public void DrawImage(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap dst, FreeImageAlgorithmsMatrix matrix, int dstLeft, int dstTop, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, int srcLeft, int srcTop, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, RGBQUAD colour) { FreeImage.DrawImageFromSrcToDst(dst.Dib, this.Dib, matrix.Data, dstLeft, dstTop, dstWidth, dstHeight, srcLeft, srcTop, srcWidth, srcHeight, colour, 1); }
/* * public bool GetGreyLevelHistogram(int number_of_bins, out ulong[] hist, out double range_per_bin) * { * double max = 0.0; * * FreeImage.GetMaxPosibleValueForFib(this.Dib, out max); * * FreeImageType type = FreeImage.GetImageType(this.Dib); * * bool isFloat = (type == FreeImageType.Float || type == FreeImageType.Double); * * int number_of_bins = (int) Math.Ceiling(max) + 1; * * range_per_bin = 1.0; * if(isFloat || number_of_bins > 255) * { * number_of_bins = 256; * range_per_bin = max / 256.0; * } * * double max = this.MaximumPossibleIntensityValue; * range_per_bin = max / 256.0; * * hist = new ulong[number_of_bins]; * * return FreeImage.Histogram(this.Dib, 0, max, number_of_bins, hist); * } */ /* * public bool AdjustGamma(double gamma) * { * return FreeImage.AdjustGamma(this.Dib, gamma); * } * * public bool AdjustBrightness(double brightness) * { * return FreeImage.AdjustBrightness(this.Dib, brightness); * } * * public bool AdjustContrast(double contrast) * { * return FreeImage.AdjustContrast(this.Dib, contrast); * } * * public bool Invert() * { * return FreeImage.Invert(this.Dib); * } * * public bool Paste(FreeImageBitmap src, int left, int top, int alpha) * { * return FreeImage.Paste(this.Dib, src.dib, left, top, alpha); * } * * public bool Paste(FreeImageBitmap src, Point location, int alpha) * { * return this.Paste(src, location.X, location.Y, alpha); * } */ public new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap Copy(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { EnsureNotDisposed(); FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap result = null; FIBITMAP newDib = FreeImage.Copy(this.Dib, left, top, right, bottom); if (!newDib.IsNull) { result = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(newDib); } return(result); }
public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2, FIARECT searchRect, FIBITMAP mask, CorrelationPrefilter prefilter, out Point pt, out double max) { FIARECT fiaRect1 = new FIARECT(rect1); FIARECT fiaRect2 = new FIARECT(rect2); FIAPOINT fiaPoint = new FIAPOINT(); bool ret = FreeImage.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(this.Dib, fiaRect1, src2.Dib, fiaRect2, searchRect, mask, prefilter, out fiaPoint, out max); pt = new Point(fiaPoint.x, fiaPoint.y); return(ret); }
public ThumbnailMap(int thumbnailWidth, int thumbnailHeight, bool colour) { this.thumbnailWidth = thumbnailWidth; this.thumbnailHeight = thumbnailHeight; // Create Large Bitmap to hold all the thumbnals this.colour = colour; int bpp = 8; if(this.colour) { bpp = 24; } this.bmp = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(thumbnailWidth * ThumbnailMap.widthMax, thumbnailHeight * ThumbnailMap.heightMax, bpp); if (bpp == 8) this.bmp.SetGreyLevelPalette(); }
public void PasteFromTopLeft(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src, int left, int top, bool blending) { bool ret; if (blending) { ret = FreeImage.GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(this.Dib, src.Dib, left, top); } else { ret = FreeImage.PasteFromTopLeft(this.Dib, src.Dib, left, top); } if (ret == false) { string errorStr = String.Format( "Can not paste freeimage. Dst image bpp {0}, Src image bpp {1}", this.ColorDepth, src.ColorDepth); throw new FormatException(errorStr); } }
public static int guessFibMaxValue(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib) { uint bpp = FreeImage.GetBPP(fib.Dib); FREE_IMAGE_TYPE type = FreeImage.GetImageType(fib.Dib); double min, max; if (bpp == 8) return 256; if (bpp >= 24 && type == FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_BITMAP) // colour image return 256; fib.FindMinMaxIntensity(out min, out max); if (max < 256) // 8 bit return 256; if (max < 4096) // 12 bit return 4096; if (max < 65536) // 16 bit return 65536; return 100000; // who knows! }
