protected override void OnTransformChanged() { if (rigidBody != null && !updatePropertiesWithoutUpdatingBody) { var bodyTransform = Transform.Value; if (rigidBodyCreatedTransformScale != bodyTransform.Scale) { RecreateBody(); } else { //update transform rigidBody.Position = Physics2DUtility.Convert(bodyTransform.Position.ToVector2()); rigidBody.Rotation = -(float)MathEx.DegreeToRadian(bodyTransform.Rotation.ToAngles().Yaw); //update constraints if (rigidBody.JointList != null) { foreach (var c in GetLinkedCreatedConstraints()) { c.RecreateConstraint(); } } } } base.OnTransformChanged(); }
protected override Joint OnCreateConstraint(Component_PhysicalBody2D creationBodyA, Component_PhysicalBody2D creationBodyB) { var anchor = Physics2DUtility.Convert(TransformV.Position.ToVector2()); var angle = -MathEx.DegreeToRadian(TransformV.Rotation.ToAngles().Yaw); var axis = Physics2DUtility.Convert(new Vector2(Math.Cos(angle), Math.Sin(angle))); return(new PrismaticJoint(creationBodyA.Physics2DBody, creationBodyB.Physics2DBody, anchor, anchor, axis, true)); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the current instance of <see cref="AnglesF"/> into the equivalent <see cref="QuaternionF"/> structure. /// </summary> /// <returns>The equivalent <see cref="QuaternionF"/> structure.</returns> public QuaternionF ToQuaternion() { float a; a = MathEx.DegreeToRadian(Yaw) * .5f; float sz = MathEx.Sin(a); float cz = MathEx.Cos(a); a = MathEx.DegreeToRadian(Pitch) * .5f; float sy = MathEx.Sin(a); float cy = MathEx.Cos(a); a = MathEx.DegreeToRadian(Roll) * .5f; float sx = MathEx.Sin(a); float cx = MathEx.Cos(a); float sxcy = sx * cy; float cxcy = cx * cy; float sxsy = sx * sy; float cxsy = cx * sy; return(new QuaternionF(cxsy * sz - sxcy * cz, -cxsy * cz - sxcy * sz, sxsy * cz - cxcy * sz, cxcy * cz + sxsy * sz)); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the current instance of <see cref="Angles"/> into the equivalent <see cref="Quaternion"/> structure. /// </summary> /// <returns>The equivalent <see cref="Quaternion"/> structure.</returns> public Quaternion ToQuaternion() { double a; a = MathEx.DegreeToRadian(Yaw) * .5; double sz = Math.Sin(a); double cz = Math.Cos(a); a = MathEx.DegreeToRadian(Pitch) * .5; double sy = Math.Sin(a); double cy = Math.Cos(a); a = MathEx.DegreeToRadian(Roll) * .5; double sx = Math.Sin(a); double cx = Math.Cos(a); double sxcy = sx * cy; double cxcy = cx * cy; double sxsy = sx * sy; double cxsy = cx * sy; return(new Quaternion(cxsy * sz - sxcy * cz, -cxsy * cz - sxcy * sz, sxsy * cz - cxcy * sz, cxcy * cz + sxsy * sz)); }
public virtual Viewport.CameraSettingsClass GetCameraSettings(Viewport viewport, Component_Camera cameraDefault) { Viewport.CameraSettingsClass result = null; GetCameraSettingsEvent?.Invoke(this, viewport, cameraDefault, ref result); if (result == null) { if (FreeCamera) { //free camera result = new Viewport.CameraSettingsClass(viewport, cameraDefault.AspectRatio, cameraDefault.FieldOfView, cameraDefault.NearClipPlane, cameraDefault.FarClipPlane, freeCameraPosition, freeCameraDirection.GetVector(), Vector3.ZAxis, ProjectionType.Perspective, 1, cameraDefault.Exposure, cameraDefault.EmissiveFactor); } else if (UseBuiltInCamera.Value == BuiltInCameraEnum.FirstPerson) { //first person camera //Character var character = ObjectControlledByPlayer.Value as Component_Character; if (character != null) { character.GetFirstPersonCameraPosition(out var position, out var forward, out var up); var eyePosition = character.TransformV * character.EyePosition.Value; var direction = character.LookToDirection.GetVector(); result = new Viewport.CameraSettingsClass(viewport, cameraDefault.AspectRatio, cameraDefault.FieldOfView, cameraDefault.NearClipPlane, cameraDefault.FarClipPlane, eyePosition, direction, up, ProjectionType.Perspective, 1, cameraDefault.Exposure, cameraDefault.EmissiveFactor); } } else if (UseBuiltInCamera.Value == BuiltInCameraEnum.ThirdPerson) { //third person camera //Character if (Scene.Mode.Value == Component_Scene.ModeEnum._3D) { var character = ObjectControlledByPlayer.Value as Component_Character; if (character != null) { var lookAt = character.TransformV.Position; var d = new SphericalDirection(MathEx.DegreeToRadian(ThirdPersonCameraHorizontalAngle.Value), MathEx.DegreeToRadian(ThirdPersonCameraVerticalAngle.Value)); var direction = -d.GetVector(); var from = lookAt - direction * ThirdPersonCameraDistance.Value; result = new Viewport.CameraSettingsClass(viewport, cameraDefault.AspectRatio, cameraDefault.FieldOfView, cameraDefault.NearClipPlane, cameraDefault.FarClipPlane, from, direction, Vector3.ZAxis, ProjectionType.Perspective, 1, cameraDefault.Exposure, cameraDefault.EmissiveFactor); } } //Character2D if (Scene.Mode.Value == Component_Scene.ModeEnum._2D) { var character = ObjectControlledByPlayer.Value as Component_Character2D; if (character != null) { var lookAt = character.TransformV.Position; var from = lookAt + new Vector3(0, 0, 10); result = new Viewport.CameraSettingsClass(viewport, cameraDefault.AspectRatio, cameraDefault.FieldOfView, cameraDefault.NearClipPlane, cameraDefault.FarClipPlane, from, -Vector3.ZAxis, Vector3.YAxis, ProjectionType.Orthographic, cameraDefault.Height, cameraDefault.Exposure, cameraDefault.EmissiveFactor); } } } } //Component_CameraManagement if (result == null) { var m = GetCurrentCameraManagement(); if (m != null) { result = m.GetCameraSettings(this, viewport, cameraDefault); } } return(result); }
void CreateBody() { if (!CanCreate) { return; } duringCreateDestroy = true; var physicsWorldData = GetPhysicsWorldData(true); if (physicsWorldData != null) { if (rigidBody != null) { Log.Fatal("Component_RigidBody2D: CreateBody: rigidBody != null."); } if (!EnabledInHierarchy) { Log.Fatal("Component_RigidBody2D: CreateBody: !EnabledInHierarchy."); } var bodyTransform = Transform.Value; var bodyTransformScale = new Transform(Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity, bodyTransform.Scale); //get shapes. calculate local transforms with applied body scaling. var componentShapes = new List <Tuple <Component_CollisionShape2D, Transform> >(); foreach (var child in GetComponents <Component_CollisionShape2D>(false, false, true)) { GetComponentShapesRecursive(child, bodyTransformScale * child.TransformRelativeToParent.Value, componentShapes); } if (componentShapes.Count > 0) { //use local variable to prevent double update inside properties. Body body = new Body(); foreach (var shapeItem in componentShapes) { var shape = shapeItem.Item1; var fixtures = shape.CreateShape(body, shapeItem.Item2, rigidBodyLocalPoints); if (fixtures != null) { foreach (var fixture in fixtures) { fixture.Tag = shape; fixture.Friction = (float)shape.Friction; fixture.Restitution = (float)shape.Restitution; fixture.CollisionCategories = shape.CollisionCategories; fixture.CollidesWith = shape.CollidesWith; fixture.CollisionGroup = (short)shape.CollisionGroup; } } } if (body.FixtureList.Count != 0) { body.Position = Physics2DUtility.Convert(bodyTransform.Position.ToVector2()); body.Rotation = -(float)MathEx.DegreeToRadian(bodyTransform.Rotation.ToAngles().Yaw); body.FixedRotation = FixedRotation; switch (MotionType.Value) { case MotionTypeEnum.Static: body.BodyType = BodyType.Static; break; case MotionTypeEnum.Dynamic: body.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic; break; case MotionTypeEnum.Kinematic: body.BodyType = BodyType.Kinematic; break; } body.IsBullet = CCD; if (MotionType.Value == MotionTypeEnum.Dynamic) { UpdateMassAndInertia(body); body.SleepingAllowed = AllowSleep; body.LocalCenter = Physics2DUtility.Convert(LocalCenter); body.LinearDamping = (float)LinearDamping; body.AngularDamping = (float)AngularDamping; body.LinearVelocity = Physics2DUtility.Convert(LinearVelocity); body.AngularVelocity = (float)MathEx.DegreeToRadian(AngularVelocity); body.IgnoreGravity = !EnableGravity; } rigidBody = body; rigidBody.Tag = this;; rigidBodyCreatedTransformScale = bodyTransform.Scale; } } SpaceBoundsUpdate(); } duringCreateDestroy = false; }
public Radian InRadians() { return(MathEx.DegreeToRadian(value)); }