/// <summary>
        /// Run dispersal
        /// </summary>
        public void RunCrossGridCellEcologicalProcess(uint[] cellIndex, ModelGrid gridForDispersal, bool dispersalOnly, FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyCohortDefinitions, FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyStockDefinitions, uint currentMonth)

            // Create a temporary handler for grid cell cohorts
            GridCellCohortHandler WorkingGridCellCohorts;

            // Get the lat and lon indices
            uint ii = cellIndex[0];
            uint jj = cellIndex[1];

            // A boolean to check that the environmental layer exists
            bool varExists;

            // Check to see if the cell is marine
            double CellRealm = gridForDispersal.GetEnviroLayer("Realm", 0, ii, jj, out varExists);

            // Go through all of the cohorts in turn and see if they disperse
            WorkingGridCellCohorts = gridForDispersal.GetGridCellCohorts(ii, jj);

            // Loop through cohorts, and perform dispersal according to cohort type and status
            for (int kk = 0; kk < WorkingGridCellCohorts.Count; kk++)
                // Work through the list of cohorts
                for (int ll = 0; ll < WorkingGridCellCohorts[kk].Count; ll++)
                    // Check to see if the cell is marine and the cohort type is planktonic
                    if (CellRealm == 2.0 &&
                        ((madingleyCohortDefinitions.GetTraitNames("Mobility", WorkingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll].FunctionalGroupIndex) == "planktonic") || (WorkingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll].IndividualBodyMass <= PlanktonThreshold)))
                        // Run advective dispersal
                        Implementations["basic advective dispersal"].RunDispersal(cellIndex, gridForDispersal, WorkingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll], kk, ll, currentMonth);

                    // Otherwise, if mature do responsive dispersal
                    else if (WorkingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll].MaturityTimeStep < uint.MaxValue)
                        // Run diffusive dispersal 
                        Implementations["basic responsive dispersal"].RunDispersal(cellIndex, gridForDispersal, WorkingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll], kk, ll, currentMonth);
                    // If the cohort is immature, run diffusive dispersal
                        Implementations["basic diffusive dispersal"].RunDispersal(cellIndex, gridForDispersal, WorkingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll], kk, ll, currentMonth);
        /// <summary>
        /// Run dispersal
        /// </summary>
        public void RunCrossGridCellEcologicalProcess(uint[] cellIndex, ModelGrid gridForDispersal, bool dispersalOnly, FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyCohortDefinitions, FunctionalGroupDefinitions madingleyStockDefinitions, uint currentMonth)
            // Create a temporary handler for grid cell cohorts
            GridCellCohortHandler WorkingGridCellCohorts;

            // Get the lat and lon indices
            uint ii = cellIndex[0];
            uint jj = cellIndex[1];

            // A boolean to check that the environmental layer exists
            bool varExists;

            // Check to see if the cell is marine
            double CellRealm = gridForDispersal.GetEnviroLayer("Realm", 0, ii, jj, out varExists);

            // Go through all of the cohorts in turn and see if they disperse
            WorkingGridCellCohorts = gridForDispersal.GetGridCellCohorts(ii, jj);

            // Loop through cohorts, and perform dispersal according to cohort type and status
            for (int kk = 0; kk < WorkingGridCellCohorts.Count; kk++)
                // Work through the list of cohorts
                for (int ll = 0; ll < WorkingGridCellCohorts[kk].Count; ll++)
                    // Check to see if the cell is marine and the cohort type is planktonic
                    if (CellRealm == 2.0 &&
                        ((madingleyCohortDefinitions.GetTraitNames("Mobility", WorkingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll].FunctionalGroupIndex) == "planktonic") || (WorkingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll].IndividualBodyMass <= PlanktonThreshold)))
                        // Run advective dispersal
                        Implementations["basic advective dispersal"].RunDispersal(cellIndex, gridForDispersal, WorkingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll], kk, ll, currentMonth);
                    // Otherwise, if mature do responsive dispersal
                    else if (WorkingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll].MaturityTimeStep < uint.MaxValue)
                        // Run diffusive dispersal
                        Implementations["basic responsive dispersal"].RunDispersal(cellIndex, gridForDispersal, WorkingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll], kk, ll, currentMonth);
                    // If the cohort is immature, run diffusive dispersal
                        Implementations["basic diffusive dispersal"].RunDispersal(cellIndex, gridForDispersal, WorkingGridCellCohorts[kk][ll], kk, ll, currentMonth);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate outputs associated with low-level outputs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ecosystemModelGrid">The model grid</param>
        /// <param name="cellIndices">The list of indices of active cells in the model grid</param>
        /// <param name="cellIndex">The position of the current cell in the list of active cells</param>
        /// <param name="globalDiagnosticVariables">The global diagnostic variables for this model run</param>
        /// <param name="cohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions">The functional group definitions of cohorts in the model</param>
        /// <param name="stockFunctionalGroupDefinitions">The functional group definitions of stocks in the model</param>
        /// <param name="initialisation">The Madingley Model initialisation</param>
        /// <param name="month">The current month in the model run</param>
        /// <param name="MarineCell">Whether the current cell is a marine cell</param>
        private void CalculateLowLevelOutputs(ModelGrid ecosystemModelGrid, List<uint[]> cellIndices, int cellIndex, 
            SortedList<string,double> globalDiagnosticVariables, FunctionalGroupDefinitions cohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions,
            FunctionalGroupDefinitions stockFunctionalGroupDefinitions, MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation, uint month, 
            Boolean MarineCell)
            // Reset the total living biomass
            TotalLivingBiomass = 0.0;

