LoginResponseEnum.InternalError, reason, false);

                // Get Friends list 
                FriendInfo[] friendsList = new FriendInfo[0];
                if (m_FriendsService != null)
                    friendsList = m_FriendsService.GetFriends(account.PrincipalID);
                    //MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Retrieved {0} friends", friendsList.Length);

                //Set them as logged in now, they are ready, and fire the logged in event now, as we're all done
                m_agentInfoService.SetLastPosition (account.PrincipalID.ToString (), destination.RegionID, position, lookAt);
                m_agentInfoService.LockLoggedInStatus (account.PrincipalID.ToString (), false); //Unlock it now
                m_agentInfoService.SetLoggedIn(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), true, true, destination.RegionID);
                // Finally, fill out the response and return it
                string MaturityRating = "A";
                string MaxMaturity = "A";
                if (agent != null)
                    if (agent.MaturityRating == 0)
                        MaturityRating = "P";
                    else if (agent.MaturityRating == 1)
                        MaturityRating = "M";
                    else if (agent.MaturityRating == 2)
                        MaturityRating = "A";

                    if (agent.MaxMaturity == 0)
                        MaxMaturity = "P";
                    else if (agent.MaxMaturity == 1)
                        MaxMaturity = "M";
                    else if (agent.MaxMaturity == 2)
                        MaxMaturity = "A";

                LLLoginResponse response = new LLLoginResponse(account, aCircuit, guinfo, destination, inventorySkel, friendsList, m_InventoryService, m_LibraryService,
                    where, startLocation, position, lookAt, gestures, home, clientIP, MaxMaturity, MaturityRating,
                    eventCategories, classifiedCategories, FillOutSeedCap (aCircuit, destination, clientIP, account.PrincipalID), m_config, DisplayName, m_registry);

                MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: All clear. Sending login response to client to login to region " + destination.RegionName + ", tried to login to " + startLocation + " at " + position.ToString() + ".");
                return response;
            catch (Exception e)
                MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat ("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Exception processing login for {0} : {1}", Name, e);
                if (account != null)
                    //Revert their logged in status if we got that far
                    m_agentInfoService.LockLoggedInStatus (account.PrincipalID.ToString (), false); //Unlock it now
                    m_agentInfoService.SetLoggedIn (account.PrincipalID.ToString (), false, false, UUID.Zero);
                return LLFailedLoginResponse.InternalError;
 public bool SetAppearance(UUID userID, AvatarAppearance appearance)
     AvatarData avatar = new AvatarData(appearance);
     return SetAvatar(userID,avatar);
 public bool SetAppearance(UUID principalID, AvatarAppearance appearance)
     AvatarData avatar = new AvatarData(appearance);
     return SetAvatar(principalID, avatar);
 public bool SetAvatar(UUID userID, AvatarData avatar)
     return m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(userID, avatar);
        public AvatarData GetAvatar(UUID userID)
            Dictionary<string, object> sendData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            //sendData["SCOPEID"] = scopeID.ToString();
            sendData["VERSIONMIN"] = ProtocolVersions.ClientProtocolVersionMin.ToString();
            sendData["VERSIONMAX"] = ProtocolVersions.ClientProtocolVersionMax.ToString();
            sendData["METHOD"] = "getavatar";

            sendData["UserID"] = userID;

            string reply = string.Empty;
            string reqString = ServerUtils.BuildQueryString(sendData);
            // m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: queryString = {0}", reqString);
                reply = SynchronousRestFormsRequester.MakeRequest("POST",
                        m_ServerURI + "/avatar",
                if (reply == null || (reply != null && reply == string.Empty))
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: GetAgent received null or empty reply");
                    return null;
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: Exception when contacting presence server: {0}", e.Message);

            Dictionary<string, object> replyData = ServerUtils.ParseXmlResponse(reply);
            AvatarData avatar = null;

            if ((replyData != null) && replyData.ContainsKey("result") && (replyData["result"] != null))
                if (replyData["result"] is Dictionary<string, object>)
                    avatar = new AvatarData((Dictionary<string, object>)replyData["result"]);

            return avatar;

        private AgentCircuitData MakeAgent(GridRegion region, UserAccount account, 
            AvatarData avatar, UUID session, UUID secureSession, uint circuit, Vector3 position, string viewer)
            AgentCircuitData aCircuit = new AgentCircuitData();

            aCircuit.AgentID = account.PrincipalID;
            if (avatar != null)
                aCircuit.Appearance = avatar.ToAvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                aCircuit.Appearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);

            //aCircuit.BaseFolder = irrelevant
            aCircuit.CapsPath = CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath();
            aCircuit.child = false; // the first login agent is root
            aCircuit.ChildrenCapSeeds = new Dictionary<ulong, string>();
            aCircuit.circuitcode = circuit;
            aCircuit.firstname = account.FirstName;
            //aCircuit.InventoryFolder = irrelevant
            aCircuit.lastname = account.LastName;
            aCircuit.SecureSessionID = secureSession;
            aCircuit.SessionID = session;
            aCircuit.startpos = position;
            aCircuit.Viewer = viewer;
            SetServiceURLs(aCircuit, account);

            return aCircuit;

            //m_UserAgentService.LoginAgentToGrid(aCircuit, GatekeeperServiceConnector, region, out reason);
            //if (simConnector.CreateAgent(region, aCircuit, 0, out reason))
            //    return aCircuit;

