/// <summary>
        /// Constructor for the ReferenceNode. It is called when the project is reloaded, when the project element representing the refernce exists. 
        /// </summary>
        internal ProjectReferenceNode(ProjectNode root, ProjectElement element)
            : base(root, element)
            this.referencedProjectRelativePath = this.ItemNode.GetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Include);
            Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.referencedProjectRelativePath), "Could not retrive referenced project path form project file");

            string guidString = this.ItemNode.GetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Project);

            // Continue even if project setttings cannot be read.
                this.referencedProjectGuid = new Guid(guidString);

                this.buildDependency = new BuildDependency(this.ProjectMgr, this.referencedProjectGuid);
                Debug.Assert(this.referencedProjectGuid != Guid.Empty, "Could not retrive referenced project guidproject file");

                this.referencedProjectName = this.ItemNode.GetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Name);

                Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.referencedProjectName), "Could not retrive referenced project name form project file");

            Uri uri = new Uri(this.ProjectMgr.BaseURI.Uri, this.referencedProjectRelativePath);

            if (uri != null)
                this.referencedProjectFullPath = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Url.Unescape(uri.LocalPath, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for the ComReferenceNode. 
        /// </summary>
        internal ComReferenceNode(ProjectNode root, ProjectElement element)
            : base(root, element)
            this.typeName = this.ItemNode.GetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Include);
            string typeGuidAsString = this.ItemNode.GetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Guid);
            if (typeGuidAsString != null)
                this.typeGuid = new Guid(typeGuidAsString);

            this.majorVersionNumber = this.ItemNode.GetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.VersionMajor);
            this.minorVersionNumber = this.ItemNode.GetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.VersionMinor);
            this.lcid = int.Parse(this.ItemNode.GetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Lcid));
        /// <summary>
        /// This will clone a template project file and add it as a
        /// subproject to our hierarchy.
        /// If you want to create a project for which there exist a
        /// vstemplate, consider using RunVsTemplateWizard instead.
        /// </summary>
        /*protected internal, but public for FSharp.Project.dll*/
        public virtual NestedProjectNode AddNestedProjectFromTemplate(ProjectElement element, __VSCREATEPROJFLAGS creationFlags)
            ProjectElement elementToUse = (element == null) ? this.nestedProjectElement : element;

            if (elementToUse == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element");
            string destination = elementToUse.GetFullPathForElement();
            string template = this.GetProjectTemplatePath(elementToUse);

            return this.AddNestedProjectFromTemplate(template, Path.GetDirectoryName(destination), Path.GetFileName(destination), elementToUse, creationFlags);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for the FolderNode
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="root">Root node of the hierarchy</param>
 /// <param name="relativePath">relative path from root i.e.: "NewFolder1\\NewFolder2\\NewFolder3</param>
 /// <param name="element">Associated project element</param>
 internal FolderNode(ProjectNode root, string relativePath, ProjectElement element)
     : base(root, element)
     this.VirtualNodeName = relativePath.TrimEnd('\\');
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a com reference node from the project element.
 /// </summary>
 internal virtual ComReferenceNode CreateComReferenceNode(ProjectElement reference)
     return new ComReferenceNode(this.ProjectMgr, reference);
 internal static AssemblyReferenceNode CreateFromProjectFile(ProjectNode root, ProjectElement element, BuildResult buildResult)
 { return new AssemblyReferenceNode(root, element, buildResult); }
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds references to this container from a MSBuild project.
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadReferencesFromBuildProject(Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Project buildProject)
            Build.Execution.ProjectInstance projectInstanceToSearchExpandedReferences = null;
            // if project uses implicitly expanded list of references, 
            // evaluate ImplicitlyExpandTargetFramework target and collect all resolved 'ReferencePath' items
            // later we'll group them and create special reference nodes that represent assembly groupings
            if (ProjectMgr.ImplicitlyExpandTargetFramework)
                var res = ProjectMgr.Build(MsBuildTarget.ImplicitlyExpandTargetFramework);
                if (res.IsSuccessful)
                    projectInstanceToSearchExpandedReferences = res.ProjectInstance;