            string[] Keys;

            if (MarineCell)
                // Get the list of cohort trait combinations to consider
                Keys = CohortTraitIndicesMarine.Keys.ToArray();

                // Get biomass, abundance and densities for each of the trait combinations. Note that the GetStateVariableDensity function deals with the assessment of whether cohorts contain individuals
                // of low enough mass to be considered zooplankton in the marine realm
                foreach (string TraitValue in Keys)
                    // Biomass density
                    TotalBiomassDensitiesOut[TraitValue] = ecosystemModelGrid.GetStateVariableDensity("Biomass", TraitValue, CohortTraitIndicesMarine[TraitValue], cellIndices[cellIndex][0], cellIndices[cellIndex][1], "cohort", initialisation) / 1000.0;

                    // Density
                    TotalDensitiesOut[TraitValue] = ecosystemModelGrid.GetStateVariableDensity("Abundance", TraitValue, CohortTraitIndicesMarine[TraitValue], cellIndices[cellIndex][0], cellIndices[cellIndex][1], "cohort", initialisation);
                // Get the list of cohort trait combinations to consider
                Keys = CohortTraitIndices.Keys.ToArray();

                // Get biomass, abundance and densities for each of the trait combinations
                foreach (string TraitValue in Keys)
                    // Biomass density
                    TotalBiomassDensitiesOut[TraitValue] = ecosystemModelGrid.GetStateVariableDensity("Biomass", TraitValue, CohortTraitIndices[TraitValue], cellIndices[cellIndex][0], cellIndices[cellIndex][1], "cohort", initialisation) / 1000.0;

                    // Density
                    TotalDensitiesOut[TraitValue] = ecosystemModelGrid.GetStateVariableDensity("Abundance", TraitValue, CohortTraitIndices[TraitValue], cellIndices[cellIndex][0], cellIndices[cellIndex][1], "cohort", initialisation);

            // Add the total biomass of all cohorts to the total living biomass variable
            TotalLivingBiomass += ecosystemModelGrid.GetStateVariable("Biomass", "NA", cohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions.AllFunctionalGroupsIndex,
                cellIndices[cellIndex][0], cellIndices[cellIndex][1], "cohort", initialisation);
            TotalLivingBiomassDensity = ecosystemModelGrid.GetStateVariableDensity("Biomass", "NA", cohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions.AllFunctionalGroupsIndex, cellIndices[cellIndex][0], cellIndices[cellIndex][1], "cohort", initialisation) / 1000.0;
            TotalHeterotrophAbundanceDensity = ecosystemModelGrid.GetStateVariableDensity("Abundance", "NA", cohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions.AllFunctionalGroupsIndex, cellIndices[cellIndex][0], cellIndices[cellIndex][1], "cohort", initialisation);
            TotalHeterotrophBiomassDensity = TotalLivingBiomassDensity;

            if (MarineCell)
                // Get the list of stock trait combinations to consider
                Keys = StockTraitIndicesMarine.Keys.ToArray();

                // Get biomass and biomass density for each of the trait combinations
                foreach (string TraitValue in Keys)
                    // Density
                    TotalBiomassDensitiesOut[TraitValue] = ecosystemModelGrid.GetStateVariableDensity("Biomass", TraitValue, StockTraitIndicesMarine[TraitValue], cellIndices[cellIndex][0], cellIndices[cellIndex][1], "stock", initialisation) / 1000.0;
                // Get the list of stock trait combinations to consider
                Keys = StockTraitIndices.Keys.ToArray();

