public static bool SetMeshVertexFloatAttribute(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId geoID, HAPI_PartId partID, string attrName, int tupleSize, float[] data, int[] indices, ref HAPI_PartInfo partInfo) { HAPI_AttributeInfo attrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); attrInfo.exists = true; attrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_VERTEX; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_FLOAT; attrInfo.count = partInfo.vertexCount; attrInfo.tupleSize = tupleSize; attrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; float[] attrValues = new float[partInfo.vertexCount * tupleSize]; if (session.AddAttribute(geoID, 0, attrName, ref attrInfo)) { for (int i = 0; i < partInfo.vertexCount; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < tupleSize; ++j) { attrValues[i * tupleSize + j] = data[indices[i] * tupleSize + j]; } } } return HEU_GeneralUtility.SetAttributeArray(geoID, partID, attrName, ref attrInfo, attrValues, session.SetAttributeFloatData, partInfo.vertexCount); }
/// <summary> /// Writes out the TerrainLayer file path as a string attribute (primitive-owned) for the specified heightfield volume. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">Current Houdini session</param> /// <param name="geoNodeID">Geometry object ID</param> /// <param name="partID">Part ID (volume)</param> /// <param name="terrainLayer">The TerrainLayer's file path is set as attribute</param> /// <returns>True if successfully added the attribute.</returns> public bool SetTerrainLayerAttributesToHeightField(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId geoNodeID, HAPI_PartId partID, TerrainLayer terrainLayer) { string assetPath = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(terrainLayer); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath)) { return(false); } HAPI_AttributeInfo attrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); attrInfo.exists = true; attrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING; attrInfo.count = 1; attrInfo.tupleSize = 1; attrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; if (!session.AddAttribute(geoNodeID, partID, HEU_Defines.DEFAULT_UNITY_HEIGHTFIELD_TERRAINLAYER_FILE_ATTR, ref attrInfo)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to add TerrainLayer file attribute to input heightfield."); return(false); } string[] pathData = new string[] { assetPath }; if (!session.SetAttributeStringData(geoNodeID, partID, HEU_Defines.DEFAULT_UNITY_HEIGHTFIELD_TERRAINLAYER_FILE_ATTR, ref attrInfo, pathData, 0, 1)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set TerrainLayer file name to input heightfield"); return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool SetMeshPointAttribute(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId geoID, HAPI_PartId partID, string attrName, int tupleSize, Vector3[] data, ref HAPI_PartInfo partInfo, bool bConvertToHoudiniCoordinateSystem) { HAPI_AttributeInfo attrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); attrInfo.exists = true; attrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_POINT; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_FLOAT; attrInfo.count = partInfo.pointCount; attrInfo.tupleSize = tupleSize; attrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; float[] attrValues = new float[partInfo.pointCount * tupleSize]; if (session.AddAttribute(geoID, 0, attrName, ref attrInfo)) { float conversionMultiplier = bConvertToHoudiniCoordinateSystem ? -1f : 1f; for (int i = 0; i < partInfo.pointCount; ++i) { attrValues[i * tupleSize + 0] = conversionMultiplier * data[i][0]; for (int j = 1; j < tupleSize; ++j) { attrValues[i * tupleSize + j] = data[i][j]; } } } return HEU_GeneralUtility.SetAttributeArray(geoID, partID, attrName, ref attrInfo, attrValues, session.SetAttributeFloatData, partInfo.pointCount); }
//Set int point attributes public static bool SetMeshPointAttribute(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId geoID, HAPI_PartId partID, string attrName, int tupleSize, Vector3Int[] data, ref HAPI_PartInfo partInfo) { HAPI_AttributeInfo attrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); attrInfo.exists = true; attrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_POINT; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_INT; attrInfo.count = partInfo.pointCount; attrInfo.tupleSize = tupleSize; attrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; int[] attrValues = new int[partInfo.pointCount * tupleSize]; if (session.AddAttribute(geoID, 0, attrName, ref attrInfo)) { for (int i = 0; i < partInfo.pointCount; ++i) { attrValues[i * tupleSize + 0] = data[i][0]; for (int j = 1; j < tupleSize; ++j) { attrValues[i * tupleSize + j] = data[i][j]; } } } return(HEU_GeneralUtility.SetAttributeArray(geoID, partID, attrName, ref attrInfo, attrValues, session.SetAttributeIntData, partInfo.pointCount)); }
internal bool CreateInputNodeForCollider(HEU_SessionBase session, out HAPI_NodeId outNodeID, HAPI_NodeId parentNodeId, int colliderIndex, string colliderName, float[] colliderVertices, int[] colliderIndices) { outNodeID = HEU_Defines.HEU_INVALID_NODE_ID; HAPI_NodeId colliderNodeId = HEU_Defines.HEU_INVALID_NODE_ID; if (!session.CreateNode(parentNodeId, "null", colliderName, false, out colliderNodeId)) return false; HAPI_PartInfo partInfo = new HAPI_PartInfo(); partInfo.init(); = 0; partInfo.nameSH = 0; partInfo.attributeCounts[(int)HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_POINT] = 0; partInfo.attributeCounts[(int)HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM] = 0; partInfo.attributeCounts[(int)HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_VERTEX] = 0; partInfo.attributeCounts[(int)HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_DETAIL] = 0; partInfo.vertexCount = colliderIndices.Length; partInfo.faceCount = colliderIndices.Length / 3; partInfo.pointCount = colliderVertices.Length / 3; partInfo.type = HAPI_PartType.HAPI_PARTTYPE_MESH; if (!session.SetPartInfo(colliderNodeId, 0, ref partInfo)) return false; HAPI_AttributeInfo attributeInfoPoint = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); attributeInfoPoint.count = colliderVertices.Length / 3; attributeInfoPoint.tupleSize = 3; attributeInfoPoint.exists = true; attributeInfoPoint.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_POINT; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_FLOAT; attributeInfoPoint.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; if (!session.AddAttribute(colliderNodeId, 0, HEU_HAPIConstants.HAPI_ATTRIB_POSITION, ref attributeInfoPoint)) return false; if (!session.SetAttributeFloatData(colliderNodeId, 0, HEU_HAPIConstants.HAPI_ATTRIB_POSITION, ref attributeInfoPoint, colliderVertices, 0, attributeInfoPoint.count)) return false; if (!session.SetVertexList(colliderNodeId, 0, colliderIndices, 0, colliderIndices.Length)) return false; int[] faceCounts = new int[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < faceCounts.Length; i++) { faceCounts[i] = 3; } if (!session.SetFaceCount(colliderNodeId, 0, faceCounts, 0, faceCounts.Length)) return false; if (!session.CommitGeo(colliderNodeId)) return false; outNodeID = colliderNodeId; return true; }
