t1 <= t2
public void Run() { Dictionary<string, string> settings = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "AUTO_CONFIG", "true" }, { "MODEL", "true" } }; using (Context ctx = new Context(settings)) { IntExpr a = ctx.MkIntConst("a"); IntExpr b = ctx.MkIntConst("b"); IntExpr c = ctx.MkIntConst("c"); RealExpr d = ctx.MkRealConst("d"); RealExpr e = ctx.MkRealConst("e"); BoolExpr q = ctx.MkAnd( ctx.MkGt(a, ctx.MkAdd(b, ctx.MkInt(2))), ctx.MkEq(a, ctx.MkAdd(ctx.MkMul(ctx.MkInt(2), c), ctx.MkInt(10))), ctx.MkLe(ctx.MkAdd(c, b), ctx.MkInt(1000)), ctx.MkGe(d, e)); Solver s = ctx.MkSolver(); s.Assert(q); Console.WriteLine(s.Check()); Console.WriteLine(s.Model); } }
public void Run() { Dictionary<string, string> cfg = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "AUTO_CONFIG", "true" } }; using (Context ctx = new Context(cfg)) { ArithExpr[] Q = new ArithExpr[8]; for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++) Q[i] = ctx.MkIntConst(string.Format("Q_{0}", i + 1)); BoolExpr[] val_c = new BoolExpr[8]; for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++) val_c[i] = ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkLe(ctx.MkInt(1), Q[i]), ctx.MkLe(Q[i], ctx.MkInt(8))); BoolExpr col_c = ctx.MkDistinct(Q); BoolExpr[][] diag_c = new BoolExpr[8][]; for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++) { diag_c[i] = new BoolExpr[i]; for (uint j = 0; j < i; j++) diag_c[i][j] = (BoolExpr)ctx.MkITE(ctx.MkEq(ctx.MkInt(i), ctx.MkInt(j)), ctx.MkTrue(), ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkEq(ctx.MkSub(Q[i], Q[j]), ctx.MkSub(ctx.MkInt(i), ctx.MkInt(j)))), ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkEq(ctx.MkSub(Q[i], Q[j]), ctx.MkSub(ctx.MkInt(j), ctx.MkInt(i)))))); } Solver s = ctx.MkSolver(); s.Assert(val_c); s.Assert(col_c); foreach (var c in diag_c) s.Assert(c); Console.WriteLine(s.Check()); Console.WriteLine(s.Model); } }
public static void ProveExample2(Context ctx) { Console.WriteLine("ProveExample2"); /* declare function g */ Sort I = ctx.IntSort; FuncDecl g = ctx.MkFuncDecl("g", I, I); /* create x, y, and z */ IntExpr x = ctx.MkIntConst("x"); IntExpr y = ctx.MkIntConst("y"); IntExpr z = ctx.MkIntConst("z"); /* create gx, gy, gz */ Expr gx = ctx.MkApp(g, x); Expr gy = ctx.MkApp(g, y); Expr gz = ctx.MkApp(g, z); /* create zero */ IntExpr zero = ctx.MkInt(0); /* assert not(g(g(x) - g(y)) = g(z)) */ ArithExpr gx_gy = ctx.MkSub((IntExpr)gx, (IntExpr)gy); Expr ggx_gy = ctx.MkApp(g, gx_gy); BoolExpr eq = ctx.MkEq(ggx_gy, gz); BoolExpr c1 = ctx.MkNot(eq); /* assert x + z <= y */ ArithExpr x_plus_z = ctx.MkAdd(x, z); BoolExpr c2 = ctx.MkLe(x_plus_z, y); /* assert y <= x */ BoolExpr c3 = ctx.MkLe(y, x); /* prove z < 0 */ BoolExpr f = ctx.MkLt(z, zero); Console.WriteLine("prove: not(g(g(x) - g(y)) = g(z)), x + z <= y <= x implies z < 0"); Prove(ctx, f, c1, c2, c3); /* disprove z < -1 */ IntExpr minus_one = ctx.MkInt(-1); f = ctx.MkLt(z, minus_one); Console.WriteLine("disprove: not(g(g(x) - g(y)) = g(z)), x + z <= y <= x implies z < -1"); Disprove(ctx, f, c1, c2, c3); }