public void DrawImage(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap dst, Rectangle dstRect, RGBQUAD colour) { FreeImage.DrawImageToDst(dst.Dib, this.Dib, FIA_Matrix.Zero, dstRect.Left, dstRect.Top, dstRect.Width, dstRect.Height, colour, 1); }
public bool GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src, Point pt) { return FreeImage.GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(this.Dib, src.Dib, pt.X, pt.Y); }
private FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap Stitch(int stitchWidth, int stitchHeight) { float zoom = 1.0f; Point origin = new Point(0, 0); List<Tile> tiles = null; RoiTool roiPlugin = this.Window.GetTool("Region") as RoiTool; Rectangle roi = Rectangle.Empty; if(roiPlugin.Active == true) roi = roiPlugin.TransformedRegionOfInterest; if (roi != null && roi != Rectangle.Empty) { tiles = new List<Tile>(); foreach (Tile tile in MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.Items) { if (roi.IntersectsWith(tile.Bounds)) { tiles.Add(tile); } } zoom = (float)stitchWidth / (float)(roi.Width); origin = roi.Location; } else { tiles = new List<Tile>(MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.Items); zoom = (float)stitchWidth / (float)(MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.TotalWidth); } // origin = Tile.GetOriginOfTiles(tiles); //int width = Tile.GetHorizontalRangeOfTiles(tiles); //int height = Tile.GetVerticalRangeOfTiles(tiles); int width, height; if (roi == Rectangle.Empty) { // Whole mosaic Width / Height width = MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.TotalWidth; height = MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.TotalHeight; } else { width = roi.Width; height = roi.Height; } FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap section = null; try { section = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap((int)(width * zoom), (int)(height * zoom), MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.FreeImageType, MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.ColorDepth); } catch (FreeImageException) { return null; } FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap tmpBitmap = null; int count = 1; foreach (Tile tile in tiles) { Point position = tile.GetTilePositionRelativeToPoint(origin); position.X = (int)(position.X * zoom); position.Y = (int)(position.Y * zoom); try { tmpBitmap = tile.LoadFreeImageBitmap((int)(tile.Width * zoom), (int)(tile.Height * zoom)); } catch (FreeImageException e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } section.PasteFromTopLeft(tmpBitmap, position, this.Window.BlendingEnabled); tmpBitmap.Dispose(); this.threadController.ReportThreadPercentage(this, "Saving Tiles", count, tiles.Count); count++; } return section; }
/* public bool GetGreyLevelHistogram(int number_of_bins, out ulong[] hist, out double range_per_bin) { double max = 0.0; FreeImage.GetMaxPosibleValueForFib(this.Dib, out max); FreeImageType type = FreeImage.GetImageType(this.Dib); bool isFloat = (type == FreeImageType.Float || type == FreeImageType.Double); int number_of_bins = (int) Math.Ceiling(max) + 1; range_per_bin = 1.0; if(isFloat || number_of_bins > 255) { number_of_bins = 256; range_per_bin = max / 256.0; } double max = this.MaximumPossibleIntensityValue; range_per_bin = max / 256.0; hist = new ulong[number_of_bins]; return FreeImage.Histogram(this.Dib, 0, max, number_of_bins, hist); } */ /* public bool AdjustGamma(double gamma) { return FreeImage.AdjustGamma(this.Dib, gamma); } public bool AdjustBrightness(double brightness) { return FreeImage.AdjustBrightness(this.Dib, brightness); } public bool AdjustContrast(double contrast) { return FreeImage.AdjustContrast(this.Dib, contrast); } public bool Invert() { return FreeImage.Invert(this.Dib); } public bool Paste(FreeImageBitmap src, int left, int top, int alpha) { return FreeImage.Paste(this.Dib, src.dib, left, top, alpha); } public bool Paste(FreeImageBitmap src, Point location, int alpha) { return this.Paste(src, location.X, location.Y, alpha); } */ public new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap Copy(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { EnsureNotDisposed(); FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap result = null; FIBITMAP newDib = FreeImage.Copy(this.Dib, left, top, right, bottom); if (!newDib.IsNull) { result = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(newDib); } return result; }