private void UpdateAttribute(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId geoID, HAPI_PartId partID, HEU_AttributeData attributeData) { int attrCount = attributeData._attributeInfo.count; // Presuming we are working with point attributes HAPI_AttributeInfo newAttrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); newAttrInfo.exists = true; newAttrInfo.owner = attributeData._attributeInfo.owner; =; newAttrInfo.count = attributeData._attributeInfo.count; newAttrInfo.tupleSize = attributeData._attributeInfo.tupleSize; newAttrInfo.originalOwner = attributeData._attributeInfo.originalOwner; if (!session.AddAttribute(geoID, partID, attributeData._name, ref newAttrInfo)) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Failed to add attribute: {0}", attributeData._name); return; } if ( == HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_INT) { int[] pointData = new int[attrCount * newAttrInfo.tupleSize]; for (int j = 0; j < attrCount; ++j) { for (int tuple = 0; tuple < newAttrInfo.tupleSize; ++tuple) { pointData[j * newAttrInfo.tupleSize + tuple] = attributeData._intValues[j * newAttrInfo.tupleSize + tuple]; } } HEU_GeneralUtility.SetAttributeArray(geoID, partID, attributeData._name, ref newAttrInfo, pointData, session.SetAttributeIntData, attrCount); } else if ( == HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_FLOAT) { float[] pointData = new float[attrCount * newAttrInfo.tupleSize]; for (int j = 0; j < attrCount; ++j) { for (int tuple = 0; tuple < newAttrInfo.tupleSize; ++tuple) { pointData[j * newAttrInfo.tupleSize + tuple] = attributeData._floatValues[j * newAttrInfo.tupleSize + tuple]; } } HEU_GeneralUtility.SetAttributeArray(geoID, partID, attributeData._name, ref newAttrInfo, pointData, session.SetAttributeFloatData, attrCount); } else if ( == HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING) { string[] pointData = new string[attrCount * newAttrInfo.tupleSize]; for (int j = 0; j < attrCount; ++j) { for (int tuple = 0; tuple < newAttrInfo.tupleSize; ++tuple) { pointData[j * newAttrInfo.tupleSize + tuple] = attributeData._stringValues[j * newAttrInfo.tupleSize + tuple]; } } HEU_GeneralUtility.SetAttributeArray(geoID, partID, attributeData._name, ref newAttrInfo, pointData, session.SetAttributeStringData, attrCount); } }
/// <summary> /// Set the given TerrainData's TreePrototyes as attributes on the given part. /// The TreePrototypes as stored a string attributes where the name is HEU_Defines.HEIGHTFIELD_TREEPROTOTYPE + index. /// The string value is the tree prefab's file path comme-separated with the bend factor: /// e.g: Assets/Trees/redtree.prefab,0.9 /// This does nothing if the given TerrainData doesn't have TreePrototype. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">Houdini Engine session</param> /// <param name="geoNodeID">Geometry object ID</param> /// <param name="partID">Part ID</param> /// <param name="terrainData">The TerrainData containing TreePrototypes.</param> public void SetTreePrototypes(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId geoNodeID, HAPI_PartId partID, TerrainData terrainData) { TreePrototype[] treePrototypes = terrainData.treePrototypes; if (treePrototypes == null || treePrototypes.Length == 0) { return; } // For each prototype, fill up a string attribute owned by primtive. // The string format is: tree_prefab_path,bend_factor string prefabPath; float bendFactor; for (int i = 0; i < treePrototypes.Length; ++i) { if (treePrototypes[i] == null) { continue; } prefabPath = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(treePrototypes[i].prefab); if (prefabPath == null) { continue; } bendFactor = treePrototypes[i].bendFactor; HAPI_AttributeInfo attrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); attrInfo.exists = true; attrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING; attrInfo.count = 1; attrInfo.tupleSize = 1; attrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; string attrName = HEU_Defines.HEIGHTFIELD_TREEPROTOTYPE + i.ToString(); if (!session.AddAttribute(geoNodeID, partID, attrName, ref attrInfo)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to add TreePrototype string attribute to input heightfield."); return; } string[] pathData = new string[] { string.Format("{0},{1}", prefabPath, bendFactor) }; if (!session.SetAttributeStringData(geoNodeID, partID, attrName, ref attrInfo, pathData, 0, 1)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set TreePrototype string value to input heightfield."); return; } } }
//Set string point attributes public static bool SetMeshPointAttribute(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId geoID, HAPI_PartId partID, string attrName, string[] data, ref HAPI_PartInfo partInfo) { HAPI_AttributeInfo attrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); attrInfo.exists = true; attrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_POINT; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING; attrInfo.count = partInfo.pointCount; attrInfo.tupleSize = 1; attrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; if (!session.AddAttribute(geoID, 0, attrName, ref attrInfo)) { Debug.Log("Could not create attribute named: " + attrName); return false; } return HEU_GeneralUtility.SetAttributeArray(geoID, partID, attrName, ref attrInfo, data, session.SetAttributeStringData, partInfo.pointCount); }
//Set float detail attribute public static bool SetMeshDetailAttribute(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId geoID, HAPI_PartId partID, string attrName, int tupleSize, Vector3 data, ref HAPI_PartInfo partInfo) { HAPI_AttributeInfo attrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); attrInfo.exists = true; attrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_DETAIL; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_FLOAT; attrInfo.count = 1; attrInfo.tupleSize = tupleSize; attrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; float[] attrValues = new float[tupleSize]; if (session.AddAttribute(geoID, 0, attrName, ref attrInfo)) { for (int j = 0; j < tupleSize; ++j) { attrValues[j] = data[j]; } } return HEU_GeneralUtility.SetAttributeArray(geoID, partID, attrName, ref attrInfo, attrValues, session.SetAttributeFloatData, 1); }
