public bool CheckDescriptions() { List <ModulPartDescription> descriptions = GetModulpartDescriptions(); for (int i = 0; i < descriptions.Count; i++) { //Check for undone mandatory fields if (descriptions[i].IsNeeded) { if (descriptions[i].Description.Equals(defaultMPDs[i].Description)) { Session["Message"] = true; CheckforMessage("Ein Pflichtfeld muss noch bearbeitet werden"); jumpToDescription(i); return(false); } } //Check for invalide Types if (descriptions[i].Name.Equals(GlobalNames.getModulNameECTS()) || descriptions[i].Name.Equals(GlobalNames.getModulNameWeekHours()) || descriptions[i].Name.Equals(GlobalNames.getModulNameEffort())) { double Num; bool isNum = double.TryParse(descriptions[i].Description, out Num); if (!isNum) { Session["Message"] = true; CheckforMessage("Der Modulpunkt muss eine Zahl enthalten"); jumpToDescription(i); return(false); } } } //Check the Subjects List <Subject> subjects = GetSubjects(); //At least one Subject must be chosen if (subjects.Count < 1) { Session["Message"] = true; CheckforMessage("Sie müssen mindestens ein Fach für das Modul festlegen!"); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Checks the User input /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns true, if everything is fine</returns> public bool CheckDescriptions() { List <ModulPartDescription> descriptions = GetModulpartDescriptions(); for (int i = 0; i < descriptions.Count; i++) { //Check for undone mandatory fields if (descriptions[i].IsNeeded) { if (descriptions[i].Description.Equals(defaultMPDs[i].Description)) { Session["Message"] = true; CheckforMessage("Ein Pflichtfeld muss noch bearbeitet werden"); jumpToDescription(i); return(false); } } //Check double Modules if (descriptions[i].Name.Equals(GlobalNames.getModulNameText())) { ModulhandbookContext mhc = new ModulhandbookContext(); ArchiveLogic al = new ArchiveLogic(); List <Modul> list = mhc.Modules.ToList <Modul>(); foreach (Modul m in list) { if (descriptions[i].Description == al.getNameFromModule(m)) { Session["Message"] = true; CheckforMessage("Ein Modul mit diesem Namen existiert schon!"); jumpToDescription(i); return(false); } } } //Check for invalide Types if (descriptions[i].Name.Equals(GlobalNames.getModulNameECTS()) || descriptions[i].Name.Equals(GlobalNames.getModulNameWeekHours()) || descriptions[i].Name.Equals(GlobalNames.getModulNameEffort())) { double Num; bool isNum = double.TryParse(descriptions[i].Description, out Num); if (!isNum) { Session["Message"] = true; CheckforMessage("Der Modulpunkt muss eine Zahl enthalten"); jumpToDescription(i); return(false); } } } //Check the Subjects List <Subject> subjects = GetSubjects(); //At least one Subject must be chosen if (subjects.Count < 1) { Session["Message"] = true; CheckforMessage("Sie wüssen mindestens ein Fach für das Modul festlegen!"); return(false); } //A Module cannot exist more then once inside a Modulhandbook if (subjects.Count >= 2) { for (int i = 0; i < subjects.Count; i++) { Modulhandbook m = subjects[i].Modulhandbook; for (int j = 1 + 1; j < subjects.Count; j++) { if (m == subjects[j].Modulhandbook) { Session["Message"] = true; CheckforMessage("Ein Modul kann nicht zweimal im gleichen Modulhandbuch auftreten!"); return(false); } } } } return(true); }
public static List <ModulPartDescription> getDefaultDescriptions() { return(new List <ModulPartDescription>() { new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameNum(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameNumDesc(), IsNeeded = true }, new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameText(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameTextDesc(), IsNeeded = true }, new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameECTS(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameECTSDesc(), IsNeeded = true }, new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameWeekHours(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameWeekHoursDesc(), IsNeeded = true }, new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameLanguage(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameLanguageDesc(), IsNeeded = true }, new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameTurnus(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameTurnusDesc(), IsNeeded = true }, new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameLecturer(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameLecturerDesc(), IsNeeded = true }, new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameFitsInStudy(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameFitsInStudyDesc(), IsNeeded = true }, new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameReqContent(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameReqContentDesc(), IsNeeded = true }, new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameEducation(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameEducationDesc(), IsNeeded = true }, new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameContent(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameContentDesc(), IsNeeded = true }, new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameLiterature(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameLiteratureDesc(), IsNeeded = true }, new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameTeaching(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameTeachingDesc(), IsNeeded = true }, new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameEffort(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameEffortDesc(), IsNeeded = true }, new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameMark(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameMarkDesc(), IsNeeded = true }, new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameReqFormal(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameReqFormalDesc(), IsNeeded = true }, new ModulPartDescription() { Name = GlobalNames.getModulNameGrade(), Description = GlobalNames.getModulNameGradeDesc(), IsNeeded = true } }); }