public void Logic() { if (KeyboardInput.Current[Key.LControl]) { if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.S)) { Save(); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.O)) { Load(); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.N)) { DisposeEditor(); editor = new Editor(this); } } if (editor != null) { string fn = editor.FileName == null ? "Untitled" : editor.FileName; if (editor.SaveFlag) { fn += " *"; } program.Title = fn + " - Map Editor"; editor.Logic(); } }
public void Logic() { position += (TargetPosition - position) * 5f *; //Change tab if (KeyboardInput.Current[Key.LAlt]) { if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Down)) { tabIndex++; } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Up)) { tabIndex--; } } if (MouseInput.Current.Wheel != MouseInput.Previous.Wheel) { if (Hovered) { float delta = MouseInput.Current.Wheel - MouseInput.Previous.Wheel; scrollSpeed -= 4.5f * delta; } else if (TabHovered) { tabIndex -= (int)(MouseInput.Current.Wheel - MouseInput.Previous.Wheel); } } tabIndex = MathHelper.Clamp(tabIndex, 0, tabList.Length - 1); if (Math.Abs(scrollSpeed) > 0.001f) { scrollAmount[tabIndex] += scrollSpeed *; scrollSpeed -= scrollSpeed * 5 *; } scrollAmount[tabIndex] = MathHelper.Clamp(scrollAmount[tabIndex], 0, ScrollAvailable); removeBuffer = null; foreach (TemplateButton btn in CurrentTab) { btn.Logic(); } if (removeBuffer != null) { RemoveTemplate(removeBuffer); } }
protected override void OnUpdateFrame(FrameEventArgs e) { base.OnUpdateFrame(e); if (Focused) { MouseInput.Update(this); KeyboardInput.Update(); container.Logic(); } }
public override void Logic() { base.Logic(); if (MouseInput.ButtonPressed(MouseButton.Right) && !KeyboardInput.Current[Key.LAlt]) { origin = new Vector2((float)Math.Floor(MouseInput.Current.Position.X), (float)Math.Ceiling(MouseInput.Current.Position.Y)); a = origin; b = origin + new Vector2(1, 1); } if (MouseInput.Current[MouseButton.Right]) { Vector2 pos = new Vector2((float)Math.Floor(MouseInput.Current.Position.X), (float)Math.Ceiling(MouseInput.Current.Position.Y)); if (pos.X <= origin.X) { a.X = pos.X; b.X = origin.X + 1; } else { b.X = pos.X + 1; a.X = origin.X; } if (pos.Y >= origin.Y) { a.Y = pos.Y; b.Y = origin.Y - 1; } else { b.Y = pos.Y - 1; a.Y = origin.Y; } } if (MouseInput.ButtonReleased(MouseButton.Right)) { CreateSolid(a, b); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Number1)) { typeIndex = 0; } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Number2)) { typeIndex = 1; } }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { Exit(); } // TODO: Add your update logic here // _testMap.Update(gameTime); MouseInput.Update(); KeyboardInput.Update(); _editor.Update(gameTime); base.Update(gameTime); }
/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. ShapeGenerator.Initialize(GraphicsDevice); spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); spriteSheet = Content.Load <Texture2D>("tileset1"); _editor = new Editor(); _editor.Load(Content); EditorText.Load(Content); KeyboardInput.AddKey(Keys.P); KeyboardInput.AddKey(Keys.Q); KeyboardInput.AddKey(Keys.E); //_testMap = new Map(500, 500, spriteSheet); //_testMap.Load(Content); // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here }
public void Logic() { if (!Active && KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.L) && KeyboardInput.Current[Key.LControl]) { active = true; sliderPosition = 0f; editor.SetActiveLayer(editor.layerList[0]); } if (!Active) { return; } if (MouseInput.Current[OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Left]) { sliderPosition = MouseInput.Current.X; if (KeyboardInput.Current[Key.LControl]) { sliderPosition *= 4f; sliderPosition = (float)Math.Round(sliderPosition); sliderPosition /= 4f; } } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Enter)) { editor.CreateLayer(-sliderPosition * 10f); active = false; } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Escape)) { active = false; } }
