        public TutorialMenu (Application application, Base parent)
            this.application = application;
            this.parent = parent;

            window = new WindowControl (parent);
            window.Title = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("tutorial");
            window.IsMoveable = false;
            window.Height = parent.Height - (int) (parent.Height * 0.35);
            window.Y = (int) (parent.Height * 0.35) - 20;
            window.Width = parent.Width - 320;
            window.X = 280;

            scrollFrame = new ScrollControl (window);
            scrollFrame.AutoHideBars = true;
            scrollFrame.EnableScroll (false, true);
            scrollFrame.Width = window.Width - 12;
            scrollFrame.Height = window.Height - 32;


            ValidMessages = new[] { (int) MessageId.WindowResize, (int) MessageId.UpdateLocale };
            application.MessageManager += this;
        public ScreenPlanet(Base parent)
            : base(parent)
            SetSize(parent.Width, parent.Height);

            Gwen.Control.Label label = new Gwen.Control.Label(this);
            label.Text = "Planet";
            label.SetPosition(30, 30);
            label.TextColor = Color.FromArgb(200, 80, 0, 250);
            label.Font      = Program.fontLogo;

            int width;
            int height;

            Gwen.Control.WindowControl settingsWindow = new Gwen.Control.WindowControl(this);
            settingsWindow.Width             = parent.Width / 2;
            settingsWindow.Height            = parent.Height / 2;
            settingsWindow.SetPosition(width = parent.Width / 2 - settingsWindow.Width / 2, height = parent.Height / 2 - settingsWindow.Height / 2);

            Gwen.Control.Button buttonBack = new Gwen.Control.Button(settingsWindow);
            buttonBack.Text = "Back";
            buttonBack.Font = Program.fontButtonLabels;
            buttonBack.SetBounds(width / 100 * 8, height / 100 * 8, width / 3, height / 3);
            buttonBack.Clicked += onButtonBackClick;
        public ColorPickers(Base parent)
            : base(parent)
            /* RGB Picker */
                ColorPicker rgbPicker = new ColorPicker(this);
                rgbPicker.SetPosition(10, 10);
                rgbPicker.ColorChanged += ColorChanged;

            /* HSVColorPicker */
                HSVColorPicker hsvPicker = new HSVColorPicker(this);
                hsvPicker.SetPosition(300, 10);
                hsvPicker.ColorChanged += ColorChanged;

            /* HSVColorPicker in Window */
                Control.WindowControl Window = new WindowControl(this);
                Window.SetSize(300, 300);

                HSVColorPicker hsvPicker = new HSVColorPicker(Window);
                hsvPicker.SetPosition(10, 10);
                hsvPicker.ColorChanged += ColorChanged;

                Control.Button OpenWindow = new Control.Button(this);
                OpenWindow.SetPosition(10, 200);
                OpenWindow.SetSize(200, 20);
                OpenWindow.Text = "Open Window";
                OpenWindow.Clicked += delegate(Base sender, ClickedEventArgs args) { Window.Show(); };
        public void Initialize()
            WindowControl rightpanel = new WindowControl(MainCanvas.Instance);
            rightpanel.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Right;
            rightpanel.Width = (GraphicsManager.WindowWidth / 2) - 20;
            rightpanel.IsClosable = false;

            Base dummy = new Base(MainCanvas.Instance);
            dummy.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Fill;

            bottompanel = new WindowControl(dummy);
            bottompanel.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Bottom;
            bottompanel.Height = (GraphicsManager.WindowHeight / 2) - 20;
            bottompanel.IsClosable = false;

            Gameview = new Camera3D();
            Gameview.Layer = 1;
            Gameview.FieldOfView = 60;
            Gameview.EnableViewport(10, 10, GraphicsManager.WindowWidth / 2, GraphicsManager.WindowHeight / 2);
            Gameview.OnRender += GameRender;

            if (GameInfo.Me.IsServer) {
                foreach (var p in GameInfo.Players.Values){
        public override void InitUi(Canvas canvas)
            var window = new WindowControl(canvas, "Menu principal");
            window.IsClosable = false;
            window.SetSize(200, 125);
            window.SetPosition(Game.GetWindowSize().X / 2 - window.Width / 2, Game.GetWindowSize().Y / 2 - window.Height / 2);

            var playButton = new Button(window);
            playButton.SetText("Jouer !");
            playButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => ShowSelectLevelUi(canvas);

            var settingsButton = new Button(window);
            Align.PlaceDownLeft(settingsButton, playButton, 10);

            var exitButton = new Button(window);
            exitButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => { Game.Close(); };
            Align.PlaceDownLeft(exitButton, settingsButton, 10);

        public PauseMenu (Application app, CompositorColorCorrectionNode colorCorrectionNode, Base parent,
            Action onContinue, Action onPause)
            this.onContinue = onContinue;
            this.onPause = onPause;
            this.colorCorrectionNode = colorCorrectionNode;
            this.application = app;
            this.parent = parent;

            settings = new SettingsMenu (app, parent, colorCorrectionNode);

