public AMKey[] removeSelectedKeysFromTrack(AMTakeData take, AMITarget itarget, int track_id) { List <AMKey> dkeys = new List <AMKey>(); bool didDeleteKeys = false; AMTrack track = take.getTrack(track_id); for (int i = 0; i < track.keys.Count; i++) { if (!isFrameInContextSelection(track.keys[i].frame)) { continue; } dkeys.Add(track.keys[i]); track.keys.Remove(track.keys[i]); i--; didDeleteKeys = true; } if (didDeleteKeys) { track.updateCache(itarget); } return(dkeys.ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// This will only duplicate the tracks and groups, includeKeys=true to also duplicate keys /// </summary> /// <param name="take"></param> public void DuplicateTake(AMTakeData dupTake, bool includeKeys, bool addCompUndo) { AMTakeData a = new AMTakeData(); =; MakeTakeNameUnique(a); a.numLoop = dupTake.numLoop; a.loopMode = dupTake.loopMode; a.frameRate = dupTake.frameRate; a.endFramePadding = dupTake.endFramePadding; //a.lsTracks = new List<AMTrack>(); //a.dictTracks = new Dictionary<int,AMTrack>(); if (dupTake.rootGroup != null) { a.rootGroup = dupTake.rootGroup.duplicate(); } else { a.initGroups(); } a.group_count = dupTake.group_count; if (dupTake.groupValues != null) { a.groupValues = new List <AMGroup>(); foreach (AMGroup grp in dupTake.groupValues) { a.groupValues.Add(grp.duplicate()); } } a.track_count = dupTake.track_count; if (dupTake.trackValues != null) { a.trackValues = new List <AMTrack>(); foreach (AMTrack track in dupTake.trackValues) { GameObject holderGO = (this as AMITarget).holder.gameObject; AMTrack dupTrack = (addCompUndo ? UnityEditor.Undo.AddComponent(holderGO, track.GetType()) : holderGO.AddComponent(track.GetType())) as AMTrack; dupTrack.enabled = false; track.CopyTo(dupTrack); a.trackValues.Add(dupTrack); dupTrack.maintainTrack(mDataTarget); Object tgtObj = dupTrack.GetTarget(mDataTarget); //if there's no target, then we can't add the keys for events and properties if (includeKeys && !(tgtObj == null && (dupTrack is AMPropertyTrack || dupTrack is AMEventTrack))) { foreach (AMKey key in track.keys) { AMKey dupKey = (addCompUndo ? UnityEditor.Undo.AddComponent(holderGO, key.GetType()) : holderGO.AddComponent(key.GetType())) as AMKey; if (dupKey) { key.CopyTo(dupKey); dupKey.enabled = false; dupKey.maintainKey(mDataTarget, tgtObj); dupTrack.keys.Add(dupKey); } } dupTrack.updateCache(mDataTarget); } } } takes.Add(a); }
void OnGUI() { #if UNITY_5 titleContent = new GUIContent("Ease: " + (oData.time_numbering ? AMTimeline.frameToTime(key.frame, (float)aData.currentTake.frameRate) + " s" : key.frame.ToString())); #else title = "Ease: " + (oData.time_numbering ? AMTimeline.frameToTime(key.frame, (float)aData.currentTake.frameRate) + " s" : key.frame.ToString()); #endif AMTimeline.loadSkin(ref skin, ref cachedSkinName, position); bool updateEasingCurve = false; GUIStyle styleBox = new GUIStyle(; styleBox.normal =; styleBox.hover = styleBox.normal; styleBox.border =; GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(5f, 5f, position.width - 10f, position.height - 10f)); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("", styleBox, GUILayout.Width(500f), GUILayout.Height(100f))) { selectedSpeedIndex = (selectedSpeedIndex + 1) % speedValues.Length; percent = waitPercent * -1f; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5f); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); int prevCategory = category; bool updatedSelectedIndex = false; if (setCategory(GUILayout.SelectionGrid(category, categories, (position.width >= 715f ? 12 : 6), GUILayout.Width(position.width - 16f)))) { selectedIndex = getSelectedEaseIndex(prevCategory, selectedIndex); selectedIndex = getCategoryIndexForEase(selectedIndex); if (selectedIndex < 1) { selectedIndex = 1; percent = waitPercent * -1f; updatedSelectedIndex = true; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5f); GUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Height(233f)); if (updatedSelectedIndex || setSelectedIndex(GUILayout.SelectionGrid(selectedIndex, easeTypesFiltered[category].ToArray(), 3))) { percent = waitPercent * -1f; updateEasingCurve = true; if (getSelectedEaseName(category, selectedIndex) == "Custom") { isCustomEase = true; if (key.customEase.Count > 0) { curve = key.getCustomEaseCurve(); } else { setEasingCurve(); } } else { isCustomEase = false; } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.Space(5f); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Apply")) { int nease = AMTimeline.GetEaseIndex(getSelectedEaseIndex(category, selectedIndex)); bool shouldUpdateCache = false; if (isCustomEase) { key.setCustomEase(curve); shouldUpdateCache = true; } if (key.easeType != nease) { shouldUpdateCache = true; } if (shouldUpdateCache) { AnimatorDataEdit.RecordUndoTrackAndKeys(track, false, "Change Ease"); key.setEaseType(nease); // update cache when modifying varaibles track.updateCache(; // preview new position aData.currentTake.previewFrame(, aData.currentTake.selectedFrame); } this.Close(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel")) { this.Close(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); // orb texture GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(x_pos, 15f, 80f, 80f), tex_orb); // speed label GUIStyle styleLabelRight = new GUIStyle(; styleLabelRight.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; styleLabelRight.normal.textColor = Color.white; EditorGUI.DropShadowLabel(new Rect(475f, 5f, 25f, 25f), speedNames[selectedSpeedIndex], styleLabelRight); // draw border GUI.color =; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0f, 0f, 7f, 110f), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(position.width - 209f, 0f, 208f, 110f), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture); GUI.color = Color.white; // curve field if (updateEasingCurve) { setEasingCurve(); } else if (!isCustomEase && didChangeCurve()) { isCustomEase = true; selectedIndex = getCategoryIndexForEaseName("Custom"); if (selectedIndex < 0) { category = 0; selectedIndex = getCategoryIndexForEaseName("Custom"); } } curve = EditorGUI.CurveField(new Rect(500f, 5f, 208f, 100f), curve); }
/*public AMKey[] getContextSelectionKeys() { * List<AMKey> keys = new List<AMKey>(); * foreach(AMKey key in getSelectedTrack().keys) { * for(int i=0;i<contextSelection.Count;i+=2) { * // if selection start frame > frame, break out of sorted list * if(contextSelection[i] > key.frame) break; * if(contextSelection[i] <= key.frame && contextSelection[i+1] >= key.frame) keys.Add(key); * } * } * return keys.ToArray(); * }*/ // offset context selection frames by an amount. can be positive or negative //returns keys that are to be deleted public AMKey[] offsetContextSelectionFramesBy(AMTakeData take, AMITarget itarget, int offset) { if (offset == 0) { return(new AMKey[0]); } if (contextSelection.Count <= 0) { return(new AMKey[0]); } List <AMKey> rkeys = new List <AMKey>(); List <AMKey> keysToDelete = new List <AMKey>(); foreach (int track_id in contextSelectionTracks) { bool shouldUpdateCache = false; AMTrack _track = take.getTrack(track_id); foreach (AMKey key in _track.keys) { for (int i = 0; i < contextSelection.Count; i += 2) { // move context selection if (contextSelection[i] <= key.frame && contextSelection[i + 1] >= key.frame) { // if there is already a key in the new frame position, mark for deletion bool keyToOverwriteInContextSelection = false; if (_track.hasKeyOnFrame(key.frame + offset)) { // check if the key is in the selection for (int j = 0; j < contextSelection.Count; j += 2) { if (contextSelection[j] <= (key.frame + offset) && contextSelection[j + 1] >= (key.frame + offset)) { keyToOverwriteInContextSelection = true; break; } } // if not key is not in selection, mark for deletion if (!keyToOverwriteInContextSelection) { keysToDelete.Add(_track.getKeyOnFrame(key.frame + offset)); } } key.frame += offset; if (!shouldUpdateCache) { shouldUpdateCache = true; } break; } } } // delete keys that were overwritten foreach (AMKey key in keysToDelete) { _track.keys.Remove(key); rkeys.Add(key); } keysToDelete.Clear(); // update cache if (shouldUpdateCache) { _track.updateCache(itarget); } } // update context selection for (int i = 0; i < contextSelection.Count; i++) { // move context selection contextSelection[i] += offset; } // clear ghost selection ghostSelection = new List <int>(); return(rkeys.ToArray()); }