        public FireEffects(int numberOfSeverities)
            ReductionsTable = new FireReductions[numberOfSeverities + 1];  //will ignore zero

            for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfSeverities; i++)
                ReductionsTable[i] = new FireReductions();

        protected override IInputParameters Parse()
            InputParameters parameters = new InputParameters();

            InputVar <int> timestep = new InputVar <int>(Names.Timestep);

            parameters.Timestep = timestep.Value;

            InputVar <SeedingAlgorithms> seedAlg = new InputVar <SeedingAlgorithms>(Names.SeedingAlgorithm);

            parameters.SeedAlgorithm = seedAlg.Value;


            InputVar <string> initCommunities = new InputVar <string>("InitialCommunities");

            parameters.InitialCommunities = initCommunities.Value;

            InputVar <string> communitiesMap = new InputVar <string>("InitialCommunitiesMap");

            parameters.InitialCommunitiesMap = communitiesMap.Value;

            InputVar <string> climateConfigFile = new InputVar <string>(Names.ClimateConfigFile);

            if (ReadOptionalVar(climateConfigFile))
                parameters.ClimateConfigFile = climateConfigFile.Value;
                parameters.ClimateConfigFile = null;

            InputVar <bool> calimode = new InputVar <bool>(Names.CalibrateMode);

            if (ReadOptionalVar(calimode))
                parameters.CalibrateMode = calimode.Value;
                parameters.CalibrateMode = false;

            InputVar <double> spinMort = new InputVar <double>("SpinupMortalityFraction");

            if (ReadOptionalVar(spinMort))
                parameters.SpinupMortalityFraction = spinMort.Value;
                parameters.SpinupMortalityFraction = 0.0;

            //  MinRelativeBiomass table


            const string SufficientLight = "SufficientLight";

            List <IEcoregion> ecoregions    = ReadEcoregions();
            string            lastEcoregion = ecoregions[ecoregions.Count - 1].Name;

            InputVar <byte> shadeClassVar = new InputVar <byte>("Shade Class");

            for (byte shadeClass = 1; shadeClass <= 5; shadeClass++)
                if (AtEndOfInput)
                    throw NewParseException("Expected a line with shade class {0}", shadeClass);

                StringReader currentLine = new StringReader(CurrentLine);
                ReadValue(shadeClassVar, currentLine);
                if (shadeClassVar.Value.Actual != shadeClass)
                    throw new InputValueException(shadeClassVar.Value.String,
                                                  "Expected the shade class {0}", shadeClass);

                foreach (IEcoregion ecoregion in ecoregions)
                    InputVar <Percentage> MinRelativeBiomass = new InputVar <Percentage>("Ecoregion " + ecoregion.Name);
                    ReadValue(MinRelativeBiomass, currentLine);
                    parameters.SetMinRelativeBiomass(shadeClass, ecoregion, MinRelativeBiomass.Value);

                CheckNoDataAfter("the Ecoregion " + lastEcoregion + " column",
            //  Read table of sufficient light probabilities.
            //  Shade classes are in increasing order.

            const string SpeciesParameters = "SpeciesParameters";

            InputVar <byte>   sc  = new InputVar <byte>("Shade Class");
            InputVar <double> pl0 = new InputVar <double>("Probability of Germination - Light Level 0");
            InputVar <double> pl1 = new InputVar <double>("Probability of Germination - Light Level 1");
            InputVar <double> pl2 = new InputVar <double>("Probability of Germination - Light Level 2");
            InputVar <double> pl3 = new InputVar <double>("Probability of Germination - Light Level 3");
            InputVar <double> pl4 = new InputVar <double>("Probability of Germination - Light Level 4");
            InputVar <double> pl5 = new InputVar <double>("Probability of Germination - Light Level 5");

            int previousNumber = 0;

            while (!AtEndOfInput && CurrentName != SpeciesParameters &&
                   previousNumber != 6)
                StringReader currentLine = new StringReader(CurrentLine);