            window = new WindowControl (parent, Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("pause"));
            window.IsMoveable = false;
            window.OnClose += (sender, arguments) => Hide();
            window.Width = BUTTON_WIDTH + 20;

            continueButton = new Button (window);
            continueButton.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("back_to_game");
            continueButton.Width = BUTTON_WIDTH;
            continueButton.X = 10;
            continueButton.Y = 10;
            continueButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => Hide();

            settingsButton = new Button (window);
            settingsButton.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("settings");
            settingsButton.Width = BUTTON_WIDTH;
            settingsButton.X = 10;
            settingsButton.Y = 10 + continueButton.Y + continueButton.Height;
            settingsButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => settings.Show();

            exitButton = new Button (window);
            exitButton.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("quit_game");
            exitButton.Width = BUTTON_WIDTH;
            exitButton.X = 10;
            exitButton.Y = 10 + settingsButton.Y + settingsButton.Height;
            exitButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => application.Window.Close ();

            window.Height += exitButton.Y + exitButton.Height + 10;
            window.X = (parent.Width - window.Width) / 2;
            window.Y = (parent.Height - window.Height) / 2;

            ValidMessages = new int[] { (int) MessageId.WindowResize, (int) MessageId.UpdateLocale,
                (int) MessageId.Input };

            app.MessageManager += this;
        private void EndCombat(int win)
            Gwen.Control.WindowControl windowEnd = new Gwen.Control.WindowControl(this);
            windowEnd.Width  = this.Width / 2;
            windowEnd.Height = this.Height / 2;
            windowEnd.SetPosition(this.Width / 2 - windowEnd.Width / 2, this.Height / 2 - windowEnd.Height / 2);

            Gwen.Control.Label labelWin = new Gwen.Control.Label(windowEnd);
            labelWin.Text = "Win Player " + win.ToString();
            labelWin.Font = Program.fontLogo;
            labelWin.SetBounds(windowEnd.Width / 2 - labelWin.Width / 2, windowEnd.Height / 2 - labelWin.Height, windowEnd.Width, windowEnd.Height * 15 / 100);

            Gwen.Control.Button buttonOK = new Gwen.Control.Button(windowEnd);
            buttonOK.Text = "OK";
            buttonOK.Font = Program.fontButtonLabels;
            buttonOK.SetBounds(windowEnd.Width / 2 - buttonOK.Width / 2, windowEnd.Height * 70 / 100, windowEnd.Width * 25 / 100, windowEnd.Height * 15 / 100);
            buttonOK.Clicked += onOKClick;

            windowEnd.IsClosable = false;
        private void CreateEscapeWindow()
            EscapeWindow = new WindowControl(MainCanvas.GetCanvas());
            EscapeWindow.SetPosition(10, 10);
            EscapeWindow.SetSize(200, 200);

            Button Close = new Button(EscapeWindow);
            Close.SetPosition(10, 10);
            Close.Clicked += delegate(Base sender, ClickedEventArgs args) {
                Game.LockMouse = true;

            Button Quit = new Button(EscapeWindow);
            Quit.SetPosition(10, 40);
            Quit.Clicked += delegate(Base sender, ClickedEventArgs args) {
        private void onButtonMenuClick(Base control, EventArgs args)
            if (!menuOpenned)
                menuOpenned = true;

                Gwen.Control.WindowControl menuWindow = new Gwen.Control.WindowControl(this);
                menuWindow.Width  = Program.percentW(50);
                menuWindow.Height = Program.percentH(50);
                menuWindow.SetPosition(Program.percentW(25), Program.percentH(20));

                Gwen.Control.Button buttonNewGame = new Gwen.Control.Button(menuWindow);
                buttonNewGame.Text = "New game";
                buttonNewGame.Font = Program.fontButtonLabels;
                buttonNewGame.SetBounds(Program.percentW(12), Program.percentH(0), 200, 50);
                buttonNewGame.Pressed += onButtonNewGameClick;

                Gwen.Control.Button buttonLoadGame = new Gwen.Control.Button(menuWindow);
                buttonLoadGame.Text = "Load game";
                buttonLoadGame.Font = Program.fontButtonLabels;
                buttonLoadGame.SetBounds(Program.percentW(12), Program.percentH(10), 200, 50);

                Gwen.Control.Button buttonSaveGame = new Gwen.Control.Button(menuWindow);
                buttonSaveGame.Text = "Save Game";
                buttonSaveGame.Font = Program.fontButtonLabels;
                buttonSaveGame.SetBounds(Program.percentW(12), Program.percentH(20), 200, 50);