private void DrawThumbnailImage(Graphics graphics, Tile tile) { if (tile.Thumbnail != null) { lock (tile.ThumbnailLock) { //tile.Thumbnail.ConvertToStandardType(); FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap thumb = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(tile.Thumbnail); if (thumb.IsGreyScale) { thumb.LinearScaleToStandardType( mosaicInfo.ThumbnailScaleMinIntensity, mosaicInfo.ThumbnailScaleMaxIntensity); thumb.SetGreyLevelPalette(); } if (thumb.ImageType != FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_BITMAP) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to convert tile thumbnail to a standard type ?"); } graphics.DrawImage(thumb.ToBitmap(), tile.Bounds); thumb.Dispose(); } } /* if (this.ShowFileNames) { // Create font and brush. Font drawFont = new Font("Arial", 16); SolidBrush drawBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black); Point location = new Point(tile.Bounds.Location.X + 100, tile.Bounds.Location.Y + 100); SizeF size = graphics.MeasureString(tile.FileName, drawFont); Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, Color.Gray)); graphics.FillRectangle(brush, location.X - 2, location.Y - 2, size.Width + 4, size.Height + 4); graphics.DrawString(tile.FileName, drawFont, drawBrush, new PointF(location.X, location.Y)); } */ if (this.ShowJoins) { Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 2.0f); graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, tile.Bounds); } }
private void OnTileCorrelationBegin(CorrelationTile tile, FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib) { this.useCorrelationCheckBox.Checked = false; this.currentTile = tile; #if DEBUG FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fg = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(fib); fg.ConvertToStandardType(true); fg.ConvertTo24Bits(); this.debugForm.TileImageView.Image = fg.ToBitmap(); this.debugForm.BackgroundImageView.Refresh(); this.debugForm.TileImageView.Refresh(); fg.Dispose(); #endif }
public void Initialise(MosaicInfo info, Rectangle virtualArea, Size imageSize, bool forceGreyscale) { = info; this.virtualArea = virtualArea; this.forceGreyscale = forceGreyscale; float aspectRatio = (float)(virtualArea.Width) / virtualArea.Height; if (imageSize.Width < imageSize.Height) { imageSize.Width = (int)(imageSize.Height * aspectRatio + 0.5); } else { imageSize.Height = (int)(imageSize.Width / aspectRatio + 0.5); } if ( != null) { xScaleFactor = (float)imageSize.Width / virtualArea.Width; yScaleFactor = (float)imageSize.Height / virtualArea.Height; // Set the view zoom factor so the large background image is fit to window // by default. float factor = Math.Min((float)this.Width / imageSize.Width, (float)this.Height / imageSize.Height); this.Zoom = factor; } if (this.forceGreyscale || info.IsGreyScale) this.image = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height, 8); else this.image = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height, 24); }
private void DestroyIntermediateBitmap() { if (this.intermediateBitmap != null) { this.intermediateBitmap.Dispose(); this.intermediateBitmap = null; this.intermediateBitmapDrawn = false; } }
protected void SendTileCorrelatationBegin(CorrelationTile tile, FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib) { if (this.ThreadController.ThreadAborted) return; Object[] objects = { tile, fib }; this.threadController.InvokeObject.BeginInvoke(this.TileCorrelationBeginHandler, objects); }
public void PasteFromTopLeft(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src, Point location, bool blending) { this.PasteFromTopLeft(src, location.X, location.Y, blending); }
