/* Use syncronous call to ghostscript to get the * number of pages in a PDF file */ public int GetPageCount(String fileName) { gsParamState_t gsparams = new gsParamState_t(); gsParamState_t result; gsparams.args = new List <string>(); gsparams.args.Add("gs"); gsparams.args.Add("-dNODISPLAY"); gsparams.args.Add("-dNOPAUSE"); gsparams.args.Add("-dBATCH"); gsparams.args.Add("-I%rom%Resource/Init/"); //gsparams.args.Add("-q"); gsparams.args.Add("-sFile=\"" + fileName + "\""); gsparams.args.Add("--permit-file-read=\"" + fileName + "\""); gsparams.args.Add("-c"); gsparams.args.Add("\"File (r) file runpdfbegin pdfpagecount = quit\""); gsparams.task = GS_Task_t.GET_PAGE_COUNT; m_params = gsparams; result = gsFileSync(gsparams); if (result.result == GS_Result_t.gsOK) { return(m_params.num_pages); } else { return(-1); } }
/* Close the display device and delete the instance */ public gsParamState_t DisplayDeviceClose() { int code = 0; gsParamState_t out_params = new gsParamState_t(); out_params.result = GS_Result_t.gsOK; try { int code1 = GSAPI.gsapi_exit(dispInstance); if ((code == 0) || (code == gsConstants.E_QUIT)) { code = code1; } GSAPI.gsapi_delete_instance(dispInstance); dispInstance = IntPtr.Zero; } catch (Exception except) { gsErrorReport("Exception: " + except.Message); out_params.result = GS_Result_t.gsFAILED; } return(out_params); }
/* Launch a thread rendering a set of pages with the display device. For use with languages * that can be indexed via pages which include PDF and XPS */ public gsStatus gsDisplayDeviceRenderPages(String fileName, int first_page, int last_page, double zoom) { gsParamState_t gsparams = new gsParamState_t(); int format = (gsConstants.DISPLAY_COLORS_RGB | gsConstants.DISPLAY_DEPTH_8 | gsConstants.DISPLAY_LITTLEENDIAN); int resolution = (int)(72.0 * zoom + 0.5); gsparams.args = new List <string>(); gsparams.args.Add("gs"); gsparams.args.Add("-dNOPAUSE"); gsparams.args.Add("-dBATCH"); gsparams.args.Add("-I%rom%Resource/Init/"); gsparams.args.Add("-dSAFER"); gsparams.args.Add("-r" + resolution); gsparams.args.Add("-sDEVICE=display"); gsparams.args.Add("-dDisplayFormat=" + format); gsparams.args.Add("-dFirstPage=" + first_page); gsparams.args.Add("-dLastPage=" + last_page); gsparams.args.Add("-f"); gsparams.args.Add(fileName); gsparams.task = GS_Task_t.DISPLAY_DEV_PDF; gsparams.currpage = first_page - 1; m_params.currpage = first_page - 1; return(RunGhostscriptAsync(gsparams)); }
/* Launch a thread rendering all the pages with the display device * to collect thumbnail images or full resolution. */ public gsStatus gsDisplayDeviceRenderAll(String fileName, double zoom, bool aa, GS_Task_t task) { gsParamState_t gsparams = new gsParamState_t(); int format = (gsConstants.DISPLAY_COLORS_RGB | gsConstants.DISPLAY_DEPTH_8 | gsConstants.DISPLAY_BIGENDIAN); int resolution = (int)(72.0 * zoom + 0.5); gsparams.args = new List <string>(); gsparams.args.Add("gs"); gsparams.args.Add("-dNOPAUSE"); gsparams.args.Add("-dBATCH"); gsparams.args.Add("-I%rom%Resource/Init/"); gsparams.args.Add("-dSAFER"); gsparams.args.Add("-r" + resolution); if (aa) { gsparams.args.Add("-dTextAlphaBits=4"); gsparams.args.Add("-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4"); } gsparams.args.Add("-sDEVICE=display"); gsparams.args.Add("-dDisplayFormat=" + format); gsparams.args.Add("-f"); gsparams.args.Add(fileName); gsparams.task = task; gsparams.currpage = 0; m_params.currpage = 0; return(RunGhostscriptAsync(gsparams)); }
/* Callback as worker progresses in run string case */ private void gsProgressChanged(gsParamState_t Params, int percent) { /* Callback with progress */ gsThreadCallBack info = new gsThreadCallBack(false, percent, Params); Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate { ProgressCallBack(info); }); }
/* Callback upon worker all done */ private void gsCompleted(gsParamState_t Params) { gsThreadCallBack info = new gsThreadCallBack(true, 100, Params); m_worker_busy = false; Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate { ProgressCallBack(info); }); }
