public ProposedMatchup[] GetMatchups(Game game, User[] players) { var matchups = new List<ProposedMatchup>(); var proposersMatchups = new ConcurrentQueue<ProposedMatchup[]>(); Parallel.ForEach(proposers, proposer => proposersMatchups.Enqueue(proposer.GetMatchups(game, players).OrderBy(GetMatchupIdentifier).ToArray())); var proposersMatchupsArray = proposersMatchups.ToArray(); int possibleMatchups = 0; for (int i = 0; i < proposersMatchupsArray.Length - 1; i++) { possibleMatchups = proposersMatchupsArray[i].Length; if(proposersMatchupsArray[i].Length != proposersMatchupsArray[i+1].Length) { throw new Exception("Multiple Proposer Matchups do not Match"); } } for (int i = 0; i < possibleMatchups; i++) { double team1Value = 0d; double team2Value = 0d; for (int j = 0; j < proposersMatchupsArray.Length; j++) { team1Value += weights[j] * proposersMatchupsArray[j][i].Team1PredictedWinRatio; team2Value += weights[j] * proposersMatchupsArray[j][i].Team2PredictedWinRatio; } var team1 = proposersMatchupsArray[0][i].Team1; var team2 = proposersMatchupsArray[0][i].Team2; matchups.Add(new ProposedMatchup(game, team1, team2, team1Value / (team1Value + team2Value))); } return matchups.ToArray(); }
public ProposedMatchup[] GetMatchups( Game game, User[] users ) { if ( users.Length < 2 ) { throw new ArgumentException( "At least two players are required" ); } var team1 = new Team(); var team2 = new Team(); for ( int i = 0; i < users.Length; i++ ) { if ( i % 2 == 0 ) { team1.Members.Add( users[i] ); } else { team2.Members.Add( users[i] ); } } return new ProposedMatchup[] { new ProposedMatchup( game, team1, team2, winRatioRange.Next() ), new ProposedMatchup( game, team1, team2, winRatioRange.Next() ), new ProposedMatchup( game, team1, team2, winRatioRange.Next() ), }; }
public Dictionary<Guid, double> CalculateAverageRatings(Game game, IEnumerable<User> players) { //var cutoff = DateTime.Now - settings.PlayerRatingExpiryTime; var averageRatings = new Dictionary<Guid, double>(); foreach (var player in players) { var average = CalculateAverageRating(database.GetMostRecentPlayerRatings(game.Id, player.Id), DateTime.Now); averageRatings.Add(player.Id, average.HasValue ? average.Value : 1.0); /*double averageRating = 0.0; int ratingsCounted = 0; var ratings = database.GetMostRecentPlayerRatings(game.Id, player.Id); foreach (var rating in ratings) { if (!rating.Rating.HasValue || rating.Timestamp < cutoff) continue; ratingsCounted++; averageRating += rating.Rating.Value; } if (ratingsCounted > 0) { averageRatings[player.Id] = averageRating / ratingsCounted; }*/ } return averageRatings; }
public ProposedMatchup( Game game, Team team1, Team team2, double team1WinRatio ) { if ( team1WinRatio < 0.0 || team1WinRatio > 1.0 ) { throw new ArgumentException( "Win ratio must be between 0.0 and 1.0" ); } Team1PredictedWinRatio = team1WinRatio; Team2PredictedWinRatio = 1.0 - team1WinRatio; Game = game; Team1 = team1; Team2 = team2; }
protected GameModule( IDatabase database ) : base("{gameKey}/") { Before.AddItemToStartOfPipeline( context => { var gameKey = (string)context.Parameters.gameKey; game = database.GetGameByKey( gameKey ); context.ViewBag[ViewBagKeys.CurrentGame] = game; return null; } ); }
public ProposedMatchup[] GetMatchups( Game game, User[] players ) { Dictionary<Guid, Dictionary<Guid, Link>> links = GetLinks( database.GetMatchupResultsByGame( game.Id ), players ); List<Tuple<Team, Team>> teams = TeamGenerator.GenerateTeams( players ); var matchups = new List<ProposedMatchup>(); foreach ( var teamPair in teams ) { var team1Probability = CalculateTeamLinkAverage(links, teamPair.Item1); var team2Probability = CalculateTeamLinkAverage(links, teamPair.Item2); matchups.Add( new ProposedMatchup( game, teamPair.Item1, teamPair.Item2, team1Probability/(team1Probability + team2Probability) ) ); } return matchups.ToArray(); }
