Esempio n. 1
 public bool SetAvatar (UUID userID, AvatarData avatar)
     bool success = m_localService.SetAvatar (userID, avatar);
     if (!success)
         success = m_remoteService.SetAvatar (userID, avatar);
     return success;
Esempio n. 2
 public bool Store (UUID PrincipalID, AvatarData data)
     GD.Delete (m_realm, new string[1] { "PrincipalID" }, new object[1] { PrincipalID });
     for (int i = 0; i < data.Data.Count; i++)
         GD.Insert (m_realm, new object[3] { PrincipalID, data.Data.ElementAt (i).Key, data.Data.ElementAt (i).Value });
     return true;
Esempio n. 3
 public bool SetAvatar(UUID principalID, AvatarData avatar)
                                                                                               new object[2]
     return m_Database.Store(principalID, avatar);
        public override bool SetAvatar(UUID userID, AvatarData avatar)
            Dictionary<string, object> sendData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            //sendData["SCOPEID"] = scopeID.ToString();
            sendData["VERSIONMIN"] = ProtocolVersions.ClientProtocolVersionMin.ToString();
            sendData["VERSIONMAX"] = ProtocolVersions.ClientProtocolVersionMax.ToString();
            sendData["METHOD"] = "setavatar";

            sendData["UserID"] = userID.ToString();

            Dictionary<string, object> structData = avatar.ToKVP();

#if (!ISWIN)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kvp in structData)
                if (kvp.Key != "Textures") sendData[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value.ToString();
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kvp in structData.Where(kvp => kvp.Key != "Textures"))
                sendData[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value.ToString();

            string reqString = WebUtils.BuildQueryString(sendData);
            //MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: queryString = {0}", reqString);
                List<string> serverURIs =
                foreach (string mServerUri in serverURIs)
                    string reply = SynchronousRestFormsRequester.MakeRequest("POST", mServerUri, reqString);
                    if (reply != string.Empty)
                        Dictionary<string, object> replyData = WebUtils.ParseXmlResponse(reply);

                        if (replyData.ContainsKey("result"))
                            if (replyData["result"].ToString().ToLower() == "success")
                                return true;
                            MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: SetAvatar reply data does not contain result field");
                        MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: SetAvatar received empty reply");
            catch (Exception e)
                MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: Exception when contacting avatar server: {0}", e.Message);

            return false;
Esempio n. 5
 private AvatarData InternalGet (string realm, string field, string val)
     List<string> data = GD.Query (field, val, realm, "Name, Value");
     AvatarData retVal = new AvatarData ();
     retVal.AvatarType = 1;
     retVal.Data = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
     for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i += 2)
         retVal.Data[data[i]] = data[i + 1];
     return retVal;
 public bool Store(UUID PrincipalID, AvatarData data)
     GD.Delete(m_realm, new string[1] {"PrincipalID"}, new object[1] {PrincipalID});
     List<object[]> insertList = new List<object[]>();
     foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in data.Data)
         insertList.Add(new object[3]
                 kvp.Key == "Textures" ? kvp.Value : kvp.Value.MySqlEscape()
     GD.InsertMultiple(m_realm, insertList);
     return true;
Esempio n. 7
 public bool Store(UUID PrincipalID, AvatarData data)
     QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
     filter.andFilters["PrincipalID"] = PrincipalID;
     GD.Delete(m_realm, filter);
     List<object[]> insertList = new List<object[]>();
     foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in data.Data)
         insertList.Add(new object[3]{
             kvp.Key == "Textures" ? kvp.Value : kvp.Value.MySqlEscape()
     GD.InsertMultiple(m_realm, insertList);
     return true;
Esempio n. 8
        public AvatarData GetAvatar(UUID principalID)
            AvatarBaseData[] av = m_Database.Get("PrincipalID", principalID.ToString());
            if (av.Length == 0)
                return null;

            AvatarData ret = new AvatarData();
            ret.Data = new Dictionary<string,string>();

            foreach (AvatarBaseData b in av)
                if (b.Data["Name"] == "AvatarType")
                    ret.AvatarType = Convert.ToInt32(b.Data["Value"]);
                    ret.Data[b.Data["Name"]] = b.Data["Value"];

            return ret;
 public bool Store(UUID PrincipalID, AvatarData data)
     lock (m_locks[PrincipalID])
         QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
         filter.andFilters["PrincipalID"] = PrincipalID;
         GD.Delete(m_realm, filter);
         List<object[]> insertList = new List<object[]>();
         foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in data.Data)
             insertList.Add(new object[3]{
         GD.InsertMultiple(m_realm, insertList);
     return true;
Esempio n. 10
        public bool SetAvatar(UUID principalID, AvatarData avatar)
            int count = 0;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in avatar.Data)
                if (kvp.Key.StartsWith("_"))

            m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR SERVICE]: SetAvatar for {0}, attachs={1}", principalID, count);
            m_Database.Delete("PrincipalID", principalID.ToString());

            AvatarBaseData av = new AvatarBaseData();
            av.Data = new Dictionary<string,string>();

            av.PrincipalID = principalID;
            av.Data["Name"] = "AvatarType";
            av.Data["Value"] = avatar.AvatarType.ToString();

            if (!m_Database.Store(av))
                return false;

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string,string> kvp in avatar.Data)
                av.Data["Name"] = kvp.Key;
                av.Data["Value"] = kvp.Value;
                if (!m_Database.Store(av))
                    m_log.Error("[AVATARSERVICE]: Error saving appearance for " + principalID + ", data follows " +
                        kvp.Key + ", " + kvp.Value);
                    m_Database.Delete("PrincipalID", principalID.ToString());
                    return false;

            return true;
Esempio n. 11
        public void LoadAvatarArchive(string FileName, string Name)
            UserAccount account = UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(UUID.Zero, Name);
            m_log.Info("[AvatarArchive] Loading archive from " + FileName);
            if (account == null)
                m_log.Error("[AvatarArchive] User not found!");
            string file = "";
            if (FileName.EndsWith(".database"))
                m_log.Info("[AvatarArchive] Loading archive from the database " + FileName);

                FileName = FileName.Substring(0, FileName.Length - 9);

                Aurora.Framework.IAvatarArchiverConnector avarchiver = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IAvatarArchiverConnector>();
                AvatarArchive archive = avarchiver.GetAvatarArchive(FileName);

                file = archive.ArchiveXML;
                m_log.Info("[AvatarArchive] Loading archive from " + FileName);
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(FileName);
                file = reader.ReadToEnd();

            string FolderNameToLoadInto = "";

            OSD m = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(file);
            if (m.Type != OSDType.Map)
                m_log.Warn("[AvatarArchiver]: Failed to load AA from " + FileName + ", text: " + file);
            OSDMap map = ((OSDMap)m);

            OSDMap assetsMap = ((OSDMap)map["Assets"]);
            OSDMap itemsMap = ((OSDMap)map["Items"]);
            OSDMap bodyMap = ((OSDMap)map["Body"]);

            AvatarAppearance appearance = ConvertXMLToAvatarAppearance(bodyMap, out FolderNameToLoadInto);

            appearance.Owner = account.PrincipalID;

            List<InventoryItemBase> items = new List<InventoryItemBase>();

            InventoryFolderBase AppearanceFolder = InventoryService.GetFolderForType (account.PrincipalID, InventoryType.Unknown, AssetType.Clothing);

            InventoryFolderBase folderForAppearance
                = new InventoryFolderBase(
                    UUID.Random(), FolderNameToLoadInto, account.PrincipalID,
                    -1, AppearanceFolder.ID, 1);


            folderForAppearance = InventoryService.GetFolder(folderForAppearance);

                LoadAssets(assetsMap, appearance);
                LoadItems(itemsMap, account.PrincipalID, folderForAppearance, appearance, out items);
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_log.Warn("[AvatarArchiver]: Error loading assets and items, " + ex.ToString());