public bool GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src, int left, int top) { return(FreeImage.GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(this.Dib, src.Dib, left, top)); }
public bool GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src, Point pt) { return(FreeImage.GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(this.Dib, src.Dib, pt.X, pt.Y)); }
protected void SendTileCorrelated(CorrelationTile tile, Rectangle correlatedBounds, FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib, bool success) { if (this.ThreadController.ThreadAborted) return; Object[] objects = { tile, correlatedBounds, fib, success}; this.threadController.InvokeObject.BeginInvoke(this.TileCorrelatedHandler, objects); }
public FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib) : base(fib) { }
public void AddTile(Tile tile, FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib) { AddTile(tile.Bounds, fib); }
public void DrawImage(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap dst, Point dstPoint, Size dstSize, RGBQUAD colour) { FreeImage.DrawImageToDst(dst.Dib, this.Dib, FIA_Matrix.Zero, dstPoint.X, dstPoint.Y, dstSize.Width, dstSize.Height, colour, 1); }
private void DrawIntermediateBitmap() { if (!this.intermediateBitmapDrawn) { this.threadController.ReportThreadStarted(this, "Started Zoom"); float aspectRatio = (float)(this.mosaicInfo.TotalWidth) / this.mosaicInfo.TotalHeight; int scaledWidth = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size.Width; int scaledHeight = (int)(scaledWidth / aspectRatio + 0.5); if (this.mosaicInfo.IsGreyScale) { this.intermediateBitmap = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(scaledWidth, scaledHeight, 8); } else { this.intermediateBitmap = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(scaledWidth, scaledHeight, 24); } float xscaleFactor = (float)scaledWidth / this.mosaicInfo.TotalWidth; float yscaleFactor = (float)scaledHeight / this.mosaicInfo.TotalHeight; if (this.intermediateBitmap == null) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to create intermediate bitmap"); } float scale = (float)scaledWidth / this.mosaicInfo.TotalWidth; Point scaledPosition = new Point(); int count = 0; foreach (Tile tile in this.mosaicInfo.Items) { if (tile.Thumbnail == null) MessageBox.Show("Error thumnail is null"); //FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap thumb = null; //lock (tile.ThumbnailLock) //{ // thumb = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(tile.Thumbnail); //} FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib = tile.LoadFreeImageBitmap(); fib.Rescale(new Size((int)(xscaleFactor * fib.Width), (int)(yscaleFactor * fib.Height)), FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BILINEAR); if (fib.IsGreyScale) { fib.LinearScaleToStandardType(mosaicInfo.ScaleMinIntensity, mosaicInfo.ScaleMaxIntensity); fib.SetGreyLevelPalette(); } else { fib.ConvertToStandardType(true); } if (fib.ImageType != FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_BITMAP) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to convert tile thumbnail to a standard type ?"); } Size scaledSize = new Size((int)(tile.Width * xscaleFactor + 0.5), (int)(tile.Height * yscaleFactor + 0.5)); scaledPosition.X = (int)(tile.Position.X * xscaleFactor + 0.5); scaledPosition.Y = (int)(tile.Position.Y * yscaleFactor + 0.5); Rectangle dstRect = new Rectangle(scaledPosition, scaledSize); intermediateBitmap.PasteFromTopLeft(fib, scaledPosition, this.BlendingEnabled); fib.Dispose(); this.threadController.ReportThreadPercentage(this, "Performing Zoom", count++, this.tiles.Count); } } //intermediateBitmap.ConvertTo24Bits(); this.intermediateBitmapDrawn = true; this.preventIdleProcessing = false; this.dontDraw = false; this.threadController.ReportThreadCompleted(this, "Zoom Completed", false); this.Redraw(); this.Invalidate(); }
public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, FIARECT rect1, FIARECT rect2, FIBITMAP mask, CorrelationPrefilter prefilter, out FIAPOINT pt, out double max) { return(FreeImage.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(this.Dib, rect1, src2.Dib, rect2, FIARECT.Empty, mask, prefilter, out pt, out max)); }