public void Logic() { CalculateDelta(); UpdateEditMode(); tilesetList.Logic(); templateCreator.Logic(); templateMenu.Logic(); layerCreator.Logic(); camera.Logic(); CurrentManipulator.Logic(); if (!Paused) { { float mousex = MouseInput.Current.Position.X; float mousey = MouseInput.Current.Position.Y; mousex = (float)Math.Round(mousex); mousey = (float)Math.Round(mousey); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(mousex + ", " + mousey); } if (KeyboardInput.Current[Key.LControl]) { if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Z)) { Undo(); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Y)) { Redo(); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.D)) { DuplicateSelected(); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.B)) { background.LoadTexture(); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Delete) && MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this layer?", "Please confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { DeleteLayer(ActiveLayer); } } else { if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.G)) { showGrid = !showGrid; } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.B)) { = !; } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.L)) { preview = !preview; } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.H)) { hideVertices = !hideVertices; } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Z)) { hideSolids = !hideSolids; } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.F1)) { if (dataForm == null) { dataForm = new LevelDataForm(this); dataForm.Show(); } else { dataForm.Dispose(); dataForm = null; } } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.F2)) { List <EventObject> events = new List <EventObject>(); foreach (EditorObject o in ActiveObjects) { if ((o is EventObject) && o.Selected) { events.Add(o as EventObject); } } if (events.Count > 0) { new EventForm(events.ToArray()).Show(); } } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Delete)) { DeleteSelected(); } } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Minus)) { MoveSelected(1); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Slash)) { MoveSelected(-1); } if (MouseInput.ButtonPressed(MouseButton.Right)) { DeselectAll(); } if (MouseInput.ButtonPressed(MouseButton.Left) && !CurrentManipulator.Hovered && !templateMenu.Hovered) { Vertex v = GetVertexAt(MouseInput.Current.Position); EditorObject obj = GetObjectAt(MouseInput.Current.Position); Layer layer = GetHoveredLayer(); if (layer != null) { SetActiveLayer(layer); } if (v != null) { Select(v); } else if (obj != null) { obj.Select(); } else { selectionBox = new SelectionBox(MouseInput.Current.Position, this); } } if (MouseInput.ButtonReleased(MouseButton.Left) && selectionBox != null) { if (KeyboardInput.Current[Key.LControl]) { Deselect(selectionBox.GetObjects().ToArray()); } else { Select(selectionBox.GetObjects().ToArray()); } selectionBox.Dispose(); selectionBox = null; } if (selectionBox != null) { selectionBox.Logic(); } ActiveLayer.Logic(); } }
//--------------------------------------------- //private void Undo() //{ // //_undoManager.Undo(); //} private void ParseKeys() { KeyboardState state = Keyboard.GetState(); // Control is Down if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl)) { if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.T)) { SwitchTextures(); } if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.A)) { ChangeMapDimensions(); } if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.O)) { OpenMap(); } if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) { SaveMap(); } if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.N)) { NewMap(); } //---------| UNDO | //if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.Z)) //{ //} } else { float speed = (_mapMovementReverse ? -1 : 1) * _speed; if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.A)) { _mapPosition.X -= speed; _selectionPos.X -= (int)speed; } if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.D)) { _mapPosition.X += speed; _selectionPos.X += (int)speed; } if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.W)) { _mapPosition.Y -= speed; _selectionPos.Y -= (int)speed; } if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) { _mapPosition.Y += speed; _selectionPos.Y += (int)speed; } if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.OemTilde)) { EditorDraw.PlaceTile(_tileSelectionID, _selectionX, _selectionY, ShowCollision); } if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.R)) { _zoom = 1f; _mapPosition = Vector2.Zero; } if (KeyboardInput.CheckIsPressed(Keys.P)) { ShowCollision = !ShowCollision; } if (KeyboardInput.CheckIsPressed(Keys.O)) { ShowTriggers = !ShowTriggers; } if (KeyboardInput.CheckIsPressed(Keys.Q)) { if (_tileSelectionID > 0) { _tileSelectionID--; CurrentTileSelectionID--; } } if (KeyboardInput.CheckIsPressed(Keys.E)) { if (_tileSelectionID < CurrentMap.TextureMap.GetTilesPerRow() - 1) { _tileSelectionID++; CurrentTileSelectionID++; } } } }
public void Logic() { if (!KeyboardInput.Current[Key.LAlt]) { if (MouseInput.ButtonPressed(MouseButton.Left)) { a = (MouseInput.Current.PositionOrtho - creator.Position) * new Vector2(1 / creator.Size.X, 1 / creator.Size.Y); } if (MouseInput.Current[MouseButton.Left]) { b = (MouseInput.Current.PositionOrtho - creator.Position) * new Vector2(1 / creator.Size.X, 1 / creator.Size.Y); } } a = Vector2.Clamp(a, new Vector2(-0.5f, -0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); b = Vector2.Clamp(b, new Vector2(-0.5f, -0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Enter) && Active) { DRAW.RectangleF uv = UV; float right, left, up, down; creator.CurrentTileset.GetOpaqueOffset(uv, out left, out right, out up, out down); System.Drawing.RectangleF uvOpaque = new DRAW.RectangleF(uv.X + left, uv.Y + up, uv.Width - right - left, uv.Height - down - up); if (uvOpaque.Width * creator.CurrentTileset.Width > 1f && uvOpaque.Height * creator.CurrentTileset.Height > 1f) { if (creator.replaceReference == null) { creator.editor.CreateTemplate(creator.tilesetIndex, uvOpaque); Active = false; } else { Template t = creator.replaceReference.template; t.UV = uvOpaque; creator.Active = false; creator.replaceReference.size = t.Size; creator.replaceReference = null; } Active = false; } } DRAW.RectangleF meshRect = UV; mesh.Vertices = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(meshRect.X - .5f, 0.5f - meshRect.Y), new Vector2(meshRect.X - .5f + meshRect.Width, 0.5f - meshRect.Y), new Vector2(meshRect.X - .5f + meshRect.Width, 0.5f - (meshRect.Y + meshRect.Height)), new Vector2(meshRect.X - .5f, 0.5f - (meshRect.Y + meshRect.Height)) }; mesh.UV = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(meshRect.X, meshRect.Y), new Vector2(meshRect.X + meshRect.Width, meshRect.Y), new Vector2(meshRect.X + meshRect.Width, meshRect.Y + meshRect.Height), new Vector2(meshRect.X, meshRect.Y + meshRect.Height) }; }
public void Logic() { if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Tab)) { if (editor.tilesetList.Count == 0) { editor.tilesetList.PromptLoad(); } if (editor.tilesetList.Count > 0) { active = true; } } if (!Active) { return; } marker.Logic(); if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.N)) { editor.tilesetList.PromptLoad(); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.R)) { CurrentTileset.LoadNewFile(); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Delete) && MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this tileset?", "Please confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { RemoveTileset(CurrentTileset); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Escape)) { active = false; } if (KeyboardInput.Current[Key.LAlt]) { if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Right)) { SwitchTileset(1); } if (KeyboardInput.KeyPressed(Key.Left)) { SwitchTileset(-1); } if (MouseInput.Current[MouseButton.Left]) { positionOffset += MouseInput.Current.PositionOrtho - MouseInput.Previous.PositionOrtho; } } if (MouseInput.Current[MouseButton.Middle]) { positionOffset += MouseInput.Current.PositionOrtho - MouseInput.Previous.PositionOrtho; } zoomSpeed += (MouseInput.Current.Wheel - MouseInput.Previous.Wheel) * 0.5f; zoom += zoomSpeed * 5 *; zoomSpeed -= zoomSpeed * 5 *; zoom = MathHelper.Clamp(zoom, 1f, 5f); }