/// <summary> /// Upload the inputData (mesh geometry) into the input node with inputNodeID. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">Session that the input node exists in</param> /// <param name="inputNodeID">ID of the input node</param> /// <param name="inputData">Container of the mesh geometry</param> /// <returns>True if successfully uploaded data</returns> public bool UploadData(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId inputNodeID, HEU_InputData inputData) { HEU_InputDataMeshes inputDataMeshes = inputData as HEU_InputDataMeshes; if (inputDataMeshes == null) { Debug.LogError("Expected HEU_InputDataMeshes type for inputData, but received unsupported type."); return false; } List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>(); List<Vector3> normals = new List<Vector3>(); List<Vector2> uvs = new List<Vector2>(); List<Color> colors = new List<Color>(); List<int> pointIndexList = new List<int>(); List<int> vertIndexList = new List<int>(); int numMaterials = 0; int numMeshes = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes.Count; // Get the parent's world transform, so when there are multiple child meshes, // can merge and apply their local transform after subtracting their parent's world transform Matrix4x4 rootInvertTransformMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity; if (numMeshes > 1) { rootInvertTransformMatrix = inputDataMeshes._inputObject.transform.worldToLocalMatrix; } // For all meshes: // Accumulate vertices, normals, uvs, colors, and indices. // Keep track of indices start and count for each mesh for later when uploading material assignments and groups. // Find shared vertices, and use unique set of vertices to use as point positions. // Need to reindex indices for both unique vertices, as well as vertex attributes. for (int i = 0; i < numMeshes; ++i) { Vector3[] meshVertices = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.vertices; Matrix4x4 localToWorld = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._transform.localToWorldMatrix * rootInvertTransformMatrix; List<Vector3> uniqueVertices = new List<Vector3>(); // Keep track of old vertex positions (old vertex slot points to new unique vertex slot) int[] reindexVertices = new int[meshVertices.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < meshVertices.Length; ++j) { reindexVertices[j] = -1; } // For each vertex, check against subsequent vertices for shared positions. for (int a = 0; a < meshVertices.Length; ++a) { Vector3 va = meshVertices[a]; if (reindexVertices[a] == -1) { if (numMeshes > 1 && !inputDataMeshes._hasLOD) { // For multiple meshes that are not LODs, apply local transform on vertices to get the merged mesh. uniqueVertices.Add(localToWorld.MultiplyPoint(va)); } else { uniqueVertices.Add(va); } // Reindex to point to unique vertex slot reindexVertices[a] = uniqueVertices.Count - 1; } for (int b = a + 1; b < meshVertices.Length; ++b) { if (va == meshVertices[b]) { // Shared vertex -> reindex to point to unique vertex slot reindexVertices[b] = reindexVertices[a]; } } } int vertexOffset = vertices.Count; vertices.AddRange(uniqueVertices); Vector3[] meshNormals = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.normals; Vector2[] meshUVs = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv; Color[] meshColors = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.colors; inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexStart = new uint[inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes]; inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexCount = new uint[inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes]; // For each submesh: // Generate face to point index -> pointIndexList // Generate face to vertex attribute index -> vertIndexList for (int j = 0; j < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes; ++j) { int indexStart = pointIndexList.Count; int vertIndexStart = vertIndexList.Count; // Indices have to be re-indexed with our own offset int[] meshIndices = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.GetTriangles(j); int numIndices = meshIndices.Length; for (int k = 0; k < numIndices; ++k) { int originalIndex = meshIndices[k]; meshIndices[k] = reindexVertices[originalIndex]; pointIndexList.Add(vertexOffset + meshIndices[k]); vertIndexList.Add(vertIndexStart + k); if (meshNormals != null && (originalIndex < meshNormals.Length)) { normals.Add(meshNormals[originalIndex]); } if (meshUVs != null && (originalIndex < meshUVs.Length)) { uvs.Add(meshUVs[originalIndex]); } if (meshColors != null && (originalIndex < meshColors.Length)) { colors.Add(meshColors[originalIndex]); } } inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexStart[j] = (uint)indexStart; inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexCount[j] = (uint)(pointIndexList.Count) - inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexStart[j]; } numMaterials += inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._materials != null ? inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._materials.Length : 0; } // It is possible for some meshes to not have normals/uvs/colors while others do. // In the case where an attribute is missing on some meshes, we clear out those attributes so we don't upload // partial attribute data. int totalAllVertexCount = vertIndexList.Count; if (normals.Count != totalAllVertexCount) { normals = null; } if (uvs.Count != totalAllVertexCount) { uvs = null; } if (colors.Count != totalAllVertexCount) { colors = null; } HAPI_PartInfo partInfo = new HAPI_PartInfo(); partInfo.faceCount = vertIndexList.Count / 3; partInfo.vertexCount = vertIndexList.Count; partInfo.pointCount = vertices.Count; partInfo.pointAttributeCount = 1; partInfo.vertexAttributeCount = 0; partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount = 0; partInfo.detailAttributeCount = 0; if (normals != null && normals.Count > 0) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } if (uvs != null && uvs.Count > 0) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } if (colors != null && colors.Count > 0) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } if (numMaterials > 0) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; } if (numMeshes > 0) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; } if (inputDataMeshes._hasLOD) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; partInfo.detailAttributeCount++; } HAPI_GeoInfo displayGeoInfo = new HAPI_GeoInfo(); if (!session.GetDisplayGeoInfo(inputNodeID, ref displayGeoInfo)) { return false; } HAPI_NodeId displayNodeID = displayGeoInfo.nodeId; if (!session.SetPartInfo(displayNodeID, 0, ref partInfo)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input part info. "); return false; } int[] faceCounts = new int[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < partInfo.faceCount; ++i) { faceCounts[i] = 3; } int[] triIndices = pointIndexList.ToArray(); if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetArray2Arg(displayNodeID, 