            //return null;

        protected AgentCircuitData LaunchAgentAtGrid(GridRegion gatekeeper, GridRegion destination, UserAccount account, AvatarData avatar,
            UUID session, UUID secureSession, Vector3 position, string currentWhere, string viewer, out string where, out string reason)
            where = currentWhere;
            ISimulationService simConnector = null;
            reason = string.Empty;
            uint circuitCode = 0;
            AgentCircuitData aCircuit = null;

            if (m_UserAgentService == null)
                // HG standalones have both a localSimulatonDll and a remoteSimulationDll
                // non-HG standalones have just a localSimulationDll
                // independent login servers have just a remoteSimulationDll
                if (m_LocalSimulationService != null)
                    simConnector = m_LocalSimulationService;
                else if (m_RemoteSimulationService != null)
                    simConnector = m_RemoteSimulationService;
            else // User Agent Service is on
                if (gatekeeper == null) // login to local grid
                    if (hostName == string.Empty)

                    gatekeeper = new GridRegion(destination);
                    gatekeeper.ExternalHostName = hostName;
                    gatekeeper.HttpPort = (uint)port;

                else // login to foreign grid

            bool success = false;

            if (m_UserAgentService == null && simConnector != null)
                circuitCode = (uint)Util.RandomClass.Next(); ;
                aCircuit = MakeAgent(destination, account, avatar, session, secureSession, circuitCode, position, viewer);
                success = LaunchAgentDirectly(simConnector, destination, aCircuit, out reason);
                if (!success && m_GridService != null)
                    // Try the fallback regions
                    List<GridRegion> fallbacks = m_GridService.GetFallbackRegions(account.ScopeID, destination.RegionLocX, destination.RegionLocY);
                    if (fallbacks != null)
                        foreach (GridRegion r in fallbacks)
                            success = LaunchAgentDirectly(simConnector, r, aCircuit, out reason);
                            if (success)
                                where = "safe";
                                destination = r;

            if (m_UserAgentService != null)
                circuitCode = (uint)Util.RandomClass.Next(); ;
                aCircuit = MakeAgent(destination, account, avatar, session, secureSession, circuitCode, position, viewer);
                success = LaunchAgentIndirectly(gatekeeper, destination, aCircuit, out reason);
                if (!success && m_GridService != null)
                    // Try the fallback regions
                    List<GridRegion> fallbacks = m_GridService.GetFallbackRegions(account.ScopeID, destination.RegionLocX, destination.RegionLocY);
                    if (fallbacks != null)
                        foreach (GridRegion r in fallbacks)
                            success = LaunchAgentIndirectly(gatekeeper, r, aCircuit, out reason);
                            if (success)
                                where = "safe";
                                destination = r;

            if (success)
                return aCircuit;
                return null;
        public bool SetAvatar(UUID principalID, AvatarData avatar)
            m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR SERVICE]: SetAvatar for {0}", principalID);
            m_Database.Delete("PrincipalID", principalID.ToString());

            AvatarBaseData av = new AvatarBaseData();
            av.Data = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            av.PrincipalID = principalID;
            av.Data["Name"] = "AvatarType";
            av.Data["Value"] = avatar.AvatarType.ToString();

            if (!m_Database.Store(av))
                return false;

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in avatar.Data)
                av.Data["Name"] = kvp.Key;
                av.Data["Value"] = kvp.Value;

                if (!m_Database.Store(av))
                    m_log.Error("[AvatarService]: Issue in SetAvatar, could not save appearance to the database.");
                    //m_Database.Delete("PrincipalID", principalID.ToString());
                    return false;

            return true;
 public bool SetAvatar(UUID principalID, AvatarData avatar)
     bool success = m_localService.SetAvatar(principalID, avatar);
     if (!success)
         success = (bool)DoRemoteForced(principalID, avatar);
     return success;
        public LoginResponse Login(UUID AgentID, string Name, string authType, string passwd, string startLocation, UUID scopeID,
            string clientVersion, string channel, string mac, string id0, IPEndPoint clientIP, Hashtable requestData)
            LoginResponse response;
            UUID session = UUID.Random();
            UUID secureSession = UUID.Zero;

            UserAccount account = AgentID != UUID.Zero ? m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, AgentID) : m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, Name);
            if (account == null && m_AllowAnonymousLogin)
                m_UserAccountService.CreateUser(Name, passwd.StartsWith("$1$") ? passwd.Remove(0, 3):passwd, "");
                account = m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, Name);
            if (account == null)
                MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for user {0}: no account found", Name);
                return LLFailedLoginResponse.AccountProblem;

            if (account.UserLevel < 0)//No allowing anyone less than 0
                return LLFailedLoginResponse.PermanentBannedProblem;

            if (account.UserLevel < m_MinLoginLevel)
                MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for user {1}, reason: login is blocked for user level {0}", account.UserLevel, account.Name);
                return LLFailedLoginResponse.LoginBlockedProblem;

            IAgentInfo agent = null;
            IAgentConnector agentData = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IAgentConnector>();
            if (agentData != null)
                agent = agentData.GetAgent(account.PrincipalID);
            if (agent == null)
                agent = agentData.GetAgent(account.PrincipalID);

            requestData["ip"] = clientIP.ToString();
            foreach (ILoginModule module in LoginModules)
                object data;
                if ((response = module.Login(requestData, account, agent, authType, passwd, out data)) != null)
                    return response;
                if (data != null)
                    secureSession = (UUID)data;//TODO: NEED TO FIND BETTER WAY TO GET THIS DATA

            MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login request for {0} from {1} with user agent {2} starting in {3}",
                Name, clientIP.Address, clientVersion, startLocation);
                string DisplayName = account.Name;
                AvatarAppearance avappearance = null;
                bool newAvatar = false;
                IProfileConnector profileData = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IProfileConnector>();

                // Get the user's inventory
                if (m_RequireInventory && m_InventoryService == null)
                    MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for user {0}, reason: inventory service not set up", account.Name);
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;
                List<InventoryFolderBase> inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton(account.PrincipalID);
                if (m_RequireInventory && ((inventorySkel == null) || (inventorySkel.Count == 0)))
                    List<InventoryItemBase> defaultItems;
                    m_InventoryService.CreateUserInventory(account.PrincipalID, m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive == "", out defaultItems);
                    inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (m_RequireInventory && ((inventorySkel == null) || (inventorySkel.Count == 0)))
                        MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for user {0}, reason: unable to retrieve user inventory", account.Name);
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;
                    if (defaultItems.Count > 0)
                        avappearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                        avappearance.SetWearable((int)WearableType.Shape, new AvatarWearable(defaultItems[0].ID, defaultItems[0].AssetID));
                        avappearance.SetWearable((int)WearableType.Skin, new AvatarWearable(defaultItems[1].ID, defaultItems[1].AssetID));
                        avappearance.SetWearable((int)WearableType.Hair, new AvatarWearable(defaultItems[2].ID, defaultItems[2].AssetID));
                        avappearance.SetWearable((int)WearableType.Eyes, new AvatarWearable(defaultItems[3].ID, defaultItems[3].AssetID));
                        avappearance.SetWearable((int)WearableType.Shirt, new AvatarWearable(defaultItems[4].ID, defaultItems[4].AssetID));
                        avappearance.SetWearable((int)WearableType.Pants, new AvatarWearable(defaultItems[5].ID, defaultItems[5].AssetID));
                        m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, new AvatarData(avappearance));
                        newAvatar = true;

                if (profileData != null)
                    IUserProfileInfo UPI = profileData.GetUserProfile(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (UPI == null)
                        UPI = profileData.GetUserProfile(account.PrincipalID);
                        UPI.AArchiveName = m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive;
                        UPI.IsNewUser = true;
                        //profileData.UpdateUserProfile(UPI); //It gets hit later by the next thing
                    //Find which is set, if any
                    string archiveName = (UPI.AArchiveName != "" && UPI.AArchiveName != " ") ? UPI.AArchiveName : m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive;
                    if (UPI.IsNewUser && archiveName != "")
                        AvatarAppearance appearance = m_ArchiveService.LoadAvatarArchive(archiveName, account.Name);
                        UPI.AArchiveName = "";
                        AvatarData adata = new AvatarData(appearance);
                        m_AvatarService.SetAppearance(account.PrincipalID, appearance);
                    if (UPI.IsNewUser)
                        UPI.IsNewUser = false;
                    if (UPI.DisplayName != "")
                        DisplayName = UPI.DisplayName;

                // Get active gestures
                List<InventoryItemBase> gestures = m_InventoryService.GetActiveGestures(account.PrincipalID);
                //MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: {0} active gestures", gestures.Count);

                //Reset logged in to true if the user was crashed, but don't fire the logged in event yet
                m_agentInfoService.SetLoggedIn(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), true, false, UUID.Zero);
                //Lock it as well
                m_agentInfoService.LockLoggedInStatus(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), true);
                //Now get the logged in status, then below make sure to kill the previous agent if we crashed before
                UserInfo guinfo = m_agentInfoService.GetUserInfo(account.PrincipalID.ToString());
                // Clear out any existing CAPS the user may have
                if (m_CapsService != null)
                    IAgentProcessing agentProcessor = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IAgentProcessing>();
                    if (agentProcessor != null)
                        IClientCapsService clientCaps = m_CapsService.GetClientCapsService(account.PrincipalID);
                        if (clientCaps != null)
                            IRegionClientCapsService rootRegionCaps = clientCaps.GetRootCapsService();
                            if (rootRegionCaps != null)
                                agentProcessor.LogoutAgent(rootRegionCaps, !m_AllowDuplicateLogin);

                // Change Online status and get the home region
                GridRegion home = null;
                if (guinfo != null && (guinfo.HomeRegionID != UUID.Zero) && m_GridService != null)
                    home = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(scopeID, guinfo.HomeRegionID);

                if (guinfo == null || guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero) //Give them a default home and last
                    if(guinfo == null)
                        guinfo = new UserInfo { UserID = account.PrincipalID.ToString() };
                    GridRegion DefaultRegion = null;
                    if (m_GridService != null)
                        if (m_DefaultHomeRegion != "")
                            DefaultRegion = m_GridService.GetRegionByName(account.ScopeID, m_DefaultHomeRegion);
                            if (DefaultRegion != null)
                                guinfo.HomeRegionID = guinfo.CurrentRegionID = DefaultRegion.RegionID;
                        if (guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero)
                            List<GridRegion> DefaultRegions = m_GridService.GetDefaultRegions(account.ScopeID);
                            DefaultRegion = DefaultRegions.Count == 0 ? null : DefaultRegions[0];

