public void Read(NetBuffer im) { MessagePacketId = im.ReadInt64(); Number = im.ReadInt32(); int length = im.ReadInt32(); if (length != 0) { Bytes = im.ReadBytes(length); } }
public void Read(NetBuffer im) { PluginName = im.ReadString(); MethodName = im.ReadString(); RspType = im.ReadByte(); if (RspType == StringDataType) { StringCommandRsp = im.ReadString(); } else if (RspType == BinaryDataType) { int l = im.ReadInt32(); BinaryCommandRsp = im.ReadBytes(l); } }
/// <summary> /// Read this message from the packet buffer /// </summary> /// <returns>new read pointer position</returns> internal void ReadFrom(NetBuffer buffer, IPEndPoint endpoint) { m_senderEndPoint = endpoint; // read header byte header = buffer.ReadByte(); m_type = (NetMessageLibraryType)(header & 7); m_sequenceChannel = (NetChannel)(header >> 3); m_sequenceNumber = buffer.ReadUInt16(); int payLen = (int)buffer.ReadVariableUInt32(); // copy payload into message buffer m_data.EnsureBufferSize(payLen * 8); buffer.ReadBytes(m_data.Data, 0, payLen); m_data.Reset(0, payLen * 8); return; }
/// <summary> /// Read this message from the packet buffer /// </summary> /// <returns>new read pointer position</returns> internal bool ReadFrom(NetBuffer buffer, NetworkEndPoint endpoint) { m_senderEndPoint = endpoint; // read header byte header; // ignore zero padding in the beginning until we get something non-zero do { if (buffer.BytesRemaining == 0) { return(false); } header = buffer.ReadByte(); } while (header == 0); m_type = (NetMessageLibraryType)(header & 7); m_sequenceChannel = (NetChannel)(header >> 3); //TODO: do not read seqno for unreliable, just set it to 0 (DAVID) m_sequenceNumber = buffer.ReadUInt16(); int payLen = (int)buffer.ReadVariableUInt32(); if (payLen > buffer.BytesRemaining) { return(false); // bad packet } // copy payload into message buffer m_data.EnsureBufferSizeInBytes(payLen); buffer.ReadBytes(m_data.Data, 0, payLen); m_data.Reset(0, payLen * 8); return(true); }
static unsafe void Main(string[] args) { // JIT stuff NetBuffer msg = new NetBuffer(20); msg.Write((short)short.MaxValue); // Go double timeStart = NetTime.Now; msg = new NetBuffer(20); for (int n = 0; n < 10000; n++) { msg.Reset(); msg.Write((short)short.MaxValue); msg.Write((short)short.MinValue); msg.Write((short)-42); msg.Write(421); msg.Write((byte)7); msg.Write(-42.8f); if (msg.LengthBytes != 15) throw new Exception("Bad message length"); msg.Write("duke of earl"); int bytesWritten; bytesWritten = msg.WriteVariableInt32(-1); bytesWritten = msg.WriteVariableInt32(5); bytesWritten = msg.WriteVariableInt32(-18); bytesWritten = msg.WriteVariableInt32(42); bytesWritten = msg.WriteVariableInt32(-420); msg.Write((uint)9991); // byte boundary kept until here msg.Write(true); msg.Write((uint)3, 5); msg.Write(8.111f); msg.Write("again"); byte[] arr = new byte[] { 1, 6, 12, 24 }; msg.Write(arr); msg.Write((byte)7, 7); msg.Write(Int32.MinValue); msg.Write(UInt32.MaxValue); msg.WriteRangedSingle(21.0f, -10, 50, 12); // test reduced bit signed writing msg.Write(15, 5); msg.Write(2, 5); msg.Write(0, 5); msg.Write(-1, 5); msg.Write(-2, 5); msg.Write(-15, 5); msg.Write(UInt64.MaxValue); msg.Write(Int64.MaxValue); msg.Write(Int64.MinValue); msg.Write(42); msg.WritePadBits(); int numBits = msg.WriteRangedInteger(0, 10, 5); if (numBits != 4) throw new Exception("Ack WriteRangedInteger failed"); // verify msg.Position = 0; short a = msg.ReadInt16(); short b = msg.ReadInt16(); short c = msg.ReadInt16(); if (a != short.MaxValue || b != short.MinValue || c != -42) throw new Exception("Ack thpth short failed"); if (msg.ReadInt32() != 421) throw new Exception("Ack thphth 1"); if (msg.ReadByte() != (byte)7) throw new Exception("Ack thphth 2"); if (msg.ReadSingle() != -42.8f) throw new Exception("Ack thphth 3"); if (msg.ReadString() != "duke of earl") throw new Exception("Ack