public LoadingScreen(FreelancerGame game, IEnumerator <object> loader) { = game; this.loader = loader; manager = new XmlUIManager(game, "game", null, game.GameData.GetInterfaceXml("loading")); manager.OnConstruct(); }
public XmlUIServerList(XInt.ServerList sl, XInt.Style style, XmlUIManager manager) : base(style, manager, false) { Positioning = sl; ID = sl.ID; Lua = new ServerListAPI(this); grid = new GridControl(manager, dividerPositions, columnTitles, GetGridRect, new ServerListContent(this), NUM_ROWS); }
public XmlUIPanel(XInt.Style style, XmlUIManager manager, bool setLua = true) : base(manager) { if (setLua) { Lua = new PanelAPI(this); } Style = style; if (style.Models != null) { foreach (var model in style.Models) { var res = new ModelInfo(); res.Drawable = Manager.Game.ResourceManager.GetDrawable( Manager.Game.GameData.ResolveDataPath(model.Path.Substring(2)) ); res.Transform = Matrix4.CreateScale(model.Transform[2], model.Transform[3], 1) * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(model.Transform[0], model.Transform[1], 0); if (model.Color != null) { //Dc is modified var l0 = ((Utf.Cmp.ModelFile)res.Drawable).Levels[0]; var vms = l0.Mesh; //Save Mesh material state for (int i = l0.StartMesh; i < l0.StartMesh + l0.MeshCount; i++) { var mat = (BasicMaterial)vms.Meshes[i].Material?.Render; if (mat == null) { continue; } bool found = false; foreach (var m in res.Materials) { if (m.Mat == mat) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { continue; } res.Materials.Add(new ModifiedMaterial() { Mat = mat, Dc = mat.Dc }); } } models.Add(res); } } if (Style.Texts != null) { foreach (var t in Style.Texts) { Texts.Add(new TextElement(t)); } } }
public static void DrawShadowedText(XmlUIManager m, Font font, float size, string text, float x, float y, Color4 c, Color4?s) { if (s != null) { m.Game.Renderer2D.DrawString(font, size, text, x + 2, y + 2, s.Value); } m.Game.Renderer2D.DrawString(font, size, text, x, y, c); }
public static void DrawTextCentered(XmlUIManager m, Font font, float sz, string text, Rectangle rect, Color4 c, Color4?s) { var size = m.Game.Renderer2D.MeasureString(font, sz, text); var pos = new Vector2( rect.X + (rect.Width / 2f - size.X / 2), rect.Y + (rect.Height / 2f - size.Y / 2) ); DrawShadowedText(m, font, sz, text, pos.X, pos.Y, c, s); }
public XmlChatBox(XInt.ChatBox chat, XInt.Style style, XmlUIManager man) : base(style, man) { Positioning = chat; ID = chat.ID; ChatBox = chat; Lua = new LuaChatBox(this); renderText = false; font = man.Game.Fonts.GetSystemFont("Arial Unicode MS"); boldFont = man.Game.Fonts.GetSystemFont("Arial Unicode MS", FontStyles.Bold); elem = Texts.Where((x) => x.ID == chat.DisplayArea).First(); Visible = false; }
public void Draw(XmlUIManager manager, Rectangle r) { if (_font == null) { _font = manager.GetFont(Style.Font); } var s = Text; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { var textR = GetRectangle(r); if (Style.Background != null) { manager.Game.Renderer2D.FillRectangle(textR, Style.Background.Value); } if (Style.Lines > 0) { var tSize = (int)GetTextSize(textR.Height / (float)Style.Lines); int a; int dY = 0; var wrapped = string.Join("\n", TextUtils.WrapText( manager.Game.Renderer2D, _font, tSize, s, textR.Width - 2, 0, out a, ref dY)); DrawShadowedText(manager, _font, tSize, wrapped, textR.X, textR.Y, ColorOverride ?? Style.Color, Style.Shadow); } else if (Style.Align == XInt.Align.Baseline) { var sz = GetTextSize(textR.Height); var size = manager.Game.Renderer2D.MeasureString(_font, sz, s); var pos = new Vector2( textR.X + (textR.Width / 2f - size.X / 2), textR.Y + (textR.Height / 2f - _font.LineHeight(sz) / 2) ); if (Style.Shadow != null) { manager.Game.Renderer2D.DrawStringBaseline(_font, sz, s, pos.X + 2, pos.Y + 2, pos.X, Style.Shadow.Value); } manager.Game.Renderer2D.DrawStringBaseline(_font, sz, s, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.X, ColorOverride ?? Style.Color); } else { DrawTextCentered(manager, _font, GetTextSize(textR.Height), s, textR, ColorOverride ?? Style.Color, Style.Shadow); } } ColorOverride = null; }