/* Call the appropriate worker thread based upon the task * that we have to do */ private gsStatus RunGhostscriptAsync(gsParamState_t Params) { try { if (m_worker_busy) { return(gsStatus.GS_BUSY); } switch (Params.task) { case GS_Task_t.PS_DISTILL: m_worker = new Thread(gsBytesAsync); break; case GS_Task_t.DISPLAY_DEV_NON_PDF: case GS_Task_t.DISPLAY_DEV_PDF: case GS_Task_t.DISPLAY_DEV_THUMBS_NON_PDF: case GS_Task_t.DISPLAY_DEV_THUMBS_PDF: m_worker = new Thread(DisplayDeviceAsync); break; case GS_Task_t.SAVE_RESULT: case GS_Task_t.CREATE_XPS: default: m_worker = new Thread(gsFileAsync); break; } var arguments = new List <object>(); arguments.Add(Params); arguments.Add(this); m_worker_busy = true; m_worker.Start(arguments); return(gsStatus.GS_READY); } catch (OutOfMemoryException) { Console.WriteLine("Memory allocation failed during gs rendering\n"); return(gsStatus.GS_ERROR); } }
/* Launch a thread rendering all the pages with the display device * to distill an input PS file and save as a PDF. */ public gsStatus DistillPS(String fileName, int resolution) { gsParamState_t gsparams = new gsParamState_t(); gsparams.args = new List <string>(); gsparams.inputfile = fileName; gsparams.args.Add("gs"); gsparams.args.Add("-dNOPAUSE"); gsparams.args.Add("-dBATCH"); gsparams.args.Add("-I%rom%Resource/Init/"); gsparams.args.Add("-dSAFER"); gsparams.args.Add("-sDEVICE=pdfwrite"); gsparams.outputfile = Path.GetTempFileName(); gsparams.args.Add("-o" + gsparams.outputfile); gsparams.task = GS_Task_t.PS_DISTILL; return(RunGhostscriptAsync(gsparams)); }
public gsThreadCallBack(bool completed, int progress, gsParamState_t param) { m_completed = completed; m_progress = progress; m_param = param; }
/* Worker task for using display device */ private void DisplayDeviceAsync(object data) { int code = 0; List <object> genericlist = data as List <object>; gsParamState_t gsparams = (gsParamState_t)genericlist[0]; gsParamState_t Result = gsparams; GCHandle argPtrsStable = new GCHandle(); int num_params = gsparams.args.Count; var argParam = new GCHandle[num_params]; var argPtrs = new IntPtr[num_params]; List <byte[]> CharacterArray = new List <byte[]>(num_params); bool cleanup = true; gsparams.result = GS_Result_t.gsOK; try { code = GSAPI.gsapi_new_instance(out dispInstance, IntPtr.Zero); if (code < 0) { throw new GhostscriptException("DisplayDeviceAsync: gsapi_new_instance error"); } code = GSAPI.gsapi_set_stdio(dispInstance, stdin_callback, stdout_callback, stderr_callback); if (code < 0) { throw new GhostscriptException("DisplayDeviceAsync: gsapi_set_stdio error"); } code = GSAPI.gsapi_set_arg_encoding(dispInstance, (int)gsEncoding.GS_ARG_ENCODING_UTF8); if (code < 0) { throw new GhostscriptException("DisplayDeviceAsync: gsapi_set_arg_encoding error"); } code = GSAPI.gsapi_set_display_callback(dispInstance, ptr_display_struct); if (code < 0) { throw new GhostscriptException("DisplayDeviceAsync: gsapi_set_display_callback error"); } String fullcommand = ""; for (int k = 0; k < num_params; k++) { CharacterArray.Add(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes((gsparams.args[k] + "\0").ToCharArray())); argParam[k] = GCHandle.Alloc(CharacterArray[k], GCHandleType.Pinned); argPtrs[k] = argParam[k].AddrOfPinnedObject(); fullcommand = fullcommand + " " + gsparams.args[k]; } argPtrsStable = GCHandle.Alloc(argPtrs, GCHandleType.Pinned); fullcommand = "Command Line: " + fullcommand + "\n"; StdIOCallBack(fullcommand, fullcommand.Length); code = GSAPI.gsapi_init_with_args(dispInstance, num_params, argPtrsStable.AddrOfPinnedObject()); if (code < 0) { throw new GhostscriptException("DisplayDeviceAsync: gsapi_init_with_args error"); } } catch (DllNotFoundException except) { gsErrorReport("Exception: " + except.Message); gsparams.result = GS_Result_t.gsFAILED; cleanup = false; Result = gsparams; } catch (BadImageFormatException except) { gsErrorReport("Exception: " + except.Message); gsparams.result = GS_Result_t.gsFAILED; cleanup = false; Result = gsparams; } catch (GhostscriptException except) { gsErrorReport("Exception: " + except.Message); gsparams.result = GS_Result_t.gsFAILED; if (dispInstance != IntPtr.Zero) { GSAPI.gsapi_delete_instance(dispInstance); } dispInstance = IntPtr.Zero; } catch (Exception except) { gsErrorReport("Exception: " + except.Message); gsparams.result = GS_Result_t.gsFAILED; if (dispInstance != IntPtr.Zero) { GSAPI.gsapi_delete_instance(dispInstance); } dispInstance = IntPtr.Zero; } finally { if (cleanup) { for (int k = 0; k < num_params; k++) { argParam[k].Free(); } argPtrsStable.Free(); Result = gsparams; if (gsparams.result == GS_Result_t.gsOK && (gsparams.task == GS_Task_t.DISPLAY_DEV_NON_PDF || gsparams.task == GS_Task_t.DISPLAY_DEV_THUMBS_NON_PDF)) { gsParamState_t result = DisplayDeviceClose(); if (gsparams.result == 0) { gsparams.result = result.result; } } } } gsCompleted(Result); return; }
/* Processing with gsapi_run_string for callback progress */ private void gsBytesAsync(object data) { List <object> genericlist = data as List <object>; gsParamState_t Params = (gsParamState_t)genericlist[0]; gsParamState_t Result = Params; int num_params = Params.args.Count; var argParam = new GCHandle[num_params]; var argPtrs = new IntPtr[num_params]; List <byte[]> CharacterArray = new List <byte[]>(num_params); GCHandle argPtrsStable = new GCHandle(); Byte[] Buffer = new Byte[gsConstants.GS_READ_BUFFER]; int code = 0; int exitcode = 0; var Feed = new GCHandle(); var FeedPtr = new IntPtr(); FileStream fs = null; bool cleanup = true; try { /* Open the file */ fs = new FileStream(Params.inputfile, FileMode.Open); var len = (int)fs.Length; code = GSAPI.gsapi_new_instance(out gsInstance, IntPtr.Zero); if (code < 0) { throw new GhostscriptException("gsBytesAsync: gsapi_new_instance error"); } code = GSAPI.gsapi_set_stdio(gsInstance, stdin_callback, stdout_callback, stderr_callback); if (code < 0) { throw new GhostscriptException("gsBytesAsync: gsapi_set_stdio error"); } code = GSAPI.gsapi_set_arg_encoding(gsInstance, (int)gsEncoding.GS_ARG_ENCODING_UTF8); if (code < 0) { throw new GhostscriptException("gsBytesAsync: gsapi_set_arg_encoding error"); } /* Now convert our Strings to char* and get pinned handles to these. * This keeps the c# GC from moving stuff around on us */ String fullcommand = ""; for (int k = 0; k < num_params; k++) { CharacterArray.Add(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes((Params.args[k] + "\0").ToCharArray())); argParam[k] = GCHandle.Alloc(CharacterArray[k], GCHandleType.Pinned); argPtrs[k] = argParam[k].AddrOfPinnedObject(); fullcommand = fullcommand + " " + Params.args[k]; } /* Also stick the array of pointers into memory that will not be GCd */ argPtrsStable = GCHandle.Alloc(argPtrs, GCHandleType.Pinned); fullcommand = "Command Line: " + fullcommand + "\n"; StdIOCallBack(fullcommand, fullcommand.Length); code = GSAPI.gsapi_init_with_args(gsInstance, num_params, argPtrsStable.AddrOfPinnedObject()); if (code < 0) { throw new GhostscriptException("gsBytesAsync: gsapi_init_with_args error"); } /* Pin data buffer */ Feed = GCHandle.Alloc(Buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); FeedPtr = Feed.AddrOfPinnedObject(); /* Now start feeding the input piece meal and do a call back * with our progress */ if (code == 0) { int count; double perc; int total = 0; GSAPI.gsapi_run_string_begin(gsInstance, 0, ref exitcode); if (exitcode < 0) { code = exitcode; throw new GhostscriptException("gsBytesAsync: gsapi_run_string_begin error"); } while ((count = fs.Read(Buffer, 0, gsConstants.GS_READ_BUFFER)) > 0) { GSAPI.gsapi_run_string_continue(gsInstance, FeedPtr, count, 0, ref exitcode); if (exitcode < 0) { code = exitcode; throw new GhostscriptException("gsBytesAsync: gsapi_run_string_continue error"); } total = total + count; perc = 100.0 * (double)total / (double)len; gsProgressChanged(Params, (int)perc); } GSAPI.gsapi_run_string_end(gsInstance, 0, ref exitcode); if (exitcode < 0) { code = exitcode; throw new GhostscriptException("gsBytesAsync: gsapi_run_string_end error"); } } } catch (DllNotFoundException except) { gsErrorReport("Exception: " + except.Message); Params.result = GS_Result_t.gsFAILED; cleanup = false; Result = Params; } catch (BadImageFormatException except) { gsErrorReport("Exception: " + except.Message); Params.result = GS_Result_t.gsFAILED; cleanup = false; Result = Params; } catch (GhostscriptException except) { gsErrorReport("Exception: " + except.Message); } catch (Exception except) { /* Could be a file io issue */ gsErrorReport("Exception: " + except.Message); Params.result = GS_Result_t.gsFAILED; cleanup = false; Result = Params; } finally { if (cleanup) { fs.Close(); /* Free pinned items */ for (int k = 0; k < num_params; k++) { argParam[k].Free(); } argPtrsStable.Free(); Feed.Free(); /* gs clean up */ int code1 = GSAPI.gsapi_exit(gsInstance); if ((code == 0) || (code == gsConstants.E_QUIT)) { code = code1; } GSAPI.gsapi_delete_instance(gsInstance); Params.return_code = code; if ((code == 0) || (code == gsConstants.E_QUIT)) { Params.result = GS_Result_t.gsOK; Result = Params; } else { Params.result = GS_Result_t.gsFAILED; Result = Params; } gsInstance = IntPtr.Zero; } } gsCompleted(Result); return; }
/* Process command line with gsapi_init_with_args */ private void gsFileAsync(object data) { List <object> genericlist = data as List <object>; gsParamState_t Params = (gsParamState_t)genericlist[0]; gsParamState_t Result = Params; int num_params = Params.args.Count; var argParam = new GCHandle[num_params]; var argPtrs = new IntPtr[num_params]; List <byte[]> CharacterArray = new List <byte[]>(num_params); GCHandle argPtrsStable = new GCHandle(); int code = 0; bool cleanup = true; try { code = GSAPI.gsapi_new_instance(out gsInstance, IntPtr.Zero); if (code < 0) { throw new GhostscriptException("gsFileAsync: gsapi_new_instance error"); } code = GSAPI.gsapi_set_stdio(gsInstance, stdin_callback, stdout_callback, stderr_callback); if (code < 0) { throw new GhostscriptException("gsFileAsync: gsapi_set_stdio error"); } code = GSAPI.gsapi_set_arg_encoding(gsInstance, (int)gsEncoding.GS_ARG_ENCODING_UTF8); if (code < 0) { throw new GhostscriptException("gsFileAsync: gsapi_set_arg_encoding error"); } /* Now convert our Strings to char* and get pinned handles to these. * This keeps the c# GC from moving stuff around on us */ String fullcommand = ""; for (int k = 0; k < num_params; k++) { CharacterArray.Add(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes((Params.args[k] + "\0").ToCharArray())); argParam[k] = GCHandle.Alloc(CharacterArray[k], GCHandleType.Pinned); argPtrs[k] = argParam[k].AddrOfPinnedObject(); fullcommand = fullcommand + " " + Params.args[k]; } /* Also stick the array of pointers into memory that will not be GCd */ argPtrsStable = GCHandle.Alloc(argPtrs, GCHandleType.Pinned); fullcommand = "Command Line: " + fullcommand + "\n"; StdIOCallBack(fullcommand, fullcommand.Length); code = GSAPI.gsapi_init_with_args(gsInstance, num_params, argPtrsStable.AddrOfPinnedObject()); if (code < 0) { throw new GhostscriptException("gsFileAsync: gsapi_init_with_args error"); } } catch (DllNotFoundException except) { gsErrorReport("Exception: " + except.Message); Params.result = GS_Result_t.gsFAILED; cleanup = false; Result = Params; } catch (BadImageFormatException except) { gsErrorReport("Exception: " + except.Message); Params.result = GS_Result_t.gsFAILED; cleanup = false; Result = Params; } catch (GhostscriptException except) { gsErrorReport("Exception: " + except.Message); } catch (Exception except) { gsErrorReport("Exception: " + except.Message); } finally { if (cleanup) { /* All the pinned items need to be freed so the GC can do its job */ for (int k = 0; k < num_params; k++) { argParam[k].Free(); } argPtrsStable.Free(); int code1 = GSAPI.gsapi_exit(gsInstance); if ((code == 0) || (code == gsConstants.E_QUIT)) { code = code1; } GSAPI.gsapi_delete_instance(gsInstance); Params.return_code = code; if ((code == 0) || (code == gsConstants.E_QUIT)) { Params.result = GS_Result_t.gsOK; Result = Params; } else { Params.result = GS_Result_t.gsFAILED; Result = Params; } gsInstance = IntPtr.Zero; } } /* Completed. */ gsCompleted(Result); return; }