                Gwen.Control.Button buttonQuit = new Gwen.Control.Button(menuWindow);
                buttonQuit.Text = "Quit";
                buttonQuit.Font = Program.fontButtonLabels;
                buttonQuit.SetBounds(Program.percentW(12), Program.percentH(30), 200, 50);
                buttonQuit.Pressed += onButtonQuitClick;
        private void ShowSelectLevelUi(Canvas canvas)
            var window = new WindowControl(canvas, "Choisir un niveau", true);
            window.SetSize(300, 400);
            window.SetPosition(Game.GetWindowSize().X /2 - window.Width / 2, Game.GetWindowSize().Y / 2 - window.Height / 2);

            var listLevel = new ListBox(window);
            listLevel.SetSize(window.Width / 2, window.Height - 40);
            if (Directory.Exists(_levelsPath)) {
                foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(_levelsPath)) {
                    var fileInfo = new FileInfo(file);
                    if (fileInfo.Extension.Equals(".mtrlvl")) {
                        listLevel.AddRow(fileInfo.Name.Remove(fileInfo.Name.LastIndexOf('.')), fileInfo.Name, file);

            var widthButton = window.Width - listLevel.Width - 30;

            var playButton = new Button(window);
            playButton.SetPosition(listLevel.Width + 10, 0);
            playButton.SetSize(widthButton, playButton.Height);
            playButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => {
               LoadLevel(listLevel, canvas, false);

            var deleteLevelButton = new Button(window);
            deleteLevelButton.SetSize(widthButton, deleteLevelButton.Height);
            deleteLevelButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => {
                if (listLevel.SelectedRowIndex == -1)
                    new MessageBox(canvas, "Aucun niveau n'a été sélectionné !", "Erreur !").Show();
                else {
                    var path = listLevel.SelectedRow.UserData.ToString();
                    try {
                        listLevel.SelectedRow = null;
                        Log.WriteInfo("Le niveau : " + path + " a été supprimé !");
                    catch (IOException e) {
                        new MessageBox(canvas, "Impossible de supprimer le niveau sélectionné ! Erreur : " + e.Message, "Erreur !").Show();
            Align.PlaceDownLeft(deleteLevelButton, playButton, 10);

            var editLevelButton = new Button(window);
            editLevelButton.SetText("Editer le niveau");
            editLevelButton.SetSize(widthButton, editLevelButton.Height);
            editLevelButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => {
                LoadLevel(listLevel, canvas, true);
            Align.PlaceDownLeft(editLevelButton, deleteLevelButton, 10);

            var newLevelButton = new Button(window);
            newLevelButton.SetText("Nouveau niveau");
            newLevelButton.SetSize(widthButton, newLevelButton.Height);
            Align.PlaceDownLeft(newLevelButton, editLevelButton, 10);
        public Screen_Settings(Base parent)
            : base(parent)
            SetSize(parent.Width, parent.Height);

            Gwen.Control.Label label = new Gwen.Control.Label(this);
            label.Text = "Settings";
            label.SetPosition(30, 30);
            label.TextColor = Color.FromArgb(200, 80, 0, 250);
            label.Font      = Program.fontLogo;

            Gwen.Control.WindowControl settingsWindow = new Gwen.Control.WindowControl(this);
            settingsWindow.Width  = parent.Width / 2;
            settingsWindow.Height = parent.Height / 2;
            settingsWindow.SetPosition(parent.Width / 2 - settingsWindow.Width / 2, parent.Height / 2 - settingsWindow.Height / 2);

            Gwen.Control.Label musicLabel = new Gwen.Control.Label(settingsWindow);
            musicLabel.Text = "Music:";
            musicLabel.SetPosition(parent.Width / 10, parent.Height / 10);
            musicLabel.TextColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0);
            musicLabel.Font      = Program.fontText;

            Gwen.Control.HorizontalSlider musicSlider = new Gwen.Control.HorizontalSlider(settingsWindow);
            musicSlider.SetPosition(parent.Width / 5, parent.Height / 10);
            musicSlider.SetSize(parent.Width / 10, musicLabel.Height);

            Gwen.Control.Label sfxLabel = new Gwen.Control.Label(settingsWindow);
            sfxLabel.Text = "SFX:";
            sfxLabel.SetPosition(parent.Width / 10, musicLabel.Y + musicLabel.Height);
            sfxLabel.TextColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0);
            sfxLabel.Font      = Program.fontText;

            Gwen.Control.CheckBox sfxCheckBox = new Gwen.Control.CheckBox(settingsWindow);
            sfxCheckBox.SetPosition(parent.Width / 5, musicLabel.Y + musicLabel.Height);

            Gwen.Control.Label fpsLabel = new Gwen.Control.Label(settingsWindow);
            fpsLabel.Text = "FPS Limit:";
            fpsLabel.SetPosition(parent.Width / 10, sfxLabel.Y + sfxLabel.Height);
            fpsLabel.TextColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0);
            fpsLabel.Font      = Program.fontText;

            Gwen.Control.HorizontalSlider fpsSlider = new Gwen.Control.HorizontalSlider(settingsWindow);
            fpsSlider.SetPosition(parent.Width / 5, sfxLabel.Y + sfxLabel.Height);
            fpsSlider.SetSize(parent.Width / 10, sfxLabel.Height);

            Gwen.Control.Label resolutionLabel = new Gwen.Control.Label(settingsWindow);
            resolutionLabel.Text = "Resolution:";
            resolutionLabel.SetPosition(parent.Width / 10, fpsLabel.Y + fpsLabel.Height);
            resolutionLabel.TextColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0);
            resolutionLabel.Font      = Program.fontText;