0, session.SetFaceCount, faceCounts, 0, partInfo.faceCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry face counts."); return false; } if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetArray2Arg(displayNodeID, 0, session.SetVertexList, triIndices, 0, partInfo.vertexCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry indices."); return false; } if (!HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_POSITION, 3, vertices.ToArray(), ref partInfo, true)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry position."); return false; } int[] vertIndices = vertIndexList.ToArray(); //if(normals != null && !SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_NORMAL, 3, normals.ToArray(), ref partInfo, true)) if (normals != null && !HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_NORMAL, 3, normals.ToArray(), vertIndices, ref partInfo, true)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry normals."); return false; } if (uvs != null && uvs.Count > 0) { Vector3[] uvs3 = new Vector3[uvs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < uvs.Count; ++i) { uvs3[i][0] = uvs[i][0]; uvs3[i][1] = uvs[i][1]; uvs3[i][2] = 0; } //if(!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_UV, 3, uvs3, ref partInfo, false)) if (!HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_UV, 3, uvs3, vertIndices, ref partInfo, false)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry UVs."); return false; } } if (colors != null && colors.Count > 0) { Vector3[] rgb = new Vector3[colors.Count]; float[] alpha = new float[colors.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < colors.Count; ++i) { rgb[i][0] = colors[i].r; rgb[i][1] = colors[i].g; rgb[i][2] = colors[i].b; alpha[i] = colors[i].a; } //if(!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_COLOR, 3, rgb, ref partInfo, false)) if (!HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_COLOR, 3, rgb, vertIndices, ref partInfo, false)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry colors."); return false; } //if(!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_ALPHA, 1, alpha, ref partInfo, false)) if (!HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshVertexFloatAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_ALPHA, 1, alpha, vertIndices, ref partInfo)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry color alpha."); return false; } } // Set material names for round-trip perservation of material assignment // Each HEU_UploadMeshData might have a list of submeshes and materials // These are all combined into a single mesh, with group names if (numMaterials > 0) { bool bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial = false; string[] materialIDs = new string[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes.Count; ++g) { if (inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes != inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._materials.Length) { // Number of submeshes should equal number of materials since materials determine submeshes continue; } for (int i = 0; i < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._materials.Length; ++i) { string materialName = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetPathWithSubAssetSupport(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._materials[i]); if (materialName == null) { materialName = ""; } else if (materialName.StartsWith(HEU_Defines.DEFAULT_UNITY_BUILTIN_RESOURCES)) { materialName = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetUniqueAssetPathForUnityAsset(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._materials[i]); } bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial |= !string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialName); int faceStart = (int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexStart[i] / 3; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexCount[i] / 3); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { materialIDs[m] = materialName; } } } if (bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial) { HAPI_AttributeInfo materialIDAttrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); materialIDAttrInfo.exists = true; materialIDAttrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING; materialIDAttrInfo.count = partInfo.faceCount; materialIDAttrInfo.tupleSize = 1; materialIDAttrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; if (!session.AddAttribute(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityMaterialAttribName, ref materialIDAttrInfo)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to add input geometry unity material name attribute."); return false; } if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetAttributeArray(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityMaterialAttribName, ref materialIDAttrInfo, materialIDs, session.SetAttributeStringData, partInfo.faceCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry unity material name."); return false; } } } // Set mesh name attribute HAPI_AttributeInfo attrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); attrInfo.exists = true; attrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING; attrInfo.count = partInfo.faceCount; attrInfo.tupleSize = 1; attrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; if (session.AddAttribute(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityInputMeshAttr, ref attrInfo)) { string[] primitiveNameAttr = new string[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes.Count; ++g) { for (int i = 0; i < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes; ++i) { int faceStart = (int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexStart[i] / 3; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexCount[i] / 3); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { primitiveNameAttr[m] = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._meshPath; } } } if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetAttributeArray(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityInputMeshAttr, ref attrInfo, primitiveNameAttr, session.SetAttributeStringData, partInfo.faceCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry unity mesh name."); return false; } } else { return false; } // Set LOD group membership if (inputDataMeshes._hasLOD) { int[] membership = new int[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes.Count; ++g) { if (g > 0) { // Clear array for (int m = 0; m < partInfo.faceCount; ++m) { membership[m] = 0; } } // Set 1 for faces belonging to this group for (int s = 0; s < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes; ++s) { int faceStart = (int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexStart[s] / 3; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexCount[s] / 3); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { membership[m] = 1; } } if (!session.AddGroup(displayNodeID, 0, HAPI_GroupType.HAPI_GROUPTYPE_PRIM, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._meshName)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to add input geometry LOD group name."); return false; } if (!session.SetGroupMembership(displayNodeID, 0, HAPI_GroupType.HAPI_GROUPTYPE_PRIM, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._meshName, membership, 0, partInfo.faceCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry LOD group name."); return false; } } } return session.CommitGeo(displayNodeID); }