/// <summary> /// Sudoku solving example. /// </summary> static void SudokuExample(Context ctx) { Console.WriteLine("SudokuExample"); // 9x9 matrix of integer variables IntExpr[][] X = new IntExpr[9][]; for (uint i = 0; i < 9; i++) { X[i] = new IntExpr[9]; for (uint j = 0; j < 9; j++) X[i][j] = (IntExpr)ctx.MkConst(ctx.MkSymbol("x_" + (i + 1) + "_" + (j + 1)), ctx.IntSort); } // each cell contains a value in {1, ..., 9} Expr[][] cells_c = new Expr[9][]; for (uint i = 0; i < 9; i++) { cells_c[i] = new BoolExpr[9]; for (uint j = 0; j < 9; j++) cells_c[i][j] = ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkLe(ctx.MkInt(1), X[i][j]), ctx.MkLe(X[i][j], ctx.MkInt(9))); } // each row contains a digit at most once BoolExpr[] rows_c = new BoolExpr[9]; for (uint i = 0; i < 9; i++) rows_c[i] = ctx.MkDistinct(X[i]); // each column contains a digit at most once BoolExpr[] cols_c = new BoolExpr[9]; for (uint j = 0; j < 9; j++) { IntExpr[] column = new IntExpr[9]; for (uint i = 0; i < 9; i++) column[i] = X[i][j]; cols_c[j] = ctx.MkDistinct(column); } // each 3x3 square contains a digit at most once BoolExpr[][] sq_c = new BoolExpr[3][]; for (uint i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i0++) { sq_c[i0] = new BoolExpr[3]; for (uint j0 = 0; j0 < 3; j0++) { IntExpr[] square = new IntExpr[9]; for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (uint j = 0; j < 3; j++) square[3 * i + j] = X[3 * i0 + i][3 * j0 + j]; sq_c[i0][j0] = ctx.MkDistinct(square); } } BoolExpr sudoku_c = ctx.MkTrue(); foreach (BoolExpr[] t in cells_c) sudoku_c = ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkAnd(t), sudoku_c); sudoku_c = ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkAnd(rows_c), sudoku_c); sudoku_c = ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkAnd(cols_c), sudoku_c); foreach (BoolExpr[] t in sq_c) sudoku_c = ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkAnd(t), sudoku_c); // sudoku instance, we use '0' for empty cells int[,] instance = {{0,0,0,0,9,4,0,3,0}, {0,0,0,5,1,0,0,0,7}, {0,8,9,0,0,0,0,4,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,8}, {0,6,0,2,0,1,0,5,0}, {1,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,7,0,0,0,0,5,2,0}, {9,0,0,0,6,5,0,0,0}, {0,4,0,9,7,0,0,0,0}}; BoolExpr instance_c = ctx.MkTrue(); for (uint i = 0; i < 9; i++) for (uint j = 0; j < 9; j++) instance_c = ctx.MkAnd(instance_c, (BoolExpr) ctx.MkITE(ctx.MkEq(ctx.MkInt(instance[i, j]), ctx.MkInt(0)), ctx.MkTrue(), ctx.MkEq(X[i][j], ctx.MkInt(instance[i, j])))); Solver s = ctx.MkSolver(); s.Assert(sudoku_c); s.Assert(instance_c); if (s.Check() == Status.SATISFIABLE) { Model m = s.Model; Expr[,] R = new Expr[9, 9]; for (uint i = 0; i < 9; i++) for (uint j = 0; j < 9; j++) R[i, j] = m.Evaluate(X[i][j]); Console.WriteLine("Sudoku solution:"); for (uint i = 0; i < 9; i++) { for (uint j = 0; j < 9; j++) Console.Write(" " + R[i, j]); Console.WriteLine(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to solve sudoku"); throw new TestFailedException(); } }
/// <summary> /// Show how push & pop can be used to create "backtracking" points. /// </summary> /// <remarks>This example also demonstrates how big numbers can be /// created in ctx.</remarks> public static void PushPopExample1(Context ctx) { Console.WriteLine("PushPopExample1"); /* create a big number */ IntSort int_type = ctx.IntSort; IntExpr big_number = ctx.MkInt("1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); /* create number 3 */ IntExpr three = (IntExpr)ctx.MkNumeral("3", int_type); /* create x */ IntExpr x = ctx.MkIntConst("x"); Solver solver = ctx.MkSolver(); /* assert x >= "big number" */ BoolExpr c1 = ctx.MkGe(x, big_number); Console.WriteLine("assert: x >= 'big number'"); solver.Assert(c1); /* create a backtracking point */ Console.WriteLine("push"); solver.Push(); /* assert x <= 3 */ BoolExpr c2 = ctx.MkLe(x, three); Console.WriteLine("assert: x <= 3"); solver.Assert(c2); /* context is