            AvatarData adata = new AvatarData(appearance);
            AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, adata);

            m_log.Info("[AvatarArchive] Loaded archive from " + FileName);
Esempio n. 12
        public void LoadAvatarArchive(string FileName, string First, string Last)
            UserAccount account = m_scene.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(UUID.Zero, First, Last);
            m_log.Debug("[AvatarArchive] Loading archive from " + FileName);
            if (account == null)
                m_log.Error("[AvatarArchive] User not found!");
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(FileName);

            string line = reader.ReadToEnd();
            string[] lines = line.Split('\n');
            List<string> file = new List<string>(lines);

            ScenePresence SP;
            m_scene.TryGetScenePresence(account.PrincipalID, out SP);
            if (SP == null)
                return; //Bad people!
            SP.ControllingClient.SendAlertMessage("Appearance loading in progress...");


            string FolderNameToLoadInto = "";
            List<UUID> AttachmentUUIDs = new List<UUID>();
            List<string> AttachmentPoints = new List<string>();
            List<string> AttachmentAssets = new List<string>();

            AvatarAppearance appearance = ConvertXMLToAvatarAppearance(file, out AttachmentUUIDs, out AttachmentPoints, out AttachmentAssets, out FolderNameToLoadInto);

            appearance.Owner = account.PrincipalID;

            List<InventoryItemBase> items = new List<InventoryItemBase>();

            InventoryFolderBase AppearanceFolder = m_scene.InventoryService.GetFolderForType(account.PrincipalID, AssetType.Clothing);

            UUID newFolderId = UUID.Random();

            InventoryFolderBase folderForAppearance
                = new InventoryFolderBase(
                    newFolderId, FolderNameToLoadInto, account.PrincipalID,
                    -1, AppearanceFolder.ID, 1);

            folderForAppearance = m_scene.InventoryService.GetFolder(folderForAppearance);

            #region Appearance setup

            if (appearance.BodyItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.BodyItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.BodyItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.BodyItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.EyesItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.EyesItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.EyesItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.EyesItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.GlovesItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.GlovesItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.GlovesItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.GlovesItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.HairItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.HairItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.HairItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.HairItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.JacketItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.JacketItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.JacketItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.JacketItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.PantsItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.PantsItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.PantsItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.PantsItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.ShirtItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.ShirtItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.ShirtItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.ShirtItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.ShoesItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.ShoesItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.ShoesItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.ShoesItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.SkinItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.SkinItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.SkinItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.SkinItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.SkirtItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.SkirtItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.SkirtItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.SkirtItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.SocksItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.SocksItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.SocksItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.SocksItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.UnderPantsItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.UnderPantsItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.UnderPantsItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.UnderPantsItem = IB.ID;

            if (appearance.UnderShirtItem != UUID.Zero)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(appearance.UnderShirtItem));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, appearance.UnderShirtItem, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.UnderShirtItem = IB.ID;

            appearance.ClearAttachments(); //Clear so that we can rebuild
            int i = 0;
            foreach (UUID uuid in AttachmentUUIDs)
                InventoryItemBase IB = m_scene.InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(uuid));
                IB = GiveInventoryItem(IB.CreatorIdAsUuid, appearance.Owner, uuid, folderForAppearance);
                appearance.SetAttachment(int.Parse(AttachmentPoints[i]), IB.ID, UUID.Parse(AttachmentAssets[i]));


            foreach (InventoryItemBase itemCopy in items)
                if (itemCopy == null)
                    SP.ControllingClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("Can't find item to give. Nothing given.", false);
                if (!SP.IsChildAgent)

            appearance.Owner = account.PrincipalID;
            AvatarData adata = new AvatarData(appearance);
            m_scene.AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, adata);

            SP.Appearance = appearance;

            if (appearance.Texture != null)
                for (i = 0; i < appearance.Texture.FaceTextures.Length; i++)
                    Primitive.TextureEntryFace face = (appearance.Texture.FaceTextures[i]);

                    if (face != null && face.TextureID != AppearanceManager.DEFAULT_AVATAR_TEXTURE)
                        m_log.Warn("[APPEARANCE]: Missing baked texture " + face.TextureID + " (" + i + ") for avatar " + this.Name);
            m_log.Debug("[AvatarArchive] Loaded archive from " + FileName);
Esempio n. 13
        public LoginResponse Login(string Name, string passwd, string startLocation, UUID scopeID,
            string clientVersion, string channel, string mac, string id0, IPEndPoint clientIP, Hashtable requestData, UUID secureSession)
            UUID session = UUID.Random();

            MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login request for {0} from {1} with user agent {2} starting in {3}",
                Name, clientIP.Address, clientVersion, startLocation);
            UserAccount account = m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount (scopeID, Name);
                string DisplayName = account.Name;
                IAgentInfo agent = null;

                IAgentConnector agentData = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IAgentConnector>();
                IProfileConnector profileData = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IProfileConnector>();
                if (agentData != null)
                    agent = agentData.GetAgent(account.PrincipalID);

                requestData["ip"] = clientIP.ToString();
                foreach (ILoginModule module in LoginModules)
                    string message;
                    if (!module.Login(requestData, account.PrincipalID, out message))
                        LLFailedLoginResponse resp = new LLFailedLoginResponse(LoginResponseEnum.PasswordIncorrect,
                            message, false);
                        return resp;

                // Get the user's inventory
                if (m_RequireInventory && m_InventoryService == null)
                    MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: inventory service not set up");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;
                List<InventoryFolderBase> inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton(account.PrincipalID);
                if (m_RequireInventory && ((inventorySkel == null) || (inventorySkel.Count == 0)))
                    m_InventoryService.CreateUserInventory(account.PrincipalID, m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive == "");
                    inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (m_RequireInventory && ((inventorySkel == null) || (inventorySkel.Count == 0)))
                        MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: unable to retrieve user inventory");
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;
                if (m_InventoryService.CreateUserRootFolder (account.PrincipalID))
                    //Gotta refetch... since something went wrong
                    inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton (account.PrincipalID);

                if (profileData != null)
                    IUserProfileInfo UPI = profileData.GetUserProfile(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (UPI == null)
                        UPI = profileData.GetUserProfile(account.PrincipalID);
                        UPI.AArchiveName = m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive;
                        UPI.IsNewUser = true;
                        //profileData.UpdateUserProfile(UPI); //It gets hit later by the next thing
                    //Find which is set, if any
                    string archiveName = (UPI.AArchiveName != "" && UPI.AArchiveName != " ") ? UPI.AArchiveName : m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive;
                    if (UPI.IsNewUser && archiveName != "")
                        AvatarAppearance appearance = m_ArchiveService.LoadAvatarArchive(archiveName, account.Name);
                        UPI.AArchiveName = "";
                        inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton(account.PrincipalID);
                        AvatarData adata = new AvatarData(appearance);
                        m_AvatarService.SetAppearance(account.PrincipalID, appearance);
                    if (UPI.IsNewUser)
                        UPI.IsNewUser = false;
                    if(UPI.DisplayName != "")
                        DisplayName = UPI.DisplayName;

                // Get active gestures
                List<InventoryItemBase> gestures = m_InventoryService.GetActiveGestures(account.PrincipalID);
                //MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: {0} active gestures", gestures.Count);

                //Reset logged in to true if the user was crashed, but don't fire the logged in event yet
                m_agentInfoService.SetLoggedIn (account.PrincipalID.ToString (), true, false, UUID.Zero);
                //Lock it as well
                m_agentInfoService.LockLoggedInStatus (account.PrincipalID.ToString (), true);
                //Now get the logged in status, then below make sure to kill the previous agent if we crashed before
                UserInfo guinfo = m_agentInfoService.GetUserInfo (account.PrincipalID.ToString ());
                // Clear out any existing CAPS the user may have
                if (m_CapsService != null)
                    IAgentProcessing agentProcessor = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IAgentProcessing>();
                    if (agentProcessor != null)
                        IClientCapsService clientCaps = m_CapsService.GetClientCapsService(account.PrincipalID);
                        if (clientCaps != null)
                            IRegionClientCapsService rootRegionCaps = clientCaps.GetRootCapsService();
                            if (rootRegionCaps != null)
                                agentProcessor.LogoutAgent(rootRegionCaps, !m_AllowDuplicateLogin);