            Gwen.Control.ComboBox resolution = new ComboBox(settingsWindow);
            resolution.SetPosition(parent.Width / 5, fpsLabel.Y + fpsLabel.Height);
            resolution.SetSize(parent.Width / 10, resolutionLabel.Height);

            Gwen.Control.Label fullScreenLabel = new Gwen.Control.Label(settingsWindow);
            fullScreenLabel.Text = "Full screen:";
            fullScreenLabel.SetPosition(parent.Width / 10, resolutionLabel.Y + resolutionLabel.Height);
            fullScreenLabel.TextColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0);
            fullScreenLabel.Font      = Program.fontText;

            Gwen.Control.CheckBox fullScreenCheckBox = new Gwen.Control.CheckBox(settingsWindow);
            fullScreenCheckBox.SetPosition(parent.Width / 5, resolutionLabel.Y + resolutionLabel.Height);
            if (fullScreen == true)
            fullScreenCheckBox.Checked   += fullScreenEnable;
            fullScreenCheckBox.UnChecked += fullScreenDisable;

            Gwen.Control.Button buttonOK = new Gwen.Control.Button(this);
            buttonOK.Text = "OK";
            buttonOK.Font = Program.fontButtonLabels;
            buttonOK.SetBounds(550, 500, 200, 50);
            buttonOK.Clicked += onButtonOKClick;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CloseButton"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">Parent control.</param>
 /// <param name="owner">Window that owns this button.</param>
 public CloseButton(ControlBase parent, WindowControl owner)
     : base(parent)
     m_Window = owner;
        public SettingsMenu (Application app, Base parent, CompositorColorCorrectionNode colorCorrectionNode)
            this.application = app;
            this.parent = parent;
            this.colorCorrectionNode = colorCorrectionNode;
            window = new WindowControl (parent);
            window.Title = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("settings");

            float gamma = (float) ConfigManager.Instance["freezing_archer"].GetDouble("general", "gamma");
            colorCorrectionNode.Gamma = gamma;
            string language = ConfigManager.Instance["freezing_archer"].GetString("general", "language");
            Localizer.Instance.CurrentLocale = (LocaleEnum) Enum.Parse(typeof (LocaleEnum), language);

            languageLabel = new Label (window);
            languageLabel.AutoSizeToContents = true;
            languageLabel.Y = 10;
            languageLabel.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("language");

            languageDropdown = new ComboBox (window);
            languageDropdown.Width = CONTROL_WIDTH;
            languageDropdown.Y = 10;
            foreach (var lang in Localizer.Instance.Locales)
                var item = languageDropdown.AddItem(Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName(lang.Key.ToString()), lang.Key.ToString());
                item.AutoSizeToContents = false;
                item.Width = CONTROL_WIDTH;
            languageDropdown.ItemSelected += handleSelect;

            gammaSlider = new HorizontalSlider (window);
            gammaSlider.SnapToNotches = false;
            gammaSlider.Min = 0;
            gammaSlider.Max = 3;
            gammaSlider.Value = gamma;
            gammaSlider.ValueChanged += (sender, arguments) => {
                var slider = sender as HorizontalSlider;
                ConfigManager.Instance["freezing_archer"].SetDouble("general", "gamma", slider.Value);
                if (slider != null)
                    this.colorCorrectionNode.Gamma = slider.Value;
            gammaSlider.Width = CONTROL_WIDTH;
            gammaSlider.Height = 20;
            gammaSlider.Y = 10 + languageDropdown.Y + languageDropdown.Height;

            gammaLabel = new Label (window);
            gammaLabel.AutoSizeToContents = true;
            gammaLabel.Y = 10 + languageLabel.Y + languageLabel.Height;
            gammaLabel.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("gamma");

            int max_width = languageLabel.Width > gammaLabel.Width ? languageLabel.Width : gammaLabel.Width;

            languageLabel.X = 10 + max_width - languageLabel.Width;
            gammaLabel.X = 10 + max_width - gammaLabel.Width;
            languageDropdown.X = 10 + max_width + 5;
            gammaSlider.X = 10 + max_width + 5;

            window.Width = 40 + max_width + CONTROL_WIDTH;

            resetButton = new Button (window);
            resetButton.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("reset");
            resetButton.Width = (window.Width / 2) - 20;
            resetButton.X = 10;
            resetButton.Y = gammaSlider.Y + gammaSlider.Height + 10;
            resetButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => {
                var general = ConfigManager.DefaultConfig.B.FirstOrDefault (a => a.Key == "general");
                var gamma_pair = general.Value.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Key == "gamma");
                float _gamma = (float) gamma_pair.Value.Double;
                gammaSlider.Value = _gamma;
                colorCorrectionNode.Gamma = _gamma;

                var language_pair = general.Value.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Key == "language");

                string lang = language_pair.Value.String;
                Localizer.Instance.CurrentLocale = (LocaleEnum) Enum.Parse(typeof (LocaleEnum), lang);

            saveButton = new Button (window);
            saveButton.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("save");
            saveButton.Width = (window.Width / 2) - 20;
            saveButton.X = resetButton.X + resetButton.Width + 10;
            saveButton.Y = gammaSlider.Y + gammaSlider.Height + 10;
            saveButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => ConfigManager.Instance.SaveAll();

            window.Height += languageDropdown.Height + gammaSlider.Height + 50;
            window.X = (parent.Width - window.Width) / 2;
            window.Y = (parent.Height - window.Height) / 2;