inconsistent at this point */ if (solver.Check() != Status.UNSATISFIABLE) throw new TestFailedException(); /* backtrack: the constraint x <= 3 will be removed, since it was asserted after the last ctx.Push. */ Console.WriteLine("pop"); solver.Pop(1); /* the context is consistent again. */ if (solver.Check() != Status.SATISFIABLE) throw new TestFailedException(); /* new constraints can be asserted... */ /* create y */ IntExpr y = ctx.MkIntConst("y"); /* assert y > x */ BoolExpr c3 = ctx.MkGt(y, x); Console.WriteLine("assert: y > x"); solver.Assert(c3); /* the context is still consistent. */ if (solver.Check() != Status.SATISFIABLE) throw new TestFailedException(); }
protected void Clique(Context ctx, Edge[] edges, uint n) { uint num = 0; foreach (Edge e in edges) { if (e.v0 >= num) num = e.v0 + 1; if (e.v1 >= num) num = e.v1 + 1; } Solver S = ctx.MkSolver(); IntExpr [] In = new IntExpr[num]; for (uint i = 0; i < num; i++) { In[i] = ctx.MkIntConst(String.Format("in_{0}", i)); S.Assert(ctx.MkLe(ctx.MkInt(0), In[i])); S.Assert(ctx.MkLe(In[i], ctx.MkInt(1))); } ArithExpr sum = ctx.MkInt(0); foreach (IntExpr e in In) sum = ctx.MkAdd(sum, e); S.Assert(ctx.MkGe(sum, ctx.MkInt(n))); IntNum[][] matrix = new IntNum[num][]; for (uint i = 0; i < num; i++) { matrix[i] = new IntNum[i]; for (uint j = 0; j < i; j++) matrix[i][j] = ctx.MkInt(0); } foreach (Edge e in edges) { uint s = e.v0; uint t = e.v1; if (s < t) { s = e.v1; t = e.v0; } matrix[s][t] = ctx.MkInt(1); } for (uint i = 0; i < num; i++) for (uint j = 0; j < i; j++) if (i != j) if (matrix[i][j].Int == 0) S.Assert(ctx.MkOr(ctx.MkEq(In[i], ctx.MkInt(0)), ctx.MkEq(In[j], ctx.MkInt(0)))); Status r = S.Check(); if (r == Status.UNSATISFIABLE) Console.WriteLine("no solution"); else if (r == Status.UNKNOWN) { Console.Write("failed"); Console.WriteLine(S.ReasonUnknown); } else { Console.WriteLine("solution found"); Model m = S.Model; Console.Write("{ "); foreach (FuncDecl cfd in m.ConstDecls) { IntNum q = (IntNum)m.ConstInterp(cfd); if (q.Int == 1) Console.Write(" " + cfd.Name); } Console.WriteLine(" }"); Console.Write("{ "); for (uint i = 0; i < num; i++) { IntNum q = (IntNum)m.Evaluate(In[i]); if (q.Int == 1) Console.Write(" " + In[i]); } Console.WriteLine(" }"); } }
public override BoolExpr toZ3Bool(Context ctx) { switch (this.comparison_operator) { case ComparisonOperator.EQ: return ctx.MkEq(this.arithmetic_operand1.toZ3Int(ctx), this.arithmetic_operand2.toZ3Int(ctx)); case ComparisonOperator.NEQ: return ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkEq(this.arithmetic_operand1.toZ3Int(ctx), this.arithmetic_operand2.toZ3Int(ctx))); case ComparisonOperator.LEQ: return ctx.MkLe(this.arithmetic_operand1.toZ3Int(ctx), this.arithmetic_operand2.toZ3Int(ctx)); case ComparisonOperator.LT: return ctx.MkLt(this.arithmetic_operand1.toZ3Int(ctx), this.arithmetic_operand2.toZ3Int(ctx)); case ComparisonOperator.GEQ: return ctx.MkGe(this.arithmetic_operand1.toZ3Int(ctx), this.arithmetic_operand2.toZ3Int(ctx)); case ComparisonOperator.GT: return ctx.MkGt(this.arithmetic_operand1.toZ3Int(ctx), this.arithmetic_operand2.toZ3Int(ctx)); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
