protected void GUIEvent(string name, SerializedProperty property) { int playCount, stopCount; bool stopAll; AnalyzeAction(property, out playCount, out stopCount, out stopAll); bool colorize = playCount > 0 || stopCount > 0 || stopAll; if (colorize) { GUI.color = Color.yellow; } if (MadGUI.Foldout(name, false)) { GUI.color = Color.white; using (MadGUI.Indent()) { GUIAction(property); } } GUI.color = Color.white; }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { serializedObject.UpdateIfDirtyOrScript(); GUI.color = Color.yellow; if (GUILayout.Button("<< Back To Layer Listing")) { Selection.activeGameObject = layer.parent.gameObject; } GUI.color = Color.white; GUILayout.Space(16); MadGUI.PropertyField(texture, "Texture"); MadGUI.PropertyField(tint, "Tint"); EditorGUILayout.Space(); MadGUI.PropertyField(scaleMode, "Scale Mode"); MadGUI.PropertyField(repeatX, "Repeat X"); MadGUI.PropertyField(repeatY, "Repeat Y"); MadGUI.ConditionallyEnabled(layer.scaleMode == MadLevelBackgroundLayer.ScaleMode.Fill && !layer.repeatX && !layer.repeatY, () => { if (MadGUI.Foldout("Margin", false)) { MadGUI.Indent(() => { MadGUI.PropertyField(fillMarginLeft, "Left"); MadGUI.PropertyField(fillMarginTop, "Top"); MadGUI.PropertyField(fillMarginRight, "Right"); MadGUI.PropertyField(fillMarginBottom, "Bottom"); }); } }); MadGUI.ConditionallyEnabled(!layer.repeatX && !layer.repeatY, () => { MadGUI.PropertyField(dontStretch, "Don't Stretch"); }); if (scaleMode.enumValueIndex == (int)MadLevelBackgroundLayer.ScaleMode.Manual) { MadGUI.PropertyField(align, "Align"); EditorGUILayout.Space(); MadGUI.PropertyFieldVector2Compact(position, "Position", 70); MadGUI.PropertyFieldVector2Compact(scale, "Scale", 70); } else { MadGUI.PropertyFieldVector2Compact(position, "Position", 70); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); MadGUI.PropertyField(followSpeed, "Follow Speed"); MadGUI.PropertyFieldVector2Compact(scrollSpeed, "Auto Scroll", 70); if (serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties()) { layer.SetDirty(); } }
protected void TwoStepActivation() { MadGUI.PropertyFieldEnumPopup(twoStepActivationType, "Two Step Activation"); MadGUI.ConditionallyEnabled( twoStepActivationType.enumValueIndex != (int)MadLevelAbstractLayout.TwoStepActivationType.Disabled, () => { MadGUI.Indent(() => { if (MadGUI.Foldout("On Activate", false)) { MadGUI.Indent(() => { ActivateAction( onIconActivatePlayAudio, onIconActivatePlayAudioClip, onIconActivatePlayAudioVolume, onIconActivateMessage, onIconActivateMessageReceiver, onIconActivateMessageMethodName, onIconActivateMessageIncludeChildren ); }); } if (MadGUI.Foldout("On Deactivate", false)) { MadGUI.Indent(() => { ActivateAction( onIconDeactivatePlayAudio, onIconDeactivatePlayAudioClip, onIconDeactivatePlayAudioVolume, onIconDeactivateMessage, onIconDeactivateMessageReceiver, onIconDeactivateMessageMethodName, onIconDeactivateMessageIncludeChildren ); }); } }); }); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { if (MadTrialEditor.isTrialVersion && MadTrialEditor.expired) { MadTrialEditor.OnEditorGUIExpired("Mad Level Manager"); return; } LoadTextures(); // loading textures with delay to prevent editor errors CheckAssetLocation(); ActiveInfo(); GUIGroupPopup(); LoadItems(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(1)); GUILayout.Space(200); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); list.Draw(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUI.backgroundColor =; if (GUILayout.Button("Add")) { AddLevel(); } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; GUI.enabled = list.selectedItem != null; GUI.backgroundColor =; if (GUILayout.Button("Remove") || GUI.enabled && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Delete) { RemoveLevel(); } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label("Move"); if (GUILayout.Button("Down")) { MoveDown(); configuration.SetDirty(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Up")) { MoveUp(); configuration.SetDirty(); } GUILayout.Space(10); if (GUILayout.Button("Bottom")) { MoveToBottom(); configuration.SetDirty(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Top")) { MoveToTop(); configuration.SetDirty(); } GUI.enabled = true; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); MadGUI.IndentBox("Level Properties", () => { var item = list.selectedItem; var items = list.selectedItems; if (item == null) { item = new LevelItem(configuration); GUI.enabled = false; } MadUndo.RecordObject(configuration, "Edit '" + + "'"); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); UnityEngine.Object sceneValue = null; if (!multiSelection) { MadGUI.Validate(() => item.level.sceneObject != null, () => { sceneValue = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Scene", item.level.sceneObject, typeof(UnityEngine.Object), false); }); } else { bool unified = (from i in items select i.level.sceneObject).Distinct().Count() == 1; if (unified) { sceneValue = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Scene", item.level.sceneObject, typeof(UnityEngine.Object), false); } else { sceneValue = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Scene", null, typeof(UnityEngine.Object), false); } } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { MadUndo.RecordObject2(target, "Changed Level Scene"); foreach (var levelItem in items) { levelItem.level.sceneObject = sceneValue; } } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.yellow; if (GUILayout.Button("Set Current", GUILayout.Width(85))) { MadUndo.RecordObject2(target, "Change Scene"); #if UNITY_5 && !(UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2) Scene activeScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); var obj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(, typeof(UnityEngine.Object)); #else var obj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(EditorApplication.currentScene, typeof(UnityEngine.Object)); #endif if (obj != null) { foreach (var levelItem in items) { levelItem.level.sceneObject = obj; } } else { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Scene not saved", "Current scene is not saved. Please save it first (CTRL+S).", "OK"); } } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (!CheckAssetIsScene(item.level.sceneObject)) { item.level.sceneObject = null; } MadGUI.Validate(() => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(, () => { GUI.SetNextControlName("level name"); // needs names to unfocus using (MadGUI.EnabledIf(!multiSelection)) { if (!multiSelection) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var value = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Level Name",; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { MadUndo.RecordObject2(target, "Changed Level Name"); = value; } } else { EditorGUILayout.TextField("Level Name", "-"); } } }); // level type MadLevel.Type typeValue = default(MadLevel.Type); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); if (!multiSelection) { typeValue = (MadLevel.Type)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Type", item.level.type); } else { bool unified = (from i in items select i.level.type).Distinct().Count() == 1; if (unified) { typeValue = (MadLevel.Type)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Type", item.level.type); } else { int val = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Type", -1, Enum.GetNames(typeof(MadLevel.Type))); if (val != -1) { typeValue = (MadLevel.Type)val; } } } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { MadUndo.RecordObject2(target, "Changed Level Type"); foreach (var levelItem in items) { levelItem.level.type = typeValue; } } GUI.SetNextControlName("arguments"); // needs names to unfocus if (!multiSelection) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var value = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Arguments", item.level.arguments); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { MadUndo.RecordObject2(target, "Changed Level Arguments"); item.level.arguments = value; } } else { bool unified = (from i in items select i.level.arguments).Distinct().Count() == 1; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); string value = ""; if (unified) { value = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Arguments", item.level.arguments); } else { value = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Arguments", "-"); } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { MadUndo.RecordObject2(target, "Changed Level Arguments"); foreach (var levelItem in items) { levelItem.level.arguments = value; } } } if (MadGUI.Foldout("Locking", false)) { using (MadGUI.Indent()) { bool lockedByDefultState = false; if (multiSelection) { bool unified = (from i in items select i.level.lockedByDefault).Distinct().Count() == 1; if (unified && (item.level.lockedByDefault)) { lockedByDefultState = true; } } else { lockedByDefultState = item.level.lockedByDefault; } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); GUI.SetNextControlName("locked by default"); // needs names to unfocus bool lockedByDefaultValue = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Locked By Default", lockedByDefultState); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { MadUndo.RecordObject2(target, "Changed Locked By Default"); foreach (var levelItem in items) { levelItem.level.lockedByDefault = lockedByDefaultValue; } } } EditorGUILayout.Space(); } if (MadGUI.Foldout("Extensions", false)) { using (MadGUI.Indent()) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); int extensionIndex = -1; if (!multiSelection) { extensionIndex = configuration.extensions.FindIndex((e) => e == item.level.extension) + 1; } else { bool unified = (from i in items select i.level.extension).Distinct().Count() == 1; if (unified) { extensionIndex = configuration.extensions.FindIndex((e) => e == item.level.extension) + 1; } } extensionIndex = MadGUI.DynamicPopup(extensionIndex, "Extension", configuration.extensions.Count + 1, (index) => { if (index == 0) { return("(none)"); } else { return(configuration.extensions[index - 1].name); } }); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { MadUndo.RecordObject2(target, "Changed Extension For Level"); foreach (var levelItem in items) { if (extensionIndex == 0) { levelItem.level.extension = null; } else { levelItem.level.extension = configuration.extensions[extensionIndex - 1]; } } configuration.SetDirty(); } bool enabledState = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = true; if (MadGUI.Button("Open Extension Editor", Color.magenta)) { MadLevelExtensionEditor.Show(configuration); } GUI.enabled = enabledState; EditorGUILayout.Space(); } } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); int groupIndex = GroupToIndex(; groupIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Move