                            if (DefaultRegion != null)
                                guinfo.HomeRegionID = guinfo.CurrentRegionID = DefaultRegion.RegionID;

                    guinfo.CurrentPosition = guinfo.HomePosition = new Vector3(128, 128, 25);
                    guinfo.HomeLookAt = guinfo.CurrentLookAt = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                    m_agentInfoService.SetLastPosition(guinfo.UserID, guinfo.CurrentRegionID, guinfo.CurrentPosition, guinfo.CurrentLookAt);
                    m_agentInfoService.SetHomePosition(guinfo.UserID, guinfo.HomeRegionID, guinfo.HomePosition, guinfo.HomeLookAt);

                    MainConsole.Instance.Info("[LLLoginService]: User did not have a home, set to " +
                        (DefaultRegion == null ? "(no region found)" : DefaultRegion.RegionName));

                // Find the destination region/grid
                string where = string.Empty;
                Vector3 position = Vector3.Zero;
                Vector3 lookAt = Vector3.Zero;
                TeleportFlags tpFlags = TeleportFlags.ViaLogin;
                GridRegion destination = FindDestination(account, scopeID, guinfo, session, startLocation, home, out tpFlags, out where, out position, out lookAt);
                if (destination == null)
                    MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for user {0}, reason: destination not found", account.Name);
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.DeadRegionProblem;

                // Get the avatar
                if (m_AvatarService != null)
                    if(avappearance == null)
                        avappearance = m_AvatarService.GetAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (avappearance == null)
                        //Create an appearance for the user if one doesn't exist
                        if (m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive != "")
                            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[LLoginService]: Cannot find an appearance for user " + account.Name +
                                ", loading the default avatar from " + m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive + ".");
                            avappearance = m_ArchiveService.LoadAvatarArchive(m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive, account.Name);
                            m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, new AvatarData(avappearance));
                            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[LLoginService]: Cannot find an appearance for user " + account.Name + ", setting to the default avatar.");
                            avappearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                            m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, new AvatarData(avappearance));
                        //Verify that all assets exist now
                        for (int i = 0; i < avappearance.Wearables.Length; i++)
                            bool messedUp = false;
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<UUID, UUID> item in avappearance.Wearables[i].GetItems())
                                AssetBase asset = m_AssetService.Get(item.Value.ToString());
                                if (asset == null)
                                    InventoryItemBase invItem = m_InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(item.Value));
                                    if (invItem == null)
                                        MainConsole.Instance.Warn("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Missing avatar appearance asset for user " + account.Name + " for item " + item.Value + ", asset should be " + item.Key + "!");
                                        messedUp = true;
                            if (messedUp)
                                avappearance.Wearables[i] = AvatarWearable.DefaultWearables[i];
                        if (!newAvatar)
                            //Also verify that all baked texture indices exist
                            foreach (byte BakedTextureIndex in AvatarAppearance.BAKE_INDICES)
                                if (BakedTextureIndex == 19) //Skirt isn't used unless you have a skirt
                                if (avappearance.Texture.GetFace(BakedTextureIndex).TextureID == AppearanceManager.DEFAULT_AVATAR_TEXTURE)
                                    MainConsole.Instance.Warn("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Bad texture index for user " + account.Name + " for " + BakedTextureIndex + "!");
                                    avappearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                                    m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, new AvatarData(avappearance));
                    avappearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);

                if ((m_forceUserToWearFolderName != "") && (m_forceUserToWearFolderOwnerUUID.Length == 36))
                    UUID userThatOwnersFolder;
                    if (UUID.TryParse(m_forceUserToWearFolderOwnerUUID, out userThatOwnersFolder))
                        avappearance = WearFolder(avappearance, account.PrincipalID, userThatOwnersFolder);

                avappearance = FixCurrentOutFitFolder(account.PrincipalID, avappearance);
                // Instantiate/get the simulation interface and launch an agent at the destination
                string reason = string.Empty;
                AgentCircuitData aCircuit = LaunchAgentAtGrid(destination, tpFlags, account, avappearance, session, secureSession, position, where,
                    clientIP, out where, out reason, out destination);

                if (aCircuit == null)
                    MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for user {1}, reason: {0}", reason, account.Name);
                    return new LLFailedLoginResponse(LoginResponseEnum.InternalError, reason, false);

                // Get Friends list 
                List<FriendInfo> friendsList = new List<FriendInfo>();
                if (m_FriendsService != null)
                    friendsList = m_FriendsService.GetFriends(account.PrincipalID);

                //Set them as logged in now, they are ready, and fire the logged in event now, as we're all done
                m_agentInfoService.SetLastPosition(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), destination.RegionID, position, lookAt);
                m_agentInfoService.LockLoggedInStatus(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), false); //Unlock it now
                m_agentInfoService.SetLoggedIn(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), true, true, destination.RegionID);