                ISufficientLight suffLight = new SufficientLight();


                ReadValue(sc, currentLine);
                suffLight.ShadeClass = sc.Value;

                //  Check that the current shade class is 1 more than
                //  the previous number (numbers are must be in increasing order).
                if (sc.Value.Actual != (byte)previousNumber + 1)
                    throw new InputValueException(sc.Value.String,
                                                  "Expected the severity number {0}",
                                                  previousNumber + 1);
                previousNumber = (int)sc.Value.Actual;

                ReadValue(pl0, currentLine);
                suffLight.ProbabilityLight0 = pl0.Value;

                ReadValue(pl1, currentLine);
                suffLight.ProbabilityLight1 = pl1.Value;

                ReadValue(pl2, currentLine);
                suffLight.ProbabilityLight2 = pl2.Value;

                ReadValue(pl3, currentLine);
                suffLight.ProbabilityLight3 = pl3.Value;

                ReadValue(pl4, currentLine);
                suffLight.ProbabilityLight4 = pl4.Value;

                ReadValue(pl5, currentLine);
                suffLight.ProbabilityLight5 = pl5.Value;

                CheckNoDataAfter("the " + pl5.Name + " column",
            if (parameters.LightClassProbabilities.Count == 0)
                throw NewParseException("No sufficient light probabilities defined.");
            if (previousNumber != 5)
                throw NewParseException("Expected shade class {0}", previousNumber + 1);

            //  SpeciesParameters table

            const string EcoregionParameters = "EcoregionParameters";

            speciesLineNums.Clear();  //  If parser re-used (i.e., for testing purposes)

            InputVar <double> leafLongevity        = new InputVar <double>("Leaf Longevity");
            InputVar <double> woodyDecayRate       = new InputVar <double>("Woody Decay Rate");
            InputVar <double> mortCurveShapeParm   = new InputVar <double>("Mortality Curve Shape Parameter");
            InputVar <double> growthCurveShapeParm = new InputVar <double>("Mortality Curve Shape Parameter");
            InputVar <double> leafLignin           = new InputVar <double>("Leaf Percent Lignin");
            InputVar <double> maxlai = new InputVar <double>("Maximum LAI");
            InputVar <double> lec    = new InputVar <double>("Light extinction coefficient");
            InputVar <double> pctBio = new InputVar <double>("Pct Biomass Max LAI");

            //string lastColumn = "the " + mortCurveShapeParm.Name + " column";

            while (!AtEndOfInput && CurrentName != EcoregionParameters)
                StringReader currentLine = new StringReader(CurrentLine);
                ISpecies     species     = ReadSpecies(currentLine);

                ReadValue(leafLongevity, currentLine);
                parameters.SetLeafLongevity(species, leafLongevity.Value);

                ReadValue(woodyDecayRate, currentLine);
                parameters.SetWoodyDecayRate(species, woodyDecayRate.Value);

                ReadValue(mortCurveShapeParm, currentLine);
                parameters.SetMortCurveShapeParm(species, mortCurveShapeParm.Value);

                ReadValue(growthCurveShapeParm, currentLine);
                parameters.SetGrowthCurveShapeParm(species, growthCurveShapeParm.Value);

                ReadValue(leafLignin, currentLine);
                parameters.SetLeafLignin(species, leafLignin.Value);

                CheckNoDataAfter(leafLignin.Name, currentLine);


            InputVar <string>        ecoregionName = new InputVar <string>("Ecoregion Name");
            InputVar <int>           aet           = new InputVar <int>("Actual Evapotranspiration");
            Dictionary <string, int> lineNumbers   = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            string lastColumn = "the " + aet.Name + " column";

            while (!AtEndOfInput && CurrentName != Names.DynamicInputFile)
                StringReader currentLine = new StringReader(CurrentLine);

                ReadValue(ecoregionName, currentLine);