To Group:", groupIndex, GroupNames()); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { var @group = IndexToGroup(groupIndex); MadUndo.RecordObject2(target, "Move Levels To Group " +; foreach (var levelItem in items) { = @group; } } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { configuration.SetDirty(); } if (inspectorAddons.Count > 0) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); } foreach (var addon in inspectorAddons) { addon.OnInspectorGUI(item.level); } GUI.enabled = true; }); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Help")) { Help.BrowseURL(MadLevelHelp.LevelConfigurationHelp); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (!configuration.IsValid()) { MadGUI.Error("Configuration is invalid. Please make sure that:\n" + "- There's no levels with \"!!!\" icon. These levels may have duplicated name or missing scene.\n" + "- All your extensions have no missing scenes (in Extension Editor)" ); } if ( && !MadLevelConfigurationEditor.CheckBuildSynchronized(configuration)) { if (MadGUI.ErrorFix( "Build configuration is not in synch with level configuration.", "Synchronize Now")) { MadLevelConfigurationEditor.SynchronizeBuild(configuration); } } ExecuteDelayed(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { if (levelIcon.generated && SetupMethodGenerate()) { if (MadGUI.WarningFix("This icon instance has been generated. If you want to modify this icon, " + "please switch your Setup Method to Manual or change the template.", "Help")) { Application.OpenURL(MadLevelHelp.IconGenerated); } GUI.enabled = false; } if (MadGameObject.IsActive(levelIcon.gameObject)) { Properties(); } else { MadGUI.Warning("Not all functions are available if this object is disabled! Before editing please enable this game object!"); } MadGUI.BeginBox("Visibility"); MadGUI.Indent(() => { EditorGUILayout.Space(); CheckPropertyError(levelIcon.showWhenLevelLocked); GUILayout.Label("Show when level is locked"); ArrayFor(levelIcon.showWhenLevelLocked); CheckPropertyError(levelIcon.showWhenLevelUnlocked); GUILayout.Label("Show when level is unlocked"); ArrayFor(levelIcon.showWhenLevelUnlocked); CheckPropertyError(levelIcon.showWhenLevelCompleted); GUILayout.Label("Show when level is completed"); ArrayFor(levelIcon.showWhenLevelCompleted); CheckPropertyError(levelIcon.showWhenLevelNotCompleted); GUILayout.Label("Show when level is not completed"); ArrayFor(levelIcon.showWhenLevelNotCompleted); CheckConflictError(); serializedObject.UpdateIfDirtyOrScript(); MadGUI.PropertyField(canFocusIfLocked, "Can Focus If Locked"); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); if (levelIcon.generated) { serializedObject.UpdateIfDirtyOrScript(); if (MadGUI.Foldout("Unlock On Complete", false)) { var arrayList = new MadGUI.ArrayList <MadLevelIcon>( unlockOnComplete, (p) => { MadGUI.PropertyField(p, ""); }); arrayList.Draw(); } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } }); MadGUI.EndBox(); if (levelIcon.completedProperty != null || levelIcon.lockedProperty != null) { SectionSecialProperties(); } MadGUI.BeginBox("Sprite"); MadGUI.Indent(() => { SectionSprite(); }); MadGUI.EndBox(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { var levelIcon = target as MadLevelIcon; MadGUI.BeginBox("Properties"); MadGUI.Indent(() => { var properties = PropertyList(); foreach (MadLevelProperty property in properties) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(, GUILayout.Width(170)); GUI.enabled = !property.propertyEnabled; if (GUILayout.Button("Enable")) { property.propertyEnabled = true; EditorUtility.SetDirty(property); } GUI.enabled = property.propertyEnabled; if (GUILayout.Button("Disable")) { property.propertyEnabled = false; EditorUtility.SetDirty(property); } GUI.enabled = true; GUI.color = Color.white; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } }); MadGUI.EndBox(); MadGUI.BeginBox("Level Icon"); MadGUI.Indent(() => { if (levelIcon.hasLevelConfiguration) { int levelCount = levelIcon.configuration.LevelCount(MadLevel.Type.Level); if (levelCount > levelIcon.levelIndex) { var level = levelIcon.level; MadGUI.Disabled(() => { EditorGUILayout.TextField("Level Name",; EditorGUILayout.TextField("Level Arguments", level.arguments); }); } if (MadGUI.InfoFix("These values are set and managed by level configuration.", "Configuration")) { Selection.objects = new Object[] { levelIcon.configuration }; } } else { serializedObject.Update(); MadGUI.PropertyField(levelSceneName, "Level Scene Name"); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } // // Completed property select popup // MadGUI.PropertyFieldObjectsPopup <MadLevelProperty>( target, "\"Completed\" Property", ref levelIcon.completedProperty, PropertyList(), false ); MadGUI.PropertyFieldObjectsPopup <MadLevelProperty>( target, "\"Locked\" Property", ref levelIcon.lockedProperty, PropertyList(), false ); MadGUI.PropertyFieldObjectsPopup <MadText>( target, "Level Number Text", ref levelIcon.levelNumber, TextList(), false ); serializedObject.Update(); if (MadGUI.Foldout("Unlock On Complete", false)) { var arrayList = new MadGUI.ArrayList <MadLevelIcon>( unlockOnComplete, (p) => { MadGUI.PropertyField(p, ""); }); arrayList.Draw(); } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }); MadGUI.EndBox(); MadGUI.BeginBox("Sprite"); MadGUI.Indent(() => { SectionSprite(); }); MadGUI.EndBox(); }