文件: Program.cs 项目: perillaseed/z3
        public static void FloatingPointExample2(Context ctx)
            FPSort double_sort = ctx.MkFPSort(11, 53);
            FPRMSort rm_sort = ctx.MkFPRoundingModeSort();

            FPRMExpr rm = (FPRMExpr)ctx.MkConst(ctx.MkSymbol("rm"), rm_sort);
            BitVecExpr x = (BitVecExpr)ctx.MkConst(ctx.MkSymbol("x"), ctx.MkBitVecSort(64));
            FPExpr y = (FPExpr)ctx.MkConst(ctx.MkSymbol("y"), double_sort);
            FPExpr fp_val = ctx.MkFP(42, double_sort);

            BoolExpr c1 = ctx.MkEq(y, fp_val);
            BoolExpr c2 = ctx.MkEq(x, ctx.MkFPToBV(rm, y, 64, false));
            BoolExpr c3 = ctx.MkEq(x, ctx.MkBV(42, 64));
            BoolExpr c4 = ctx.MkEq(ctx.MkNumeral(42, ctx.RealSort), ctx.MkFPToReal(fp_val));
            BoolExpr c5 = ctx.MkAnd(c1, c2, c3, c4);
            Console.WriteLine("c5 = " + c5);

            /* Generic solver */
            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();


            if (s.Check() != Status.SATISFIABLE)
                throw new TestFailedException();

            Console.WriteLine("OK, model: {0}", s.Model.ToString());
文件: Program.cs 项目: perillaseed/z3
        public static void FloatingPointExample1(Context ctx)

            FPSort s = ctx.MkFPSort(11, 53);
            Console.WriteLine("Sort: {0}", s);

            FPNum x = (FPNum)ctx.MkNumeral("-1e1", s); /* -1 * 10^1 = -10 */
            FPNum y = (FPNum)ctx.MkNumeral("-10", s); /* -10 */
            FPNum z = (FPNum)ctx.MkNumeral("-1.25p3", s); /* -1.25 * 2^3 = -1.25 * 8 = -10 */
            Console.WriteLine("x={0}; y={1}; z={2}", x.ToString(), y.ToString(), z.ToString());

            BoolExpr a = ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkFPEq(x, y), ctx.MkFPEq(y, z));
            Check(ctx, ctx.MkNot(a), Status.UNSATISFIABLE);

            /* nothing is equal to NaN according to floating-point
             * equality, so NaN == k should be unsatisfiable. */
            FPExpr k = (FPExpr)ctx.MkConst("x", s);
            FPExpr nan = ctx.MkFPNaN(s);

            /* solver that runs the default tactic for QF_FP. */
            Solver slvr = ctx.MkSolver("QF_FP");
            slvr.Add(ctx.MkFPEq(nan, k));
            if (slvr.Check() != Status.UNSATISFIABLE)
                throw new TestFailedException();
            Console.WriteLine("OK, unsat:" + Environment.NewLine + slvr);

            /* NaN is equal to NaN according to normal equality. */
            slvr = ctx.MkSolver("QF_FP");
            slvr.Add(ctx.MkEq(nan, nan));
            if (slvr.Check() != Status.SATISFIABLE)
                throw new TestFailedException();
            Console.WriteLine("OK, sat:" + Environment.NewLine + slvr);

            /* Let's prove -1e1 * -1.25e3 == +100 */
            x = (FPNum)ctx.MkNumeral("-1e1", s);
            y = (FPNum)ctx.MkNumeral("-1.25p3", s);
            FPExpr x_plus_y = (FPExpr)ctx.MkConst("x_plus_y", s);
            FPNum r = (FPNum)ctx.MkNumeral("100", s);
            slvr = ctx.MkSolver("QF_FP");

            slvr.Add(ctx.MkEq(x_plus_y, ctx.MkFPMul(ctx.MkFPRoundNearestTiesToAway(), x, y)));
            slvr.Add(ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkFPEq(x_plus_y, r)));
            if (slvr.Check() != Status.UNSATISFIABLE)
                throw new TestFailedException();
            Console.WriteLine("OK, unsat:" + Environment.NewLine + slvr);