private void OnTileCorrelated(CorrelationTile tile, Rectangle bounds, FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib, bool success) { this.tiledImageViewer.AddTile(bounds, fib); this.tiledImageViewer.Refresh(); #if DEBUG if (success == false) { FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap bg = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(this.correlator.BackgroundImage); bg.ConvertTo24Bits(); bg.DrawColourRect(tile.OriginalBoundsRelativeToOrigin, Color.Red, 2); this.debugForm.BackgroundImageView.Image = bg.ToBitmap(); bg.Dispose(); } this.debugForm.Refresh(); #endif }
public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, FIARECT rect1, FIARECT rect2, out FIAPOINT pt, out double max) { return(FreeImage.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(this.Dib, rect1, src2.Dib, rect2, FIARECT.Empty, FIBITMAP.Zero, null, out pt, out max)); }
public double Correlate(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap backgroundImage, FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib, CorrelationTile tile1, CorrelationTile tile2, bool randomise, out Point pt) { this.backgroundIntersectArea = Rectangle.Empty; this.searchArea = Rectangle.Empty; this.searchAreaWithinMosaic = Rectangle.Empty; double measure = 0.0; pt = new Point(); // Find the intersection between the tile and the background drawn bounds. this.backgroundIntersectArea = Rectangle.Intersect(tile1.CorrelatedBoundsRelativeToOrigin, tile2.CorrelatedBoundsRelativeToOrigin); if (this.backgroundIntersectArea == Rectangle.Empty) { SendFeedback(String.Format("{0} and {1} did not intersect ?", tile1.Tile.FileName, tile2.Tile.FileName) + Environment.NewLine, Color.Red); return 0.0; } // determine the area over which to perform the correlation // defines the maximum shift allowed of the new tile. this.searchArea = this.SearchBounds(this.backgroundIntersectArea, randomise); // find the kernel area in the bg image this.kernelAreaWithinBackground = this.KernelBounds(this.backgroundIntersectArea, this.searchArea, randomise); // locate the area in the new image this.kernelArea = this.kernelAreaWithinBackground; this.kernelArea.X -= tile1.CorrelatedBoundsRelativeToOrigin.X; this.kernelArea.Y -= tile1.CorrelatedBoundsRelativeToOrigin.Y; // Call start correlation delegate, for screen update this.SendTileCorrelatationBegin(tile1, fib); if (KernalBasedOverlapCorrelator.prefilter == null) { backgroundImage.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(fib, backgroundIntersectArea, kernelArea, this.searchArea, out pt, out measure); } else { backgroundImage.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(fib, backgroundIntersectArea, kernelArea, this.searchArea, KernalBasedOverlapCorrelator.prefilter, out pt, out measure); } if (measure > KernalBasedOverlapCorrelator.GoodCorrelation) { pt = CorrelationTile.TranslateBackgroundPointToMosaicPoint(pt); return measure; } if (tile1.NumberOfAtemptedCorrelations < CorrelationTile.MaxNumberOfCorrelationAttempts) { tile1.NumberOfAtemptedCorrelations++; return this.Correlate(backgroundImage, fib, tile1, tile2, this.knownOverlapCorrelatorOptionPanel.RandomKernelSearch, out pt); } else { // If we are debugging lets pause the thread for closer inspection #if DEBUG this.CorrelationPause(); #endif } return measure; }
public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, FIARECT rect1, FIARECT rect2, FIBITMAP mask, CorrelationPrefilter prefilter, out FIAPOINT pt, out double max) { return FreeImage.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(this.Dib, rect1, src2.Dib, rect2, FIARECT.Empty, mask, prefilter, out pt, out max); }
public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2, FIARECT searchRect, FIBITMAP mask, CorrelationPrefilter prefilter, out Point pt, out double max) { FIARECT fiaRect1 = new FIARECT(rect1); FIARECT fiaRect2 = new FIARECT(rect2); FIAPOINT fiaPoint = new FIAPOINT(); bool ret = FreeImage.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(this.Dib, fiaRect1, src2.Dib, fiaRect2, searchRect, mask, prefilter, out fiaPoint, out max); pt = new Point(fiaPoint.x, fiaPoint.y); return ret; }