                // Change Online status and get the home region
                GridRegion home = null;
                if (guinfo != null && (guinfo.HomeRegionID != UUID.Zero) && m_GridService != null)
                    home = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(scopeID, guinfo.HomeRegionID);
                bool GridUserInfoFound = true;
                if (guinfo == null)
                    GridUserInfoFound = false;
                    // something went wrong, make something up, so that we don't have to test this anywhere else
                    guinfo = new UserInfo {UserID = account.PrincipalID.ToString()};
                    guinfo.CurrentPosition = guinfo.HomePosition = new Vector3(128, 128, 30);

                // Find the destination region/grid
                string where = string.Empty;
                Vector3 position = Vector3.Zero;
                Vector3 lookAt = Vector3.Zero;
                TeleportFlags tpFlags = TeleportFlags.ViaLogin;
                GridRegion destination = FindDestination (account, scopeID, guinfo, session, startLocation, home, out tpFlags, out where, out position, out lookAt);
                if (destination == null)
                    MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: destination not found");
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.DeadRegionProblem;
                if (!GridUserInfoFound || guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero) //Give them a default home and last
                    if (m_GridService != null)
                        List<GridRegion> DefaultRegions = m_GridService.GetDefaultRegions(account.ScopeID);
                        GridRegion DefaultRegion = null;
                        DefaultRegion = DefaultRegions.Count == 0 ? destination : DefaultRegions[0];

                        if (m_DefaultHomeRegion != "" && guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero)
                            GridRegion newHomeRegion = m_GridService.GetRegionByName(account.ScopeID, m_DefaultHomeRegion);
                            if (newHomeRegion == null)
                                guinfo.HomeRegionID = guinfo.CurrentRegionID = DefaultRegion.RegionID;
                                guinfo.HomeRegionID = guinfo.CurrentRegionID = newHomeRegion.RegionID;
                        else if (guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero)
                            guinfo.HomeRegionID = guinfo.CurrentRegionID = DefaultRegion.RegionID;

                    //Z = 0 so that it fixes it on the region server and puts it on the ground
                    guinfo.CurrentPosition = guinfo.HomePosition = new Vector3(128, 128, 25);

                    guinfo.HomeLookAt = guinfo.CurrentLookAt = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                    m_agentInfoService.SetLastPosition(guinfo.UserID, guinfo.CurrentRegionID, guinfo.CurrentPosition, guinfo.CurrentLookAt);
                    m_agentInfoService.SetHomePosition(guinfo.UserID, guinfo.HomeRegionID, guinfo.HomePosition, guinfo.HomeLookAt);

                // Get the avatar
                AvatarAppearance avappearance;
                if (m_AvatarService != null)
                    avappearance = m_AvatarService.GetAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (avappearance == null)
                        //Create an appearance for the user if one doesn't exist
                        if (m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive != "")
                            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[LLoginService]: Cannot find an appearance for user " + account.Name +
                                ", loading the default avatar from " + m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive + ".");
                            m_ArchiveService.LoadAvatarArchive(m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive, account.Name);
                            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[LLoginService]: Cannot find an appearance for user " + account.Name + ", setting to the default avatar.");
                            AvatarAppearance appearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                            m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, new AvatarData(appearance));
                        avappearance = m_AvatarService.GetAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                        //Verify that all assets exist now
                        for (int i = 0; i < avappearance.Wearables.Length; i++)
                            bool messedUp = false;
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<UUID, UUID> item in avappearance.Wearables[i].GetItems())
                                AssetBase asset = m_AssetService.Get(item.Value.ToString());
                                if (asset == null)
                                    InventoryItemBase invItem = m_InventoryService.GetItem (new InventoryItemBase (item.Value));
                                    if (invItem == null)
                                        MainConsole.Instance.Warn("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Missing avatar appearance asset for user " + account.Name + " for item " + item.Value + ", asset should be " + item.Key + "!");
                                        messedUp = true;
                            if (messedUp)
                                avappearance.Wearables[i] = AvatarWearable.DefaultWearables[i];
                        //Also verify that all baked texture indices exist
                        foreach (byte BakedTextureIndex in AvatarAppearance.BAKE_INDICES)
                            if (BakedTextureIndex == 19) //Skirt isn't used unless you have a skirt
                            if (avappearance.Texture.GetFace(BakedTextureIndex).TextureID == AppearanceManager.DEFAULT_AVATAR_TEXTURE)
                                MainConsole.Instance.Warn("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Bad texture index for user " + account.Name + " for " + BakedTextureIndex + "!");
                                avappearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                                m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, new AvatarData(avappearance));
                    avappearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);

                // Instantiate/get the simulation interface and launch an agent at the destination
                string reason = string.Empty;
                AgentCircuitData aCircuit = LaunchAgentAtGrid (destination, tpFlags, account, avappearance, session, secureSession, position, where,
                    clientIP, out where, out reason, out destination);

                if (aCircuit == null)
                    MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed, reason: {0}", reason);
                    return new LLFailedLoginResponse (LoginResponseEnum.InternalError, reason, false);

                // Get Friends list 
                FriendInfo[] friendsList = new FriendInfo[0];
                if (m_FriendsService != null)
                    friendsList = m_FriendsService.GetFriends(account.PrincipalID);
                    //MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Retrieved {0} friends", friendsList.Length);

                //Set them as logged in now, they are ready, and fire the logged in event now, as we're all done
                m_agentInfoService.SetLastPosition (account.PrincipalID.ToString (), destination.RegionID, position, lookAt);
                m_agentInfoService.LockLoggedInStatus (account.PrincipalID.ToString (), false); //Unlock it now
                m_agentInfoService.SetLoggedIn(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), true, true, destination.RegionID);
                // Finally, fill out the response and return it
                string MaturityRating = "A";
                string MaxMaturity = "A";
                if (agent != null)
                    if (agent.MaturityRating == 0)
                        MaturityRating = "P";
                    else if (agent.MaturityRating == 1)
                        MaturityRating = "M";
                    else if (agent.MaturityRating == 2)
                        MaturityRating = "A";

                    if (agent.MaxMaturity == 0)
                        MaxMaturity = "P";
                    else if (agent.MaxMaturity == 1)
                        MaxMaturity = "M";
                    else if (agent.MaxMaturity == 2)
                        MaxMaturity = "A";

                LLLoginResponse response = new LLLoginResponse(account, aCircuit, guinfo, destination, inventorySkel, friendsList, m_InventoryService, m_LibraryService,
                    where, startLocation, position, lookAt, gestures, home, clientIP, MaxMaturity, MaturityRating,
                    eventCategories, classifiedCategories, FillOutSeedCap (aCircuit, destination, clientIP, account.PrincipalID), m_config, DisplayName, m_registry);

                MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: All clear. Sending login response to client to login to region " + destination.RegionName + ", tried to login to " + startLocation + " at " + position.ToString() + ".");
                return response;
            catch (Exception e)
                MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat ("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Exception processing login for {0} : {1}", Name, e);
                if (account != null)
                    //Revert their logged in status if we got that far
                    m_agentInfoService.LockLoggedInStatus (account.PrincipalID.ToString (), false); //Unlock it now
                    m_agentInfoService.SetLoggedIn (account.PrincipalID.ToString (), false, false, UUID.Zero);
                return LLFailedLoginResponse.InternalError;
Esempio n. 14
 public bool SetAppearance(UUID userID, AvatarAppearance appearance)
     AvatarData avatar = new AvatarData(appearance);
     return SetAvatar(userID,avatar);
Esempio n. 15
 public bool SetAppearance(UUID principalID, AvatarAppearance appearance)
     AvatarData avatar = new AvatarData(appearance);
     return SetAvatar(principalID, avatar);
 public bool SetAvatar(UUID userID, AvatarData avatar)
     return m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(userID, avatar);
Esempio n. 17
        public AvatarData GetAvatar(UUID userID)
            Dictionary<string, object> sendData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            //sendData["SCOPEID"] = scopeID.ToString();
            sendData["VERSIONMIN"] = ProtocolVersions.ClientProtocolVersionMin.ToString();
            sendData["VERSIONMAX"] = ProtocolVersions.ClientProtocolVersionMax.ToString();
            sendData["METHOD"] = "getavatar";

            sendData["UserID"] = userID;

            string reply = string.Empty;
            string reqString = ServerUtils.BuildQueryString(sendData);
            // m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: queryString = {0}", reqString);
                reply = SynchronousRestFormsRequester.MakeRequest("POST",
                        m_ServerURI + "/avatar",
                if (reply == null || (reply != null && reply == string.Empty))
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: GetAgent received null or empty reply");
                    return null;
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: Exception when contacting presence server: {0}", e.Message);