            ValidMessages = new[] { (int) MessageId.UpdateLocale };
            application.MessageManager += this;
		public static void Main(string[] args) {
			g_testEntries = AllTests.GetTests();
			testCount = g_testEntries.Count();

			testIndex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(testIndex, testCount - 1));
			testSelection = testIndex;

			entry = g_testEntries[testIndex];
			test = entry.createFcn();

			string title = String.Format("Box2D Version {0}.{1}.{2}", Settings._version.major, Settings._version.minor, Settings._version.revision);

			camera = new Camera2D();
			camera.OnRender += SimulationLoop;

			camera.SetLocation(0, 0);

			GraphicsManager.Update += new GraphicsManager.Updater(GraphicsManager_Update);

			WindowControl glui = new WindowControl(MainCanvas.GetCanvas());
			glui.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Left;

			Label text = new Label(glui);
			text.Text = "Tests";
			text.SetPosition(10, 10);

			testList = new ListBox(glui);
			testList.RowSelected += delegate(Base sender, ItemSelectedEventArgs tlargs) {
				testSelection = testList.SelectedRowIndex;
			foreach (TestEntry e in g_testEntries) {
				testList.AddRow(e.name, "", e);
			testList.SelectedRowIndex = testSelection;
			testList.SetPosition(10, 30);
			testList.SetSize(170, 180);

			Base SettingsBox = new Base(glui);
			SettingsBox.SetSize(200, 185);
			SettingsBox.SetPosition(0, 250);
				NumericUpDown spinner = new NumericUpDown(SettingsBox);
				spinner.Text = "Vel Iters";
				spinner.Min = 1;
				spinner.Max = 500;
				spinner.ValueChanged += delegate(Base sender, EventArgs vcargs) {
					settings.velocityIterations = (int)spinner.Value;
				spinner.Value = settings.velocityIterations;
				spinner.SetPosition(10, 10);

				NumericUpDown posSpinner = new NumericUpDown(SettingsBox);
				posSpinner.Min = 0;
				posSpinner.Max = 100;
				posSpinner.Text = "Pos Iters";
				posSpinner.ValueChanged += delegate(Base sender, EventArgs psargs) {
					settings.positionIterations = (int)posSpinner.Value;
				posSpinner.Value = settings.positionIterations;
				posSpinner.SetPosition(10, 35);

				NumericUpDown hertzSpinner = new NumericUpDown(SettingsBox);
				hertzSpinner.Text = "Hertz";
				hertzSpinner.Min = 5;
				hertzSpinner.Max = 200;
				hertzSpinner.ValueChanged += delegate(Base sender, EventArgs hargs) {
					settingsHz = hertzSpinner.Value;
				hertzSpinner.Value = settingsHz;
				hertzSpinner.SetPosition(10, 60);

				LabeledCheckBox scb = new LabeledCheckBox(SettingsBox);
				scb.Text = "Sleep";
				scb.CheckChanged += delegate(Base sender, EventArgs argsscb) {
					settings.enableSleep = scb.IsChecked;
				scb.IsChecked = settings.enableSleep;
				scb.SetPosition(10, 85);

				LabeledCheckBox wsu = new LabeledCheckBox(SettingsBox);
				wsu.Text = "Warm Starting";
				wsu.CheckChanged += delegate(Base sender, EventArgs argsscb) {
					settings.enableWarmStarting = wsu.IsChecked;
				wsu.IsChecked = settings.enableWarmStarting;
				wsu.SetPosition(10, 110);

				LabeledCheckBox toi = new LabeledCheckBox(SettingsBox);
				toi.Text = "Time of Impact";
				toi.CheckChanged += delegate(Base sender, EventArgs argsscb) {
					settings.enableContinuous = toi.IsChecked;
				toi.IsChecked = settings.enableContinuous;
				toi.SetPosition(10, 135);

				LabeledCheckBox ssb = new LabeledCheckBox(SettingsBox);
				ssb.Text = "Sub-Stepping";
				ssb.CheckChanged += delegate(Base sender, EventArgs argsscb) {
					settings.enableSubStepping = ssb.IsChecked;
				ssb.IsChecked = settings.enableSubStepping;
				ssb.SetPosition(10, 160);

			Base drawPanel = new Base(glui);
			drawPanel.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Bottom;
			drawPanel.SetSize(200, 225);
				LabeledCheckBox cbShapes = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel);
				cbShapes.Text = "Shapes";
				cbShapes.IsChecked = settings.drawShapes;
				cbShapes.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) {
					settings.drawShapes = cbShapes.IsChecked;
				cbShapes.SetPosition(10, 10);