                // Get biomass and biomass density for each of the trait combinations
                foreach (string TraitValue in Keys)
                    // Density
                    TotalBiomassDensitiesOut[TraitValue] = ecosystemModelGrid.GetStateVariableDensity("Biomass", TraitValue, StockTraitIndices[TraitValue], cellIndices[cellIndex][0], cellIndices[cellIndex][1], "stock", initialisation) / 1000.0;

            // Add the total biomass of all stocks to the total living biomass variable
            TotalLivingBiomass += ecosystemModelGrid.GetStateVariable("Biomass", "NA", stockFunctionalGroupDefinitions.AllFunctionalGroupsIndex,
                cellIndices[cellIndex][0], cellIndices[cellIndex][1], "stock", initialisation);
            TotalLivingBiomassDensity += ecosystemModelGrid.GetStateVariableDensity("Biomass", "NA", stockFunctionalGroupDefinitions.AllFunctionalGroupsIndex, cellIndices[cellIndex][0], cellIndices[cellIndex][1], "stock", initialisation) / 1000.0;

            if (TrackMarineSpecifics && MarineCell)
                bool varExists;
                TotalIncomingNPP = ecosystemModelGrid.GetEnviroLayer("NPP", month, cellIndices[cellIndex][0], cellIndices[cellIndex][1], out varExists);
        /// <summary>
        /// Run advective dispersal
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellIndex">The longitudinal and latitudinal indices of the focal grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="gridForDispersal">The model grid to run dispersal for</param>
        /// <param name="cohortToDisperse">The cohort to run dispersal for</param>
        /// <param name="actingCohortFunctionalGroup">The functional group index of the acting cohort</param>
        /// <param name="actingCohortNumber">The position of the acting cohort wihtin the functional group in the array of grid cell cohorts</param>
        /// <param name="currentMonth">The current model month</param>
        public void RunDispersal(uint[] cellIndex, ModelGrid gridForDispersal, Cohort cohortToDisperse, int actingCohortFunctionalGroup,
            int actingCohortNumber, uint currentMonth)
            // An array to hold the dispersal information
            double[] DispersalArray = new double[6];

            // A double to indicate whether or not the cohort has dispersed, and if it has dispersed, where to
            double CohortDispersed = 0;

            // Temporary variables to keep track of directions in which cohorts enter/exit cells during the multiple advection steps per time step
            uint ExitDirection = new uint();
            uint EntryDirection = new uint();
            ExitDirection = 9999;

            // An array to hold the present cohort location for the intermediate steps that occur before the final dispersal this time step
            uint[] PresentLocation = { cellIndex[0], cellIndex[1] };

            // Get the u speed and the v speed from the cell data
            double uAdvectiveSpeed = gridForDispersal.GetEnviroLayer("uVel", currentMonth, PresentLocation[0], PresentLocation[1], out varExists);
            Debug.Assert(uAdvectiveSpeed != -9999);

            double vAdvectiveSpeed = gridForDispersal.GetEnviroLayer("vVel", currentMonth, PresentLocation[0], PresentLocation[1], out varExists);
            Debug.Assert(vAdvectiveSpeed != -9999);

            uAdvectiveSpeed = RescaleDispersalSpeed(uAdvectiveSpeed);
            vAdvectiveSpeed = RescaleDispersalSpeed(vAdvectiveSpeed);

            // Loop through a number of times proportional to the rescaled dispersal
            for (int mm = 0; mm < _AdvectionTimeStepsPerModelTimeStep; mm++)
                // Get the probability of dispersal
                DispersalArray = CalculateDispersalProbability(gridForDispersal, PresentLocation[0], PresentLocation[1], currentMonth, uAdvectiveSpeed, vAdvectiveSpeed);

                // Check to see if it does disperse
                CohortDispersed = CheckForDispersal(DispersalArray[0]);

                // If it does, check to see where it will end up
                if (CohortDispersed > 0)
                    // Check to see if the direction is actually dispersable
                    uint[] DestinationCell = CellToDisperseTo(gridForDispersal, PresentLocation[0], PresentLocation[1], DispersalArray, CohortDispersed, DispersalArray[4], DispersalArray[5], ref ExitDirection, ref EntryDirection);

                    // If it is, go ahead and update the cohort location
                    if (DestinationCell[0] < 999999)
                        PresentLocation = DestinationCell;