            // collect groupled framework references
            if (projectInstanceToSearchExpandedReferences != null)
                // fetch all 'ReferencePath' items that were resolved from implicitly expanded references (metadata#ResolvedFrom = ImplicitlyExpandTargetFramework)
                var groupings =
                        .Where(item => string.Equals(item.GetMetadataValue(ProjectFileConstants.ResolvedFrom), MsBuildTarget.ImplicitlyExpandTargetFramework, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            item =>
                                    referenceGroupingDisplayName = item.GetMetadataValue("ReferenceGroupingDisplayName"),
                                    referenceGrouping = item.GetMetadataValue("ReferenceGrouping"),
                                    file =  item.EvaluatedInclude
                        .Where(r =>
                            !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.referenceGrouping) &&
                            !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.referenceGroupingDisplayName) &&
                            !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.file) &&
                        .GroupBy(r => r.referenceGrouping);

                foreach (var grouping in groupings)
                    var version = ParseVersionFromReferenceGrouping(grouping.Key);
                    if (version == null)
                    // pick property values from the first item - they should be the same for all elements in the grouping
                    var first = grouping.First();
                    var groupedFiles = grouping.Select(x => x.file).ToArray();

                    var versonText = string.Format(
                        version.Build != -1 ? version.Build : 0,
                        version.Revision != -1 ? version.Revision : 0

                    var node = new GroupingReferenceNode(ProjectMgr, first.referenceGroupingDisplayName, first.referenceGrouping, Path.GetDirectoryName(first.file), versonText, groupedFiles);

            BuildResult buildResult = this.ProjectMgr.Build(MsBuildTarget.ResolveAssemblyReferences);
            foreach (string referenceType in SupportedReferenceTypes)
                bool isAssemblyReference = referenceType == ProjectFileConstants.Reference;
                if (isAssemblyReference && !buildResult.IsSuccessful)

                foreach (var item in MSBuildProject.GetItems(buildProject, referenceType))
                    ProjectElement element = new ProjectElement(this.ProjectMgr, item, false);

                    ReferenceNode node = CreateReferenceNode(referenceType, element, buildResult);
                    if (node != null)
                    if (isAssemblyReference)
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a project reference node given an existing project element.
 /// </summary>
 internal virtual ProjectReferenceNode CreateProjectReferenceNode(ProjectElement element)
     return new ProjectReferenceNode(this.ProjectMgr, element);
        private ProjectElement GetProjectElementBasedOnInputFromComponentSelectorData()
            ProjectElement element = new ProjectElement(this.ProjectMgr, this.typeName, ProjectFileConstants.COMReference);

            // Set the basic information regarding this COM component
            element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Guid, this.typeGuid.ToString("B"));
            element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.VersionMajor, this.majorVersionNumber);
            element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.VersionMinor, this.minorVersionNumber);
            element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Lcid, this.lcid.ToString());
            element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Isolated, false.ToString());

            // See if a PIA exist for this component
            TypeLibConverter typelib = new TypeLibConverter();
            string assemblyName;
            string assemblyCodeBase;
            if (typelib.GetPrimaryInteropAssembly(this.typeGuid, Int32.Parse(this.majorVersionNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Int32.Parse(this.minorVersionNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), this.lcid, out assemblyName, out assemblyCodeBase))
                element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.WrapperTool, WrapperToolAttributeValue.Primary.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
                // MSBuild will have to generate an interop assembly
                element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.WrapperTool, WrapperToolAttributeValue.TlbImp.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
                element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Private, true.ToString());
            return element;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for the DependentFileNode
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="root">Root of the hierarchy</param>
 /// <param name="e">Associated project element</param>
 internal DependentFileNode(ProjectNode root, ProjectElement element)
     : base(root, element)
     this.HasParentNodeNameRelation = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get information from the registry based for the project 
        /// factory corresponding to the TypeGuid of the element
        /// </summary>
        private RegisteredProjectType GetRegisteredProject(ProjectElement element)
            ProjectElement elementToUse = (element == null) ? this.nestedProjectElement : element;

            if (elementToUse == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element");