				//glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Joints", &settings.drawJoints);
				LabeledCheckBox cbJoints = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel);
				cbJoints.Text = "Joints";
				cbJoints.IsChecked = settings.drawJoints;
				cbJoints.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) {
					settings.drawJoints = cbJoints.IsChecked;
				cbJoints.SetPosition(10, 30);

				//glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "AABBs", &settings.drawAABBs);
				LabeledCheckBox cbAABBs = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel);
				cbAABBs.Text = "AABBs";
				cbAABBs.IsChecked = settings.drawAABBs;
				cbAABBs.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) {
					settings.drawAABBs = cbAABBs.IsChecked;
				cbAABBs.SetPosition(10, 50);

				//glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Contact Points", &settings.drawContactPoints);
				LabeledCheckBox cbPoints = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel);
				cbPoints.Text = "Contact Points";
				cbPoints.IsChecked = settings.drawContactPoints;
				cbPoints.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) {
					settings.drawContactPoints = cbPoints.IsChecked;
				cbPoints.SetPosition(10, 70);

				//glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Contact Normals", &settings.drawContactNormals);
				LabeledCheckBox cbNormals = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel);
				cbNormals.Text = "Contact Normals";
				cbNormals.IsChecked = settings.drawContactNormals;
				cbNormals.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) {
					settings.drawContactNormals = cbNormals.IsChecked;
				cbNormals.SetPosition(10, 90);

				//glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Contact Impulses", &settings.drawContactImpulse);
				LabeledCheckBox cbImpulses = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel);
				cbImpulses.Text = "Contact Impulses";
				cbImpulses.IsChecked = settings.drawContactImpulse;
				cbImpulses.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) {
					settings.drawContactImpulse = cbImpulses.IsChecked;
				cbImpulses.SetPosition(10, 110);

				//glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Friction Impulses", &settings.drawFrictionImpulse);
				LabeledCheckBox cbFriction = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel);
				cbFriction.Text = "Friction Impulses";
				cbFriction.IsChecked = settings.drawFrictionImpulse;
				cbFriction.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) {
					settings.drawFrictionImpulse = cbFriction.IsChecked;
				cbFriction.SetPosition(10, 130);

				//glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Center of Masses", &settings.drawCOMs);
				LabeledCheckBox cbMasses = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel);
				cbMasses.Text = "Center of Masses";
				cbMasses.IsChecked = settings.drawCOMs;
				cbMasses.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) {
					settings.drawCOMs = cbMasses.IsChecked;
				cbMasses.SetPosition(10, 150);

				//glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Statistics", &settings.drawStats);
				LabeledCheckBox cbStatistics = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel);
				cbStatistics.Text = "Statistics";
				cbStatistics.IsChecked = settings.drawStats;
				cbStatistics.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) {
					settings.drawStats = cbStatistics.IsChecked;
				cbStatistics.SetPosition(10, 170);

				//glui.add_checkbox_to_panel(drawPanel, "Profile", &settings.drawProfile);
				LabeledCheckBox cbProfile = new LabeledCheckBox(drawPanel);
				cbProfile.Text = "Profile";
				cbProfile.IsChecked = settings.drawProfile;
				cbProfile.CheckChanged += delegate(Base cbshapes, EventArgs eacbshapes) {
					settings.drawProfile = cbProfile.IsChecked;
				cbProfile.SetPosition(10, 190);

			Base Buttons = new Base(glui);
			Buttons.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Bottom;
			Buttons.Height = 100;
				Button btnPause = new Button(Buttons);
				btnPause.Text = "Pause";
				btnPause.IsToggle = true;
				btnPause.SetPosition(10, 10);
				btnPause.ToggleState = settings.pause;
				btnPause.Clicked += delegate(Base sender, ClickedEventArgs evargs) {
					settings.pause = btnPause.ToggleState;

				Button btnSS = new Button(Buttons);
				btnSS.Text = "Single Step";
				btnSS.SetPosition(10, 40);
				btnSS.Clicked += delegate(Base sender, ClickedEventArgs evargs) {

				Button btnRestart = new Button(Buttons);
				btnRestart.Text = "Restart";
				btnRestart.SetPosition(10, 70);
				btnRestart.Clicked += delegate(Base sender, ClickedEventArgs evargs) {

			glui.SetSize(200, 300);			
        public void Init(Base parent, Inventory inventory)
            this.inventory = inventory;

            Item_Text = new Gwen.ControlInternal.Text (parent);
            Item_Text.Font = new Gwen.Font (application.RendererContext.GwenRenderer);
            Item_Text.Y = 5;
            Item_Text.Font.Size = 15;

            spaces = new InventorySpace[inventory.Size.X, inventory.Size.Y];
            barItems = new List<InventoryBarButton>();

            canvasFrame = new InventoryBackground(parent, inventory, this);
            canvasFrame.Width = parent.Width;
            canvasFrame.Height = parent.Height;

            window = new WindowControl (canvasFrame, Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("inventory"));
            window.DisableResizing ();
            window.IsMoveable = false;
            window.OnClose += (sender, arguments) => application.Window.CaptureMouse ();

            itemGridFrame = new Base (window);
            itemGridFrame.SetSize ((BoxSize + 1) * inventory.Size.X, (BoxSize + 1) * inventory.Size.Y);