                // Finally, fill out the response and return it
                string MaturityRating = "A";
                string MaxMaturity = "A";
                if (agent != null)
                    MaturityRating = agent.MaturityRating == 0 ? "P" :
                        agent.MaturityRating == 1 ? "M" : "A";
                    MaxMaturity = agent.MaxMaturity == 0 ? "P" :
                        agent.MaxMaturity == 1 ? "M" : "A";

                response = new LLLoginResponse(account, aCircuit, guinfo, destination, inventorySkel, friendsList.ToArray(), m_InventoryService, m_LibraryService,
                    where, startLocation, position, lookAt, gestures, home, clientIP, MaxMaturity, MaturityRating,
                    eventCategories, classifiedCategories, FillOutSeedCap(aCircuit, destination, clientIP, account.PrincipalID), m_config, DisplayName, m_registry);

                MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: All clear. Sending login response to client to login to region " + destination.RegionName + ", tried to login to " + startLocation + " at " + position.ToString() + ".");
                return response;
            catch (Exception e)
                MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Exception processing login for {0} : {1}", Name, e);
                if (account != null)
                    //Revert their logged in status if we got that far
                    m_agentInfoService.LockLoggedInStatus(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), false); //Unlock it now
                    m_agentInfoService.SetLoggedIn(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), false, false, UUID.Zero);
                return LLFailedLoginResponse.InternalError;
        byte[] SetAvatar(Dictionary<string, object> request)
            UUID user = UUID.Zero;

            if (!request.ContainsKey("UserID"))
                return FailureResult();

            if (!UUID.TryParse(request["UserID"].ToString(), out user))
                return FailureResult();


            AvatarData avatar = new AvatarData(request);
            if (m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(user, avatar))
                return SuccessResult();

            return FailureResult();
        // <summary>
        // </summary>
        // <param name=""></param>
        public AvatarData GetAvatar(UUID userID)
            NameValueCollection requestArgs = new NameValueCollection
                { "RequestMethod", "GetUser" },
                { "UserID", userID.ToString() }

            OSDMap response = WebUtil.PostToService(m_serverUrl, requestArgs);
            if (response["Success"].AsBoolean())
                OSDMap map = null;
                try { map = OSDParser.DeserializeJson(response["LLAppearance"].AsString()) as OSDMap; }
                catch { }

                if (map != null)
                    AvatarWearable[] wearables = new AvatarWearable[13];
                    wearables[0] = new AvatarWearable(map["ShapeItem"].AsUUID(), map["ShapeAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[1] = new AvatarWearable(map["SkinItem"].AsUUID(), map["SkinAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[2] = new AvatarWearable(map["HairItem"].AsUUID(), map["HairAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[3] = new AvatarWearable(map["EyesItem"].AsUUID(), map["EyesAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[4] = new AvatarWearable(map["ShirtItem"].AsUUID(), map["ShirtAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[5] = new AvatarWearable(map["PantsItem"].AsUUID(), map["PantsAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[6] = new AvatarWearable(map["ShoesItem"].AsUUID(), map["ShoesAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[7] = new AvatarWearable(map["SocksItem"].AsUUID(), map["SocksAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[8] = new AvatarWearable(map["JacketItem"].AsUUID(), map["JacketAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[9] = new AvatarWearable(map["GlovesItem"].AsUUID(), map["GlovesAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[10] = new AvatarWearable(map["UndershirtItem"].AsUUID(), map["UndershirtAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[11] = new AvatarWearable(map["UnderpantsItem"].AsUUID(), map["UnderpantsAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[12] = new AvatarWearable(map["SkirtItem"].AsUUID(), map["SkirtAsset"].AsUUID());

                    AvatarAppearance appearance = new AvatarAppearance();
                    appearance.Wearables = wearables;
                    appearance.AvatarHeight = (float)map["Height"].AsReal();

                    AvatarData avatar = new AvatarData(appearance);
                    // Get attachments
                    map = null;
                    try { map = OSDParser.DeserializeJson(response["LLAttachments"].AsString()) as OSDMap; }
                    catch { }

                    if (map != null)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, OSD> kvp in map)
                            avatar.Data[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value.AsString();
                    return avatar;
                    m_log.Warn("[SIMIAN AVATAR CONNECTOR]: Failed to get user appearance for " + userID +
                        ", LLAppearance is missing or invalid");
                    return null;
                m_log.Warn("[SIMIAN AVATAR CONNECTOR]: Failed to get user appearance for " + userID + ": " +

            return null;
        public bool SetAvatar(UUID userID, AvatarData avatar)
            Dictionary<string, object> sendData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            //sendData["SCOPEID"] = scopeID.ToString();
            sendData["VERSIONMIN"] = ProtocolVersions.ClientProtocolVersionMin.ToString();
            sendData["VERSIONMAX"] = ProtocolVersions.ClientProtocolVersionMax.ToString();
            sendData["METHOD"] = "setavatar";

            sendData["UserID"] = userID.ToString();