// CMW: get_implied_equalities is deprecated. ///*! // \brief Extract implied equalities. //*/ public void get_implied_equalities_example() { if (this.z3 != null) { this.z3.Dispose(); } Config p = new Config(); p.SetParam("ARITH_EQ_BOUNDS","true"); this.z3 = new Context(p); Sort int_sort = z3.MkIntSort(); Expr a = mk_int_var("a"); Expr b = mk_int_var("b"); Expr c = mk_int_var("c"); Expr d = mk_int_var("d"); FuncDecl f = z3.MkFuncDecl("f", int_sort, int_sort); Expr fa = z3.MkApp(f,a); Expr fb = z3.MkApp(f,b); Expr fc = z3.MkApp(f,c); Expr[] Exprs = new Expr[]{ a, b, c, d, fa, fb, fc }; uint[] class_ids; solver.Assert(z3.MkEq(a, b)); solver.Assert(z3.MkEq(b, c)); solver.Assert(z3.MkLe((ArithExpr)fc, (ArithExpr)a)); solver.Assert(z3.MkLe((ArithExpr)b, (ArithExpr)fb)); int num_Exprs = Exprs.Length; z3.GetImpliedEqualities(Exprs, out class_ids); for (int i = 0; i < num_Exprs; ++i) { Console.WriteLine("Class {0} |-> {1}", Exprs[i], class_ids[i]); } }
public override void ToSMTConstraints(Context z3Context, Solver z3Solver, int alphabetSize, VariableCache variableGenerator) { this.constraintVariable = variableGenerator.GetFreshVariableName(); ArithExpr myVariable = z3Context.MkIntConst(this.constraintVariable); z3Solver.Assert(z3Context.MkLe(z3Context.MkInt(0), myVariable)); z3Solver.Assert(z3Context.MkLe(myVariable, z3Context.MkInt(1))); }
public void ToSMTConstraints(Context z3Context, Solver z3Solver, int alphabetSize, VariableCache variableGenerator) { this.constraintVariable = variableGenerator.GetCharChoiceVariable(this.originalValue); ArithExpr myVariable = z3Context.MkIntConst(this.constraintVariable); z3Solver.Assert(z3Context.MkLe(z3Context.MkInt(0), myVariable)); z3Solver.Assert(z3Context.MkLe(myVariable, z3Context.MkInt(alphabetSize - 1))); }
public void ToSMTConstraints(Context z3Context, Solver z3Solver, int alphabetSize, VariableCache variableGenerator) { this.constraintVariable = variableGenerator.GetIntegerChoiceVariable(this.originalValue); ArithExpr myVariable = z3Context.MkIntConst(this.constraintVariable); // For now, just concretize in the range [floor(origVal / 2), ceil(origVal * 1.5)] z3Solver.Assert(z3Context.MkLe(z3Context.MkInt((int)(this.originalValue * 0.5)), myVariable)); z3Solver.Assert(z3Context.MkLe(myVariable, z3Context.MkInt((int)(this.originalValue * 1.5)))); if (this.includeZero == false) { z3Solver.Assert(z3Context.MkNot(z3Context.MkEq(z3Context.MkInt(0), myVariable))); } }
public void ToSMTConstraints(Context z3Context, Solver z3Solver, int alphabetSize, VariableCache variableGenerator) { this.constraintVariable = variableGenerator.GetStringChoiceVariable(this.originalValue); ArithExpr myVariable = z3Context.MkIntConst(this.constraintVariable); z3Solver.Assert(z3Context.MkLe(z3Context.MkInt(0), myVariable)); /* We have |s| * |\Sigma| options for concretizing this string * Thus, since we are 0-based: originalValue.Length * alphabet - 1 */ z3Solver.Assert(z3Context.MkLe(myVariable, z3Context.MkInt(this.originalValue.Length * alphabetSize - 1))); }
public static Expr LeAndEe(String left1, int left2, String right1, int right2) { using (Context ctx = new Context()) { Expr a = ctx.MkConst(left1, ctx.MkIntSort()); Expr b = ctx.MkNumeral(left2, ctx.MkIntSort()); Expr c = ctx.MkConst(right1, ctx.MkIntSort()); Expr d = ctx.MkNumeral(right2, ctx.MkIntSort()); Solver s = ctx.MkSolver(); s.Assert(ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkLe((ArithExpr)a, (ArithExpr)b), ctx.MkEq((ArithExpr)c, (ArithExpr)d))); s.Check(); BoolExpr testing = ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkLe((ArithExpr)a, (ArithExpr)b), ctx.MkEq((ArithExpr)c, (ArithExpr)d)); Model model = Check(ctx, testing, Status.SATISFIABLE); Expr result2; Model m2 = s.Model; foreach (FuncDecl d2 in m2.Decls) { result2 = m2.ConstInterp(d2); return result2; } } return null; }