            bla_unfug_crosshair = new ImagePanel (canvasFrame);
            bla_unfug_crosshair.SetSize (16, 16);
            bla_unfug_crosshair.ImageName = "Content/crosshair.png";
            bla_unfug_crosshair.SetPosition ((canvasFrame.Width / 2.0f) - (bla_unfug_crosshair.Width / 2.0f), 
                (canvasFrame.Height / 2.0f) - (bla_unfug_crosshair.Width / 2.0f));
            bla_unfug_crosshair.BringToFront ();

            itemInfoFrame = new Base (window);
            itemInfoFrame.SetSize (infoFrameSize, itemGridFrame.Height);
            itemGridFrame.X += itemInfoFrame.Width + 4;

            toolbarFrame = new Base(window);
            toolbarFrame.Width = itemGridFrame.Width + itemInfoFrame.Width;
            toolbarFrame.Height = toolbarFrameSize;
            toolbarFrame.Y = itemGridFrame.Height - 4;

            dropBtn = new Button(toolbarFrame);
            dropBtn.AutoSizeToContents = true;
            dropBtn.Padding = btnPadding;
            dropBtn.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("drop");
            dropBtn.X = toolbarFrame.Width - dropBtn.Width;
            dropBtn.Y = (toolbarFrameSize - dropBtn.Height) / 2;
            dropBtn.IsDisabled = true;
            dropBtn.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => {
                if (dropBtn.IsDisabled)

                if (toggledBtn != null)
                    dropItem(toggledBtn, toggledBtn.Item, inventory);

            useBtn = new Button(toolbarFrame);
            useBtn.AutoSizeToContents = true;
            useBtn.Padding = btnPadding;
            useBtn.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("use");
            useBtn.X = dropBtn.X - useBtn.Width - 8;
            useBtn.Y = (toolbarFrameSize - useBtn.Height) / 2;
            useBtn.IsDisabled = true;
            useBtn.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => {
                if (useBtn.IsDisabled)

                if (toggledBtn != null)
                    if (MessageCreated != null)
                        MessageCreated(new ItemUseMessage(player, GameState.Scene, toggledBtn.Item, ItemUsage.Eatable));

            rotateBtn = new Button(toolbarFrame);
            rotateBtn.AutoSizeToContents = true;
            rotateBtn.Padding = btnPadding;
            rotateBtn.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("rotate");
            rotateBtn.X = useBtn.X - rotateBtn.Width - 8;
            rotateBtn.Y = (toolbarFrameSize - rotateBtn.Height) / 2;
            rotateBtn.IsDisabled = true;

            rotateBtn.Clicked += (sender, argument) => {
                if (rotateBtn.IsDisabled)

                var pos = inventory.GetPositionOfItem(toggledBtn.Item);
                var item = inventory.TakeOut(pos);
                var prev_orientation = item.Orientation;
                item.Orientation =
                    item.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ? Orientation.Vertical : Orientation.Horizontal;
                if (!inventory.Insert(item, pos))
                    item.Orientation = prev_orientation;
                    if (!inventory.Insert(item, pos))
                        Logger.Log.AddLogEntry(LogLevel.Error, "InventoryGUI",
                            "Lost an inventory item while rotating!");
                        toggledBtn = null;

            inventoryBar = new TextBox(canvasFrame);
            inventoryBar.KeyboardInputEnabled = false;
            inventoryBar.Height = barBoxSize + 2;
            inventoryBar.Width = barBoxSize * inventory.InventoryBar.Length + 1;
            inventoryBar.Y = canvasFrame.Height - inventoryBar.Height;
            inventoryBar.X = (canvasFrame.Width - inventoryBar.Width) / 2;
            barSpaces = new InventoryBarSpace[inventory.InventoryBar.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < inventory.InventoryBar.Length; i++)
                barSpaces[i] = new InventoryBarSpace(inventoryBar, MessageProvider, inventory, this, barItems, barBoxSize);
                barSpaces[i].X = i * barBoxSize;
                barSpaces[i].Y = 1;
                barSpaces[i].Width = barBoxSize + 1;
                barSpaces[i].Height = barBoxSize + 1;
                barSpaces[i].DrawDebugOutlines = false;

                if (i == inventory.ActiveBarPosition)
                    barSpaces[i].DrawDebugOutlines = true;
                    barSpaces[i].Children.ForEach(c => c.DrawDebugOutlines = false);

            window.SetSize (itemGridFrame.Width + itemInfoFrame.Width + 16,
                itemGridFrame.Height + toolbarFrameSize + 28);
            window.SetPosition ((canvasFrame.Width - window.Width) / 2,
                (canvasFrame.Height - window.Height - inventoryBar.Height) / 2);

            int w = 0, h = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < inventory.Size.Y; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < inventory.Size.X; x++)
                    spaces [x, y] = new InventorySpace (itemGridFrame, BoxSize, inventory);
                    spaces [x, y].X = w;
                    spaces [x, y].Y = h;
                    spaces [x, y].Width = BoxSize + 1;
                    spaces [x, y].Height = BoxSize + 1;