            // Get the project type guid from project elementToUse
            string typeGuidString = elementToUse.GetMetadataAndThrow(ProjectFileConstants.TypeGuid, new ApplicationException());
            Guid projectFactoryGuid = new Guid(typeGuidString);

            EnvDTE.DTE dte = this.ProjectMgr.Site.GetService(typeof(EnvDTE.DTE)) as EnvDTE.DTE;
            Debug.Assert(dte != null, "Could not get the automation object from the services exposed by this project");

            if (dte == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            RegisteredProjectType registeredProjectType = RegisteredProjectType.CreateRegisteredProjectType(projectFactoryGuid);
            Debug.Assert(registeredProjectType != null, "Could not read the registry setting associated to this project.");
            if (registeredProjectType == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            return registeredProjectType;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds references to this container from a MSBuild project.
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadReferencesFromBuildProject(Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Project buildProject)
            Build.Execution.ProjectInstance projectInstanceToSearchExpandedReferences = null;
            // if project uses implicitly expanded list of references,
            // evaluate ImplicitlyExpandTargetFramework target and collect all resolved 'ReferencePath' items
            // later we'll group them and create special reference nodes that represent assembly groupings
            if (ProjectMgr.ImplicitlyExpandTargetFramework)
                var res = ProjectMgr.Build(MsBuildTarget.ImplicitlyExpandTargetFramework);
                if (res.IsSuccessful)
                    projectInstanceToSearchExpandedReferences = res.ProjectInstance;

            // collect groupled framework references
            if (projectInstanceToSearchExpandedReferences != null)
                // fetch all 'ReferencePath' items that were resolved from implicitly expanded references (metadata#ResolvedFrom = ImplicitlyExpandTargetFramework)
                var groupings =
                    .Where(item => string.Equals(item.GetMetadataValue(ProjectFileConstants.ResolvedFrom), MsBuildTarget.ImplicitlyExpandTargetFramework, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        item =>
                    referenceGroupingDisplayName = item.GetMetadataValue("ReferenceGroupingDisplayName"),
                    referenceGrouping            = item.GetMetadataValue("ReferenceGrouping"),
                    file = item.EvaluatedInclude
                    .Where(r =>
                           !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.referenceGrouping) &&
                           !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.referenceGroupingDisplayName) &&
                           !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.file) &&
                    .GroupBy(r => r.referenceGrouping);

                foreach (var grouping in groupings)
                    var version = ParseVersionFromReferenceGrouping(grouping.Key);
                    if (version == null)
                    // pick property values from the first item - they should be the same for all elements in the grouping
                    var first        = grouping.First();
                    var groupedFiles = grouping.Select(x => x.file).ToArray();

                    var versonText = string.Format(
                        version.Build != -1 ? version.Build : 0,
                        version.Revision != -1 ? version.Revision : 0

                    var node = new GroupingReferenceNode(ProjectMgr, first.referenceGroupingDisplayName, first.referenceGrouping, Path.GetDirectoryName(first.file), versonText, groupedFiles);

            BuildResult buildResult = this.ProjectMgr.Build(MsBuildTarget.ResolveAssemblyReferences);

            foreach (string referenceType in SupportedReferenceTypes)
                bool isAssemblyReference = referenceType == ProjectFileConstants.Reference;
                if (isAssemblyReference && !buildResult.IsSuccessful)

                foreach (var item in MSBuildProject.GetItems(buildProject, referenceType))
                    ProjectElement element = new ProjectElement(this.ProjectMgr, item, false);

