public async Task WriteFileContent()
            long start = -1, finish = -1;
            var  etag           = ETag.Create(_file);
            bool isRangeRequest = _context.Request.Headers.ContainsKey(HeaderNames.Range);

            // Validate
            if (isRangeRequest)
                ValidateRange(out start, out finish);


            if (IsCachedIfModifiedSince() || IsCachedIfNoneMatch(etag))
                _context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotModified;

            // If the entity tag does not match, then the server SHOULD return the entire entity using a 200 (OK) response.
            if (isRangeRequest && IsValidIfRange(etag))
                await RangeContentResponse(_context, _file, start, finish);
                await FullContentResponse(_context, _file);
        public void WriteFileContentHeaders()
            long start = -1, finish = -1;
            var  etag           = ETag.Create(_file);
            bool isRangeRequest = _context.Request.Headers.ContainsKey(HeaderNames.Range);

            // Validate
            if (isRangeRequest)
                ValidateRange(out start, out finish);


            // Content Length
            if (isRangeRequest)
                _context.Response.ContentLength = finish - start + 1;
                _context.Response.ContentLength = _file.Size;

            if (IsCachedIfModifiedSince() || IsCachedIfNoneMatch(etag))
                _context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotModified;
        public async Task PutFileContent()
            _service.EnsureAccess(_file.Path, FileAccess.Write);

            int start, finish, outOf;
            var etag = ETag.Create(_file);

            ValidateContentRange(out start, out finish, out outOf);

            string tempFilePath = CreateTempFile(_file.Path);

            try {
                using (var temp = _service.GetFileStream(tempFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read)) {
                    // Write to temp file
                    await _context.Request.Body.CopyToAsync(temp);

                    temp.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    // Copy from temp
                    using (var real = TryOpenFile(_file.Path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)) {
                        if (start >= 0)
                            // Range request

                            int length = finish - start + 1;
                            real.Seek(start, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        await temp.CopyToAsync(real);

                        if (finish > 0 && finish == outOf - 1)

                        // Unlike Flush(), FlushAsync() always flushes to disk. This is intentional.
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) {
                throw new ApiArgumentException(HeaderNames.ContentLength);
            finally {

            _context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK;
        private void ValidateIfMatch()
            var headers = _context.Request.Headers;

            if (headers.ContainsKey(HeaderNames.IfMatch))
                var ifMatch = headers[HeaderNames.IfMatch].ToString().Trim();

                if (!ifMatch.Equals(ETag.Create(_file).Value))
                    throw new PreconditionFailedException(HeaderNames.IfMatch);
        // Accept parent to optimize serialization performance
        private object FileToJsonModel(IFileInfo info, Fields fields = null, bool full = true, IFileInfo parent = null)
            if (fields == null)
                fields = Fields.All;

            dynamic obj    = new ExpandoObject();
            var     fileId = FileId.FromPhysicalPath(info.Path);
            bool?   exists = null;

            // name
            if (fields.Exists("name"))
       = info.Name;

            // id
            if (fields.Exists("id"))
       = fileId.Uuid;

            // alias
            if (fields.Exists("alias"))
                foreach (var location in _fileProvider.Options.Locations)
                    if (location.Path.TrimEnd(PathUtil.SEPARATORS).Equals(info.Path.TrimEnd(PathUtil.SEPARATORS), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        obj.alias = location.Alias;

            // type
            if (fields.Exists("type"))
                obj.type = Enum.GetName(typeof(FileType), FileType.File).ToLower();

            // physical_path
            if (fields.Exists("physical_path"))
                obj.physical_path = info.Path;

            // exists
            if (fields.Exists("exists"))
                exists     = exists ?? info.Exists;
                obj.exists = exists.Value;

            // size
            if (fields.Exists("size"))
                exists   = exists ?? info.Exists;
                obj.size = exists.Value ? info.Size : 0;

            // created
            if (fields.Exists("created"))
                exists      = exists ?? info.Exists;
                obj.created = exists.Value ? (object)info.Created.ToUniversalTime() : null;

            // last_modified
            if (fields.Exists("last_modified"))
                exists            = exists ?? info.Exists;
                obj.last_modified = exists.Value ? (object)info.LastModified.ToUniversalTime() : null;

            // last_access
            if (fields.Exists("last_access"))
                exists          = exists ?? info.Exists;
                obj.last_access = exists.Value ? (object)info.LastAccessed.ToUniversalTime() : null;

            // mime_type
            if (fields.Exists("mime_type"))
                string type = null;
                HttpFileHandler.MimeMaps.TryGetContentType(info.Path, out type);
                obj.mime_type = type;

            // e_tag
            if (fields.Exists("e_tag"))
                exists    = exists ?? info.Exists;
                obj.e_tag = exists.Value ? ETag.Create(info).Value : null;

            // parent
            if (fields.Exists("parent"))
                obj.parent = parent != null?DirectoryToJsonModelRef(parent, fields.Filter("parent")) : GetParentJsonModelRef(info.Path, fields.Filter("parent"));

            // claims
            if (fields.Exists("claims"))
       = info.Claims;

            return(Core.Environment.Hal.Apply(Defines.FilesResource.Guid, obj, full));
        private object FileToJsonModel(IFileInfo info, Fields fields = null, bool full = true)
            if (fields == null)
                fields = Fields.All;

            dynamic obj    = new ExpandoObject();
            var     fileId = FileId.FromPhysicalPath(info.Path);
            bool?   exists = null;

            // name
            if (fields.Exists("name"))
       = info.Name;

            // id
            if (fields.Exists("id"))
       = fileId.Uuid;

            // type
            if (fields.Exists("type"))
                obj.type = Enum.GetName(typeof(FileType), FileType.File).ToLower();

            // physical_path
            if (fields.Exists("physical_path"))
                obj.physical_path = info.Path;

            // exists
            if (fields.Exists("exists"))
                exists     = exists ?? info.Exists;
                obj.exists = exists.Value;

            // size
            if (fields.Exists("size"))
                exists   = exists ?? info.Exists;
                obj.size = exists.Value ? info.Size : 0;

            // created
            if (fields.Exists("created"))
                exists      = exists ?? info.Exists;
                obj.created = exists.Value ? (object)info.Created.ToUniversalTime() : null;

            // last_modified
            if (fields.Exists("last_modified"))
                exists            = exists ?? info.Exists;
                obj.last_modified = exists.Value ? (object)info.LastModified.ToUniversalTime() : null;

            // last_access
            if (fields.Exists("last_access"))
                exists          = exists ?? info.Exists;
                obj.last_access = exists.Value ? (object)info.LastAccessed.ToUniversalTime() : null;

            // e_tag
            if (fields.Exists("e_tag"))
                exists    = exists ?? info.Exists;
                obj.e_tag = exists.Value ? ETag.Create(info).Value : null;

            // parent
            if (fields.Exists("parent"))
                obj.parent = GetParentJsonModelRef(info.Path, fields.Filter("parent"));

            // claims
            if (fields.Exists("claims"))
       = _fileProvider.GetClaims(info.Path);

            return(Core.Environment.Hal.Apply(Defines.FilesResource.Guid, obj, full));