public static FList <T> Drop <T>(int number, FList <T> list)
     return(number <= 0 || IsEmpty(list) ?
          : number == 1 ?
             : Drop(number - 1, Tail(list)));
 public static FList <T> Take <T>(int n, FList <T> list)
     return(n <= 0 || IsEmpty(list) ?
            FList.Empty <T>()
         : n == 1 ?
             : FList.New(Head(list), Take(n - 1, Tail(list))));
 //Remove all occurrences of item from list
 public static FList <T> RemoveAll <T>(T item, FList <T> list)
     return(list.Empty ?
         : Head(list).Equals(item) ?
            RemoveAll(item, Tail(list))
             : New(Head(list), FList.RemoveAll(item, Tail(list))));
 public static U FoldR <T, U>(Func <T, U, U> func, U start, FList <T> list)
     return(list.Empty ?
         : list.Tail.Empty ?
            func(list.Head, start)
             : FoldR(func, func(list.Head, start), list.Tail));
 public static U FoldL <T, U>(Func <U, T, U> func, U start, FList <T> list)
     return(IsEmpty(list) ?
         : IsEmpty(Tail(list)) ?
            func(start, Head(list))
             : FoldL(func, func(start, Last(list)), Init(list)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the list contains an element equal to the first argument
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="list">Must not be null</param>
 public static bool Elem <T>(T elem, FList <T> list)
     return(IsEmpty(list) ?
         : list.Head.Equals(elem) ?
             : Elem(elem, Tail(list)));
 // Remove first occurrence of item (if any) from list
 public static FList <T> RemoveFirst <T>(T item, FList <T> list)
     return(IsEmpty(list) ?
         : Head(list).Equals(item) ?
             : New(Head(list), FList.RemoveFirst(item, Tail(list))));
 public static FList <T> Filter <T>(Func <T, bool> func, FList <T> list)
     return(list.Empty ?
         : func(list.Head) ?
            New(Head(list), Filter(func, Tail(list))) :
            Filter(func, Tail(list)));
        private static FList <T> Merge <T>(FList <T> a, FList <T> b, Func <T, T, bool> f)
            return(a.Empty ?
                   b :
                   f(a.Head, b.Head) ?
                   new FList <T>(a.Head, Merge(a.Tail, b, f)) :
                   new FList <T>(b.Head, Merge(a, b.Tail, f)));
 public static FList <U> Map <T, U>(Func <T, U> func, FList <T> list)
     return(IsEmpty(list) ?
            Empty <U>()
                 : IsEmpty(Tail(list)) ?
            func(list.Head) != null?
            New <U>(func(list.Head))
                     : Empty <U>()
                : func(list.Head) != null?
                New <U>(func(list.Head), Map(func, list.Tail))
                    : Map(func, list.Tail));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a new list made from the item as the head and the passed-in list as the tail.
 /// </summary>
 public static FList <T> Prepend <T>(T item, FList <T> list)
     return(new FList <T>(item, list));
 /// <summary>
 /// Sorts an FList, using a function that compares any pair of elements
 /// Uses the Merge Sort algorithm.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
 /// <param name="f">Function for comparing elements, returning true if the first should be placed before the second</param>
 /// <param name="list"></param>
 /// <returns>A new FList, sorted</returns>
 public static FList <T> SortBy <T>(Func <T, T, bool> f, FList <T> list)
     return(Length(list) < 2 ?
            list :
            Merge(SortBy(f, LeftHalf(list)), SortBy(f, RightHalf(list)), f));
 public static bool Any <T>(Func <T, bool> func, FList <T> list)
     return(!IsEmpty(Filter(func, list)));
 public static bool All <T>(Func <T, bool> func, FList <T> list)
     return(!IsEmpty(list) && Length(Filter(func, list)) == Length(list));
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a list from a head and tail. If head param is null returns the Tail only
 /// </summary>
 public static FList <T> NewFList <T>(T head, FList <T> tail)
     return(tail == null || IsEmpty(tail) ?
         : new FList <T>(head, tail));
 public static FList <T> Reverse <T>(FList <T> list)
     return(IsEmpty(list) ?
         : FList.New(Last(list), Reverse(Init(list))));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the last element in the list.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="list">Must not be null</param>
 public static T Last <T>(FList <T> list)
     return(Length(list) == 1 ?
              : Last(Tail(list)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Alternative to NewFList, for use where 'New' is not ambiugious
 /// </summary>
 public static FList <T> New <T>(T head, FList <T> tail)
     return(NewFList(head, tail));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new list based on the old list, with the toAppend list appended to the end.
 /// </summary>
 public static FList <T> Append <T>(FList <T> inputList, FList <T> toAppend)
     return(IsEmpty(inputList) ?
         : New(inputList.Head, Append(Tail(inputList), toAppend)));
 public static FList <char> Append(FList <char> inputList, string toAppend)
     return(Append(inputList, AsChars(toAppend)));
 public static FList <char> Append(string str, FList <char> toAppend)
     return(Append(AsChars(str), toAppend));
 private static FList <T> RightHalf <T>(FList <T> list)
     return(Take(Length(list) / 2, list));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the list except for the last element
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="list">Must not be null</param>
 public static FList <T> Init <T>(FList <T> list)
     return(IsEmpty(Tail(list)) ?
            Empty <T>()
         : New(Head(list), Init(Tail(list))));
 private static FList <T> LeftHalf <T>(FList <T> list)
     return(Drop(FList.Length(list) / 2, list));
 public static FList <T> Sort <T>(FList <T> list, bool descending = false) where T : IComparable
     return(descending? SortBy(InverseDefaultCompare, list) : SortBy(DefaultCompare, list));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the 'head' i.e. the first element in the list
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="list">Must not be null</param>
 public static T Head <T>(FList <T> list)
     return(IsEmpty(list) ? throw new EmptyListException() : list.Head);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the 'tail' i.e. the list minus its head
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="list">Must not be null</param>
 public static FList <T> Tail <T>(FList <T> list)
     return(IsEmpty(list) ?
            throw new EmptyListException()
         : list.Tail);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if list is empty.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="list">Must not be null</param>
 public static bool IsEmpty <T>(FList <T> list)
     return(list == null ? throw new Exception("Null being passed in place of an FList.") : list.Empty);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns number of elements in the list.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="list">Must not be null</param>
 public static int Length <T>(FList <T> list)
     return(IsEmpty(list) ?
             : 1 + Length(Tail(list)));