                    ReferenceNode node = CreateReferenceNode(referenceType, element, buildResult);
                    if (node != null)
                    if (isAssemblyReference)
        /// <summary>
        /// This is used when loading the project to loop through all the items
        /// and for each SubProject it finds, it create the project and a node
        /// in our Hierarchy to hold the project.
        /// </summary>
        /*internal, but public for FSharp.Project.dll*/
        protected void CreateNestedProjectNodes()
            // 1. Create a ProjectElement with the found item and then Instantiate a new Nested project with this ProjectElement.
            // 2. Link into the hierarchy.
            // Read subprojects from from msbuildmodel

            if (this.IsNewProject)
                creationFlags |= __VSCREATEPROJFLAGS.CPF_CLONEFILE;
                creationFlags |= __VSCREATEPROJFLAGS.CPF_OPENFILE;

            foreach (Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.ProjectItem item in MSBuildProject.GetItems(this.BuildProject))
                if (String.Compare(MSBuildItem.GetItemType(item), ProjectFileConstants.SubProject, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    this.nestedProjectElement = new ProjectElement(this, item, false);

                    if (!this.IsNewProject)
                        AddExistingNestedProject(null, creationFlags);
                        // If we are creating the subproject from a vstemplate/vsz file
                        bool isVsTemplate = Utilities.IsTemplateFile(GetProjectTemplatePath(null));
                        if (isVsTemplate)
                            RunVsTemplateWizard(null, true);
                            // We are cloning the specified project file
                            AddNestedProjectFromTemplate(null, creationFlags);

            this.nestedProjectElement = null;
        public void RunVsTemplateWizard(ProjectElement element, bool silent)
            ProjectElement elementToUse = (element == null) ? this.nestedProjectElement : element;

            if (elementToUse == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element");
            this.nestedProjectElement = elementToUse;

            Automation.OAProject oaProject = GetAutomationObject() as Automation.OAProject;
            if (oaProject == null || oaProject.ProjectItems == null)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.InvalidAutomationObject, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture));
            Debug.Assert(oaProject.Object != null, "The project automation object should have set the Object to the SolutionFolder");
            Automation.OASolutionFolder<ProjectContainerNode> folder = oaProject.Object as Automation.OASolutionFolder<ProjectContainerNode>;

            // Prepare the parameters to pass to RunWizardFile
            string destination = elementToUse.GetFullPathForElement();
            string template = this.GetProjectTemplatePath(elementToUse);

            object[] wizParams = new object[7];
            wizParams[0] = EnvDTE.Constants.vsWizardAddSubProject;
            wizParams[1] = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(destination);
            wizParams[2] = oaProject.ProjectItems;
            wizParams[3] = Path.GetDirectoryName(destination);
            wizParams[4] = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(destination);
            wizParams[5] = Path.GetDirectoryName(folder.DTE.FullName); //VS install dir
            wizParams[6] = silent;

            IVsDetermineWizardTrust wizardTrust = this.GetService(typeof(SVsDetermineWizardTrust)) as IVsDetermineWizardTrust;
            if (wizardTrust != null)
                Guid guidProjectAdding = Guid.Empty;

                // In case of a project template an empty guid should be added as the guid parameter. See env\msenv\core\newtree.h IsTrustedTemplate method definition.
                wizardTrust.OnWizardInitiated(template, ref guidProjectAdding);

                // Make the call to execute the wizard. This should cause AddNestedProjectFromTemplate to be
                // called back with the correct set of parameters.
                EnvDTE.IVsExtensibility extensibilityService = (EnvDTE.IVsExtensibility)GetService(typeof(EnvDTE.IVsExtensibility));
                EnvDTE.wizardResult result = extensibilityService.RunWizardFile(template, 0, ref wizParams);
                if (result == EnvDTE.wizardResult.wizardResultFailure)
                    throw new COMException();
                if (wizardTrust != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Based on the Template and TypeGuid properties of the
        /// element, generate the full template path.
        /// TypeGuid should be the Guid of a registered project factory.
        /// Template can be a full path, a project template (for projects
        /// that support VsTemplates) or a relative path (for other projects).
        /// </summary>
        /*protected, but public for FSharp.Project.dll*/
        public virtual string GetProjectTemplatePath(ProjectElement element)
            ProjectElement elementToUse = (element == null) ? this.nestedProjectElement : element;

            if (elementToUse == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element");

            string templateFile = elementToUse.GetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Template);
            Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(templateFile), "No template file has been specified in the template attribute in the project file");

            string fullPath = templateFile;
            if (!Path.IsPathRooted(templateFile))
                RegisteredProjectType registeredProjectType = this.GetRegisteredProject(elementToUse);