            Dictionary<string, object> replyData = ServerUtils.ParseXmlResponse(reply);
            AvatarData avatar = null;

            if ((replyData != null) && replyData.ContainsKey("result") && (replyData["result"] != null))
                if (replyData["result"] is Dictionary<string, object>)
                    avatar = new AvatarData((Dictionary<string, object>)replyData["result"]);

            return avatar;

Esempio n. 18
        private AgentCircuitData MakeAgent(GridRegion region, UserAccount account, 
            AvatarData avatar, UUID session, UUID secureSession, uint circuit, Vector3 position, string viewer)
            AgentCircuitData aCircuit = new AgentCircuitData();

            aCircuit.AgentID = account.PrincipalID;
            if (avatar != null)
                aCircuit.Appearance = avatar.ToAvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                aCircuit.Appearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);

            //aCircuit.BaseFolder = irrelevant
            aCircuit.CapsPath = CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath();
            aCircuit.child = false; // the first login agent is root
            aCircuit.ChildrenCapSeeds = new Dictionary<ulong, string>();
            aCircuit.circuitcode = circuit;
            aCircuit.firstname = account.FirstName;
            //aCircuit.InventoryFolder = irrelevant
            aCircuit.lastname = account.LastName;
            aCircuit.SecureSessionID = secureSession;
            aCircuit.SessionID = session;
            aCircuit.startpos = position;
            aCircuit.Viewer = viewer;
            SetServiceURLs(aCircuit, account);

            return aCircuit;

            //m_UserAgentService.LoginAgentToGrid(aCircuit, GatekeeperServiceConnector, region, out reason);
            //if (simConnector.CreateAgent(region, aCircuit, 0, out reason))
            //    return aCircuit;

            //return null;

Esempio n. 19
        protected AgentCircuitData LaunchAgentAtGrid(GridRegion gatekeeper, GridRegion destination, UserAccount account, AvatarData avatar,
            UUID session, UUID secureSession, Vector3 position, string currentWhere, string viewer, out string where, out string reason)
            where = currentWhere;
            ISimulationService simConnector = null;
            reason = string.Empty;
            uint circuitCode = 0;
            AgentCircuitData aCircuit = null;

            if (m_UserAgentService == null)
                // HG standalones have both a localSimulatonDll and a remoteSimulationDll
                // non-HG standalones have just a localSimulationDll
                // independent login servers have just a remoteSimulationDll
                if (m_LocalSimulationService != null)
                    simConnector = m_LocalSimulationService;
                else if (m_RemoteSimulationService != null)
                    simConnector = m_RemoteSimulationService;
            else // User Agent Service is on
                if (gatekeeper == null) // login to local grid
                    if (hostName == string.Empty)

                    gatekeeper = new GridRegion(destination);
                    gatekeeper.ExternalHostName = hostName;
                    gatekeeper.HttpPort = (uint)port;

                else // login to foreign grid

            bool success = false;

            if (m_UserAgentService == null && simConnector != null)
                circuitCode = (uint)Util.RandomClass.Next(); ;
                aCircuit = MakeAgent(destination, account, avatar, session, secureSession, circuitCode, position, viewer);
                success = LaunchAgentDirectly(simConnector, destination, aCircuit, out reason);
                if (!success && m_GridService != null)
                    // Try the fallback regions
                    List<GridRegion> fallbacks = m_GridService.GetFallbackRegions(account.ScopeID, destination.RegionLocX, destination.RegionLocY);
                    if (fallbacks != null)
                        foreach (GridRegion r in fallbacks)
                            success = LaunchAgentDirectly(simConnector, r, aCircuit, out reason);
                            if (success)
                                where = "safe";
                                destination = r;

            if (m_UserAgentService != null)
                circuitCode = (uint)Util.RandomClass.Next(); ;
                aCircuit = MakeAgent(destination, account, avatar, session, secureSession, circuitCode, position, viewer);
                success = LaunchAgentIndirectly(gatekeeper, destination, aCircuit, out reason);
                if (!success && m_GridService != null)
                    // Try the fallback regions
                    List<GridRegion> fallbacks = m_GridService.GetFallbackRegions(account.ScopeID, destination.RegionLocX, destination.RegionLocY);
                    if (fallbacks != null)
                        foreach (GridRegion r in fallbacks)
                            success = LaunchAgentIndirectly(gatekeeper, r, aCircuit, out reason);
                            if (success)
                                where = "safe";
                                destination = r;

            if (success)
                return aCircuit;
                return null;
Esempio n. 20
        public bool SetAvatar(UUID principalID, AvatarData avatar)
            m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR SERVICE]: SetAvatar for {0}", principalID);
            m_Database.Delete("PrincipalID", principalID.ToString());

            AvatarBaseData av = new AvatarBaseData();
            av.Data = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            av.PrincipalID = principalID;
            av.Data["Name"] = "AvatarType";
            av.Data["Value"] = avatar.AvatarType.ToString();

            if (!m_Database.Store(av))
                return false;

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in avatar.Data)
                av.Data["Name"] = kvp.Key;
                av.Data["Value"] = kvp.Value;

                if (!m_Database.Store(av))
                    m_log.Error("[AvatarService]: Issue in SetAvatar, could not save appearance to the database.");
                    //m_Database.Delete("PrincipalID", principalID.ToString());
                    return false;

            return true;
Esempio n. 21
 public bool SetAvatar(UUID principalID, AvatarData avatar)
     bool success = m_localService.SetAvatar(principalID, avatar);
     if (!success)
         success = (bool)DoRemoteForced(principalID, avatar);
     return success;
Esempio n. 22
        public LoginResponse Login(UUID AgentID, string Name, string authType, string passwd, string startLocation, UUID scopeID,
            string clientVersion, string channel, string mac, string id0, IPEndPoint clientIP, Hashtable requestData)
            LoginResponse response;
            UUID session = UUID.Random();
            UUID secureSession = UUID.Zero;

            UserAccount account = AgentID != UUID.Zero ? m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, AgentID) : m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, Name);
            if (account == null && m_AllowAnonymousLogin)
                m_UserAccountService.CreateUser(Name, passwd.StartsWith("$1$") ? passwd.Remove(0, 3):passwd, "");
                account = m_UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, Name);
            if (account == null)
                MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for user {0}: no account found", Name);
                return LLFailedLoginResponse.AccountProblem;

            if (account.UserLevel < 0)//No allowing anyone less than 0
                return LLFailedLoginResponse.PermanentBannedProblem;

            if (account.UserLevel < m_MinLoginLevel)
                MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for user {1}, reason: login is blocked for user level {0}", account.UserLevel, account.Name);
                return LLFailedLoginResponse.LoginBlockedProblem;

            IAgentInfo agent = null;
            IAgentConnector agentData = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IAgentConnector>();
            if (agentData != null)
                agent = agentData.GetAgent(account.PrincipalID);
            if (agent == null)
                agent = agentData.GetAgent(account.PrincipalID);

            requestData["ip"] = clientIP.ToString();
            foreach (ILoginModule module in LoginModules)
                object data;
                if ((response = module.Login(requestData, account, agent, authType, passwd, out data)) != null)
                    return response;
                if (data != null)
                    secureSession = (UUID)data;//TODO: NEED TO FIND BETTER WAY TO GET THIS DATA

            MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login request for {0} from {1} with user agent {2} starting in {3}",
                Name, clientIP.Address, clientVersion, startLocation);
                string DisplayName = account.Name;
                AvatarAppearance avappearance = null;
                bool newAvatar = false;
                IProfileConnector profileData = DataManager.RequestPlugin<IProfileConnector>();

                // Get the user's inventory
                if (m_RequireInventory && m_InventoryService == null)
                    MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for user {0}, reason: inventory service not set up", account.Name);
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;
                List<InventoryFolderBase> inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton(account.PrincipalID);
                if (m_RequireInventory && ((inventorySkel == null) || (inventorySkel.Count == 0)))
                    List<InventoryItemBase> defaultItems;
                    m_InventoryService.CreateUserInventory(account.PrincipalID, m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive == "", out defaultItems);
                    inventorySkel = m_InventoryService.GetInventorySkeleton(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (m_RequireInventory && ((inventorySkel == null) || (inventorySkel.Count == 0)))
                        MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for user {0}, reason: unable to retrieve user inventory", account.Name);
                        return LLFailedLoginResponse.InventoryProblem;
                    if (defaultItems.Count > 0)
                        avappearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                        avappearance.SetWearable((int)WearableType.Shape, new AvatarWearable(defaultItems[0].ID, defaultItems[0].AssetID));
                        avappearance.SetWearable((int)WearableType.Skin, new AvatarWearable(defaultItems[1].ID, defaultItems[1].AssetID));
                        avappearance.SetWearable((int)WearableType.Hair, new AvatarWearable(defaultItems[2].ID, defaultItems[2].AssetID));
                        avappearance.SetWearable((int)WearableType.Eyes, new AvatarWearable(defaultItems[3].ID, defaultItems[3].AssetID));
                        avappearance.SetWearable((int)WearableType.Shirt, new AvatarWearable(defaultItems[4].ID, defaultItems[4].AssetID));
                        avappearance.SetWearable((int)WearableType.Pants, new AvatarWearable(defaultItems[5].ID, defaultItems[5].AssetID));
                        m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, new AvatarData(avappearance));
                        newAvatar = true;

                if (profileData != null)
                    IUserProfileInfo UPI = profileData.GetUserProfile(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (UPI == null)
                        UPI = profileData.GetUserProfile(account.PrincipalID);
                        UPI.AArchiveName = m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive;
                        UPI.IsNewUser = true;
                        //profileData.UpdateUserProfile(UPI); //It gets hit later by the next thing
                    //Find which is set, if any
                    string archiveName = (UPI.AArchiveName != "" && UPI.AArchiveName != " ") ? UPI.AArchiveName : m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive;
                    if (UPI.IsNewUser && archiveName != "")
                        AvatarAppearance appearance = m_ArchiveService.LoadAvatarArchive(archiveName, account.Name);
                        UPI.AArchiveName = "";
                        AvatarData adata = new AvatarData(appearance);
                        m_AvatarService.SetAppearance(account.PrincipalID, appearance);
                    if (UPI.IsNewUser)
                        UPI.IsNewUser = false;
                    if (UPI.DisplayName != "")
                        DisplayName = UPI.DisplayName;

                // Get active gestures
                List<InventoryItemBase> gestures = m_InventoryService.GetActiveGestures(account.PrincipalID);
                //MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: {0} active gestures", gestures.Count);

                //Reset logged in to true if the user was crashed, but don't fire the logged in event yet
                m_agentInfoService.SetLoggedIn(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), true, false, UUID.Zero);
                //Lock it as well
                m_agentInfoService.LockLoggedInStatus(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), true);
                //Now get the logged in status, then below make sure to kill the previous agent if we crashed before
                UserInfo guinfo = m_agentInfoService.GetUserInfo(account.PrincipalID.ToString());
                // Clear out any existing CAPS the user may have
                if (m_CapsService != null)
                    IAgentProcessing agentProcessor = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IAgentProcessing>();
                    if (agentProcessor != null)
                        IClientCapsService clientCaps = m_CapsService.GetClientCapsService(account.PrincipalID);
                        if (clientCaps != null)
                            IRegionClientCapsService rootRegionCaps = clientCaps.GetRootCapsService();
                            if (rootRegionCaps != null)
                                agentProcessor.LogoutAgent(rootRegionCaps, !m_AllowDuplicateLogin);

                // Change Online status and get the home region
                GridRegion home = null;
                if (guinfo != null && (guinfo.HomeRegionID != UUID.Zero) && m_GridService != null)
                    home = m_GridService.GetRegionByUUID(scopeID, guinfo.HomeRegionID);

                if (guinfo == null || guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero) //Give them a default home and last
                    if(guinfo == null)
                        guinfo = new UserInfo { UserID = account.PrincipalID.ToString() };
                    GridRegion DefaultRegion = null;
                    if (m_GridService != null)
                        if (m_DefaultHomeRegion != "")
                            DefaultRegion = m_GridService.GetRegionByName(account.ScopeID, m_DefaultHomeRegion);
                            if (DefaultRegion != null)
                                guinfo.HomeRegionID = guinfo.CurrentRegionID = DefaultRegion.RegionID;
                        if (guinfo.HomeRegionID == UUID.Zero)
                            List<GridRegion> DefaultRegions = m_GridService.GetDefaultRegions(account.ScopeID);
                            DefaultRegion = DefaultRegions.Count == 0 ? null : DefaultRegions[0];

                            if (DefaultRegion != null)
                                guinfo.HomeRegionID = guinfo.CurrentRegionID = DefaultRegion.RegionID;

                    guinfo.CurrentPosition = guinfo.HomePosition = new Vector3(128, 128, 25);
                    guinfo.HomeLookAt = guinfo.CurrentLookAt = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                    m_agentInfoService.SetLastPosition(guinfo.UserID, guinfo.CurrentRegionID, guinfo.CurrentPosition, guinfo.CurrentLookAt);
                    m_agentInfoService.SetHomePosition(guinfo.UserID, guinfo.HomeRegionID, guinfo.HomePosition, guinfo.HomeLookAt);

                    MainConsole.Instance.Info("[LLLoginService]: User did not have a home, set to " +
                        (DefaultRegion == null ? "(no region found)" : DefaultRegion.RegionName));

                // Find the destination region/grid
                string where = string.Empty;
                Vector3 position = Vector3.Zero;
                Vector3 lookAt = Vector3.Zero;
                TeleportFlags tpFlags = TeleportFlags.ViaLogin;
                GridRegion destination = FindDestination(account, scopeID, guinfo, session, startLocation, home, out tpFlags, out where, out position, out lookAt);
                if (destination == null)
                    MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for user {0}, reason: destination not found", account.Name);
                    return LLFailedLoginResponse.DeadRegionProblem;