public ProposedMatchup[] GetMatchups(Game game, User[] players) { var averageRatings = ratingsHelper.CalculateAverageRatings(game, players); var teams = TeamGenerator.GenerateTeams(players); var matchups = new List<ProposedMatchup>(); foreach (var teamPair in teams) { var team1 = teamPair.Item1; var team2 = teamPair.Item2; var team1Ratings = GetTeamRating(team1, averageRatings); var team2Ratings = GetTeamRating(team2, averageRatings); matchups.Add(new ProposedMatchup(game, team1, team2, team1Ratings / (team1Ratings + team2Ratings))); } return matchups.ToArray(); }
public ProposedMatchup[] GetMatchups(Game game, User[] players) { var winLossRecords = new Dictionary<Guid, WinLossRecord>(); foreach (var player in players) { winLossRecords[player.Id] = database.GetWinLossRecord(game.Id, player.Id); } var teams = TeamGenerator.GenerateTeams(players); var matchups = new List<ProposedMatchup>(); foreach (var teamPair in teams) { var team1 = teamPair.Item1; var team2 = teamPair.Item2; var team1WinPercentage = GetTeamWinPercentage(team1, winLossRecords); var team2WinPercentage = GetTeamWinPercentage(team2, winLossRecords); matchups.Add(new ProposedMatchup(game, team1, team2, team1WinPercentage / (team1WinPercentage + team2WinPercentage))); } return matchups.ToArray(); }
public SelectGameViewModel( Game[] games ) { Games = new List<Game>(games); }
private Map GetRandomMap(Game game) { return Maps[random.Next(0, Maps.Length)]; }
private void CreateRatingsFor( Game game ) { var players = database.GetPlayersForGame( game.Id ); foreach ( var ratingPlayer in players ) { foreach ( var ratedPlayer in players ) { var numberOfRatings = RatingsPerPlayer.Next(); for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfRatings; i++ ) { var rating = new PlayerRating(); rating.GameId = game.Id; rating.PlayerId = ratedPlayer.Id; rating.RatedByPlayerId = ratingPlayer.Id; rating.Timestamp = DateTime.Now - PlayerRatingHistoryLength.Next(); if ( .8.NextBool() ) { rating.Rating = RatingRange.Next(); } database.AddPlayerRating( rating ); } } } }
private void CreateMatchHistoryFor( Game game ) { var players = database.GetPlayersForGame( game.Id ); if ( players.Length < 2 ) { return; } var selectionPoolSizeRange = new Range<int>( 2, players.Length ); for ( int i = 0; i < MatchesPerGame; i++ ) { var selectionPoolSize = selectionPoolSizeRange.Next(); var team1 = new Team(); var team2 = new Team(); for ( int j = 0; j < selectionPoolSize; j++ ) { if ( j.IsEven() ) { team1.Members.Add( players[j] ); } else { team2.Members.Add( players[j] ); } } var team1Score = ScoreRange.Next(); var team2Score = ScoreRange.Next(); var result = new MatchupResult { GameId = game.Id, Team1UserIds = team1.Members.Select( user => user.Id ).ToArray(), Team2UserIds = team2.Members.Select( user => user.Id ).ToArray(), Timestamp = DateTime.Now - MatchHistoryLength.Next(), Winner = team1Score.GetWinner(team2Score) }; if ( 0.5.NextBool() ) { result.Team1Score = team1Score; result.Team2Score = team2Score; } if ( 0.2.NextBool() ) { result.Comment = "This is a sample comment"; } result.MapId = GetRandomMap(game).Id; database.SaveMatchupResult(result); } }
private void CreateGames() { foreach ( var gameName in GameNames ) { var game = new Game() {Name = gameName, Key = CreateGameKeyFromName(gameName), MapIds = new List<Guid>(from m in Maps select m.Id)}; database.AddGame(game); } }
public void AddGame( Game game ) { database .GetCollection<Game>( Collections.Games ) .Insert( game ); }
private void CreateSampleGame() { var game = new Game() { Key = "l4d2", Name = "Left 4 Dead 2", }; AddGame(game); }
public void AddGame( Game game ) {; }
public ProposedMatchup( Game game, IEnumerable<User> team1Players, IEnumerable<User> team2Players, double team1WinRatio ) : this(game, new Team(team1Players), new Team(team2Players), team1WinRatio) { }