Example #1
        private void btnUpdateMyClientConfig_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (chkUseAutoLogon.Checked && (txtAutoLogonUser.Text == String.Empty))
                string msg = "If you want to use the Auto-Logon capability, you must supply a Username.";
                MessageBox.Show(msg, Program.APP_TITLE);

            ClientAutoLogOn calo = new ClientAutoLogOn(BranchLocation);

            // Validate the format of the action text
            string[] sep =
            string[] items = txtAutoLogonAction.Text.Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)

            string s = String.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                if (items[i] != String.Empty)
                    if (s != String.Empty)
                        s += ",";

                    s += items[i];

            if (calo.UpdateConfig(chkUseAutoLogon.Checked, txtAutoLogonUser.Text, txtAutoLogonPW.Text, s))
                // Now we will run the InitConfigFiles task, which copies the new file ready for running the client
                // By doing it here users will see the effect of their changes if they run direct from the IDE as opposed to using this app to start the client
                if (RunInitConfigFiles())
                    MessageBox.Show("The update was applied successfully.", Program.APP_TITLE);
                        @"The update was applied successfully to \inc\Template\etc\Client.config.my, but an error occurred in running the InitConfigFiles task.",
Example #2
        private void btnResetClientConfig_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string msg =
                "This action will reset all your client options (and not simply the startup options) because it will overwrite your personal copy of your entire ";

            msg += "client configuration with the latest version from the source code repository.  ";
            msg += "Usually this is a good thing because the repository copy may contain enhancements that your current personal copy is lacking.  ";
            msg += "You may notice changes in the behaviour of your client application as a result of this action.\r\n\r\n";
            msg += "Do you want to proceed?";

            if (MessageBox.Show(msg, Program.APP_TITLE, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)

            ClientAutoLogOn calo = new ClientAutoLogOn(BranchLocation);

            if (!calo.ResetConfig())


            if (!RunInitConfigFiles())
                msg =
                    @"Your configuration was reset successfully in \inc\Template\etc\Client.config.my, but an error occurred in running the InitConfigFiles task.  ";
                msg += "This will mean that the Open Petra Client may not rspond correctly to your changes.";
                MessageBox.Show(msg, Program.APP_TITLE, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
Example #3
        private void SetBranchDependencies()
            lblBranchLocation.Text = (BranchLocation == String.Empty) ? "Not defined" : BranchLocation;

            BuildConfiguration dbCfg = new BuildConfiguration(BranchLocation, _localSettings);

            if (BranchLocation == String.Empty)
                lblDbBuildConfig.Text = "";
                lblDatabaseName.Text = "None";
                lblDbBuildConfig.Text = dbCfg.CurrentConfig;
                lblDatabaseName.Text = dbCfg.CurrentDBName;

            dbCfg.ListAllConfigs(listDbBuildConfig);        // This might add a new configuration, so we need to update our local settings
            _localSettings.DbBuildConfigurations = dbCfg.FavouriteConfigurations;
            btnRemoveDbBuildConfig.Enabled = listDbBuildConfig.Items.Count > 0;
            btnEditDbBuildConfig.Enabled = listDbBuildConfig.Items.Count > 0;
            btnSaveDbBuildConfig.Enabled = listDbBuildConfig.Items.Count > 0 && BranchLocation != String.Empty;

            if (BranchLocation == String.Empty)
                txtAutoLogonUser.Text = String.Empty;
                txtAutoLogonPW.Text = String.Empty;
                txtAutoLogonAction.Text = String.Empty;
                chkUseAutoLogon.Checked = false;
                chkUseAutoLogon.Enabled = false;
                ClientAutoLogOn calo = new ClientAutoLogOn(BranchLocation);
                txtAutoLogonUser.Text = calo.UserName;
                txtAutoLogonPW.Text = calo.Password;
                txtAutoLogonAction.Text = calo.TestAction.Replace(",", "\r\n");
                chkUseAutoLogon.Checked = (txtAutoLogonUser.Text != String.Empty);
                chkUseAutoLogon.Enabled = true;