    // Reads a scene frame from the GPU backbuffer and sends it via ZMQ.
    void sendFrameOnWire()
        // Read pixels from screen backbuffer (expensive).
        rendered_frame.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, state.screenWidth, state.screenHeight), 0, 0);
        rendered_frame.Apply(); // Might not actually be needed since only applies setpixel changes.
        byte[] raw = rendered_frame.GetRawTextureData();

        // Compress and send the image in a different thread.
        Task.Run(() =>
            // Get metadata
            RenderMetadata_t metadata = new RenderMetadata_t(state);

            // Create packet metadata
            var msg = new NetMQMessage();

            // Process each camera's image, compress the image, and serialize the result.
            // Compression is disabled for now...
            // Stride is also disabled for now. Outputs RGB blocks with stride 3.
            List <byte[]> images = state.cameras.AsParallel().Select(cam => get_raw_image(cam, raw, metadata.cameraIDs.Count())).ToList();

            // Append images to message
            images.ForEach(image => msg.Append(image));

            // Send the message.
            lock (socket_lock)