                // This is not a full path
                Debug.Assert(registeredProjectType != null && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(registeredProjectType.DefaultProjectExtensionValue) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(registeredProjectType.WizardTemplatesDirValue)), " Registered wizard directory value not set in the registry.");

                // See if this specify a VsTemplate file
                fullPath = registeredProjectType.GetVsTemplateFile(templateFile);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath))
                    // Default to using the WizardTemplateDir to calculate the absolute path
                    fullPath = Path.Combine(registeredProjectType.WizardTemplatesDirValue, templateFile);

            return fullPath;
 /// <summary>
 /// Override this method if you want to provide your own type of nodes.
 /// This would be the case if you derive a class from NestedProjectNode
 /// </summary>
 /*protected, but public for FSharp.Project.dll*/
 public virtual NestedProjectNode CreateNestedProjectNode(ProjectElement element)
     return new NestedProjectNode(this, element);
        /// <summary>
        /// This can be called directly or through RunVsTemplateWizard.
        /// This will clone a template project file and add it as a
        /// subproject to our hierarchy.
        /// If you want to create a project for which there exist a
        /// vstemplate, consider using RunVsTemplateWizard instead.
        /// </summary>
        /*protected internal, but public for FSharp.Project.dll*/
        public virtual NestedProjectNode AddNestedProjectFromTemplate(string fileName, string destination, string projectName, ProjectElement element, __VSCREATEPROJFLAGS creationFlags)
            // If this is project creation and the template specified a subproject in its project file, this.nestedProjectElement will be used
            ProjectElement elementToUse = (element == null) ? this.nestedProjectElement : element;

            if (elementToUse == null)
                // If this is null, this means MSBuild does not know anything about our subproject so add an MSBuild item for it
                elementToUse = new ProjectElement(this, fileName, ProjectFileConstants.SubProject);

            NestedProjectNode node = CreateNestedProjectNode(elementToUse);
            node.Init(fileName, destination, projectName, creationFlags);

            // In case that with did not have an existing element, or the nestedProjectelement was null
            //  and since Init computes the final path, set the MSBuild item to that path
            if (this.nestedProjectElement == null)
                string relativePath = node.Url;
                if (Path.IsPathRooted(relativePath))
                    relativePath = this.ProjectFolder;
                    if (!relativePath.EndsWith("/\\", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        relativePath += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

                    relativePath = new Url(relativePath).MakeRelative(new Url(node.Url));


            return node;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a project reference node given an existing project element.
 /// </summary>
 internal virtual ProjectReferenceNode CreateProjectReferenceNode(ProjectElement element)
     return(new ProjectReferenceNode(this.ProjectMgr, element));
 internal ReferenceNode(ProjectNode root, ProjectElement element)
     : base(root, element)
     this.ExcludeNodeFromScc = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a com reference node from the project element.
 /// </summary>
 internal virtual ComReferenceNode CreateComReferenceNode(ProjectElement reference)
     return(new ComReferenceNode(this.ProjectMgr, reference));
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for the LinkedFileNode
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="root">Root of the hierarchy</param>
 /// <param name="e">Associated project element</param>
 /// <param name="hierarchyId">Optional hierarchy id - used during rename</param>
 internal LinkedFileNode(ProjectNode root, ProjectElement e, uint?hierarchyId = null)
     : base(root, e, hierarchyId)
     this._linkFile = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for the LinkedFileNode
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="root">Root of the hierarchy</param>
 /// <param name="e">Associated project element</param>
 /// <param name="hierarchyId">Optional hierarchy id - used during rename</param>
 internal LinkedFileNode(ProjectNode root, ProjectElement e, uint? hierarchyId = null)
     : base(root, e, hierarchyId)
     this._linkFile = false;
 internal static AssemblyReferenceNode CreateFromProjectFile(ProjectNode root, ProjectElement element, BuildResult buildResult)
     return(new AssemblyReferenceNode(root, element, buildResult));
        internal virtual ReferenceNode CreateReferenceNode(string referenceType, ProjectElement element, BuildResult buildResult)
            ReferenceNode node = null;
            if (referenceType == ProjectFileConstants.COMReference)
                node = this.CreateComReferenceNode(element);
            else if (referenceType == ProjectFileConstants.Reference)
                node = this.CreateAssemblyReferenceNode(element, buildResult);
            else if (referenceType == ProjectFileConstants.ProjectReference)
                node = this.CreateProjectReferenceNode(element);