            Dictionary<string, object> structData = avatar.ToKeyValuePairs();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kvp in structData)
                sendData[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value.ToString();

            string reqString = ServerUtils.BuildQueryString(sendData);
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: queryString = {0}", reqString);
                string reply = SynchronousRestFormsRequester.MakeRequest("POST",
                        m_ServerURI + "/avatar",
                if (reply != string.Empty)
                    Dictionary<string, object> replyData = ServerUtils.ParseXmlResponse(reply);

                    if (replyData.ContainsKey("result"))
                        if (replyData["result"].ToString().ToLower() == "success")
                            return true;
                            return false;
                        m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: SetAvatar reply data does not contain result field");

                    m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: SetAvatar received empty reply");
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: Exception when contacting avatar server: {0}", e.Message);

            return false;
 public void UpdateDatabase(UUID user, AvatarAppearance appearance)
     //m_log.DebugFormat("[APPEARANCE]: UpdateDatabase");
     AvatarData adata = new AvatarData(appearance);
     if(!m_scene.AvatarService.SetAvatar(user, adata))
         m_log.Error("[AVFACTORY]: Error saving appearance for " + user + ".");
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called if a given model avatar name can not be found. If the external
        /// file has already been loaded once, then control returns immediately. If not, then it
        /// looks for a default appearance file. This file contains XML definitions of zero or more named
        /// avatars, each avatar can specify zero or more "outfits". Each outfit is a collection
        /// of items that together, define a particular ensemble for the avatar. Each avatar should
        /// indicate which outfit is the default, and this outfit will be automatically worn. The
        /// other outfits are provided to allow "real" avatars a way to easily change their outfits.
        /// </summary>

        private bool CreateDefaultAvatars()
            // Only load once
            if (m_defaultAvatarsLoaded)
                return false;

            m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Creating default avatar entries");

            m_defaultAvatarsLoaded = true;

            // Load processing starts here...

                string defaultAppearanceFileName = null;

                //m_config may be null if RemoteAdmin configuration secition is missing or disabled in Aurora.ini
                if (m_config != null)
                    defaultAppearanceFileName = m_config.GetString("default_appearance", "default_appearance.xml");

                if (File.Exists(defaultAppearanceFileName))
                    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                    string name     = "*unknown*";
                    string email    = "anon@anon";
                    uint   regionXLocation     = 1000;
                    uint   regionYLocation     = 1000;
                    string password   = UUID.Random().ToString(); // No requirement to sign-in.
                    UUID ID = UUID.Zero;
                    AvatarAppearance avatarAppearance;
                    XmlNodeList avatars;
                    XmlNodeList assets;
                    XmlNode perms = null;
                    bool include = false;
                    bool select  = false;

                    IScene scene = manager.CurrentOrFirstScene;
                    IInventoryService inventoryService = scene.InventoryService;
                    IAssetService assetService = scene.AssetService;


                    // Load up any included assets. Duplicates will be ignored
                    assets = doc.GetElementsByTagName("RequiredAsset");
                    foreach (XmlNode assetNode in assets)
                        AssetBase asset = new AssetBase(UUID.Random(), GetStringAttribute(assetNode, "name", ""), SByte.Parse(GetStringAttribute(assetNode, "type", "")), UUID.Zero.ToString());
                        asset.Description = GetStringAttribute(assetNode,"desc","");
                        asset.Local       = Boolean.Parse(GetStringAttribute(assetNode,"local",""));
                        asset.Temporary   = Boolean.Parse(GetStringAttribute(assetNode,"temporary",""));
                        asset.Data        = Convert.FromBase64String(assetNode.InnerText);

                    avatars = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Avatar");

                    // The document may contain multiple avatars

                    foreach (XmlElement avatar in avatars)
                        m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Loading appearance for {0}, gender = {1}",
                            GetStringAttribute(avatar,"name","?"), GetStringAttribute(avatar,"gender","?"));

                        // Create the user identified by the avatar entry

                            // Only the name value is mandatory
                            name   = GetStringAttribute(avatar,"name",name);
                            email  = GetStringAttribute(avatar,"email",email);
                            regionXLocation   = GetUnsignedAttribute(avatar,"regx",regionXLocation);
                            regionYLocation   = GetUnsignedAttribute(avatar,"regy",regionYLocation);
                            password = GetStringAttribute(avatar,"password",password);

                            string[] names = name.Split();
                            UUID scopeID = scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID;
                            UserAccount account = scene.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, names[0], names[1]);
                            if (null == account)
                                account = CreateUser(scopeID, names[0], names[1], password, email);
                                if (null == account)
                                    m_log.ErrorFormat("[RADMIN] Avatar {0} {1} was not created", names[0], names[1]);
                                    return false;

                            // Set home position

                            GridRegion home = scene.GridService.GetRegionByPosition(scopeID, 
                                (int)(regionXLocation * Constants.RegionSize), (int)(regionYLocation * Constants.RegionSize));
                            if (null == home) {
                                m_log.WarnFormat("[RADMIN]: Unable to set home region for newly created user account {0} {1}", names[0], names[1]);
                            } else {
                                IAgentInfoService agentInfoService = scene.RequestModuleInterface<IAgentInfoService>();
                                agentInfoService.SetHomePosition(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), home.RegionID, new Vector3(128, 128, 0), new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
                                m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN]: Set home region {0} for updated user account {1} {2}", home.RegionID, names[0], names[1]);

                            ID = account.PrincipalID;

                            m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] User {0}[{1}] created or retrieved", name, ID);
                            include = true;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Error creating user {0} : {1}", name, e.Message);
                            include = false;

                        // OK, User has been created OK, now we can install the inventory.
                        // First retrieve the current inventory (the user may already exist)
                        // Note that althought he inventory is retrieved, the hierarchy has
                        // not been interpreted at all.