/// <summary> /// Upload the given list of mesh data in uploadMeshes into node with inputNodeID. /// If the source was a LOD group, then group names are assigned to the geometry. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">Session to upload to</param> /// <param name="inputNodeID">The ID of the input node to upload into</param> /// <param name="uploadMeshes">List of mesh data</param> /// <param name="bHasLODGroup">Whether the source was a LOD group and therefore treat it specially</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool UploadInputMeshData(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId inputNodeID, List<HEU_UploadMeshData> uploadMeshes, bool bHasLODGroup) { List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>(); List<Vector3> normals = new List<Vector3>(); List<Vector2> uvs = new List<Vector2>(); List<Color> colors = new List<Color>(); List<int> triIndexList = new List<int>(); int numMaterials = 0; // Accumulate vertices, normals, uvs, colors, and indices. // Keep track of indices start and count for each mesh for later when uploading material assignments and groups. // Indices need to be reindexed with vertex offset as we accumulate vertices. int numMeshes = uploadMeshes.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numMeshes; ++i) { int vertexOffset = vertices.Count; vertices.AddRange(uploadMeshes[i]._mesh.vertices); normals.AddRange(uploadMeshes[i]._mesh.normals); uvs.AddRange(uploadMeshes[i]._mesh.uv); colors.AddRange(uploadMeshes[i]._mesh.colors); uploadMeshes[i]._indexStart = new uint[uploadMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes]; uploadMeshes[i]._indexCount = new uint[uploadMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes]; for (int j = 0; j < uploadMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes; ++j) { int indexStart = triIndexList.Count; // Indices have to be re-indexed with our own offset int[] meshIndices = uploadMeshes[i]._mesh.GetTriangles(j); int numIndices = meshIndices.Length; for (int k = 0; k < numIndices; ++k) { triIndexList.Add(vertexOffset + meshIndices[k]); } uploadMeshes[i]._indexStart[j] = (uint)indexStart; uploadMeshes[i]._indexCount[j] = (uint)(triIndexList.Count) - uploadMeshes[i]._indexStart[j]; } numMaterials += uploadMeshes[i]._materials != null ? uploadMeshes[i]._materials.Length : 0; } // It is possible for some meshes to not have normals/uvs/colors while others do. // In the case where an attribute is missing on some meshes, we clear out those attributes so we don't upload // partial attribute data. int numVertices = vertices.Count; if (normals.Count != numVertices) { normals = null; } if (uvs.Count != numVertices) { uvs = null; } if (colors.Count != numVertices) { colors = null; } HAPI_PartInfo partInfo = new HAPI_PartInfo(); partInfo.faceCount = triIndexList.Count / 3; partInfo.vertexCount = triIndexList.Count; partInfo.pointCount = vertices.Count; partInfo.pointAttributeCount = 1; partInfo.vertexAttributeCount = 0; partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount = 0; partInfo.detailAttributeCount = 0; if (normals != null && normals.Count > 0) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } if (uvs != null && uvs.Count > 0) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } if (colors != null && colors.Count > 0) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } if (numMaterials > 0) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; } if (numMeshes > 0) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; } if (bHasLODGroup) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; partInfo.detailAttributeCount++; } HAPI_GeoInfo displayGeoInfo = new HAPI_GeoInfo(); if (!session.GetDisplayGeoInfo(inputNodeID, ref displayGeoInfo)) { return false; } HAPI_NodeId displayNodeID = displayGeoInfo.nodeId; if (!session.SetPartInfo(displayNodeID, 0, ref partInfo)) { return false; } int[] faceCounts = new int[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < partInfo.faceCount; ++i) { faceCounts[i] = 3; } int[] triIndices = triIndexList.ToArray(); if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetArray2Arg(displayNodeID, 0, session.SetFaceCount, faceCounts, 0, partInfo.faceCount)) { return false; } if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetArray2Arg(displayNodeID, 0, session.SetVertexList, triIndices, 0, partInfo.vertexCount)) { return false; } if (!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_POSITION, 3, vertices.ToArray(), ref partInfo, true)) { return false; } //if(normals != null && !SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_NORMAL, 3, normals, ref partInfo, true)) if (normals != null && !SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_NORMAL, 3, normals.ToArray(), triIndices, ref partInfo, true)) { return false; } if (uvs != null && uvs.Count > 0) { Vector3[] uvs3 = new Vector3[uvs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < uvs.Count; ++i) { uvs3[i][0] = uvs[i][0]; uvs3[i][1] = uvs[i][1]; uvs3[i][2] = 0; } //if(!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_UV, 3, uvs3, ref partInfo, false)) if (!SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_UV, 3, uvs3, triIndices, ref partInfo, false)) { return false; } } if (colors != null && colors.Count > 0) { Vector3[] rgb = new Vector3[colors.Count]; float[] alpha = new float[colors.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < colors.Count; ++i) { rgb[i][0] = colors[i].r; rgb[i][1] = colors[i].g; rgb[i][2] = colors[i].b; alpha[i] = colors[i].a; } //if(!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_COLOR, 3, rgb, ref partInfo, false)) if (!SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_COLOR, 3, rgb, triIndices, ref partInfo, false)) { return false; } //if(!