public XmlUIButton(XmlUIManager manager, XInt.Button button, XInt.Style style) : base(style, manager) { Button = button; Positioning = button; if (Style.HoverStyle != null) { hoverChunk = LuaStyleEnvironment.L.CompileChunk( style.HoverStyle, "buttonHover", new Neo.IronLua.LuaCompileOptions() ); } ID = button.ID; }
public GridControl(XmlUIManager manager, float[] dividerPositions, string[] columnTitles, Func <Rectangle> getRect, IGridContent content, int rowCount) { this.dividerPositions = dividerPositions; this.getRect = getRect; this.rowCount = rowCount; this.content = content; this.columnTitles = columnTitles; this.manager = manager; for (int i = -1; i < dividerPositions.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < rowCount; j++) { children.Add(new GridHitRect(j, i, this)); } } headerFont = manager.Game.Fonts.GetSystemFont("Agency FB"); contentFont = manager.Game.Fonts.GetSystemFont("Arial Unicode MS"); }
public LuaMenu(FreelancerGame g) : base(g) { api = new LuaAPI(this); ui = new XmlUIManager(g, "menu", api, g.GameData.GetInterfaceXml("mainmenu")); ui.OnConstruct(); ui.Enter(); g.GameData.PopulateCursors(); g.CursorKind = CursorKind.None; intro = g.GameData.GetIntroScene(); scene = new Cutscene(intro.Scripts, Game); scene.Update(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1f / 60f)); //Do all the setup events - smoother entrance cur = g.ResourceManager.GetCursor("arrow"); GC.Collect(); //crap g.Sound.PlayMusic(intro.Music); #if DEBUG g.Keyboard.KeyDown += Keyboard_KeyDown; #endif FadeIn(0.1, 0.3); }
public LuaMenu(FreelancerGame g) : base(g) { api = new MenuAPI(this); ui = new XmlUIManager(g, g.GameData.GetInterfaceXml("mainmenu"), new LuaAPI("menu", api), new LuaAPI("options", new OptionsAPI(this))); ui.OnConstruct(); ui.Enter(); g.GameData.PopulateCursors(); g.CursorKind = CursorKind.None; intro = g.GameData.GetIntroScene(); scene = new Cutscene(new ThnScriptContext(intro.Scripts), Game.GameData, Game.Viewport, Game); scene.Update(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1f / 60f)); //Do all the setup events - smoother entrance FLLog.Info("Thn", "Playing " + intro.ThnName); cur = g.ResourceManager.GetCursor("arrow"); GC.Collect(); //crap g.Sound.PlayMusic(intro.Music); #if DEBUG g.Keyboard.KeyDown += Keyboard_KeyDown; #endif FadeIn(0.1, 0.3); }
public XmlUIScene(XmlUIManager manager) { Manager = manager; }
public LuaDom(XmlUIManager manager, XmlUIScene scn) { this.manager = manager; this.scn = scn; }
public LuaSound(XmlUIManager manager) => this.manager = manager;
public ScriptedHud(object api, bool space, FreelancerGame game) { UI = new XmlUIManager(game, "game", api, game.GameData.GetInterfaceXml(space ? "hud" : "baseside")); }
public XmlUIPanel(XInt.Panel pnl, XInt.Style style, XmlUIManager manager) : this(style, manager) { Positioning = pnl; ID = pnl.ID; }
public XmlUIImage(XInt.Image img, XmlUIManager manager) : base(manager) { texture = ImageLib.Generic.FromFile(manager.Game.GameData.ResolveDataPath(img.Path.Substring(2))); }
public XmlUIElement(XmlUIManager manager) { this.Manager = manager; Lua = new LuaAPI(this); }