Esempio n. 1
 public void DrawImage(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap dst, FreeImageAlgorithmsMatrix matrix,
                       int dstLeft, int dstTop, int dstWidth, int dstHeight,
                       int srcLeft, int srcTop, int srcWidth, int srcHeight,
                       RGBQUAD colour)
     FreeImage.DrawImageFromSrcToDst(dst.Dib, this.Dib, matrix.Data,
                                     dstLeft, dstTop, dstWidth, dstHeight,
                                     srcLeft, srcTop, srcWidth, srcHeight,
                                     colour, 1);
Esempio n. 2
         * public bool GetGreyLevelHistogram(int number_of_bins, out ulong[] hist, out double range_per_bin)
         * {
         *  double max = 0.0;
         *  FreeImage.GetMaxPosibleValueForFib(this.Dib, out max);
         *  FreeImageType type = FreeImage.GetImageType(this.Dib);
         *      bool isFloat = (type == FreeImageType.Float || type == FreeImageType.Double);
         *  int number_of_bins = (int) Math.Ceiling(max) + 1;
         *  range_per_bin = 1.0;
         *      if(isFloat || number_of_bins > 255)
         *      {
         *              number_of_bins = 256;
         *              range_per_bin = max / 256.0;
         *      }
         *  double max = this.MaximumPossibleIntensityValue;
         *  range_per_bin = max / 256.0;
         *  hist = new ulong[number_of_bins];
         *  return FreeImage.Histogram(this.Dib, 0, max, number_of_bins, hist);
         * }

         * public bool AdjustGamma(double gamma)
         * {
         *  return FreeImage.AdjustGamma(this.Dib, gamma);
         * }
         * public bool AdjustBrightness(double brightness)
         * {
         *  return FreeImage.AdjustBrightness(this.Dib, brightness);
         * }
         * public bool AdjustContrast(double contrast)
         * {
         *  return FreeImage.AdjustContrast(this.Dib, contrast);
         * }
         * public bool Invert()
         * {
         *  return FreeImage.Invert(this.Dib);
         * }
         * public bool Paste(FreeImageBitmap src, int left, int top, int alpha)
         * {
         *  return FreeImage.Paste(this.Dib, src.dib, left, top, alpha);
         * }
         * public bool Paste(FreeImageBitmap src, Point location, int alpha)
         * {
         *  return this.Paste(src, location.X, location.Y, alpha);
         * }

        public new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap Copy(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
            FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap result = null;
            FIBITMAP newDib = FreeImage.Copy(this.Dib, left, top, right, bottom);

            if (!newDib.IsNull)
                result = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(newDib);
Esempio n. 3
        public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2,
                                                FIARECT searchRect, FIBITMAP mask,
                                                CorrelationPrefilter prefilter, out Point pt, out double max)
            FIARECT  fiaRect1 = new FIARECT(rect1);
            FIARECT  fiaRect2 = new FIARECT(rect2);
            FIAPOINT fiaPoint = new FIAPOINT();

            bool ret = FreeImage.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(this.Dib, fiaRect1, src2.Dib, fiaRect2, searchRect, mask, prefilter, out fiaPoint, out max);

            pt = new Point(fiaPoint.x, fiaPoint.y);

Esempio n. 4
        public ThumbnailMap(int thumbnailWidth, int thumbnailHeight, bool colour)
            this.thumbnailWidth = thumbnailWidth;
            this.thumbnailHeight = thumbnailHeight;

            // Create Large Bitmap to hold all the thumbnals
            this.colour = colour;

            int bpp = 8;

            if(this.colour) {
                bpp = 24;

            this.bmp = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(thumbnailWidth * ThumbnailMap.widthMax, thumbnailHeight * ThumbnailMap.heightMax, bpp);

            if (bpp == 8)
Esempio n. 5
        public void PasteFromTopLeft(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src, int left, int top, bool blending)
            bool ret;

            if (blending)
                ret = FreeImage.GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(this.Dib, src.Dib, left, top);
                ret = FreeImage.PasteFromTopLeft(this.Dib, src.Dib, left, top);

            if (ret == false)
                string errorStr = String.Format(
                    "Can not paste freeimage. Dst image bpp {0}, Src image bpp {1}",
                    this.ColorDepth, src.ColorDepth);

                throw new FormatException(errorStr);
Esempio n. 6
        public static int guessFibMaxValue(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib)
            uint bpp = FreeImage.GetBPP(fib.Dib);
            FREE_IMAGE_TYPE type = FreeImage.GetImageType(fib.Dib);
            double min, max;

            if (bpp == 8)
                return 256;

            if (bpp >= 24 && type == FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_BITMAP)  // colour image
                return 256;

            fib.FindMinMaxIntensity(out min, out max);