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_ALPHA, 1, alpha, ref partInfo, false)) if (!SetMeshVertexFloatAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_ALPHA, 1, alpha, triIndices, ref partInfo)) { return false; } } // Set material names for round-trip perservation of material assignment // Each HEU_UploadMeshData might have a list of submeshes and materials // These are all combined into a single mesh, with group names if (numMaterials > 0) { bool bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial = false; string[] materialIDs = new string[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < uploadMeshes.Count; ++g) { if (uploadMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes != uploadMeshes[g]._materials.Length) { // Number of submeshes should equal number of materials since materials determine submeshes continue; } for (int i = 0; i < uploadMeshes[g]._materials.Length; ++i) { string materialName = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(uploadMeshes[g]._materials[i]); if (materialName == null) { materialName = ""; } else if (materialName.StartsWith(HEU_Defines.DEFAULT_UNITY_BUILTIN_RESOURCES)) { materialName = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetUniqueAssetPathForUnityAsset(uploadMeshes[g]._materials[i]); } bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial |= !string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialName); int faceStart = (int)uploadMeshes[g]._indexStart[i] / 3; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)uploadMeshes[g]._indexCount[i] / 3); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { materialIDs[m] = materialName; } } } if (bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial) { HAPI_AttributeInfo materialIDAttrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); materialIDAttrInfo.exists = true; materialIDAttrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING; materialIDAttrInfo.count = partInfo.faceCount; materialIDAttrInfo.tupleSize = 1; materialIDAttrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; if (!session.AddAttribute(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityMaterialAttribName, ref materialIDAttrInfo)) { return false; } if (!session.SetAttributeStringData(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityMaterialAttribName, ref materialIDAttrInfo, materialIDs, 0, partInfo.faceCount)) { return false; } } } // Set mesh name attribute HAPI_AttributeInfo attrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); attrInfo.exists = true; attrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING; attrInfo.count = partInfo.faceCount; attrInfo.tupleSize = 1; attrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; if (session.AddAttribute(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityInputMeshAttr, ref attrInfo)) { string[] primitiveNameAttr = new string[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < uploadMeshes.Count; ++g) { for (int i = 0; i < uploadMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes; ++i) { int faceStart = (int)uploadMeshes[g]._indexStart[i] / 3; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)uploadMeshes[g]._indexCount[i] / 3); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { primitiveNameAttr[m] = uploadMeshes[g]._meshPath; } } } if (!session.SetAttributeStringData(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityInputMeshAttr, ref attrInfo, primitiveNameAttr, 0, partInfo.faceCount)) { return false; } } else { return false; } // Set LOD group membership if (bHasLODGroup) { int[] membership = new int[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < uploadMeshes.Count; ++g) { if (g > 0) { // Clear array for (int m = 0; m < partInfo.faceCount; ++m) { membership[m] = 0; } } // Set 1 for faces belonging to this group for (int s = 0; s < uploadMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes; ++s) { int faceStart = (int)uploadMeshes[g]._indexStart[s] / 3; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)uploadMeshes[g]._indexCount[s] / 3); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { membership[m] = 1; } } if (!session.AddGroup(displayNodeID, 0, HAPI_GroupType.HAPI_GROUPTYPE_PRIM, uploadMeshes[g]._meshName)) { return false; } if (!session.SetGroupMembership(displayNodeID, 0, HAPI_GroupType.HAPI_GROUPTYPE_PRIM, uploadMeshes[g]._meshName, membership, 0, partInfo.faceCount)) { return false; } } } return session.CommitGeo(displayNodeID); }
/// <summary> /// Upload the inputData (mesh geometry) into the input node with inputNodeID. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">Session that the input node exists in</param> /// <param name="inputNodeID">ID of the input node</param> /// <param name="inputData">Container of the mesh geometry</param> /// <returns>True if successfully uploaded data</returns> public bool UploadData(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId inputNodeID, HEU_InputData inputData) { HEU_InputDataMeshes inputDataMeshes = inputData as HEU_InputDataMeshes; if (inputDataMeshes == null) { Debug.LogError("Expected HEU_InputDataMeshes type for inputData, but received unsupported type."); return false; } List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>(); List<Vector3> normals = new List<Vector3>(); List<Color> colors = new List<Color>(); #if UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER const int NumUVSets = 8; #else const int NumUVSets = 4; #endif List<Vector3>[] uvs = new List<Vector3>[NumUVSets]; for (int u = 0; u < NumUVSets; ++u) { uvs[u] = new List<Vector3>(); } // Use tempUVs to help with reindexing List<Vector3>[] tempUVs = new List<Vector3>[NumUVSets]; for (int u = 0; u < NumUVSets; ++u) { tempUVs[u] = new List<Vector3>(); } List<int> pointIndexList = new List<int>(); List<int> vertIndexList = new List<int>(); int numMaterials = 0; int numMeshes = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes.Count; // Get the parent's world transform, so when there are multiple child meshes, // can merge and apply their local transform after subtracting their parent's world transform Matrix4x4 rootInvertTransformMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity; if (numMeshes > 1) { rootInvertTransformMatrix = inputDataMeshes._inputObject.transform.worldToLocalMatrix; } // Always using the first submesh topology. This doesn't support mixed topology (triangles and quads). MeshTopology meshTopology = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[0]._mesh.GetTopology(0); int numVertsPerFace = 3; if (meshTopology == MeshTopology.Quads) { numVertsPerFace = 4; } // For all meshes: // Accumulate vertices, normals, uvs, colors, and indices. // Keep track of indices start and count for each mesh for later when uploading material assignments and groups. // Find shared vertices, and use unique set of vertices to use as point positions. // Need to reindex indices for both unique vertices, as well as vertex attributes. for (int i = 0; i < numMeshes; ++i) { Vector3[] meshVertices = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.vertices; Matrix4x4 localToWorld = rootInvertTransformMatrix * inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._transform.localToWorldMatrix; List<Vector3> uniqueVertices = new List<Vector3>(); // Keep track of old vertex positions (old vertex slot points to new unique vertex slot) int[] reindexVertices = new int[meshVertices.Length]; Dictionary<Vector3, int> reindexMap = new Dictionary<Vector3, int>(); // For each vertex, check against subsequent vertices for shared positions. for (int a = 0; a < meshVertices.Length; ++a) { Vector3 va = meshVertices[a]; if (!reindexMap.ContainsKey(va)) { if (numMeshes > 1 && !inputDataMeshes._hasLOD) { // For multiple meshes that are not LODs, apply local transform on vertices to get the merged mesh. uniqueVertices.Add(localToWorld.MultiplyPoint(va)); } else { uniqueVertices.Add(va); } // Reindex to point to unique vertex slot reindexVertices[a] = uniqueVertices.Count - 1; reindexMap[va] = uniqueVertices.Count - 1; } else { reindexVertices[a] = reindexMap[va]; } } int vertexOffset = vertices.Count; vertices.AddRange(uniqueVertices); Vector3[] meshNormals = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.normals; Color[] meshColors = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.colors; // This is really silly. mesh.GetUVs gives uvs regardless if they exist or not (makes duplicates of // first uv if they don't exist), but mesh.uv* gives correct UVs, but in Vector2 format. // Since we need to convert to Vector3 later, this checks mesh.uv*, then uses mesh.GetUVs to get in Vector3. // Note skipping uv1 as its internally used (i.e. the 2nd uv set is uv2) int uindex = 0; GetUVsFromMesh(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv, tempUVs[0], uindex++); GetUVsFromMesh(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv2, tempUVs[1], uindex++); GetUVsFromMesh(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv3, tempUVs[2], uindex++); GetUVsFromMesh(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv4, tempUVs[3], uindex++); #if UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER GetUVsFromMesh(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv5, tempUVs[4], uindex++); GetUVsFromMesh(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv6, tempUVs[5], uindex++); GetUVsFromMesh(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv7, tempUVs[6], uindex++); GetUVsFromMesh(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv8, tempUVs[7], uindex++); #endif inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexStart = new uint[inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes]; inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexCount = new uint[inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes]; // For each submesh: // Generate face to point index -> pointIndexList // Generate face to vertex attribute index -> vertIndexList for (int j = 0; j < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes; ++j) { int indexStart = pointIndexList.Count; int vertIndexStart = vertIndexList.Count; // Indices have to be re-indexed with our own offset // (using GetIndices to generalize triangles and quad indices) int[] meshIndices = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.GetIndices(j); int numIndices = meshIndices.Length; for (int k = 0; k < numIndices; ++k) { int originalIndex = meshIndices[k]; meshIndices[k] = reindexVertices[originalIndex]; pointIndexList.Add(vertexOffset + meshIndices[k]); vertIndexList.Add(vertIndexStart + k); if (meshNormals != null && (originalIndex < meshNormals.Length)) { normals.Add(meshNormals[originalIndex]); } for (int u = 0; u < NumUVSets; ++u) { if (tempUVs[u].Count > 0) { uvs[u].Add(tempUVs[u][originalIndex]); } } if (meshColors != null && (originalIndex < meshColors.Length)) { colors.Add(meshColors[originalIndex]); } } inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexStart[j] = (uint)indexStart; inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexCount[j] = (uint)(pointIndexList.Count) - inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexStart[j]; } numMaterials += inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._materials != null ? inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._materials.Length : 0; } // It is possible for some meshes to not have normals/uvs/colors while others do. // In the case where an attribute is missing on some meshes, we clear out those attributes so we don't upload // partial attribute data. int totalAllVertexCount = vertIndexList.Count; if (normals.Count != totalAllVertexCount) { normals = null; } if (colors.Count != totalAllVertexCount) { colors = null; } HAPI_PartInfo partInfo = new HAPI_PartInfo(); partInfo.faceCount = vertIndexList.Count / numVertsPerFace; partInfo.vertexCount = vertIndexList.Count; partInfo.pointCount = vertices.Count; partInfo.pointAttributeCount = 1; partInfo.vertexAttributeCount = 0; partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount = 0; partInfo.detailAttributeCount = 0; //Debug.LogFormat("Faces: {0}; Vertices: {1}; Verts/Face: {2}", partInfo.faceCount, partInfo.vertexCount, numVertsPerFace); if (normals != null && normals.Count > 0) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } for (int u = 0; u < NumUVSets; ++u) { if (uvs[u].Count > 0 && uvs[u].Count == totalAllVertexCount) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } else { uvs[u].Clear(); } } if (colors != null && colors.Count > 0) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } if (numMaterials > 0) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; } if (numMeshes > 0) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; } if (inputDataMeshes._hasLOD) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; partInfo.detailAttributeCount++; } HAPI_GeoInfo displayGeoInfo = new HAPI_GeoInfo(); if (!session.GetDisplayGeoInfo(inputNodeID, ref displayGeoInfo)) { return false; } HAPI_NodeId displayNodeID = displayGeoInfo.nodeId; if (!session.SetPartInfo(displayNodeID, 0, ref partInfo)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input part info. "); return false; } int[] faceCounts = new int[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < partInfo.faceCount; ++i) { faceCounts[i] = numVertsPerFace; } int[] faceIndices = pointIndexList.ToArray(); if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetArray2Arg(displayNodeID, 0, session.SetFaceCount, faceCounts, 0, partInfo.faceCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry face counts."); return false; } if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetArray2Arg(displayNodeID, 0, session.SetVertexList, faceIndices, 0, partInfo.vertexCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry indices."); return false; } if (!HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_POSITION, 3, vertices.ToArray(), ref partInfo, true)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry position."); return false; } int[] vertIndices = vertIndexList.ToArray(); //if(normals != null && !SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_NORMAL, 3, normals.ToArray(), ref partInfo, true)) if (normals != null && !HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_NORMAL, 3, normals.ToArray(), vertIndices, ref partInfo, true)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry normals."); return false; } for (int u = 0; u < NumUVSets; ++u) { if (uvs[u].Count > 0) { // Skip uv1 as its used internally. So it goes: uv, uv2, ..., uv8 string uvName = u == 0 ? HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_UV : string.Format("{0}{1}", HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_UV, u + 1); if (!HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, uvName, 3, uvs[u].ToArray(), vertIndices, ref partInfo, false)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry UV" + u); return false; } } } if (colors != null && colors.Count > 0) { Vector3[] rgb = new Vector3[colors.Count]; float[] alpha = new float[colors.