public static List <ParallaxLayer> buildForeground(Dictionary <string, object> foregroundSource, string foregroundName) { List <ParallaxLayer> outLayers = new List <ParallaxLayer>(); if (!foregroundSource.ContainsKey("Format") || !foregroundSource.ContainsKey("Layers")) { Logger.log("Incomplete foreground definition! Foreground file " + foregroundName + ".json was missing the " + (!foregroundSource.ContainsKey("Format") ? "Format" : "Layers") + " field.", StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Error); return(outLayers); } float formatVersion; try { formatVersion = Convert.ToSingle(foregroundSource["Format"]); } catch (FormatException) { Logger.log("Format version not given an acceptable value! Format should be written as a version number, but was instead " + foregroundSource["Format"], StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Error); return(outLayers); } Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray layerDefs; try { layerDefs = (Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray)foregroundSource["Layers"]; //Logger.log(layerDefs[0].GetType().ToString()); } catch (InvalidCastException) { Logger.log("There was a problem interpreting the Layers field of " + foregroundName + ".json! Please check for bracket mismatch, or try running it through a json validator.", StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Error); return(outLayers); } foreach (Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject layerDef in layerDefs) { if (!layerDef.ContainsKey("Image") || !layerDef.ContainsKey("Depth")) { Logger.log("Layer in " + foregroundName + " is missing a vital field! Could not find " + (!layerDef.ContainsKey("Image") ? "Image" : "Depth") + ".", StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Error); return(outLayers); } int fillStyle = ParallaxLayer.None; if (layerDef.ContainsKey("Fill Style")) { switch (layerDef["Fill Style"].ToString().ToLower()) { case "tile": fillStyle = ParallaxLayer.Tile; break; case "stretch": fillStyle = ParallaxLayer.Stretch; break; case "fill": fillStyle = ParallaxLayer.Fill; break; case "fit": fillStyle = ParallaxLayer.Fit; break; } } string imageSource = Util.StringUtilities.getSeasonalName(layerDef["Image"].ToString().Split('.')[0]); float depth = Convert.ToSingle(layerDef["Depth"]); int scale = 2; if (layerDef.ContainsKey("Scale")) { scale = Convert.ToInt32(layerDef["Scale"]); } ParallaxLayer layer = new ParallaxLayer((Texture2D)Loader.load <Texture2D>("Parallax/" + imageSource, "Content/Parallax/" + imageSource + ".png"), depth, false, 0); layer.zoomScale = scale; layer.fillMode = fillStyle; outLayers.Add(layer); } return(outLayers); }
public static List <ParallaxLayer> buildBackground(Dictionary <string, object> backgroundSource, string backgroundName) { Logger.log("Building background..."); List <ParallaxLayer> outLayers = new List <ParallaxLayer>(); bool useHorizon = false; int horizon = 0; if ("Horizon")) { try { horizon = Convert.ToInt32(["Horizon"].ToString()); useHorizon = true; } catch (FormatException) { Logger.log("Horizon does not seem to be an integer value. Please ensure that the Horizon property in " + + " is a whole number with no decimal places.", LogLevel.Error); horizon = 0; useHorizon = false; } } Logger.log("Horizon set to " + horizon); if (!backgroundSource.ContainsKey("Format") || !backgroundSource.ContainsKey("Layers")) { Logger.log("Incomplete background definition! Background file " + backgroundName + ".json was missing the " + (!backgroundSource.ContainsKey("Format") ? "Format" : "Layers") + " field.", StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Error); return(outLayers); } Logger.log("Background had both Format and Layers..."); float formatVersion; try { formatVersion = Convert.ToSingle(backgroundSource["Format"]); } catch (FormatException) { Logger.log("Format version not given an acceptable value! Format should be written as a version number, but was instead " + backgroundSource["Format"], StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Error); return(outLayers); } Logger.log("Background had valid format: " + formatVersion); Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray layerDefs; try { layerDefs = (Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray)backgroundSource["Layers"]; //Logger.log(layerDefs[0].GetType().ToString()); } catch (InvalidCastException) { Logger.log("There was a problem interpreting the Layers field of " + backgroundName + ".json! Please check for bracket mismatch, or try running it through a json validator.", StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Error); return(outLayers); } Logger.log("Found " + layerDefs.Count + " children within Layers"); foreach (Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject layerDef in layerDefs) { Logger.log("Creating layer..."); if (!layerDef.ContainsKey("Image") || !layerDef.ContainsKey("Depth")) { Logger.log("Layer in " + backgroundName + " is missing a vital field! Could not find " + (!layerDef.ContainsKey("Image") ? "Image" : "Depth") + ".", StardewModdingAPI.LogLevel.Error); return(outLayers); } int fillStyle = ParallaxLayer.None; if (layerDef.ContainsKey("Fill Style")) { switch (layerDef["Fill Style"].ToString().ToLower()) { case "tile": fillStyle = ParallaxLayer.Tile; break; case "stretch": fillStyle = ParallaxLayer.Stretch; break; case "fill": fillStyle = ParallaxLayer.Fill; break; case "fit": fillStyle = ParallaxLayer.Fit; break; } } string imageSource = Util.StringUtilities.getSeasonalName(layerDef["Image"].ToString().Split('.')[0]); float depth = Convert.ToSingle(layerDef["Depth"]); int scale = 2; if (layerDef.ContainsKey("Scale")) { scale = Convert.ToInt32(layerDef["Scale"]); } ParallaxLayer layer = new ParallaxLayer((Texture2D)Loader.load <Texture2D>("Parallax/" + imageSource, "Content/Parallax/" + imageSource + ".png"), depth, useHorizon, horizon); layer.zoomScale = scale; layer.fillMode = fillStyle; Logger.log("Created layer with image " + imageSource + ", depth " + depth + ", fill style " + fillStyle + ", " + (useHorizon ? "horizon " + horizon : "") + ", scale " + scale); if (layerDef.ContainsKey("Particles")) { foreach (Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject particleSystemDef in (Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray)layerDef["Particles"]) { Vector2 particlePosition = new Vector2(Convert.ToInt32(particleSystemDef["Position"]["X"]) * scale, Convert.ToInt32(particleSystemDef["Position"]["Y"]) * scale); //ParticleSystem particleSystem = new ParticleSystem(Game1.mouseCursors, new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(32, 0, 10, 10), particlePosition, 8, 0.1f, 5f, 1, 24000, 0, 0, -0.05f, 0.55f, // new Dictionary<int, float> // { // {ParticleSystem.Out, 0 }, // {ParticleSystem.North, 0 }, // {ParticleSystem.East, 0 }, // {ParticleSystem.Up, 0 }, // {ParticleSystem.Right, 0 } // }, // new Dictionary<int, float> // { // {ParticleSystem.Out, 0 }, // {ParticleSystem.North, 0 }, // {ParticleSystem.East, 0 }, // {ParticleSystem.Up, 0 }, // {ParticleSystem.Right, 0 } // } //); ParticleSystem particleSystem = new ParticleSystem(particleSystemDef["Particle"].ToString()); particleSystem.tileLocation = particlePosition; layer.particleSystems.Add(particleSystem); } } outLayers.Add(layer); } return(outLayers); }