thphth 4"); if (msg.ReadVariableInt32() != -1) throw new Exception("ReadVariableInt32 failed 1"); if (msg.ReadVariableInt32() != 5) throw new Exception("ReadVariableInt32 failed 2"); if (msg.ReadVariableInt32() != -18) throw new Exception("ReadVariableInt32 failed 3"); if (msg.ReadVariableInt32() != 42) throw new Exception("ReadVariableInt32 failed 4"); if (msg.ReadVariableInt32() != -420) throw new Exception("ReadVariableInt32 failed 5"); if (msg.ReadUInt32() != 9991) throw new Exception("Ack thphth 4.5"); if (msg.ReadBoolean() != true) throw new Exception("Ack thphth 5"); if (msg.ReadUInt32(5) != (uint)3) throw new Exception("Ack thphth 6"); if (msg.ReadSingle() != 8.111f) throw new Exception("Ack thphth 7"); if (msg.ReadString() != "again") throw new Exception("Ack thphth 8"); byte[] rrr = msg.ReadBytes(4); if (rrr[0] != arr[0] || rrr[1] != arr[1] || rrr[2] != arr[2] || rrr[3] != arr[3]) throw new Exception("Ack thphth 9"); if (msg.ReadByte(7) != 7) throw new Exception("Ack thphth 10"); if (msg.ReadInt32() != Int32.MinValue) throw new Exception("Ack thphth 11"); if (msg.ReadUInt32() != UInt32.MaxValue) throw new Exception("Ack thphth 12"); float v = msg.ReadRangedSingle(-10, 50, 12); // v should be close to, but not necessarily exactly, 21.0f if ((float)Math.Abs(21.0f - v) > 0.1f) throw new Exception("Ack thphth *RangedSingle() failed"); if (msg.ReadInt32(5) != 15) throw new Exception("Ack thphth ReadInt32 1"); if (msg.ReadInt32(5) != 2) throw new Exception("Ack thphth ReadInt32 2"); if (msg.ReadInt32(5) != 0) throw new Exception("Ack thphth ReadInt32 3"); if (msg.ReadInt32(5) != -1) throw new Exception("Ack thphth ReadInt32 4"); if (msg.ReadInt32(5) != -2) throw new Exception("Ack thphth ReadInt32 5"); if (msg.ReadInt32(5) != -15) throw new Exception("Ack thphth ReadInt32 6"); UInt64 longVal = msg.ReadUInt64(); if (longVal != UInt64.MaxValue) throw new Exception("Ack thphth UInt64"); if (msg.ReadInt64() != Int64.MaxValue) throw new Exception("Ack thphth Int64"); if (msg.ReadInt64() != Int64.MinValue) throw new Exception("Ack thphth Int64"); if (msg.ReadInt32() != 42) throw new Exception("Ack thphth end"); msg.SkipPadBits(); if (msg.ReadRangedInteger(0, 10) != 5) throw new Exception("Ack thphth ranged integer"); } // test writevariableuint64 NetBuffer largeBuffer = new NetBuffer(100 * 8); UInt64[] largeNumbers = new ulong[100]; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { largeNumbers[i] = ((ulong)NetRandom.Instance.NextUInt() << 32) | (ulong)NetRandom.Instance.NextUInt(); largeBuffer.WriteVariableUInt64(largeNumbers[i]); } largeBuffer.Position = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { UInt64 ln = largeBuffer.ReadVariableUInt64(); if (ln != largeNumbers[i]) throw new Exception("large fail"); } // // Extended tests on padbits // for (int i = 1; i < 31; i++) { NetBuffer buf = new NetBuffer(); buf.Write((int)1, i); if (buf.LengthBits != i) throw new Exception("Bad length!"); buf.WritePadBits(); int wholeBytes = buf.LengthBits / 8; if (wholeBytes * 8 != buf.LengthBits) throw new Exception("WritePadBits failed! Length is " + buf.LengthBits); } NetBuffer small = new NetBuffer(100); byte[] rnd = new byte[24]; int[] bits = new int[24]; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { rnd[i] = (byte)NetRandom.Instance.Next(0, 65); bits[i] = NetUtility.BitsToHoldUInt((uint)rnd[i]); small.Write(rnd[i], bits[i]); } small.Position = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { byte got = small.ReadByte(bits[i]); if (got != rnd[i]) throw new Exception("Failed small allocation test"); } double timeEnd = NetTime.Now; double timeSpan = timeEnd - timeStart; Console.WriteLine("Trivial tests passed in " + (timeSpan * 1000.0) + " milliseconds"); Console.WriteLine("Creating client and server for live testing..."); NetConfiguration config = new