                        if (include)
                            // Setup for appearance processing
                            AvatarData avatarData = scene.AvatarService.GetAvatar(ID);
                            if (avatarData != null)
                                avatarAppearance = avatarData.ToAvatarAppearance(ID);
                                avatarAppearance = new AvatarAppearance();

                            AvatarWearable[] wearables = avatarAppearance.Wearables;
                            for (int i=0; i<wearables.Length; i++)
                                wearables[i] = new AvatarWearable();

                                // m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] {0} folders, {1} items in inventory",
                                //   uic.folders.Count, uic.items.Count);

                                InventoryFolderBase clothingFolder = inventoryService.GetFolderForType (ID, InventoryType.Wearable, AssetType.Clothing);

                                // This should *never* be the case
                                if (clothingFolder == null || clothingFolder.Type != (short)AssetType.Clothing)
                                    clothingFolder = new InventoryFolderBase();
                                    clothingFolder.ID       = UUID.Random();
                                    clothingFolder.Name     = "Clothing";
                                    clothingFolder.Owner    = ID;
                                    clothingFolder.Type     = (short)AssetType.Clothing;
                                    clothingFolder.ParentID = inventoryService.GetRootFolder(ID).ID;
                                    clothingFolder.Version  = 1;
                                    inventoryService.AddFolder(clothingFolder);     // store base record
                                    m_log.ErrorFormat("[RADMIN] Created clothing folder for {0}/{1}", name, ID);

                                // OK, now we have an inventory for the user, read in the outfits from the
                                // default appearance XMl file.

                                XmlNodeList outfits = avatar.GetElementsByTagName("Ensemble");
                                InventoryFolderBase extraFolder;
                                string outfitName;
                                UUID assetid;

                                foreach (XmlElement outfit in outfits)
                                    m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Loading outfit {0} for {1}",
                                        GetStringAttribute(outfit,"name","?"), GetStringAttribute(avatar,"name","?"));

                                    outfitName   = GetStringAttribute(outfit,"name","");
                                    select  = (GetStringAttribute(outfit,"default","no") == "yes");

                                    // If the folder already exists, re-use it. The defaults may
                                    // change over time. Augment only.

                                    List<InventoryFolderBase> folders = inventoryService.GetFolderContent(ID, clothingFolder.ID).Folders;
                                    extraFolder = null;

                                    foreach (InventoryFolderBase folder in folders)
                                    if (folder.Name == outfitName)
                                            extraFolder = folder;

                                    // Otherwise, we must create the folder.
                                    if (extraFolder == null)
                                        m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Creating outfit folder {0} for {1}", outfitName, name);
                                        extraFolder          = new InventoryFolderBase();
                                        extraFolder.ID       = UUID.Random();
                                        extraFolder.Name     = outfitName;
                                        extraFolder.Owner    = ID;
                                        extraFolder.Type     = (short)AssetType.Clothing;
                                        extraFolder.Version  = 1;
                                        extraFolder.ParentID = clothingFolder.ID;
                                        m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Adding outfile folder {0} to folder {1}", extraFolder.ID, clothingFolder.ID);

                                    // Now get the pieces that make up the outfit
                                    XmlNodeList items = outfit.GetElementsByTagName("Item");

                                    foreach (XmlElement item in items)
                                        assetid = UUID.Zero;
                                        XmlNodeList children = item.ChildNodes;
                                        foreach (XmlNode child in children)
                                            switch (child.Name)
                                                case "Permissions" :
                                                    m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Permissions specified");
                                                    perms = child;
                                                case "Asset" :
                                                    assetid = new UUID(child.InnerText);

                                        InventoryItemBase inventoryItem = null;

                                        // Check if asset is in inventory already
                                        inventoryItem = null;
                                        List<InventoryItemBase> inventoryItems = inventoryService.GetFolderContent(ID, extraFolder.ID).Items;

                                        foreach (InventoryItemBase listItem in inventoryItems)
                                            if (listItem.AssetID == assetid)
                                                inventoryItem = listItem;

                                        // Create inventory item
                                        if (inventoryItem == null)
                                            inventoryItem = new InventoryItemBase(UUID.Random(), ID);
                                            inventoryItem.Name = GetStringAttribute(item,"name","");
                                            inventoryItem.Description = GetStringAttribute(item,"desc","");
                                            inventoryItem.InvType = GetIntegerAttribute(item,"invtype",-1);
                                            inventoryItem.CreatorId = GetStringAttribute(item,"creatorid","");
                                            inventoryItem.CreatorIdAsUuid = (UUID)GetStringAttribute(item,"creatoruuid","");
                                            inventoryItem.NextPermissions = GetUnsignedAttribute(perms,"next",0x7fffffff);
                                            inventoryItem.CurrentPermissions = GetUnsignedAttribute(perms,"current",0x7fffffff);
                                            inventoryItem.BasePermissions = GetUnsignedAttribute(perms,"base",0x7fffffff);
                                            inventoryItem.EveryOnePermissions = GetUnsignedAttribute(perms,"everyone",0x7fffffff);
                                            inventoryItem.GroupPermissions = GetUnsignedAttribute(perms,"group",0x7fffffff);
                                            inventoryItem.AssetType = GetIntegerAttribute(item,"assettype",-1);
                                            inventoryItem.AssetID = assetid; // associated asset
                                            inventoryItem.GroupID = (UUID)GetStringAttribute(item,"groupid","");
                                            inventoryItem.GroupOwned = (GetStringAttribute(item,"groupowned","false") == "true");
                                            inventoryItem.SalePrice = GetIntegerAttribute(item,"saleprice",0);
                                            inventoryItem.SaleType = (byte)GetIntegerAttribute(item,"saletype",0);
                                            inventoryItem.Flags = GetUnsignedAttribute(item,"flags",0);
                                            inventoryItem.CreationDate = GetIntegerAttribute(item,"creationdate",Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch());
                                            inventoryItem.Folder = extraFolder.ID; // Parent folder