                IEcoregion ecoregion = GetEcoregion(ecoregionName.Value,

                ReadValue(aet, currentLine);
                parameters.SetAET(ecoregion, aet.Value);

                CheckNoDataAfter(lastColumn, currentLine);

            InputVar <string> dynInputFile = new InputVar <string>(Names.DynamicInputFile);

            parameters.DynamicInputFile = dynInputFile.Value;

            //--------- Read In Fire Reductions Table ---------------------------
            PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine("   Begin reading FIRE REDUCTION parameters.");

            InputVar <int>    frindex = new InputVar <int>("Fire Severity Index MUST = 1-5");
            InputVar <double> wred    = new InputVar <double>("Coarse Litter Reduction");
            InputVar <double> lred    = new InputVar <double>("Fine Litter Reduction");

            //InputVar<double> som_red = new InputVar<double>("SOM Reduction");

            while (!AtEndOfInput && CurrentName != Names.HarvestReductionParameters)
                StringReader currentLine = new StringReader(CurrentLine);

                ReadValue(frindex, currentLine);
                int ln = (int)frindex.Value.Actual;

                if (ln < 1 || ln > 5)
                    throw new InputValueException(frindex.Value.String,
                                                  "The fire severity index:  {0} must be 1-5,",

                FireReductions inputFireReduction = new FireReductions();  // ignoring severity = zero
                parameters.FireReductionsTable[ln] = inputFireReduction;

                ReadValue(wred, currentLine);
                inputFireReduction.CoarseLitterReduction = wred.Value;

                ReadValue(lred, currentLine);
                inputFireReduction.FineLitterReduction = lred.Value;

                //ReadValue(som_red, currentLine);
                //inputFireReduction.SOMReduction = som_red.Value;

                CheckNoDataAfter("the " + lred.Name + " column", currentLine);


            //--------- Read In Harvest Reductions Table ---------------------------
            InputVar <string> hreds = new InputVar <string>("HarvestReductions");

            PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine("   Begin reading HARVEST REDUCTION parameters.");

            InputVar <string> prescriptionName = new InputVar <string>("Prescription");
            InputVar <double> wred_pr          = new InputVar <double>("Coarse Litter Reduction");
            InputVar <double> lred_pr          = new InputVar <double>("Fine Litter Reduction");
            //InputVar<double> som_red_pr = new InputVar<double>("SOM Reduction");
            InputVar <double> cohortw_red_pr = new InputVar <double>("Cohort Wood Removal");
            InputVar <double> cohortl_red_pr = new InputVar <double>("Cohort Leaf Removal");

            while (!AtEndOfInput)
                StringReader      currentLine   = new StringReader(CurrentLine);
                HarvestReductions harvReduction = new HarvestReductions();

                ReadValue(prescriptionName, currentLine);
                harvReduction.PrescriptionName = prescriptionName.Value;

                ReadValue(wred_pr, currentLine);
                harvReduction.CoarseLitterReduction = wred_pr.Value;

                ReadValue(lred_pr, currentLine);
                harvReduction.FineLitterReduction = lred_pr.Value;

                ReadValue(cohortw_red_pr, currentLine);
                harvReduction.CohortWoodReduction = cohortw_red_pr.Value;

                ReadValue(cohortl_red_pr, currentLine);
                harvReduction.CohortLeafReduction = cohortl_red_pr.Value;

            //string lastParameter = null;
            //if (! AtEndOfInput && CurrentName == Names.AgeOnlyDisturbanceParms) {
            //    InputVar<string> ageOnlyDisturbanceParms = new InputVar<string>(Names.AgeOnlyDisturbanceParms);
            //    ReadVar(ageOnlyDisturbanceParms);
            //    parameters.AgeOnlyDisturbanceParms = ageOnlyDisturbanceParms.Value;

            //    lastParameter = "the " + Names.AgeOnlyDisturbanceParms + " parameter";

            //if (lastParameter != null)
            //    CheckNoDataAfter(lastParameter);