NetConfiguration("unittest"); config.Port = 14242; NetServer server = new NetServer(config); NetBuffer serverBuffer = new NetBuffer(); server.Start(); config = new NetConfiguration("unittest"); NetClient client = new NetClient(config); client.SetMessageTypeEnabled(NetMessageType.Receipt, true); NetBuffer clientBuffer = client.CreateBuffer(); client.Start(); client.Connect("", 14242); List<string> events = new List<string>(); double end = double.MaxValue; double disconnect = double.MaxValue; while (NetTime.Now < end) { double now = NetTime.Now; NetMessageType nmt; NetConnection sender; // // client // if (client.ReadMessage(clientBuffer, out nmt)) { switch (nmt) { case NetMessageType.StatusChanged: Console.WriteLine("Client: " + client.Status + " (" + clientBuffer.ReadString() + ")"); events.Add("CStatus " + client.Status); if (client.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected) { // send reliable message NetBuffer buf = client.CreateBuffer(); buf.Write(true); buf.Write((int)52, 7); buf.Write("Hallon"); client.SendMessage(buf, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder1, new NetBuffer("kokos")); } if (client.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected) end = NetTime.Now + 1.0; // end in one second break; case NetMessageType.Receipt: events.Add("CReceipt " + clientBuffer.ReadString()); break; case NetMessageType.ConnectionRejected: case NetMessageType.BadMessageReceived: throw new Exception("Failed: " + nmt); case NetMessageType.DebugMessage: // silently ignore break; default: // ignore Console.WriteLine("Ignored: " + nmt); break; } } // // server // if (server.ReadMessage(serverBuffer, out nmt, out sender)) { switch (nmt) { case NetMessageType.StatusChanged: events.Add("SStatus " + sender.Status); Console.WriteLine("Server: " + sender.Status + " (" + serverBuffer.ReadString() + ")"); break; case NetMessageType.ConnectionRejected: case NetMessageType.BadMessageReceived: throw new Exception("Failed: " + nmt); case NetMessageType.Data: events.Add("DataRec " + serverBuffer.LengthBits); bool shouldBeTrue = serverBuffer.ReadBoolean(); int shouldBeFifthTwo = serverBuffer.ReadInt32(7); string shouldBeHallon = serverBuffer.ReadString(); if (shouldBeTrue != true || shouldBeFifthTwo != 52 || shouldBeHallon != "Hallon") throw new Exception("Bad data transmission"); disconnect = now + 1.0; break; case NetMessageType.DebugMessage: // silently ignore break; default: // ignore Console.WriteLine("Ignored: " + nmt); break; } } if (now > disconnect) { server.Connections[0].Disconnect("Bye", 0.1f); disconnect = double.MaxValue; } } // verify events string[] expected = new string[] { "CStatus Connecting", "SStatus Connecting", "CStatus Connected", "SStatus Connected", "DataRec 64", "CReceipt kokos", "SStatus Disconnecting", "CStatus Disconnecting", "SStatus Disconnected", "CStatus Disconnected" }; if (events.Count != expected.Length) throw new Exception("Mismatch in events count! Expected " + expected.Length + ", got " + events.Count); for(int i=0;i<expected.Length;i++) { if (events[i] != expected[i]) throw new Exception("Event " + i + " (" + expected[i] + ") mismatched!"); } Console.WriteLine("All tests successful"); Console.ReadKey(); server.Shutdown("App exiting"); client.Shutdown("App exiting"); }
public void Read(NetBuffer im) { MetaData = im.ReadString(); int l = im.ReadInt32(); Data = im.ReadBytes(l); }
