        private string sPosition = null;        // Sparql command for generate the position information

        /// Constructor of the RobotSmell class. The objective is to create a instance for a odor perception.
        /// The instant parameter represens the exact moment of the odor capture.
        /// The idObject parameter represents an unique identifier associated the object responsible to produce the the smell.
        /// The odor parameter identifies the odor.
        public RobotSmell(DateTime instant, long idObject, OdorComposition odor)
            long countEv = getEventCount();          // get a unique identifier for position and color

            // to create a Sparql command for generate the olfatory information
            sSmell = string.Format(SparqlAccess.INSERT_SMELL, countEv, instant.ToString(SparqlAccess.XSD_DATETIME), idObject,
                                   odor.chemicalLevel, odor.decayedLevel, odor.fragrantLevel, odor.fruityLevel, odor.lemonLevel,
                                   odor.mintyLevel, odor.popcornLevel, odor.pungentLevel, odor.sweetLevel, odor.woodyLevel);
        /// Constructor of the RobotSmell class. The objective is to create a instance for a odor perception.
        /// The instant parameter represens the exact moment of the odor capture.
        ///  The pos parameter represents the position of an unknow object responsible to produce the the smell.
        /// The odor parameter identifies the odor.
        public RobotSmell(DateTime instant, CartesianPos pos, OdorComposition odor)
            long countEv = getEventCount();          // get a unique identifier for position and color

            // to create a Sparql command for generate the position information
            sPosition = string.Format(SparqlAccess.INSERT_POSITION_LOCAL, countEv, pos.cartesianX, pos.cartesianY, pos.cartesianZ);

            // to create a Sparql command for generate the olfatory information
            sSmell = string.Format(SparqlAccess.INSERT_SMELL_POS, countEv, instant.ToString(SparqlAccess.XSD_DATETIME),
                                   odor.chemicalLevel, odor.decayedLevel, odor.fragrantLevel, odor.fruityLevel, odor.lemonLevel,
                                   odor.mintyLevel, odor.popcornLevel, odor.pungentLevel, odor.sweetLevel, odor.woodyLevel);