        public bool Lookup(CType typeSrc, Expr obj, ParentSymbol symWhere, Name name, int arity, MemLookFlags flags)
            Debug.Assert((flags & ~MemLookFlags.All) == 0);
            Debug.Assert(obj == null || obj.Type != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc is AggregateType);

            _prgtype = _rgtypeStart;

            // Save the inputs for error handling, etc.
            _typeSrc  = typeSrc;
            _symWhere = symWhere;
            _name     = name;
            _arity    = arity;
            _flags    = flags;

            _typeQual = (_flags & MemLookFlags.Ctor) != 0 ? _typeSrc : obj?.Type;

            // Determine what to search.
            AggregateType typeCls1;
            AggregateType typeIface;
            TypeArray     ifaces;

            if (typeSrc.IsInterfaceType)
                Debug.Assert((_flags & (MemLookFlags.Ctor | MemLookFlags.NewObj | MemLookFlags.Operator | MemLookFlags.BaseCall)) == 0);
                typeCls1  = null;
                typeIface = (AggregateType)typeSrc;
                ifaces    = typeIface.IfacesAll;
                typeCls1  = (AggregateType)typeSrc;
                typeIface = null;
                ifaces    = TypeArray.Empty;

            AggregateType typeCls2 = typeIface != null || ifaces.Count > 0
                ? SymbolLoader.GetPredefindType(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT)
                : null;

            // Search the class first (except possibly object).
            if (typeCls1 == null || LookupInClass(typeCls1, ref typeCls2))
                // Search the interfaces.
                if ((typeIface != null || ifaces.Count > 0) && LookupInInterfaces(typeIface, ifaces) && typeCls2 != null)
                    // Search object last.
                    Debug.Assert(typeCls2 != null && typeCls2.IsPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT));

                    AggregateType result = null;
                    LookupInClass(typeCls2, ref result);

            private AggCastResult bindExplicitConversionFromEnumToDecimal(AggregateType aggTypeDest)
                Debug.Assert(_typeSrc != null);
                Debug.Assert(aggTypeDest != null);

                AggregateType underlyingType = _typeSrc.UnderlyingEnumType;

                // Need to first cast the source expr to its underlying type.

                Expr exprCast;

                if (_exprSrc == null)
                    exprCast = null;
                    _binder.bindSimpleCast(_exprSrc, underlyingType, out exprCast);

                // There is always an implicit conversion from any integral type to decimal.

                if (exprCast.GetConst() != null)
                    // Fold the constant cast if possible.
                    ConstCastResult result = _binder.bindConstantCast(exprCast, _typeDest, _needsExprDest, out _exprDest, true);
                    if (result == ConstCastResult.Success)
                        return(AggCastResult.Success);  // else, don't fold and use a regular cast, below.
                    if (result == ConstCastResult.CheckFailure && 0 == (_flags & CONVERTTYPE.CHECKOVERFLOW))

                // Conversions from integral types to decimal are always bound as a user-defined conversion.

                if (_needsExprDest)
                    // According the language, this is a standard conversion, but it is implemented
                    // through a user-defined conversion. Because it's a standard conversion, we don't
                    // test the CONVERTTYPE.NOUDC flag here.

                    bool ok = _binder.bindUserDefinedConversion(exprCast, underlyingType, aggTypeDest, _needsExprDest, out _exprDest, false);

        *   Lookup must be called before anything else can be called.
        *   typeSrc - Must be an AggregateType or TypeParameterType.
        *   obj - the expression through which the member is being accessed. This is used for accessibility
        *       of protected members and for constructing a MEMGRP from the results of the lookup.
        *       It is legal for obj to be an EK_CLASS, in which case it may be used for accessibility, but
        *       will not be used for MEMGRP construction.
        *   symWhere - the symbol from with the name is being accessed (for checking accessibility).
        *   name - the name to look for.
        *   arity - the number of type args specified. Only members that support this arity are found.
        *       Note that when arity is zero, all methods are considered since we do type argument
        *       inferencing.
        *   flags - See MemLookFlags.
        *       TypeVarsAllowed only applies to the most derived type (not base types).
        public bool Lookup(CSemanticChecker checker, CType typeSrc, Expr obj, ParentSymbol symWhere, Name name, int arity, MemLookFlags flags)
            Debug.Assert((flags & ~MemLookFlags.All) == 0);
            Debug.Assert(obj == null || obj.Type != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc is AggregateType);
            Debug.Assert(checker != null);

            _prgtype = _rgtypeStart;

            // Save the inputs for error handling, etc.
            _pSemanticChecker = checker;
            _pSymbolLoader    = checker.SymbolLoader;
            _typeSrc          = typeSrc;
            _obj      = obj is ExprClass ? null : obj;
            _symWhere = symWhere;
            _name     = name;
            _arity    = arity;
            _flags    = flags;

            _typeQual = (_flags & MemLookFlags.Ctor) != 0 ? _typeSrc : obj?.Type;

            // Determine what to search.
            AggregateType typeCls1  = null;
            AggregateType typeIface = null;
            TypeArray     ifaces    = BSYMMGR.EmptyTypeArray();
            AggregateType typeCls2  = null;

            if (!typeSrc.IsInterfaceType)
                typeCls1 = (AggregateType)typeSrc;

                if (typeCls1.IsWindowsRuntimeType)
                    ifaces = typeCls1.GetWinRTCollectionIfacesAll(GetSymbolLoader());
                Debug.Assert((_flags & (MemLookFlags.Ctor | MemLookFlags.NewObj | MemLookFlags.Operator | MemLookFlags.BaseCall)) == 0);
                typeIface = (AggregateType)typeSrc;
                ifaces    = typeIface.IfacesAll;

            if (typeIface != null || ifaces.Count > 0)
                typeCls2 = GetSymbolLoader().GetPredefindType(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT);

            // Search the class first (except possibly object).
            if (typeCls1 == null || LookupInClass(typeCls1, ref typeCls2))
                // Search the interfaces.
                if ((typeIface != null || ifaces.Count > 0) && LookupInInterfaces(typeIface, ifaces) && typeCls2 != null)
                    // Search object last.
                    Debug.Assert(typeCls2 != null && typeCls2.IsPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT));

                    AggregateType result = null;
                    LookupInClass(typeCls2, ref result);