                                            ILLClientInventory inventoryModule = manager.CurrentOrFirstScene.RequestModuleInterface<ILLClientInventory>();
                                            if (inventoryModule != null)
                                            m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Added item {0} to folder {1}", inventoryItem.ID, extraFolder.ID);

                                        // Attach item, if attachpoint is specified
                                        int attachpoint = GetIntegerAttribute(item,"attachpoint",0);
                                        if (attachpoint != 0)
                                            avatarAppearance.SetAttachment(attachpoint, inventoryItem.ID, inventoryItem.AssetID);
                                            m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Attached {0}", inventoryItem.ID);

                                        // Record whether or not the item is to be initially worn
                                            if (select && (GetStringAttribute(item, "wear", "false") == "true"))
                                                avatarAppearance.Wearables[inventoryItem.Flags].Wear(inventoryItem.ID, inventoryItem.AssetID);
                                        catch (Exception e)
                                            m_log.WarnFormat("[RADMIN] Error wearing item {0} : {1}", inventoryItem.ID, e.Message);
                                    } // foreach item in outfit
                                    m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Outfit {0} load completed", outfitName);
                                } // foreach outfit
                                m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Inventory update complete for {0}", name);
                                AvatarData avatarData2 = new AvatarData(avatarAppearance);
                                scene.AvatarService.SetAvatar(ID, avatarData2);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                m_log.WarnFormat("[RADMIN] Inventory processing incomplete for user {0} : {1}",
                                    name, e.Message);
                        } // End of include
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Default avatar loading complete");
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] No default avatar information available");
                    return false;
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[RADMIN] Exception whilst loading default avatars ; {0}", e.Message);
                return false;

            return true;
 public void SetWearable(int wearableId, AvatarWearable wearable)
     m_appearance.SetWearable(wearableId, wearable);
     AvatarData adata = new AvatarData(m_appearance);
     m_scene.AvatarService.SetAvatar(m_controllingClient.AgentId, adata);
     m_controllingClient.SendWearables(m_appearance.Wearables, m_appearance.Serial++);
        // <summary>
        // </summary>
        // <param name=""></param>
        public bool SetAvatar(UUID userID, AvatarData avatar)
            m_log.Debug("[SIMIAN AVATAR CONNECTOR]: SetAvatar called for " + userID);

            if (avatar.AvatarType == 1) // LLAvatar
                AvatarAppearance appearance = avatar.ToAvatarAppearance();

                OSDMap map = new OSDMap();

                map["Height"] = OSD.FromReal(appearance.AvatarHeight);

                map["BodyItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.BODY][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["EyesItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.EYES][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["GlovesItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.GLOVES][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["HairItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.HAIR][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["JacketItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.JACKET][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["PantsItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.PANTS][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["ShirtItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SHIRT][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["ShoesItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SHOES][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["SkinItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SKIN][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["SkirtItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SKIRT][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["SocksItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SOCKS][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["UnderPantsItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.UNDERPANTS][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["UnderShirtItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.UNDERSHIRT][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["BodyAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.BODY][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["EyesAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.EYES][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["GlovesAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.GLOVES][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["HairAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.HAIR][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["JacketAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.JACKET][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["PantsAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.PANTS][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["ShirtAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SHIRT][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["ShoesAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SHOES][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["SkinAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SKIN][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["SkirtAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SKIRT][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["SocksAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SOCKS][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["UnderPantsAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.UNDERPANTS][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["UnderShirtAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.UNDERSHIRT][0].AssetID.ToString();

                OSDMap items = new OSDMap();
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in avatar.Data)
                    if (kvp.Key.StartsWith("_ap_"))
                        items.Add(kvp.Key, OSD.FromString(kvp.Value));

                NameValueCollection requestArgs = new NameValueCollection
                    { "RequestMethod", "AddUserData" },
                    { "UserID", userID.ToString() },
                    { "LLAppearance", OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(map) },
                    { "LLAttachments", OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(items) }

                OSDMap response = WebUtil.PostToService(m_serverUrl, requestArgs);
                bool success = response["Success"].AsBoolean();

                if (!success)
                    m_log.Warn("[SIMIAN AVATAR CONNECTOR]: Failed saving appearance for " + userID + ": " + response["Message"].AsString());

                return success;
                m_log.Error("[SIMIAN AVATAR CONNECTOR]: Can't save appearance for " + userID + ". Unhandled avatar type " + avatar.AvatarType);
                return false;
 private AvatarData InternalGet(string realm, string field, string val)
     QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
     filter.andFilters[field] = val;
     List<string> data = GD.Query(new string[]{
     }, realm, filter, null, null, null);
     AvatarData retVal = new AvatarData {
         AvatarType = 1,
         Data = new Dictionary<string, string>()
     for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i += 2)
         retVal.Data[data[i]] = data[i + 1];
     return retVal;