                // Get the avatar
                if (m_AvatarService != null)
                    if(avappearance == null)
                        avappearance = m_AvatarService.GetAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                    if (avappearance == null)
                        //Create an appearance for the user if one doesn't exist
                        if (m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive != "")
                            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[LLoginService]: Cannot find an appearance for user " + account.Name +
                                ", loading the default avatar from " + m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive + ".");
                            avappearance = m_ArchiveService.LoadAvatarArchive(m_DefaultUserAvatarArchive, account.Name);
                            m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, new AvatarData(avappearance));
                            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[LLoginService]: Cannot find an appearance for user " + account.Name + ", setting to the default avatar.");
                            avappearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                            m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, new AvatarData(avappearance));
                        //Verify that all assets exist now
                        for (int i = 0; i < avappearance.Wearables.Length; i++)
                            bool messedUp = false;
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<UUID, UUID> item in avappearance.Wearables[i].GetItems())
                                AssetBase asset = m_AssetService.Get(item.Value.ToString());
                                if (asset == null)
                                    InventoryItemBase invItem = m_InventoryService.GetItem(new InventoryItemBase(item.Value));
                                    if (invItem == null)
                                        MainConsole.Instance.Warn("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Missing avatar appearance asset for user " + account.Name + " for item " + item.Value + ", asset should be " + item.Key + "!");
                                        messedUp = true;
                            if (messedUp)
                                avappearance.Wearables[i] = AvatarWearable.DefaultWearables[i];
                        if (!newAvatar)
                            //Also verify that all baked texture indices exist
                            foreach (byte BakedTextureIndex in AvatarAppearance.BAKE_INDICES)
                                if (BakedTextureIndex == 19) //Skirt isn't used unless you have a skirt
                                if (avappearance.Texture.GetFace(BakedTextureIndex).TextureID == AppearanceManager.DEFAULT_AVATAR_TEXTURE)
                                    MainConsole.Instance.Warn("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Bad texture index for user " + account.Name + " for " + BakedTextureIndex + "!");
                                    avappearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);
                                    m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(account.PrincipalID, new AvatarData(avappearance));
                    avappearance = new AvatarAppearance(account.PrincipalID);

                if ((m_forceUserToWearFolderName != "") && (m_forceUserToWearFolderOwnerUUID.Length == 36))
                    UUID userThatOwnersFolder;
                    if (UUID.TryParse(m_forceUserToWearFolderOwnerUUID, out userThatOwnersFolder))
                        avappearance = WearFolder(avappearance, account.PrincipalID, userThatOwnersFolder);

                avappearance = FixCurrentOutFitFolder(account.PrincipalID, avappearance);
                // Instantiate/get the simulation interface and launch an agent at the destination
                string reason = string.Empty;
                AgentCircuitData aCircuit = LaunchAgentAtGrid(destination, tpFlags, account, avappearance, session, secureSession, position, where,
                    clientIP, out where, out reason, out destination);

                if (aCircuit == null)
                    MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for user {1}, reason: {0}", reason, account.Name);
                    return new LLFailedLoginResponse(LoginResponseEnum.InternalError, reason, false);

                // Get Friends list 
                List<FriendInfo> friendsList = new List<FriendInfo>();
                if (m_FriendsService != null)
                    friendsList = m_FriendsService.GetFriends(account.PrincipalID);

                //Set them as logged in now, they are ready, and fire the logged in event now, as we're all done
                m_agentInfoService.SetLastPosition(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), destination.RegionID, position, lookAt);
                m_agentInfoService.LockLoggedInStatus(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), false); //Unlock it now
                m_agentInfoService.SetLoggedIn(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), true, true, destination.RegionID);

                // Finally, fill out the response and return it
                string MaturityRating = "A";
                string MaxMaturity = "A";
                if (agent != null)
                    MaturityRating = agent.MaturityRating == 0 ? "P" :
                        agent.MaturityRating == 1 ? "M" : "A";
                    MaxMaturity = agent.MaxMaturity == 0 ? "P" :
                        agent.MaxMaturity == 1 ? "M" : "A";

                response = new LLLoginResponse(account, aCircuit, guinfo, destination, inventorySkel, friendsList.ToArray(), m_InventoryService, m_LibraryService,
                    where, startLocation, position, lookAt, gestures, home, clientIP, MaxMaturity, MaturityRating,
                    eventCategories, classifiedCategories, FillOutSeedCap(aCircuit, destination, clientIP, account.PrincipalID), m_config, DisplayName, m_registry);

                MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: All clear. Sending login response to client to login to region " + destination.RegionName + ", tried to login to " + startLocation + " at " + position.ToString() + ".");
                return response;
            catch (Exception e)
                MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat("[LLOGIN SERVICE]: Exception processing login for {0} : {1}", Name, e);
                if (account != null)
                    //Revert their logged in status if we got that far
                    m_agentInfoService.LockLoggedInStatus(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), false); //Unlock it now
                    m_agentInfoService.SetLoggedIn(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), false, false, UUID.Zero);
                return LLFailedLoginResponse.InternalError;
        byte[] SetAvatar(Dictionary<string, object> request)
            UUID user = UUID.Zero;

            if (!request.ContainsKey("UserID"))
                return FailureResult();

            if (!UUID.TryParse(request["UserID"].ToString(), out user))
                return FailureResult();


            AvatarData avatar = new AvatarData(request);
            if (m_AvatarService.SetAvatar(user, avatar))
                return SuccessResult();

            return FailureResult();
        // <summary>
        // </summary>
        // <param name=""></param>
        public AvatarData GetAvatar(UUID userID)
            NameValueCollection requestArgs = new NameValueCollection
                { "RequestMethod", "GetUser" },
                { "UserID", userID.ToString() }

            OSDMap response = WebUtil.PostToService(m_serverUrl, requestArgs);
            if (response["Success"].AsBoolean())
                OSDMap map = null;
                try { map = OSDParser.DeserializeJson(response["LLAppearance"].AsString()) as OSDMap; }
                catch { }

                if (map != null)
                    AvatarWearable[] wearables = new AvatarWearable[13];
                    wearables[0] = new AvatarWearable(map["ShapeItem"].AsUUID(), map["ShapeAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[1] = new AvatarWearable(map["SkinItem"].AsUUID(), map["SkinAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[2] = new AvatarWearable(map["HairItem"].AsUUID(), map["HairAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[3] = new AvatarWearable(map["EyesItem"].AsUUID(), map["EyesAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[4] = new AvatarWearable(map["ShirtItem"].AsUUID(), map["ShirtAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[5] = new AvatarWearable(map["PantsItem"].AsUUID(), map["PantsAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[6] = new AvatarWearable(map["ShoesItem"].AsUUID(), map["ShoesAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[7] = new AvatarWearable(map["SocksItem"].AsUUID(), map["SocksAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[8] = new AvatarWearable(map["JacketItem"].AsUUID(), map["JacketAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[9] = new AvatarWearable(map["GlovesItem"].AsUUID(), map["GlovesAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[10] = new AvatarWearable(map["UndershirtItem"].AsUUID(), map["UndershirtAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[11] = new AvatarWearable(map["UnderpantsItem"].AsUUID(), map["UnderpantsAsset"].AsUUID());
                    wearables[12] = new AvatarWearable(map["SkirtItem"].AsUUID(), map["SkirtAsset"].AsUUID());

                    AvatarAppearance appearance = new AvatarAppearance();
                    appearance.Wearables = wearables;
                    appearance.AvatarHeight = (float)map["Height"].AsReal();

                    AvatarData avatar = new AvatarData(appearance);
                    // Get attachments
                    map = null;
                    try { map = OSDParser.DeserializeJson(response["LLAttachments"].AsString()) as OSDMap; }
                    catch { }

                    if (map != null)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, OSD> kvp in map)
                            avatar.Data[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value.AsString();
                    return avatar;
                    m_log.Warn("[SIMIAN AVATAR CONNECTOR]: Failed to get user appearance for " + userID +
                        ", LLAppearance is missing or invalid");
                    return null;
                m_log.Warn("[SIMIAN AVATAR CONNECTOR]: Failed to get user appearance for " + userID + ": " +

            return null;
Esempio n. 25
        public bool SetAvatar(UUID userID, AvatarData avatar)
            Dictionary<string, object> sendData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            //sendData["SCOPEID"] = scopeID.ToString();
            sendData["VERSIONMIN"] = ProtocolVersions.ClientProtocolVersionMin.ToString();
            sendData["VERSIONMAX"] = ProtocolVersions.ClientProtocolVersionMax.ToString();
            sendData["METHOD"] = "setavatar";

            sendData["UserID"] = userID.ToString();