            return node;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creating AssemblyReferenceNode from fsproj element
 /// </summary>
 private AssemblyReferenceNode(ProjectNode root, ProjectElement element, BuildResult buildResult)
     : base(root, element)
     BindFromBuildResult(element.Item, buildResult);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an assembly refernce node from a project element.
        /// </summary>
        internal virtual AssemblyReferenceNode CreateAssemblyReferenceNode(ProjectElement element, BuildResult buildResult)
            AssemblyReferenceNode node = null;
                node = AssemblyReferenceNode.CreateFromProjectFile(this.ProjectMgr, element, buildResult);
            catch (ArgumentNullException e)
                Trace.WriteLine("Exception : " + e.Message);
            catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                Trace.WriteLine("Exception : " + e.Message);
            catch (BadImageFormatException e)
                Trace.WriteLine("Exception : " + e.Message);
            catch (FileLoadException e)
                Trace.WriteLine("Exception : " + e.Message);
            catch (System.Security.SecurityException e)
                Trace.WriteLine("Exception : " + e.Message);

            return node;
文件: FolderNode.cs 项目: tmat/fsharp
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for the FolderNode
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="root">Root node of the hierarchy</param>
 /// <param name="relativePath">relative path from root i.e.: "NewFolder1\\NewFolder2\\NewFolder3</param>
 /// <param name="element">Associated project element</param>
 internal FolderNode(ProjectNode root, string relativePath, ProjectElement element)
     : base(root, element)
     this.VirtualNodeName = relativePath.TrimEnd('\\');
 internal ReferenceNode(ProjectNode root, ProjectElement element)
     : base(root, element)
     this.ExcludeNodeFromScc = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for the DependentFileNode
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="root">Root of the hierarchy</param>
 /// <param name="e">Associated project element</param>
 internal DependentFileNode(ProjectNode root, ProjectElement element)
     : base(root, element)
     this.HasParentNodeNameRelation = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creating AssemblyReferenceNode from fsproj element
 /// </summary>
 private AssemblyReferenceNode(ProjectNode root, ProjectElement element, BuildResult buildResult)
     : base(root, element)
     BindFromBuildResult(element.Item, buildResult);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add an existing project as a nested node of our hierarchy.
        /// This is used while loading the project and can also be used
        /// to add an existing project to our hierarchy.
        /// </summary>
        /*protected internal, but public for FSharp.Project.dll*/
        public virtual NestedProjectNode AddExistingNestedProject(ProjectElement element, __VSCREATEPROJFLAGS creationFlags)
            ProjectElement elementToUse = (element == null) ? this.nestedProjectElement : element;

            if (elementToUse == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element");

            string filename = elementToUse.GetFullPathForElement();
            // Delegate to AddNestedProjectFromTemplate. Because we pass flags that specify open project rather then clone, this will works.
            Debug.Assert((creationFlags & __VSCREATEPROJFLAGS.CPF_OPENFILE) == __VSCREATEPROJFLAGS.CPF_OPENFILE, "__VSCREATEPROJFLAGS.CPF_OPENFILE should have been specified, did you mean to call AddNestedProjectFromTemplate?");
            return AddNestedProjectFromTemplate(filename, Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), Path.GetFileName(filename), elementToUse, creationFlags);