protected void Show_Hide(Object sender, EventArgs e) { if (OmniViewer.Suppressed) { OmniViewer.Suppressed = false; } else { OmniViewer.CloseAll(); } }
public void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Image <Bgr, byte> imageQueried = camera.QueryFrame(); imageQueried = imageQueried.Resize(ImageWidth, ImageHeight, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.INTER.CV_INTER_LINEAR); //downsize image for better performance if (frameCount > 20) //wait for webcam exposure to stabilize { OmniViewer.Show(ref imageQueried, "imageQueried"); if (Enabled && MotionDetector.Compute(ref imageQueried, ref imageProcessed)) //motion is recognized as hand raise/drop { int complexity = ComplexityComputer.Compute(ref imageQueried); //query the complexity of the current image if (complexity > complexityOld) //motion is recognized as hand being raised if current complexity is larger than previous complexity { int gestureNum = GestureReader.Compute(ref imageProcessed); //GestureReader returns an integer indicating which gesture is being detected if (gestureNum == 0) { keyControl.PausePlay(); } else if (gestureNum == 1) { keyControl.PrevTrack(); } else if (gestureNum == 2) { keyControl.NextTrack(); } else if (gestureNum == 3) { keyControl.Start(); } } complexityOld = complexity; //store current complexity for future comparisons } } else { frameCount++; } }
public static int Compute(ref Image <Bgr, byte> imageSource) { Image <Gray, byte> imageCanny = imageSource.Convert <Gray, byte>().Canny(cannyThresh, cannyLinking); imageCanny.ROI = new Rectangle(0, 0, imageWidthCropped, imageHeightCropped); OmniViewer.Show(ref imageCanny, "imageCanny"); int complexity = 0; for (int i = 0; i < imageWidthCropped; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < imageHeightCropped; j++) { if (imageCanny.Data[j, i, 0] == 255) { complexity++; } } } return(complexity); }
public static bool Compute(ref Image <Bgr, byte> imageSource, ref Image <Gray, byte> imageResult) { bool handDetected = false; if (imageBackground != null) { byte baseThreshold = 0; Image <Gray, byte> imageProcessed = null; getFrameDifference(ref imageSource, ref imageBackground, ref imageProcessed, ref baseThreshold); OmniViewer.Show(ref imageProcessed, "MotionDetector_imageProcessed0"); List <int> xArray = new List <int>(), yArray = new List <int>(); //find center of motion by finding the median of X and Y positions of pixels brighter than base threshold List <Point> candidates = new List <Point>(); for (int i = 0; i < imageWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < imageHeight; j++) { if (imageProcessed.Data[j, i, 0] > baseThreshold) { imageProcessed.Data[j, i, 0] = 255; xArray.Add(i); yArray.Add(j); candidates.Add(new Point(i, j)); } } } if (candidates.Count > 0) { xArray.Sort(); yArray.Sort(); Point centerOfMotion = new Point(xArray[xArray.Count / 3], yArray[yArray.Count / 3]); imageProcessed._ThresholdBinary(new Gray(baseThreshold), white); //smooth image to cancel noise, and get count of pixels above threshold Image <Gray, byte> imageSmoothed = imageProcessed.SmoothGaussian(9); int pixCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < imageWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < imageHeight; j++) { if (imageSmoothed.Data[j, i, 0] == 255) { imageSmoothed.Data[j, i, 0] = 255; pixCount++; } else { imageSmoothed.Data[j, i, 0] = 0; } } } if (pixCount > 20 && centerOfMotion.X < imageWidth / 3d) { gestureActive = true; //heuristics to recognize motion as raising hand } else if (gestureCaptureDelayCurrent == gestureCaptureDelay) { gestureActive = false; } else { gestureCaptureDelayCurrent++; } if (gestureActive) { if (!gestureActiveOld) { imageBeforeMotion = imageBackground; motionTimerCount = 0; xWeightedLeft = xWeightedRight = 0d; xWeightedCount = 0; motionXMin = 9999; motionXMax = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < imageWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < imageHeight; j++) { if (imageProcessed.Data[j, i, 0] == 255) { if (i < imageWidth / 2) { xWeightedLeft += 1d - (i / (imageWidth / 2d)); xWeightedCount++; } else { xWeightedRight += 1d - (imageWidth - i) / (imageWidth / 2d); xWeightedCount++; } } } } if (centerOfMotion.X < motionXMin) { motionXMin = centerOfMotion.X; } if (centerOfMotion.X > motionXMax) { motionXMax = centerOfMotion.X; } imageSmoothed.Draw(new CircleF(centerOfMotion, 5), new Gray(127), 2); } else if (!gestureActive && gestureActiveOld) { double size = (xWeightedLeft / xWeightedCount) - (xWeightedRight / xWeightedCount); int motionWidth = motionXMax - motionXMin; if (motionTimerCount >= 1 && motionTimerCount < 50 && size > 0.3d && motionWidth < 15) { imageAfterMotion = imageSource; byte baseThreshold2 = 0; //obtain preliminary hand silhouette by computing frame difference between images before and after motion, then thresholding image by base threshold Image <Gray, byte> imageSubtraction = null; getFrameDifference(ref imageAfterMotion, ref imageBeforeMotion, ref imageSubtraction, ref baseThreshold2); imageSubtraction._ThresholdBinary(new Gray(/*baseThreshold2 / 3*/ 10), white); //todo: threshold using baseThreshold2 instead of a fixed value imageResult = imageSubtraction.Erode(2).Dilate(2); handDetected = true; } gestureCaptureDelayCurrent = 0; } gestureActiveOld = gestureActive; OmniViewer.Show(ref imageSmoothed, "MotionDetector_imageSmoothed"); OmniViewer.Show(ref imageProcessed, "MotionDetector_imageProcessed"); } } imageBackground = imageSource; return(handDetected); }