            Dictionary<string, object> structData = avatar.ToKeyValuePairs();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kvp in structData)
                sendData[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value.ToString();

            string reqString = ServerUtils.BuildQueryString(sendData);
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: queryString = {0}", reqString);
                string reply = SynchronousRestFormsRequester.MakeRequest("POST",
                        m_ServerURI + "/avatar",
                if (reply != string.Empty)
                    Dictionary<string, object> replyData = ServerUtils.ParseXmlResponse(reply);

                    if (replyData.ContainsKey("result"))
                        if (replyData["result"].ToString().ToLower() == "success")
                            return true;
                            return false;
                        m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: SetAvatar reply data does not contain result field");

                    m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: SetAvatar received empty reply");
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[AVATAR CONNECTOR]: Exception when contacting avatar server: {0}", e.Message);

            return false;
 public void UpdateDatabase(UUID user, AvatarAppearance appearance)
     //m_log.DebugFormat("[APPEARANCE]: UpdateDatabase");
     AvatarData adata = new AvatarData(appearance);
     if(!m_scene.AvatarService.SetAvatar(user, adata))
         m_log.Error("[AVFACTORY]: Error saving appearance for " + user + ".");
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called if a given model avatar name can not be found. If the external
        /// file has already been loaded once, then control returns immediately. If not, then it
        /// looks for a default appearance file. This file contains XML definitions of zero or more named
        /// avatars, each avatar can specify zero or more "outfits". Each outfit is a collection
        /// of items that together, define a particular ensemble for the avatar. Each avatar should
        /// indicate which outfit is the default, and this outfit will be automatically worn. The
        /// other outfits are provided to allow "real" avatars a way to easily change their outfits.
        /// </summary>

        private bool CreateDefaultAvatars()
            // Only load once
            if (m_defaultAvatarsLoaded)
                return false;

            m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Creating default avatar entries");

            m_defaultAvatarsLoaded = true;

            // Load processing starts here...

                string defaultAppearanceFileName = null;

                //m_config may be null if RemoteAdmin configuration secition is missing or disabled in Aurora.ini
                if (m_config != null)
                    defaultAppearanceFileName = m_config.GetString("default_appearance", "default_appearance.xml");

                if (File.Exists(defaultAppearanceFileName))
                    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                    string name     = "*unknown*";
                    string email    = "anon@anon";
                    uint   regionXLocation     = 1000;
                    uint   regionYLocation     = 1000;
                    string password   = UUID.Random().ToString(); // No requirement to sign-in.
                    UUID ID = UUID.Zero;
                    AvatarAppearance avatarAppearance;
                    XmlNodeList avatars;
                    XmlNodeList assets;
                    XmlNode perms = null;
                    bool include = false;
                    bool select  = false;

                    IScene scene = manager.CurrentOrFirstScene;
                    IInventoryService inventoryService = scene.InventoryService;
                    IAssetService assetService = scene.AssetService;


                    // Load up any included assets. Duplicates will be ignored
                    assets = doc.GetElementsByTagName("RequiredAsset");
                    foreach (XmlNode assetNode in assets)
                        AssetBase asset = new AssetBase(UUID.Random(), GetStringAttribute(assetNode, "name", ""), SByte.Parse(GetStringAttribute(assetNode, "type", "")), UUID.Zero.ToString());
                        asset.Description = GetStringAttribute(assetNode,"desc","");
                        asset.Local       = Boolean.Parse(GetStringAttribute(assetNode,"local",""));
                        asset.Temporary   = Boolean.Parse(GetStringAttribute(assetNode,"temporary",""));
                        asset.Data        = Convert.FromBase64String(assetNode.InnerText);

                    avatars = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Avatar");

                    // The document may contain multiple avatars

                    foreach (XmlElement avatar in avatars)
                        m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Loading appearance for {0}, gender = {1}",
                            GetStringAttribute(avatar,"name","?"), GetStringAttribute(avatar,"gender","?"));

                        // Create the user identified by the avatar entry

                            // Only the name value is mandatory
                            name   = GetStringAttribute(avatar,"name",name);
                            email  = GetStringAttribute(avatar,"email",email);
                            regionXLocation   = GetUnsignedAttribute(avatar,"regx",regionXLocation);
                            regionYLocation   = GetUnsignedAttribute(avatar,"regy",regionYLocation);
                            password = GetStringAttribute(avatar,"password",password);

                            string[] names = name.Split();
                            UUID scopeID = scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID;
                            UserAccount account = scene.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, names[0], names[1]);
                            if (null == account)
                                account = CreateUser(scopeID, names[0], names[1], password, email);
                                if (null == account)
                                    m_log.ErrorFormat("[RADMIN] Avatar {0} {1} was not created", names[0], names[1]);
                                    return false;

                            // Set home position

                            GridRegion home = scene.GridService.GetRegionByPosition(scopeID, 
                                (int)(regionXLocation * Constants.RegionSize), (int)(regionYLocation * Constants.RegionSize));
                            if (null == home) {
                                m_log.WarnFormat("[RADMIN]: Unable to set home region for newly created user account {0} {1}", names[0], names[1]);
                            } else {
                                IAgentInfoService agentInfoService = scene.RequestModuleInterface<IAgentInfoService>();
                                agentInfoService.SetHomePosition(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), home.RegionID, new Vector3(128, 128, 0), new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
                                m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN]: Set home region {0} for updated user account {1} {2}", home.RegionID, names[0], names[1]);

                            ID = account.PrincipalID;

                            m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] User {0}[{1}] created or retrieved", name, ID);
                            include = true;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Error creating user {0} : {1}", name, e.Message);
                            include = false;

                        // OK, User has been created OK, now we can install the inventory.
                        // First retrieve the current inventory (the user may already exist)
                        // Note that althought he inventory is retrieved, the hierarchy has
                        // not been interpreted at all.

                        if (include)
                            // Setup for appearance processing
                            AvatarData avatarData = scene.AvatarService.GetAvatar(ID);
                            if (avatarData != null)
                                avatarAppearance = avatarData.ToAvatarAppearance(ID);
                                avatarAppearance = new AvatarAppearance();

                            AvatarWearable[] wearables = avatarAppearance.Wearables;
                            for (int i=0; i<wearables.Length; i++)
                                wearables[i] = new AvatarWearable();

                                // m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] {0} folders, {1} items in inventory",
                                //   uic.folders.Count, uic.items.Count);

                                InventoryFolderBase clothingFolder = inventoryService.GetFolderForType (ID, InventoryType.Wearable, AssetType.Clothing);

                                // This should *never* be the case
                                if (clothingFolder == null || clothingFolder.Type != (short)AssetType.Clothing)
                                    clothingFolder = new InventoryFolderBase();
                                    clothingFolder.ID       = UUID.Random();
                                    clothingFolder.Name     = "Clothing";
                                    clothingFolder.Owner    = ID;
                                    clothingFolder.Type     = (short)AssetType.Clothing;
                                    clothingFolder.ParentID = inventoryService.GetRootFolder(ID).ID;
                                    clothingFolder.Version  = 1;
                                    inventoryService.AddFolder(clothingFolder);     // store base record
                                    m_log.ErrorFormat("[RADMIN] Created clothing folder for {0}/{1}", name, ID);

                                // OK, now we have an inventory for the user, read in the outfits from the
                                // default appearance XMl file.

                                XmlNodeList outfits = avatar.GetElementsByTagName("Ensemble");
                                InventoryFolderBase extraFolder;
                                string outfitName;
                                UUID assetid;

                                foreach (XmlElement outfit in outfits)
                                    m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Loading outfit {0} for {1}",
                                        GetStringAttribute(outfit,"name","?"), GetStringAttribute(avatar,"name","?"));

                                    outfitName   = GetStringAttribute(outfit,"name","");
                                    select  = (GetStringAttribute(outfit,"default","no") == "yes");

                                    // If the folder already exists, re-use it. The defaults may
                                    // change over time. Augment only.

