private void btnUpdateMyClientConfig_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (chkUseAutoLogon.Checked && (txtAutoLogonUser.Text == String.Empty)) { string msg = "If you want to use the Auto-Logon capability, you must supply a Username."; MessageBox.Show(msg, Program.APP_TITLE); txtAutoLogonUser.Focus(); return; } ClientAutoLogOn calo = new ClientAutoLogOn(BranchLocation); // Validate the format of the action text string[] sep = { "\r\n" }; string[] items = txtAutoLogonAction.Text.Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { items[i].Trim(); } string s = String.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { if (items[i] != String.Empty) { if (s != String.Empty) { s += ","; } s += items[i]; } } if (calo.UpdateConfig(chkUseAutoLogon.Checked, txtAutoLogonUser.Text, txtAutoLogonPW.Text, s)) { // Now we will run the InitConfigFiles task, which copies the new file ready for running the client // By doing it here users will see the effect of their changes if they run direct from the IDE as opposed to using this app to start the client if (RunInitConfigFiles()) { MessageBox.Show("The update was applied successfully.", Program.APP_TITLE); } else { MessageBox.Show( @"The update was applied successfully to \inc\Template\etc\, but an error occurred in running the InitConfigFiles task.", Program.APP_TITLE); } } }
private void btnResetClientConfig_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string msg = "This action will reset all your client options (and not simply the startup options) because it will overwrite your personal copy of your entire "; msg += "client configuration with the latest version from the source code repository. "; msg += "Usually this is a good thing because the repository copy may contain enhancements that your current personal copy is lacking. "; msg += "You may notice changes in the behaviour of your client application as a result of this action.\r\n\r\n"; msg += "Do you want to proceed?"; if (MessageBox.Show(msg, Program.APP_TITLE, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { return; } ClientAutoLogOn calo = new ClientAutoLogOn(BranchLocation); if (!calo.ResetConfig()) { return; } SetBranchDependencies(); if (!RunInitConfigFiles()) { msg = @"Your configuration was reset successfully in \inc\Template\etc\, but an error occurred in running the InitConfigFiles task. "; msg += "This will mean that the Open Petra Client may not rspond correctly to your changes."; MessageBox.Show(msg, Program.APP_TITLE, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
private void SetBranchDependencies() { lblBranchLocation.Text = (BranchLocation == String.Empty) ? "Not defined" : BranchLocation; BuildConfiguration dbCfg = new BuildConfiguration(BranchLocation, _localSettings); if (BranchLocation == String.Empty) { lblDbBuildConfig.Text = ""; lblDatabaseName.Text = "None"; } else { lblDbBuildConfig.Text = dbCfg.CurrentConfig; lblDatabaseName.Text = dbCfg.CurrentDBName; } dbCfg.ListAllConfigs(listDbBuildConfig); // This might add a new configuration, so we need to update our local settings _localSettings.DbBuildConfigurations = dbCfg.FavouriteConfigurations; btnRemoveDbBuildConfig.Enabled = listDbBuildConfig.Items.Count > 0; btnEditDbBuildConfig.Enabled = listDbBuildConfig.Items.Count > 0; btnSaveDbBuildConfig.Enabled = listDbBuildConfig.Items.Count > 0 && BranchLocation != String.Empty; if (BranchLocation == String.Empty) { txtAutoLogonUser.Text = String.Empty; txtAutoLogonPW.Text = String.Empty; txtAutoLogonAction.Text = String.Empty; chkUseAutoLogon.Checked = false; chkUseAutoLogon.Enabled = false; } else { ClientAutoLogOn calo = new ClientAutoLogOn(BranchLocation); txtAutoLogonUser.Text = calo.UserName; txtAutoLogonPW.Text = calo.Password; txtAutoLogonAction.Text = calo.TestAction.Replace(",", "\r\n"); chkUseAutoLogon.Checked = (txtAutoLogonUser.Text != String.Empty); chkUseAutoLogon.Enabled = true; } }