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < colors.Count; ++i) { rgb[i][0] = colors[i].r; rgb[i][1] = colors[i].g; rgb[i][2] = colors[i].b; alpha[i] = colors[i].a; } //if(!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_COLOR, 3, rgb, ref partInfo, false)) if (!HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_COLOR, 3, rgb, vertIndices, ref partInfo, false)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry colors."); return false; } //if(!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_ALPHA, 1, alpha, ref partInfo, false)) if (!HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshVertexFloatAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_ALPHA, 1, alpha, vertIndices, ref partInfo)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry color alpha."); return false; } } // Set material names for round-trip perservation of material assignment // Each HEU_UploadMeshData might have a list of submeshes and materials // These are all combined into a single mesh, with group names if (numMaterials > 0) { bool bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial = false; string[] materialIDs = new string[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes.Count; ++g) { if (inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes != inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._materials.Length) { // Number of submeshes should equal number of materials since materials determine submeshes continue; } for (int i = 0; i < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._materials.Length; ++i) { string materialName = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetPathWithSubAssetSupport(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._materials[i]); if (materialName == null) { materialName = ""; } else if (materialName.StartsWith(HEU_Defines.DEFAULT_UNITY_BUILTIN_RESOURCES)) { materialName = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetUniqueAssetPathForUnityAsset(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._materials[i]); } bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial |= !string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialName); int faceStart = (int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexStart[i] / numVertsPerFace; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexCount[i] / numVertsPerFace); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { materialIDs[m] = materialName; } } } if (bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial) { HAPI_AttributeInfo materialIDAttrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); materialIDAttrInfo.exists = true; materialIDAttrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING; materialIDAttrInfo.count = partInfo.faceCount; materialIDAttrInfo.tupleSize = 1; materialIDAttrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; if (!session.AddAttribute(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityMaterialAttribName, ref materialIDAttrInfo)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to add input geometry unity material name attribute."); return false; } if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetAttributeArray(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityMaterialAttribName, ref materialIDAttrInfo, materialIDs, session.SetAttributeStringData, partInfo.faceCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry unity material name."); return false; } } } // Set mesh name attribute HAPI_AttributeInfo attrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); attrInfo.exists = true; attrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING; attrInfo.count = partInfo.faceCount; attrInfo.tupleSize = 1; attrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; if (session.AddAttribute(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityInputMeshAttr, ref attrInfo)) { string[] primitiveNameAttr = new string[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes.Count; ++g) { for (int i = 0; i < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes; ++i) { int faceStart = (int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexStart[i] / numVertsPerFace; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexCount[i] / numVertsPerFace); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { primitiveNameAttr[m] = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._meshPath; } } } if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetAttributeArray(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityInputMeshAttr, ref attrInfo, primitiveNameAttr, session.SetAttributeStringData, partInfo.faceCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry unity mesh name."); return false; } } else { return false; } // Set LOD group membership if (inputDataMeshes._hasLOD) { int[] membership = new int[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes.Count; ++g) { if (g > 0) { // Clear array for (int m = 0; m < partInfo.faceCount; ++m) { membership[m] = 0; } } // Set 1 for faces belonging to this group for (int s = 0; s < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes; ++s) { int faceStart = (int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexStart[s] / numVertsPerFace; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexCount[s] / numVertsPerFace); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { membership[m] = 1; } } if (!session.AddGroup(displayNodeID, 0, HAPI_GroupType.HAPI_GROUPTYPE_PRIM, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._meshName)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to add input geometry LOD group name."); return false; } if (!session.SetGroupMembership(displayNodeID, 0, HAPI_GroupType.HAPI_GROUPTYPE_PRIM, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._meshName, membership, 0, partInfo.faceCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry LOD group name."); return false; } } } return session.CommitGeo(displayNodeID); }