private static BlobDetector blobDetectorPalm = new BlobDetector(), blobDetectorFingers = new BlobDetector(); //for clustering palm and fingers public static int Compute(ref Image <Gray, byte> imageSource) { Image <Gray, byte> imageProcessed = imageSource.Erode(1); //erode image to prevent connected fingertips and other image defects Image <Gray, byte> imageCropped = new Image <Gray, byte>(imageWidthCropped, imageHeightCropped); //crop image for faster processing and noise cancellation, since right hand is always going to show up in the left of the image for (int i = 0; i < imageWidthCropped; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < imageHeightCropped; j++) { imageCropped.Data[j, i, 0] = imageProcessed.Data[j, i, 0]; } } Image <Gray, byte> imagePalm = imageCropped.Clone(); //locating palm by eroding fingers (smoothing, equalizing, then thresholding is better than conventional erosion) and dilating the final palm shape imagePalm._SmoothGaussian(9); imagePalm._EqualizeHist(); imagePalm._ThresholdBinary(new Gray(254), white); imagePalm = imagePalm.Dilate(5); blobDetectorPalm.Compute(ref imagePalm, 255); //marking biggest blob (connected pixels cluster) as the palm blob int medianWidth = blobDetectorPalm.BlobMaxArea.ComputeMedianWidth(); //crop the palm blob to exact height using custom heuristics int palmCropY = (int)(blobDetectorPalm.BlobMaxArea.YMin + medianWidth * 1.5d); List <Point> palmPoints = new List <Point>(); foreach (Point pt in blobDetectorPalm.BlobMaxArea.Data) { if (pt.Y < palmCropY) { palmPoints.Add(pt); imageCropped.Data[pt.Y, pt.X, 0] = 191; } } List <Point> palmBlobBorder = new List <Point>(); //finding the border pixels of palm blob by checking if the pixel is bordering a white pixel foreach (Point pt in palmPoints) { int xMin = pt.X - 1, xMax = pt.X + 1, //8 points surrounding pt yMin = pt.Y - 1, yMax = pt.Y + 1; checkBounds(ref xMin, ref xMax, imageWidthCropped); //check if values are out of bounds of imageCropped checkBounds(ref yMin, ref yMax, imageHeightCropped); bool kill = false; for (int i = xMin; i <= xMax; i++) //survey 8 points surrounding pt { for (int j = yMin; j <= yMax; j++) { if (imageCropped.Data[j, i, 0] == 255) //detect pixels that border white pixels { palmBlobBorder.Add(pt); kill = true; break; } } if (kill) { break; } } } foreach (Point pt in palmBlobBorder) { imageCropped.Data[pt.Y, pt.X, 0] = 255; //setting the color of palm border pixels to white to avoid impeding the progress of bresenham line algorithm } double minLineLength = 0d; //minimum length in order to be marked as line that travels to a fingertip List <LineSegment2D> lines = new List <LineSegment2D>(); foreach (Point pt in palmBlobBorder) //path finding algorithm, find all straight lines that originate from palm boarder and travel to hand shape border { for (int i = 340; i >= 200; i--) //radiate lines between angles 200 and 340 (upwards between 20 and 160) { Point ptResult; double angle = i * Math.PI / 180d; Point ptCircle = getCircumferencePoint(pt, 160, angle); //end point of the line (opposing the origin end) int x = pt.X, y = pt.Y, x2 = ptCircle.X, y2 = ptCircle.Y; if (bresenham(ref x, ref y, ref x2, ref y2, ref imageCropped, out ptResult)) //radiate lines between orign and end points { LineSegment2D line = new LineSegment2D(ptResult, pt); lines.Add(line); minLineLength += line.Length; //add current line length to minLineLength since the latter is average length times a coefficient } } } minLineLength = minLineLength / lines.Count * 2.5d; //filter fingerlines to remove ones that do not travel to fingertips, then draw fingerlines that are left onto an image and run blob detection to find finger blobs Image <Gray, byte> imageFingers = new Image <Gray, byte>(imageWidthCropped, imageHeightCropped); //new image where all lines that travel to fingertips will be drawn foreach (LineSegment2D line in lines) { if (line.Length > minLineLength || line.P1.X == 0) { imageFingers.Draw(line, new Gray(255), 1); //draw finger lines that are longer than minLineLength, or if fingerline borders the left edge of the image in case the finger isn't fully within view } } imageFingers._SmoothGaussian(3); imageFingers._ThresholdBinary(new Gray(254), white); //smooth drawn fingerlines into finger blobs blobDetectorFingers.Compute(ref imageFingers, 255); int fingersCount = 0; if (blobDetectorFingers.Blobs.Count > 1) { foreach (Blob blob in blobDetectorFingers.Blobs) //heuristics for eliminating false blobs, specifically needed when a fist is shown { if (blob.ComputeMaxWidth() >= 2 && blob.Length / (blob.ComputeMedianWidth() + 1) >= 3) { int verificationCount = 0; foreach (Blob blobCurrent in blobDetectorFingers.Blobs) { if (blob != blobCurrent && blob.YMin < blobCurrent.YMax) { verificationCount++; } } if (verificationCount > 0) { fingersCount++; } } } } else if (blobDetectorFingers.Blobs.Count == 1) { if (blobDetectorFingers.BlobMaxArea.Length / (blobDetectorFingers.BlobMaxArea.ComputeMedianWidth() + 1) >= 3) { fingersCount = 1; } } if (fingersCount > 3) { fingersCount = 3; //currently limiting to 3 gestures, will be expanded in the future } OmniViewer.Show(ref imageFingers, "imageFingers"); return(fingersCount); }