                    w += BoxSize;
                h += BoxSize;
                w = 0;

            imagePanel = new ImagePanel(itemInfoFrame);
            imagePanel.Width = infoFrameSize;
            imagePanelHeight = itemGridFrame.Height / 3;

            items = new List<InventoryButton>();
            inventory.Items.ForEach((item, position) => {
                AddItem(item, position);
        public override void InitUi(Canvas canvas) {
            _canvas = canvas;
            Game.BackgroundColor = Color.Black;

            var windowAction = new WindowControl(canvas, "Options", false);
            windowAction.IsClosable = false;
            windowAction.SetSize(200, 150);
            windowAction.SetPosition(0, 0);

            var addScriptButton = new Button(windowAction);
            addScriptButton.SetText("Ajouter un script");
            addScriptButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => ShowAddScriptWindow(canvas);

            // Fenêtre sur les informations du script sélectionné 
            _windowInfoScript = new WindowControl(canvas, "Paramètres du script");
            _windowInfoScript.IsClosable = false;
            _windowInfoScript.SetSize(200, 300);
            _windowInfoScript.SetPosition(Game.GetWindowSize().X - _windowInfoScript.Width, 0);

            var labelX = new Label(_windowInfoScript);
            labelX.SetPosition(0, 10);
            labelX.SetText("X :");

            _uiInfoTextBoxPosX = new TextBoxNumeric(_windowInfoScript);
            _uiInfoTextBoxPosX.SetSize(100, _uiInfoTextBoxPosX.Height);
            _uiInfoTextBoxPosX.TextChanged += (sender, arguments) => {
                if (_selectScript != null) {
                    _selectScript.RectShape.Position = new Vector2f((int) _uiInfoTextBoxPosX.Value,
            Align.PlaceRightBottom(_uiInfoTextBoxPosX, labelX, 10);

            var labelY = new Label(_windowInfoScript);
            labelY.SetText("Y :");
            Align.PlaceDownLeft(labelY, labelX, 10);

            _uiInfoTextBoxPosY = new TextBoxNumeric(_windowInfoScript);
            _uiInfoTextBoxPosY.SetSize(100, _uiInfoTextBoxPosY.Height);
            _uiInfoTextBoxPosY.TextChanged += (sender, arguments) => {
                if (_selectScript != null) {
                    _selectScript.RectShape.Position = new Vector2f(_selectScript.RectShape.Position.X,
                        (int) _uiInfoTextBoxPosY.Value);
            Align.PlaceRightBottom(_uiInfoTextBoxPosY, labelY, 10);

            var labelSizeX = new Label(_windowInfoScript);
            labelSizeX.SetText("Largeur :");
            Align.PlaceDownLeft(labelSizeX, labelY, 10);

            _uiInfoTextBoxSizeX = new TextBoxNumeric(_windowInfoScript);
            _uiInfoTextBoxSizeX.SetSize(100, _uiInfoTextBoxPosY.Height);
            _uiInfoTextBoxSizeX.TextChanged += (sender, arguments) => {
                if (_selectScript != null) {
                    _selectScript.RectShape.Size = new Vector2f((int)_uiInfoTextBoxSizeX.Value,
                    _selectScript.RectShape.Origin = new Vector2f(_selectScript.RectShape.Size.X / 2, _selectScript.RectShape.Size.Y / 2);
            Align.PlaceRightBottom(_uiInfoTextBoxSizeX, labelSizeX, 10);

            var labelSizeY = new Label(_windowInfoScript);
            labelSizeY.SetText("Hauteur :");
            Align.PlaceDownLeft(labelSizeY, labelSizeX, 10);

            _uiInfoTextBoxSizeY = new TextBoxNumeric(_windowInfoScript);
            _uiInfoTextBoxSizeY.SetSize(100, _uiInfoTextBoxSizeY.Height);
            _uiInfoTextBoxSizeY.TextChanged += (sender, arguments) => {
                if (_selectScript != null) {
                    _selectScript.RectShape.Size = new Vector2f(_selectScript.RectShape.Size.X,
                    _selectScript.RectShape.Origin = new Vector2f(_selectScript.RectShape.Size.X / 2, _selectScript.RectShape.Size.Y / 2);
            Align.PlaceRightBottom(_uiInfoTextBoxSizeY, labelSizeY, 10);

            _uiInfoScriptImage = new ImagePanel(_windowInfoScript);
            _uiInfoScriptImage.SetSize(75, 75);

            Align.PlaceDownLeft(_uiInfoScriptImage, _uiInfoTextBoxSizeY, 10);

 private void ShowAddScriptInfoWindow(Canvas canvas) {
     var windowAddScriptInfo = new WindowControl(canvas, "Script", false);
 private void ShowAddScriptWindow(Canvas canvas) {
     var windowAddScript = new WindowControl(canvas, "Ajouter un script", true);
     windowAddScript.SetSize(200, 300);
     windowAddScript.SetPosition(Game.GetWindowSize().X / 2 - windowAddScript.Width / 2, Game.GetWindowSize().Y / 2 - windowAddScript.Height / 2);