                        // Get the u speed and the v speed from the cell data
                        uAdvectiveSpeed = gridForDispersal.GetEnviroLayer("uVel", currentMonth, PresentLocation[0], PresentLocation[1], out varExists);
                        vAdvectiveSpeed = gridForDispersal.GetEnviroLayer("vVel", currentMonth, PresentLocation[0], PresentLocation[1], out varExists);
                        uAdvectiveSpeed = RescaleDispersalSpeed(uAdvectiveSpeed);
                        vAdvectiveSpeed = RescaleDispersalSpeed(vAdvectiveSpeed);

            // Update the dipersal deltas for this cohort, if necessary
            if ((cellIndex[0] != PresentLocation[0]) || (cellIndex[1] != PresentLocation[1]))
                // Update the delta array of cohorts
                gridForDispersal.DeltaFunctionalGroupDispersalArray[cellIndex[0], cellIndex[1]].Add((uint)actingCohortFunctionalGroup);
                gridForDispersal.DeltaCohortNumberDispersalArray[cellIndex[0], cellIndex[1]].Add((uint)actingCohortNumber);

                // Update the delta array of cells to disperse to
                gridForDispersal.DeltaCellToDisperseToArray[cellIndex[0], cellIndex[1]].Add(PresentLocation);

                // Update the delta array of exit and entry directions
                gridForDispersal.DeltaCellExitDirection[cellIndex[0], cellIndex[1]].Add(ExitDirection);
                gridForDispersal.DeltaCellEntryDirection[cellIndex[0], cellIndex[1]].Add(EntryDirection);
        /// <summary>
        /// Run advective dispersal
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellIndex">The longitudinal and latitudinal indices of the focal grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="gridForDispersal">The model grid to run dispersal for</param>
        /// <param name="cohortToDisperse">The cohort to run dispersal for</param>
        /// <param name="actingCohortFunctionalGroup">The functional group index of the acting cohort</param>
        /// <param name="actingCohortNumber">The position of the acting cohort wihtin the functional group in the array of grid cell cohorts</param>
        /// <param name="currentMonth">The current model month</param>
        public void RunDispersal(uint[] cellIndex, ModelGrid gridForDispersal, Cohort cohortToDisperse, int actingCohortFunctionalGroup,
                                 int actingCohortNumber, uint currentMonth)
            // An array to hold the dispersal information
            double[] DispersalArray = new double[6];

            // A double to indicate whether or not the cohort has dispersed, and if it has dispersed, where to
            double CohortDispersed = 0;

            // Temporary variables to keep track of directions in which cohorts enter/exit cells during the multiple advection steps per time step
            uint ExitDirection  = new uint();
            uint EntryDirection = new uint();

            ExitDirection = 9999;

            // An array to hold the present cohort location for the intermediate steps that occur before the final dispersal this time step
            uint[] PresentLocation = { cellIndex[0], cellIndex[1] };

            // Get the u speed and the v speed from the cell data
            double uAdvectiveSpeed = gridForDispersal.GetEnviroLayer("uVel", currentMonth, PresentLocation[0], PresentLocation[1],
                                                                     out varExists);

            Debug.Assert(uAdvectiveSpeed != -9999);

            double vAdvectiveSpeed = gridForDispersal.GetEnviroLayer("vVel", currentMonth, PresentLocation[0], PresentLocation[1],
                                                                     out varExists);

            Debug.Assert(vAdvectiveSpeed != -9999);

            uAdvectiveSpeed = RescaleDispersalSpeed(uAdvectiveSpeed);
            vAdvectiveSpeed = RescaleDispersalSpeed(vAdvectiveSpeed);

            // Loop through a number of times proportional to the rescaled dispersal
            for (int mm = 0; mm < _AdvectionTimeStepsPerModelTimeStep; mm++)
                // Get the probability of dispersal
                DispersalArray = CalculateDispersalProbability(gridForDispersal, PresentLocation[0], PresentLocation[1],
                                                               currentMonth, uAdvectiveSpeed, vAdvectiveSpeed);

                // Check to see if it does disperse
                CohortDispersed = CheckForDispersal(DispersalArray[0]);

                // If it does, check to see where it will end up
                if (CohortDispersed > 0)
                    // Check to see if the direction is actually dispersable
                    uint[] DestinationCell = CellToDisperseTo(gridForDispersal, PresentLocation[0], PresentLocation[1],
                                                              DispersalArray, CohortDispersed, DispersalArray[4], DispersalArray[5], ref ExitDirection,
                                                              ref EntryDirection);

                    // If it is, go ahead and update the cohort location
                    if (DestinationCell[0] < 999999)
                        PresentLocation = DestinationCell;

