public void Translate(double x, double y, double z) { GtkGL.TransformationMatrix tm = GtkGL.TransformationMatrix.Identity; tm.Matrix[12] = x; tm.Matrix[13] = y; tm.Matrix[14] = z; if(this.transMatrix == null) this.transMatrix = GtkGL.TransformationMatrix.Identity; this.transMatrix *= tm; // Tell our handlers that we have been updated if (Updated != null) Updated (this, null); }
public TransformationMatrix GetTransformationMatrix() { if(transMatrix != null) return transMatrix; TransMatrix = GtkGL.TransformationMatrix.Identity; return TransMatrix; }
public void Rotate(GtkGL.TransformationMatrix tm) { TransMatrix *= tm; // Tell our handlers that we have been updated if (Updated != null) Updated (this, null); }
public void Rotate(GtkGL.TransformationMatrix tm) { Rotate(tm.ToQuaternion()); }