        public override IScore Run(double[][] featureValues, IContext ctx)
            m_Dimensions = ctx.DataDescriptor.Features.Count();
            int numOfInputVectors = featureValues.Length;

            if (m_Weights == null)
                m_Weights = new double[m_Dimensions];

            //m_Errors = new double[numOfInputVectors];

            double lastError  = 0;
            double totalError = 0.0;
            var    score      = new PerceptronAlgorithmScore();

            for (int i = 0; i < m_Iterations; i++)
                double maxError = 0;

                totalError = 0;

                for (int inputVectIndx = 0; inputVectIndx < numOfInputVectors; inputVectIndx++)
                    // Calculate the output value with current weights.
                    double calculatedOutput = calculateResult(featureValues[inputVectIndx], m_Dimensions);

                    // Get expected output.
                    double expectedOutput = featureValues[inputVectIndx][ctx.DataDescriptor.LabelIndex];

                    // Error is difference between calculated output and expected output.
                    double error = expectedOutput - calculatedOutput;

                    // Total error for all input vectors inside of a single iteration.
                    totalError += Math.Abs(error);

                    if (this.m_TraceTotalError)
                        if (maxError < totalError)
                            maxError = totalError;
                        else if (inputVectIndx == numOfInputVectors - 1)
                            lastError = totalError;

                    if (error != 0)
                        // Y = W * X
                        // error = expectedOutput - calculatedOutput
                        // W = Y/X
                        // Updating of weights
                        for (int dimensionIndx = 0; dimensionIndx < m_Dimensions; dimensionIndx++)
                            double delta = m_LearningRate * featureValues[inputVectIndx][dimensionIndx] * error;
                            m_Weights[dimensionIndx] += delta;

                    // Updating of threshold
                    this.m_Threshold += this.m_LearningRate * error;

                    //if (totalError == 0 && i >= (m_Iterations * 0.1)
                    //    && inputVectIndx >= (numOfInputVectors * 0.1)) // We let it calculate at least 10% of max iterations
                    //    break;

                if (this.m_TraceTotalError)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Interation: {i}\tmaxError:{maxError}\tlastErr:{lastError}");

                if (totalError == 0 && i >= (m_Iterations * 0.1)) // We let it calculate at least 10% of max iterations

                //if (totalError == 0)
                //    break;

            score.Weights = this.m_Weights;
            //score.Errors = this.m_Errors;//numberofsample
            score.TotolEpochError = totalError;//all 0
            ctx.Score             = score;
        //private bool m_PersistConvergenceData = false;

        public PerceptronAlgorithm(PerceptronAlgorithmScore score)