private void Server_ErrorDataReceived(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) { m_console.DataReceived(e.Data, true); /// There is probably a better way to handle this... if (e.Data != null && e.Data.Contains("WARNING - Your HDK infrared tracking camera was detected to have outdated firmware in need of updating, and may not function properly.")) { string osvrPath = OSVRRegistry.GetInstallDirectoryFromRegistry(); string workingDirectory = osvrPath + Common.FW_UTIL_PATH; string completeFilePath = workingDirectory + Common.IR_CAM_FW_UPDATER_NAME; Process ir_cam_fw_updater = OSVRProcessManager.LaunchExecutable(completeFilePath, workingDirectory, ProcessWindowStyle.Normal, string.Empty); if (ir_cam_fw_updater == null) { Common.ShowMessageBox(Common.MSG_MISSING_OR_CANCELLED_IR_CAM_FW_UPDATER, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { m_console.DataReceived( "\n---\n" + "Because your HDK IR Camera has outdated firmware, the firmware update tool will be launched.\n" + "Please restart the server after updating your camera's firmware.\n\n" + "NOTE: If the update utility reports that the update \"is not suitable for your device\"\n" + "please plug your HDK IR Camera directly into a USB port on your computer rather than a hub\n" + "such as those found on monitors, then restart the server to try again." + "\n---\n", false); } } }
public void Recenter() { string osvrPath = OSVRRegistry.GetInstallDirectoryFromRegistry(); string workingDirectory = osvrPath + Common.FW_UTIL_PATH; string completeFilePath = workingDirectory + Common.RECENTER_NAME; OSVRProcessManager.LaunchExecutable(completeFilePath, workingDirectory, ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized, string.Empty); }
/// <summary> /// Launch tracker viewer /// </summary> private void StartTrackerView() { string osvrPath = OSVRRegistry.GetInstallDirectoryFromRegistry(); string workingDirectory = osvrPath + Common.TRACKER_VIEW_PATH; string completeFilePath = workingDirectory + Common.TRACKER_VIEW_NAME; Process tv = OSVRProcessManager.LaunchExecutable(completeFilePath, workingDirectory, ProcessWindowStyle.Normal, string.Empty); if (tv == null) { Common.ShowMessageBox(Common.MSG_MISSING_TRACKER_VIEW, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// Set extended display mode /// </summary> private void SetExtendedMode() { string extended_mode_name = null; GPUDetection.GraphicsCardType gct = GPUDetection.GraphicsCardType.UNKNOWN; try { gct = (GPUDetection.GraphicsCardType)Enum.Parse(typeof(GPUDetection.GraphicsCardType), Properties.Settings.Default.graphicsCardType); } catch (ArgumentException) { } switch (gct) { case GPUDetection.GraphicsCardType.NVIDIA: extended_mode_name = Common.EXTENDED_MODE_NAME_NVIDIA; break; case GPUDetection.GraphicsCardType.AMD: extended_mode_name = Common.EXTENDED_MODE_NAME_AMD; break; case GPUDetection.GraphicsCardType.UNKNOWN: ShowSelectGPUTypeDialog(); return; } string osvrPath = OSVRRegistry.GetInstallDirectoryFromRegistry(); string workingDirectory = osvrPath + Common.SERVICE_PATH; string completeFilePath = workingDirectory + extended_mode_name; Process em_exe = OSVRProcessManager.LaunchExecutable(completeFilePath, workingDirectory, ProcessWindowStyle.Normal, string.Empty); if (em_exe == null) { Common.ShowMessageBox(Common.MSG_MISSING_EM_EXE, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } em_exe.EnableRaisingEvents = true; em_exe.Exited += setExtendedModeProcess_Exited; }
