public override void Initialize(JanusRoom room, GameObject[] rootObjects) { = room; materialScanner = new MaterialScanner(room); compExtractor = new JanusComponentExtractor(room); EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Janus VR Exporter", "Brute force scanning for AssetObjects...", 0.0f); materialScanner.Initialize(); for (int i = 0; i < rootObjects.Length; i++) { GameObject root = rootObjects[i]; RecursiveSearch(root); } room.FarPlaneDistance = (int)Math.Max(500, sceneBounds.size.magnitude * 1.3f); }
private void OnGUI() { Rect rect = this.position; Rect showArea = new Rect(border.x, border.y, rect.width - border.width, rect.height - border.height); GUILayout.BeginArea(showArea); scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Janus Exporter " + (JanusGlobals.Version).ToString("F2"), EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Asset Objects (Models) GUILayout.Label("Asset Objects", EditorStyles.boldLabel); searchType = (AssetObjectSearchType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Search Type", searchType); //meshFormat = (ExportMeshFormat)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Mesh Format", meshFormat); //meshPreviewShow = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(meshPreviewShow, "Asset Objects Extracted"); meshPreviewShow = false; if (meshPreviewShow) { Color defaultColor = GUI.color; int previewHeight = 200; Rect area = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(rect.width - border.width, previewHeight); Rect meshPreviewFullArea = area; meshPreviewFullArea.width = meshPreviewWidth; meshPreviewFullArea.height -= 20; meshScrollPos = GUI.BeginScrollView(area, meshScrollPos, meshPreviewFullArea); GUI.color = new Color(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1f); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(area.x + meshScrollPos.x, area.y, area.width, area.height), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture); GUI.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1f); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(area.x + meshScrollPos.x, area.y, area.width, 1), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(area.x + meshScrollPos.x, area.y + area.height - 1, area.width, 1), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(area.x + meshScrollPos.x, area.y, 1, area.height), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(area.x + area.width - 1 + meshScrollPos.x, area.y, 1, area.height), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture); GUI.color = defaultColor; if (room != null) { List <RoomObject> objects = room.RoomObjects; int objUiSize = 80; int objUiBorder = 5; int columns = previewHeight / objUiSize; meshPreviewWidth = objects.Count * (objUiSize + objUiBorder); int rowSize = meshPreviewWidth / columns; meshPreviewWidth = rowSize + objUiSize; for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++) { RoomObject obj = objects[i]; if (obj.Preview == null) { obj.Preview = AssetPreview.GetMiniThumbnail(obj.UnityObj); objects[i] = obj; } float x = area.x + (i * (objUiSize + objUiBorder)); int lineIndex = (int)(x / rowSize); float y = area.y + objUiBorder + (lineIndex * objUiSize); x -= lineIndex * rowSize; Rect display = new Rect(x, y, objUiSize, objUiSize); GUI.DrawTexture(display, obj.Preview); } } GUI.EndScrollView(); } float scale = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Uniform Scale", uniformScale); if (uniformScale != scale) { uniformScale = scale; // update the scale on all possible Janus objects on screen JanusGlobals.UpdateScale(uniformScale); } // Main Parameters GUILayout.Label("Main", EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Export Path"); //exportPath = EditorGUILayout.TextField(exportPath); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(exportPath); if (GUILayout.Button("...")) { // search for a folder string newExportPath = EditorUtility.SaveFolderPanel("JanusVR Export Folder", "", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newExportPath)) { exportPath = newExportPath; } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); useEulerRotations = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use Euler Rotations (Janus 59+ only)", useEulerRotations); // Texture GUILayout.Label("Texture", EditorStyles.boldLabel); textureForceReExport = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Force ReExport", textureForceReExport); exportedTexturesFormat = (ExportTextureFormat)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Exported Textures Format", exportedTexturesFormat); if (JanusUtil.SupportsQuality(exportedTexturesFormat)) { defaultQuality = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Exported Textures Quality", defaultQuality, 0, 100); } // Scene GUILayout.Label("Scene", EditorStyles.boldLabel); exportInactiveObjects = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Export Inactive Objects", exportInactiveObjects); exportDynamicGameObjects = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Export Dynamic Objects", exportDynamicGameObjects); exportTextures = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Export Textures", exportTextures); exportMaterials = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Export Materials", exportMaterials); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(" Useful for testing lighting results in Janus"); exportSkybox = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Export Skybox", exportSkybox); if (exportSkybox && UnityUtil.IsProceduralSkybox()) { exportSkyboxResolution = Math.Max(4, EditorGUILayout.IntField("Skybox Render Resolution", exportSkyboxResolution)); } EditorGUILayout.LabelField(" Will render the Skybox into 6 textures with the specified resolution"); // Probes GUILayout.Label("Probes", EditorStyles.boldLabel); environmentProbeExport = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Export Environment Probes", environmentProbeExport); if (environmentProbeExport) { environmentProbeOverride = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Override Probe (Optional)", environmentProbeOverride, typeof(ReflectionProbe), true) as ReflectionProbe; environmentProbeRadResolution = Math.Max(4, EditorGUILayout.IntField("Probe Radiance Resolution", environmentProbeRadResolution)); environmentProbeIrradResolution = Math.Max(4, EditorGUILayout.IntField("Probe Irradiance Resolution", environmentProbeIrradResolution)); } // Lightmap GUILayout.Label("Lightmaps", EditorStyles.boldLabel); lightmapExportType = (LightmapExportType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Lightmap Type", lightmapExportType); switch (lightmapExportType) { case LightmapExportType.None: EditorGUILayout.LabelField(" No lightmaps are going to be exported"); break; case LightmapExportType.Packed: EditorGUILayout.LabelField(" Uses the source lightmap files from Unity without any atlas changes"); break; case LightmapExportType.BakedMaterial: EditorGUILayout.LabelField(" Bakes the lightmap into the material"); break; case LightmapExportType.Unpacked: EditorGUILayout.LabelField(" Converts the source EXR files to Low-Dynamic Range and unpacks"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(" into individual textures (for testing purposes)"); break; } if (lightmapExportType != LightmapExportType.None) { lightmapTextureFormat = (LightmapTextureFormat)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Lightmap Format", lightmapTextureFormat); if (lightmapTextureFormat != LightmapTextureFormat.EXR && JanusUtil.SupportsQuality(lightmapTextureFormat)) { lightmapTextureQuality = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Lightmap Textures Quality", lightmapTextureQuality, 0, 100); } } // cant scale if theres no lightmap and if its EXR (for now) if (lightmapExportType != LightmapExportType.None && lightmapTextureFormat != LightmapTextureFormat.EXR) { maxLightMapResolution = Math.Max(4, EditorGUILayout.IntField("Max Lightmap Resolution", maxLightMapResolution)); } if (NeedsLDRConversion(lightmapTextureFormat)) { float newFStop = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Lightmap Relative F-Stops", lightmapRelFStops, -5, 5); bool update = false; if (Math.Abs(newFStop - lightmapRelFStops) > 0.0001f) { lightmapRelFStops = newFStop; update = true; } lightmapExposureVisible = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(lightmapExposureVisible, "Preview Exposure"); if (lightmapExposureVisible) { if (update || !builtLightmapExposure) { builtLightmapExposure = MaterialScanner.ProcessExposure(0, lightmapRelFStops); } if (builtLightmapExposure) { Texture2D preview = JanusResources.TempRenderTexture; int texSize = (int)(showArea.width * 0.4); Rect tex = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(texSize, texSize + 30); GUI.Label(new Rect(tex.x + 20, tex.y + 5, texSize, texSize), "Lightmap Preview"); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(tex.x + 20, tex.y + 30, texSize, texSize), preview); //if (previewWindow) //{ // previewWindow.Tex = preview; // previewWindow.Repaint(); //} //if (GUI.Button(new Rect(tex.x + texSize - 60, tex.y, 80, 20), "Preview")) //{ // previewWindow = EditorWindow.GetWindow<LightmapPreviewWindow>(); // previewWindow.Show(); //} } else { GUILayout.Label("No Lightmap Preview"); } } } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); // if (exported != null) // { // // Exported // GUILayout.Label("Exported", EditorStyles.boldLabel); // GUILayout.Label("Scene size " + sceneSize.size); // if (farPlaneDistance < 500) // { // GUILayout.Label("Far Plane " + farPlaneDistance.ToString("F2") + " (Exported as 500)"); // } // else // { // GUILayout.Label("Far Plane " + farPlaneDistance.ToString("F2")); // } // Cubemap cubemap = exported.environmentCubemap; // if (cubemap == null) // { //#if UNITY_5_0 // GUILayout.Label("Environment Probe: Not supported on Unity 5.0", errorStyle); //#elif UNITY_5_3 // GUILayout.Label("Environment Probe: On Unity 5.3 can only be exported if set as cubemap on the Lighting window", errorStyle); //#else // GUILayout.Label("Environment Probe: None (need baked lightmaps)", errorStyle); //#endif // } // else // { // GUILayout.Label("Environment Probe: " + cubemap.width); // } // } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Export HTML only")) { try { Export(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Log("Error exporting: " + ex.Message); } finally { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Reset Parameters")) { ResetParameters(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exportPath) && Directory.Exists(exportPath) && GUILayout.Button("Show In Explorer")) { UnityUtil.StartProcess(exportPath); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exportPath)) { if (GUILayout.Button("Full Export", GUILayout.Height(30))) { if (lightmapExportType == LightmapExportType.Unpacked) { Debug.LogError("Unpacked is unsupported right now."); return; } //try { Export(false); } //catch (Exception ex) { //Debug.Log("Error exporting: " + ex.Message); } //finally { // delete room room = null; } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndArea(); }