                                    List<InventoryFolderBase> folders = inventoryService.GetFolderContent(ID, clothingFolder.ID).Folders;
                                    extraFolder = null;

                                    foreach (InventoryFolderBase folder in folders)
                                    if (folder.Name == outfitName)
                                            extraFolder = folder;

                                    // Otherwise, we must create the folder.
                                    if (extraFolder == null)
                                        m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Creating outfit folder {0} for {1}", outfitName, name);
                                        extraFolder          = new InventoryFolderBase();
                                        extraFolder.ID       = UUID.Random();
                                        extraFolder.Name     = outfitName;
                                        extraFolder.Owner    = ID;
                                        extraFolder.Type     = (short)AssetType.Clothing;
                                        extraFolder.Version  = 1;
                                        extraFolder.ParentID = clothingFolder.ID;
                                        m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Adding outfile folder {0} to folder {1}", extraFolder.ID, clothingFolder.ID);

                                    // Now get the pieces that make up the outfit
                                    XmlNodeList items = outfit.GetElementsByTagName("Item");

                                    foreach (XmlElement item in items)
                                        assetid = UUID.Zero;
                                        XmlNodeList children = item.ChildNodes;
                                        foreach (XmlNode child in children)
                                            switch (child.Name)
                                                case "Permissions" :
                                                    m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Permissions specified");
                                                    perms = child;
                                                case "Asset" :
                                                    assetid = new UUID(child.InnerText);

                                        InventoryItemBase inventoryItem = null;

                                        // Check if asset is in inventory already
                                        inventoryItem = null;
                                        List<InventoryItemBase> inventoryItems = inventoryService.GetFolderContent(ID, extraFolder.ID).Items;

                                        foreach (InventoryItemBase listItem in inventoryItems)
                                            if (listItem.AssetID == assetid)
                                                inventoryItem = listItem;

                                        // Create inventory item
                                        if (inventoryItem == null)
                                            inventoryItem = new InventoryItemBase(UUID.Random(), ID);
                                            inventoryItem.Name = GetStringAttribute(item,"name","");
                                            inventoryItem.Description = GetStringAttribute(item,"desc","");
                                            inventoryItem.InvType = GetIntegerAttribute(item,"invtype",-1);
                                            inventoryItem.CreatorId = GetStringAttribute(item,"creatorid","");
                                            inventoryItem.CreatorIdAsUuid = (UUID)GetStringAttribute(item,"creatoruuid","");
                                            inventoryItem.NextPermissions = GetUnsignedAttribute(perms,"next",0x7fffffff);
                                            inventoryItem.CurrentPermissions = GetUnsignedAttribute(perms,"current",0x7fffffff);
                                            inventoryItem.BasePermissions = GetUnsignedAttribute(perms,"base",0x7fffffff);
                                            inventoryItem.EveryOnePermissions = GetUnsignedAttribute(perms,"everyone",0x7fffffff);
                                            inventoryItem.GroupPermissions = GetUnsignedAttribute(perms,"group",0x7fffffff);
                                            inventoryItem.AssetType = GetIntegerAttribute(item,"assettype",-1);
                                            inventoryItem.AssetID = assetid; // associated asset
                                            inventoryItem.GroupID = (UUID)GetStringAttribute(item,"groupid","");
                                            inventoryItem.GroupOwned = (GetStringAttribute(item,"groupowned","false") == "true");
                                            inventoryItem.SalePrice = GetIntegerAttribute(item,"saleprice",0);
                                            inventoryItem.SaleType = (byte)GetIntegerAttribute(item,"saletype",0);
                                            inventoryItem.Flags = GetUnsignedAttribute(item,"flags",0);
                                            inventoryItem.CreationDate = GetIntegerAttribute(item,"creationdate",Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch());
                                            inventoryItem.Folder = extraFolder.ID; // Parent folder

                                            ILLClientInventory inventoryModule = manager.CurrentOrFirstScene.RequestModuleInterface<ILLClientInventory>();
                                            if (inventoryModule != null)
                                            m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Added item {0} to folder {1}", inventoryItem.ID, extraFolder.ID);

                                        // Attach item, if attachpoint is specified
                                        int attachpoint = GetIntegerAttribute(item,"attachpoint",0);
                                        if (attachpoint != 0)
                                            avatarAppearance.SetAttachment(attachpoint, inventoryItem.ID, inventoryItem.AssetID);
                                            m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Attached {0}", inventoryItem.ID);

                                        // Record whether or not the item is to be initially worn
                                            if (select && (GetStringAttribute(item, "wear", "false") == "true"))
                                                avatarAppearance.Wearables[inventoryItem.Flags].Wear(inventoryItem.ID, inventoryItem.AssetID);
                                        catch (Exception e)
                                            m_log.WarnFormat("[RADMIN] Error wearing item {0} : {1}", inventoryItem.ID, e.Message);
                                    } // foreach item in outfit
                                    m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Outfit {0} load completed", outfitName);
                                } // foreach outfit
                                m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Inventory update complete for {0}", name);
                                AvatarData avatarData2 = new AvatarData(avatarAppearance);
                                scene.AvatarService.SetAvatar(ID, avatarData2);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                m_log.WarnFormat("[RADMIN] Inventory processing incomplete for user {0} : {1}",
                                    name, e.Message);
                        } // End of include
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] Default avatar loading complete");
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN] No default avatar information available");
                    return false;
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[RADMIN] Exception whilst loading default avatars ; {0}", e.Message);
                return false;

            return true;
Esempio n. 28
 public void SetWearable(int wearableId, AvatarWearable wearable)
     m_appearance.SetWearable(wearableId, wearable);
     AvatarData adata = new AvatarData(m_appearance);
     m_scene.AvatarService.SetAvatar(m_controllingClient.AgentId, adata);
     m_controllingClient.SendWearables(m_appearance.Wearables, m_appearance.Serial++);
        // <summary>
        // </summary>
        // <param name=""></param>
        public bool SetAvatar(UUID userID, AvatarData avatar)
            m_log.Debug("[SIMIAN AVATAR CONNECTOR]: SetAvatar called for " + userID);

            if (avatar.AvatarType == 1) // LLAvatar
                AvatarAppearance appearance = avatar.ToAvatarAppearance();

                OSDMap map = new OSDMap();

                map["Height"] = OSD.FromReal(appearance.AvatarHeight);

                map["BodyItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.BODY][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["EyesItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.EYES][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["GlovesItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.GLOVES][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["HairItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.HAIR][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["JacketItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.JACKET][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["PantsItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.PANTS][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["ShirtItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SHIRT][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["ShoesItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SHOES][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["SkinItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SKIN][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["SkirtItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SKIRT][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["SocksItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SOCKS][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["UnderPantsItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.UNDERPANTS][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["UnderShirtItem"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.UNDERSHIRT][0].ItemID.ToString();
                map["BodyAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.BODY][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["EyesAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.EYES][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["GlovesAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.GLOVES][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["HairAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.HAIR][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["JacketAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.JACKET][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["PantsAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.PANTS][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["ShirtAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SHIRT][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["ShoesAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SHOES][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["SkinAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SKIN][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["SkirtAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SKIRT][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["SocksAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.SOCKS][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["UnderPantsAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.UNDERPANTS][0].AssetID.ToString();
                map["UnderShirtAsset"] = appearance.Wearables[AvatarWearable.UNDERSHIRT][0].AssetID.ToString();

                OSDMap items = new OSDMap();
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in avatar.Data)
                    if (kvp.Key.StartsWith("_ap_"))
                        items.Add(kvp.Key, OSD.FromString(kvp.Value));

                NameValueCollection requestArgs = new NameValueCollection
                    { "RequestMethod", "AddUserData" },
                    { "UserID", userID.ToString() },
                    { "LLAppearance", OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(map) },
                    { "LLAttachments", OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(items) }

                OSDMap response = WebUtil.PostToService(m_serverUrl, requestArgs);
                bool success = response["Success"].AsBoolean();

                if (!success)
                    m_log.Warn("[SIMIAN AVATAR CONNECTOR]: Failed saving appearance for " + userID + ": " + response["Message"].AsString());

                return success;
                m_log.Error("[SIMIAN AVATAR CONNECTOR]: Can't save appearance for " + userID + ". Unhandled avatar type " + avatar.AvatarType);
                return false;
 private AvatarData InternalGet(string realm, string field, string val)
     QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
     filter.andFilters[field] = val;
     List<string> data = GD.Query(new string[]{
     }, realm, filter, null, null, null);
     AvatarData retVal = new AvatarData {
         AvatarType = 1,
         Data = new Dictionary<string, string>()
     for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i += 2)
         retVal.Data[data[i]] = data[i + 1];
     return retVal;