public Library.Inventory HandleTransaction(Library.Transaction transaction) { var result = _context.OrderLines.Where(x => x.ProductId == transaction.ProductId && x.Order.CustomerId == transaction.OrderDetails.Customer.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (result != null) { result.Quantity = result.Quantity + transaction.Quantity; _context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Transaction Successfully Occurred and Was Saved"); Library.Inventory updatedorder = GetOrderInventoryByID(result.OrderId); return(updatedorder); } else { OrderLine orderLine = new OrderLine() { OrderId = transaction.OrderDetails.OrderId, ProductId = transaction.ProductId, Quantity = transaction.Quantity, }; _context.OrderLines.Add(orderLine); } Console.WriteLine("Could Not Find A Result"); return(new Library.Inventory()); }
public Library.Inventory GetOrderInventoryByID(int id) { Library.Inventory inventory = new Library.Inventory(); var results = _context.OrderLines.Include(x => x.Product).Where(x => x.OrderId == id); foreach (var result in results) { inventory.AddProductQuantity(result.ProductId, result.Quantity); } return(inventory); }
public Library.Inventory GetStoreInventoryByID(int id) { Library.Inventory inventory = new Library.Inventory(); var results = _context.Inventories.Where(x => x.StoreId == id); foreach (var result in results) { Library.Product product = new Library.Product(result.Product.ProductName, result.Product.Price.Value, result.ProductId); inventory.AddProductQuantity(product.Id, result.Quantity); } return(inventory); }
/// <summary> /// Displays a menu of options for users to manage Orders, allows them to return back to main menu. Data type is validated here /// </summary> /// <param name="repository"></param> public static void DisplayOptions(Repository repository) { while (true) { Console.WriteLine("You are now viewing the Order Management Menu, Please Choose Another Key To Select An Options"); Console.WriteLine("d: Vew Details of an Order"); Console.WriteLine("a: Edit Item on Order"); Console.WriteLine("c: Create A New Order"); Console.WriteLine("q: To Return Back to the Main Menu"); Console.WriteLine(); string userinput = Console.ReadLine(); if (userinput == "c") { int customerid; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Please Enter The Customer Id\n"); string customeridstring = Console.ReadLine(); if (int.TryParse(customeridstring, out customerid)) { break; } else if (customeridstring == "q") { break; } } int storeid; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Please Enter The Store Id\n"); string storeidstring = Console.ReadLine(); if (int.TryParse(storeidstring, out storeid)) { break; } else if (storeidstring == "q") { break; } } DateTime timecreated = DateTime.Now; try { Library.Order order = new Library.Order(customerid, storeid, timecreated); if (repository.AddOrder(order)) { Console.WriteLine("Successfully added Order"); Console.WriteLine("Remember to save to lock in changes."); } } catch (ArgumentException exception) { Console.WriteLine("Could not Create Order"); Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); } } else if (userinput == "a") { Console.WriteLine("Please select the Id of an order you would like to edit\n"); int orderid; OrderDetails orderDetails = new OrderDetails(); while (true) { while (true) { string orderidstring = Console.ReadLine(); if (int.TryParse(orderidstring, out orderid)) { break; } Console.WriteLine("\nPlease Enter An Integer\n"); } orderDetails = repository.GetOrderDetailsById(orderid); if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(orderDetails.Customer, null)) { Console.WriteLine("\nOrder found good job! ;)\n"); break; } else { Console.WriteLine($"Order not found, need a valid Id that matches with an order."); } } Library.Inventory orderinventory = repository.GetOrderInventoryByID(orderid); Library.Inventory storeinventory = repository.GetStoreInventoryByID(orderid); Console.WriteLine("\nHere is the current content of that order.\n"); orderinventory.DisplayContents(); Console.WriteLine("\nPlease Enter the Product Id\n"); int productid; while (true) { string orderidstring = Console.ReadLine(); if (int.TryParse(orderidstring, out productid)) { break; } Console.WriteLine("\nPlease Enter An Integer\n"); } Library.Product product = repository.GetProductById(productid); Console.WriteLine("You selected the following item."); product.DisplayDetails(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter how many you would like to add to the order.\n"); int quantity; while (true) { string orderidstring = Console.ReadLine(); if (int.TryParse(orderidstring, out quantity)) { break; } Console.WriteLine("Please Enter An Integer\n"); } try { Library.Transaction transaction = Library.TransactionProcessor.AttemptTransaction(storeinventory, orderinventory, productid, quantity, orderDetails); Library.Inventory updatedinventory = repository.HandleTransaction(transaction); Console.WriteLine("\nHere is an updated inventory of the order for you\n"); updatedinventory.DisplayContents(); } catch (ArgumentException exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); } break; } else if (userinput == "d") { Console.WriteLine("Please select the Id of an order you would like to view the details of\n"); int orderid; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Please Enter The Order Id\n"); string orderidstring = Console.ReadLine(); if (int.TryParse(orderidstring, out orderid)) { break; } else if (orderidstring == "q") { break; } } Library.OrderDetails orderDetails = repository.GetOrderDetailsById(orderid); orderDetails.Details(); break; } else if (userinput == "q") { Console.WriteLine("Returning to Main Menu\n"); break; } } }
// A public "method" can be called from outside the class and can access either public or private properties and methods // This method accepts a "parameter" of type "Bike" and adds it to the private Inventory dictionary public void AddDisease(Disease aDisease) { Inventory.Add(aDisease.Name, aDisease); }