                        // Get the u speed and the v speed from the cell data
                        uAdvectiveSpeed = gridForDispersal.GetEnviroLayer("uVel", currentMonth, PresentLocation[0],
                                                                          PresentLocation[1], out varExists);
                        vAdvectiveSpeed = gridForDispersal.GetEnviroLayer("vVel", currentMonth, PresentLocation[0],
                                                                          PresentLocation[1], out varExists);
                        uAdvectiveSpeed = RescaleDispersalSpeed(uAdvectiveSpeed);
                        vAdvectiveSpeed = RescaleDispersalSpeed(vAdvectiveSpeed);

            // Update the dipersal deltas for this cohort, if necessary
            if ((cellIndex[0] != PresentLocation[0]) || (cellIndex[1] != PresentLocation[1]))
                // Update the delta array of cohorts
                gridForDispersal.DeltaFunctionalGroupDispersalArray[cellIndex[0], cellIndex[1]].Add((uint)actingCohortFunctionalGroup);
                gridForDispersal.DeltaCohortNumberDispersalArray[cellIndex[0], cellIndex[1]].Add((uint)actingCohortNumber);

                // Update the delta array of cells to disperse to
                gridForDispersal.DeltaCellToDisperseToArray[cellIndex[0], cellIndex[1]].Add(PresentLocation);

                // Update the delta array of exit and entry directions
                gridForDispersal.DeltaCellExitDirection[cellIndex[0], cellIndex[1]].Add(ExitDirection);
                gridForDispersal.DeltaCellEntryDirection[cellIndex[0], cellIndex[1]].Add(EntryDirection);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the ecosystem model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="initialisation">An instance of the model initialisation class</param> 
        /// <param name="scenarioParameters">The parameters for the scenarios to run</param>
        /// <param name="scenarioIndex">The index of the scenario being run</param>
        /// <param name="outputFilesSuffix">The suffix to be applied to all outputs from this model run</param>
        /// <param name="globalModelTimeStepUnit">The time step unit used in the model</param>
        /// <param name="simulation">The index of the simulation being run</param>
        public MadingleyModel(MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation, ScenarioParameterInitialisation scenarioParameters, int scenarioIndex,
            string outputFilesSuffix, string globalModelTimeStepUnit, int simulation)
            // Assign the properties for this model run
            AssignModelRunProperties(initialisation, scenarioParameters, scenarioIndex, outputFilesSuffix);

            // Set up the model grid
#if true
            this._CellList = initialisation.CellList.ToList();
            EcosystemModelGrid.SetGridCells(gridCells, this._CellList);
            SetUpModelGrid(initialisation, scenarioParameters, scenarioIndex, simulation);

            // Set up model outputs
            SetUpOutputs(initialisation, simulation, scenarioIndex);

            // Make the initial outputs
            InitialOutputs(outputFilesSuffix, initialisation, CurrentMonth);

            // Instance the array of process trackers
            ProcessTrackers = new ProcessTracker[_CellList.Count];

            // Temporary variables
            Boolean varExists;

            // Set up process trackers for each grid cell
            for (int i = 0; i < _CellList.Count; i++)
                ProcessTrackers[i] = new ProcessTracker(NumTimeSteps,
                EcosystemModelGrid.Lats, EcosystemModelGrid.Lons,
                initialisation.OutputPath, initialisation.ModelMassBins,
                SpecificLocations, i, initialisation,
                EcosystemModelGrid.GetEnviroLayer("Realm", 0, _CellList[i][0], _CellList[i][1], out varExists) == 2.0,

            // Set up a cross cell process tracker
            TrackCrossCellProcesses = new CrossCellProcessTracker(initialisation.TrackCrossCellProcesses, "DispersalData", initialisation.OutputPath, outputFilesSuffix);

            //Set up a global process tracker
            if (SpecificLocations) initialisation.TrackGlobalProcesses = false;

            TrackGlobalProcesses = new GlobalProcessTracker(NumTimeSteps,
                EcosystemModelGrid.Lats, EcosystemModelGrid.Lons,
                initialisation.OutputPath, initialisation.ModelMassBins,
                SpecificLocations, initialisation,

            //Set-up the instance of OutputModelState
            WriteModelState = new OutputModelState(initialisation, outputFilesSuffix, simulation);

            if (SpecificLocations) initialisation.RunRealm = "";

            // Record the initial cohorts in the process trackers

            // Initialise the time step timer
            TimeStepTimer = new StopWatch();
            EcologyTimer = new StopWatch();
            OutputTimer = new StopWatch();

            // Set the global model time step unit
            _GlobalModelTimeStepUnit = globalModelTimeStepUnit;