public void DrawImage(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap dst, FreeImageAlgorithmsMatrix matrix, int dstLeft, int dstTop, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, RGBQUAD colour) { FreeImage.DrawImageToDst(dst.Dib, this.Dib, matrix.Data, dstLeft, dstTop, dstWidth, dstHeight, colour, 1); }
public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2, FIBITMAP mask, CorrelationPrefilter prefilter, out Point pt, out double max) { return this.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(src2, rect1, rect2, FIARECT.Empty, mask, prefilter, out pt, out max); }
public void PasteFromTopLeft(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src, int left, int top, bool blending) { bool ret; if(blending) { ret = FreeImage.GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(this.Dib, src.Dib, left, top); } else { ret = FreeImage.PasteFromTopLeft(this.Dib, src.Dib, left, top); } if (ret == false) { string errorStr = String.Format( "Can not paste freeimage. Dst image bpp {0}, Src image bpp {1}", this.ColorDepth, src.ColorDepth); throw new FormatException(errorStr); } }
public bool GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src, int left, int top) { return FreeImage.GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(this.Dib, src.Dib, left, top); }
private void CreateBackgroundImage() { // All tiles are assumed to be the same size. Tile tile = this.MosaicInfo.Items[0]; int width = tile.Width * 3; int height = tile.Height * 3; // Create a full res scratch image // This should be 3x3 images in size and should never need to be larger as // it is only used for correlation a small region of the tiles at a time. // if (this.MosaicInfo.IsGreyScale) this.backgroundImage = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(width, height, 8); // else // this.backgroundImage = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(width, height, 24); }
public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, FIARECT rect1, FIARECT rect2, out FIAPOINT pt, out double max) { return FreeImage.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(this.Dib, rect1, src2.Dib, rect2, FIARECT.Empty, FIBITMAP.Zero, null, out pt, out max); }
public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2, Rectangle search_area, CorrelationPrefilter prefilter, out Point pt, out double max) { return(this.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(src2, rect1, rect2, search_area, FIBITMAP.Zero, prefilter, out pt, out max)); }
public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2, Rectangle search_area, CorrelationPrefilter prefilter, out Point pt, out double max) { return this.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(src2, rect1, rect2, search_area, FIBITMAP.Zero, prefilter, out pt, out max); }
public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2, FIBITMAP mask, CorrelationPrefilter prefilter, out Point pt, out double max) { return(this.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(src2, rect1, rect2, FIARECT.Empty, mask, prefilter, out pt, out max)); }
public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2, out Point pt, out double max) { return this.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(src2, rect1, rect2, FIARECT.Empty, FIBITMAP.Zero, null, out pt, out max); }
public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2, out Point pt, out double max) { return(this.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(src2, rect1, rect2, FIARECT.Empty, FIBITMAP.Zero, null, out pt, out max)); }
private void CreateHighResBitmap() { if (this.ClientRectangle.Width == 0 || this.ClientRectangle.Height == 0) return; if (this.highResBitmap != null) { if (this.highResBitmap.Width == this.ClientRectangle.Width && this.highResBitmap.Height == this.ClientRectangle.Height) { this.highResBitmap.Clear(); return; } } this.highResBitmap = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(this.ClientRectangle.Width, this.ClientRectangle.Height, 24); }