/* ================ CL_ParseSnapshot If the snapshot is parsed properly, it will be copied to cl.snap and saved in cl.snapshots[]. If the snapshot is invalid for any reason, no changes to the state will be made at all. ================ */ void ParseSnapshot(NetBuffer msg) { // read in the new snapshot to a temporary buffer // we will only copy to cl.snap if it is valid clSnapshot_t newsnap = new clSnapshot_t(); clSnapshot_t old; // we will have read any new server commands in this // message before we got to svc_snapshot newsnap.ServerCommandNum = clc.serverCommandSequence; newsnap.serverTime = msg.ReadInt32(); newsnap.messageNum = clc.serverMessageSequence; int deltaNum = msg.ReadByte(); if (deltaNum <= 0) { newsnap.deltaNum = -1; } else newsnap.deltaNum = newsnap.messageNum - deltaNum; newsnap.snapFlags = msg.ReadByte(); // If the frame is delta compressed from data that we // no longer have available, we must suck up the rest of // the frame, but not use it, then ask for a non-compressed // message if (newsnap.deltaNum <= 0) { newsnap.valid = true; // uncompressed frame old = null; } else { old = cl.snapshots[newsnap.deltaNum & 31]; if (!old.valid) { // should never happen Common.Instance.WriteLine("ParseSnapshot: Delta from invalid frame (not supposed to happen!)."); } else if (old.messageNum != newsnap.deltaNum) { // The frame that the server did the delta from // is too old, so we can't reconstruct it properly. Common.Instance.WriteLine("ParseSnapshot: Delta frame too old."); } else if (cl.parseEntitiesNum - old.parseEntitiesNum > 2048 - 128) { Common.Instance.WriteLine("ParseSnapshot: Delta parseEntitiesNum too old"); } else newsnap.valid = true; // valid delta parse } // read areamask int len = msg.ReadByte(); newsnap.areamask = msg.ReadBytes(32); // read playerinfo if (old != null) { Net.ReadDeltaPlayerstate(msg,,; } else Net.ReadDeltaPlayerstate(msg, null,; // read packet entities ParsePacketEntities(msg, old, newsnap); // if not valid, dump the entire thing now that it has // been properly read if (!newsnap.valid) return; // clear the valid flags of any snapshots between the last // received and this one, so if there was a dropped packet // it won't look like something valid to delta from next // time we wrap around in the buffer int oldMessageNum = cl.snap.messageNum + 1; if (newsnap.messageNum - oldMessageNum >= 32) { oldMessageNum = newsnap.messageNum - 31; } for (; oldMessageNum < newsnap.messageNum; oldMessageNum++ ) { cl.snapshots[oldMessageNum & 31].valid = false; } // copy to the current good spot cl.snap = newsnap; = 999; // calculate ping time for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { int packetNum = (clc.netchan.outgoingSequence - 1 - i) & 31; if ( >= cl.outPackets[packetNum].p_serverTime) { = realtime - cl.outPackets[packetNum].p_realtime; break; } } // save the frame off in the backup array for later delta comparisons cl.snapshots[cl.snap.messageNum & 31] = cl.snap; //Common.Instance.WriteLine(" Snapshot:{0} delta:{1} ping:{2}", cl.snap.messageNum, cl.snap.deltaNum,; cl.newSnapshots = true; }
protected override NetBuffer ProcessInboundMessage(NetBuffer message) { switch(cryptoState) { case CryptoHostState.Connected: { int code = message.ReadInt32(); if (code == RSA_KEY_MESSAGE) { XmlSerializer s = new XmlSerializer(typeof(RSAParameters)); string b = message.ReadString(); StringReader reader = new StringReader(b); RSAKey = (RSAParameters)s.Deserialize(reader); RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); RSA.ImportParameters(RSAKey); NetBuffer msg = new NetBuffer(); msg.Write((Int32)CRYPTO_SECRET_MESSAGE); byte[] secret = RSA.Encrypt(MakeSecret(),false); msg.Write((Int32)secret.Length); msg.Write(secret); client.SendMessage(msg,NetChannel.ReliableInOrder1); cryptoState = CryptoHostState.SentSecret; } else { cryptoState = CryptoHostState.Invalid; client.Disconnect("Bad Crypto"); } } return null; case CryptoHostState.SentSecret: { int code = message.ReadInt32(); if (code == CRYPTO_SECRET_VERIFY) { // set em as real and let the base class call any events it needs to string verify = new UTF8Encoding().GetString(DecryptBuffer(message.ReadBytes(message.ReadInt32()))); NetBuffer b = new NetBuffer(); b.Write(CRYPTO_SECRET_VERIFY); byte[] cryptoBuffer = EncryptBuffer(new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(verify)); b.Write(cryptoBuffer.Length); b.Write(cryptoBuffer); client.SendMessage(b, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder1); cryptoState = CryptoHostState.SentVerify; } else { cryptoState = CryptoHostState.Invalid; client.Disconnect("Bad Crypto"); } } return null; case CryptoHostState.SentVerify: { int code = message.ReadInt32(); if (code == CRYPTO_ACCEPT) { cryptoState = CryptoHostState.Authenticated; base.Connected(message); } else { cryptoState = CryptoHostState.Invalid; client.Disconnect("Bad Crypto"); } } return null; case CryptoHostState.Authenticated: return new NetBuffer(DecryptBuffer(message.ReadBytes(message.LengthBytes))); } return message; }
protected override NetBuffer ProcessOutboundMessage(NetBuffer message) { if (cryptoState == CryptoHostState.Authenticated) return new NetBuffer(EncryptBuffer(message.ReadBytes(message.LengthBytes))); return message; }
protected virtual NetBuffer DecryptMessage( CryptoHostConnection connection, NetBuffer buffer ) { return new NetBuffer(connection.DecryptBuffer(buffer.ReadBytes(buffer.LengthBytes))); }
protected override NetBuffer ProcessOutboundMessage(NetConnection to, NetBuffer message) { if (CryptoClients.ContainsKey(to)) { CryptoHostConnection connection = CryptoClients[to]; if (connection.state == CryptoHostState.Authenticated) return new NetBuffer(connection.EncryptBuffer(message.ReadBytes(message.LengthBytes))); } return message; }
protected override NetBuffer ProcessInboundMessage(NetConnection from, NetBuffer message) { CryptoHostConnection connection; if (CryptoClients.ContainsKey(from)) connection = CryptoClients[from]; else return message; int code = -1; switch (connection.state) { case CryptoHostState.Authenticated: return DecryptMessage(connection, message); case CryptoHostState.Invalid: return null; case CryptoHostState.InitalConnect: { // should be the response with a random key encoded with the shit code = message.ReadInt32(); if (code == CRYPTO_SECRET_MESSAGE) { connection.state = CryptoHostState.GotSecret; connection.SetSecret(RSA.Decrypt(message.ReadBytes(message.ReadInt32()),false)); connection.secretVerifyString = new Random().Next().ToString(); // crypto the random string with the secret and send it back NetBuffer b = new NetBuffer(); b.Write(CRYPTO_SECRET_VERIFY); byte[] cryptoBuffer = connection.EncryptBuffer(new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(connection.secretVerifyString)); b.Write(cryptoBuffer.Length); b.Write(cryptoBuffer); server.SendMessage(b, from, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder1); } else { NetBuffer errorBuffer = new NetBuffer(); errorBuffer.Write(CRYPTO_DENY); errorBuffer.Write("Invalid Secret"); server.SendMessage(errorBuffer, from, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder1); from.Disconnect("CryptoError", 1); connection.state = CryptoHostState.Invalid; } return null; } case CryptoHostState.GotSecret: { // should be the response with the properly encrypted sample code = message.ReadInt32(); if (code == CRYPTO_SECRET_VERIFY) { // set em as real and let the base class call any events it needs to string verify = new UTF8Encoding().GetString(connection.DecryptBuffer(message.ReadBytes(message.ReadInt32()))); if (verify == connection.secretVerifyString) { connection.state = CryptoHostState.Authenticated; NetBuffer b = new NetBuffer(); b.Write(CRYPTO_ACCEPT); server.SendMessage(b, from, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder1); base.UserConnected(from); return null; } } NetBuffer errorBuffer = new NetBuffer(); errorBuffer.Write(CRYPTO_DENY); errorBuffer.Write("Invalid Verify"); server.SendMessage(errorBuffer, from, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder1); from.Disconnect("CryptoError", 1); connection.state = CryptoHostState.Invalid; return null; } } return message; }