/// <summary> /// Launch Unity campfire sample application /// </summary> private void StartTestApp() { string osvrPath = OSVRRegistry.GetInstallDirectoryFromRegistry(); string workingDirectory = osvrPath + Common.TEST_APP_PATH; string completeFilePath = workingDirectory + Common.TEST_APP_NAME; Process proc = OSVRProcessManager.LaunchExecutable(completeFilePath, workingDirectory, ProcessWindowStyle.Normal, ""); // "-show-screen-selector"); // NativeHelpers.IsExtendedModeEnabled() ? "-show-screen-selector" : ""); if (proc == null) { Common.ShowMessageBox(Common.MSG_MISSING_SAMPLE_SCENE, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } proc.EnableRaisingEvents = true; proc.Exited += Testapp_Exited; }
/// <summary> /// Launch CPI /// </summary> public HDKType StartFWUtil(bool detect_hw_type = false) { string osvrPath = OSVRRegistry.GetInstallDirectoryFromRegistry(); string workingDirectory = osvrPath + Common.FW_UTIL_PATH; string completeFilePath = workingDirectory + Common.FW_UTIL_NAME; Process fw_util = OSVRProcessManager.LaunchExecutable(completeFilePath, workingDirectory, ProcessWindowStyle.Normal, detect_hw_type ? "-detecthw" : string.Empty); if (fw_util == null) { Common.ShowMessageBox(Common.MSG_MISSING_FWU, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(HDKType.ERROR); } if (detect_hw_type) { fw_util.WaitForExit(); return((HDKType)fw_util.ExitCode); } return(HDKType.NOT_REQUESTED); }
/// <summary> /// Start OSVR server /// </summary> public void StartServer(bool restart = false) { string configArgs = string.Empty; // is the "Use Custom Config" option checked if (m_contextMenu.CustomServerConfigChecked) { string targetCustomConfig = Properties.Settings.Default.targetCustomConfig; // has the user specified a custom config? if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetCustomConfig) && File.Exists(targetCustomConfig)) { configArgs = targetCustomConfig; } else { Common.ShowMessageBox(Common.MSG_MISSING_CUSTOM_CONFIG, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, true); return; } } else { switch (m_contextMenu.DetectHDKType()) { case ContextMenuWYSIWYG.HDKType.HDK1: if (NativeHelpers.IsExtendedModeEnabled()) { if (m_contextMenu.UseIRCameraChecked) { configArgs = Common.CFG_1X_EM_CAM; } else { configArgs = Common.CFG_1X_EM_NOCAM; } } else { if (m_contextMenu.UseIRCameraChecked) { configArgs = Common.CFG_1X_DM_CAM; } else { configArgs = Common.CFG_1X_DM_NOCAM; } } break; case ContextMenuWYSIWYG.HDKType.HDK2: if (NativeHelpers.IsExtendedModeEnabled()) { if (m_contextMenu.UseIRCameraChecked) { configArgs = Common.CFG_2_EM_CAM; } else { configArgs = Common.CFG_2_EM_NOCAM; } } else { if (m_contextMenu.UseIRCameraChecked) { configArgs = Common.CFG_2_DM_CAM; } else { configArgs = Common.CFG_2_DM_NOCAM; } } break; case ContextMenuWYSIWYG.HDKType.UNKNOWN: Common.ShowMessageBox(Common.MSG_UNABLE_TO_DETECT_HDK_TYPE, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, true); return; default: // error case already shows error message return; } } string osvrPath = OSVRRegistry.GetInstallDirectoryFromRegistry(); string completeFilePath = osvrPath + Common.SERVICE_PATH + Common.SERVICE_NAME; string workingDirectory = osvrPath + Common.SERVICE_PATH; Process server = OSVRProcessManager.LaunchExecutable(completeFilePath, workingDirectory, ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized, // Note: this is ignored configArgs, false); if (server == null) { Common.ShowMessageBox(Common.MSG_UNABLE_TO_START_SERVER, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (!m_console.Visible) { ShowServerConsole(); } m_console.ServerStateChanged(restart ? ServerConsole.ServerState.Restart : ServerConsole.ServerState.Start); server.BeginOutputReadLine(); server.BeginErrorReadLine(); server.EnableRaisingEvents = true; server.OutputDataReceived += Server_OutputDataReceived; server.ErrorDataReceived += Server_ErrorDataReceived; }