            if (max < 256)  // 8 bit
                return 256;
            if (max < 4096)  // 12 bit
                return 4096;
            if (max < 65536)  // 16 bit
                return 65536;

            return 100000;  // who knows!
Esempio n. 7
 public void DrawImage(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap dst, Rectangle dstRect, RGBQUAD colour)
     FreeImage.DrawImageToDst(dst.Dib, this.Dib, FIA_Matrix.Zero,
         dstRect.Left, dstRect.Top, dstRect.Width, dstRect.Height, colour, 1);
Esempio n. 8
 public bool GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src, Point pt)
     return FreeImage.GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(this.Dib, src.Dib, pt.X, pt.Y);
Esempio n. 9
        private FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap Stitch(int stitchWidth, int stitchHeight)
            float zoom = 1.0f;
            Point origin = new Point(0, 0);

            List<Tile> tiles = null;

            RoiTool roiPlugin = this.Window.GetTool("Region") as RoiTool;

            Rectangle roi = Rectangle.Empty;

            if(roiPlugin.Active == true)
                roi = roiPlugin.TransformedRegionOfInterest;

            if (roi != null && roi != Rectangle.Empty)
                tiles = new List<Tile>();

                foreach (Tile tile in MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.Items)
                    if (roi.IntersectsWith(tile.Bounds))

                zoom = (float)stitchWidth / (float)(roi.Width);
                origin = roi.Location;
                tiles = new List<Tile>(MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.Items);
                zoom = (float)stitchWidth / (float)(MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.TotalWidth);

               // origin = Tile.GetOriginOfTiles(tiles);

            //int width = Tile.GetHorizontalRangeOfTiles(tiles);
            //int height = Tile.GetVerticalRangeOfTiles(tiles);

            int width, height;

            if (roi == Rectangle.Empty)
                // Whole mosaic Width / Height
                width = MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.TotalWidth;
                height = MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.TotalHeight;
                width = roi.Width;
                height = roi.Height;

            FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap section = null;

                section = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap((int)(width * zoom), (int)(height * zoom),
                    MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.FreeImageType, MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.ColorDepth);
            catch (FreeImageException)
                return null;

            FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap tmpBitmap = null;

            int count = 1;

            foreach (Tile tile in tiles)
                Point position = tile.GetTilePositionRelativeToPoint(origin);

                position.X = (int)(position.X * zoom);
                position.Y = (int)(position.Y * zoom);

                    tmpBitmap = tile.LoadFreeImageBitmap((int)(tile.Width * zoom), (int)(tile.Height * zoom));
                catch (FreeImageException e)

                section.PasteFromTopLeft(tmpBitmap, position, this.Window.BlendingEnabled);


                this.threadController.ReportThreadPercentage(this, "Saving Tiles",
                    count, tiles.Count);


            return section;
Esempio n. 10
        public bool GetGreyLevelHistogram(int number_of_bins, out ulong[] hist, out double range_per_bin)
            double max = 0.0;

            FreeImage.GetMaxPosibleValueForFib(this.Dib, out max);

            FreeImageType type = FreeImage.GetImageType(this.Dib);

            bool isFloat = (type == FreeImageType.Float || type == FreeImageType.Double);

            int number_of_bins = (int) Math.Ceiling(max) + 1;

            range_per_bin = 1.0;
            if(isFloat || number_of_bins > 255)
                number_of_bins = 256;
                range_per_bin = max / 256.0;

            double max = this.MaximumPossibleIntensityValue;
            range_per_bin = max / 256.0;

            hist = new ulong[number_of_bins];

            return FreeImage.Histogram(this.Dib, 0, max, number_of_bins, hist);
        public bool AdjustGamma(double gamma)
            return FreeImage.AdjustGamma(this.Dib, gamma);

        public bool AdjustBrightness(double brightness)
            return FreeImage.AdjustBrightness(this.Dib, brightness);

        public bool AdjustContrast(double contrast)
            return FreeImage.AdjustContrast(this.Dib, contrast);

        public bool Invert()
            return FreeImage.Invert(this.Dib);

        public bool Paste(FreeImageBitmap src, int left, int top, int alpha)
            return FreeImage.Paste(this.Dib, src.dib, left, top, alpha);

        public bool Paste(FreeImageBitmap src, Point location, int alpha)
            return this.Paste(src, location.X, location.Y, alpha);
        public new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap Copy(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
            FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap result = null;
            FIBITMAP newDib = FreeImage.Copy(this.Dib, left, top, right, bottom);
            if (!newDib.IsNull)
                result = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(newDib);
            return result;
Esempio n. 11
        private void DrawThumbnailImage(Graphics graphics, Tile tile)
            if (tile.Thumbnail != null)
                lock (tile.ThumbnailLock)
                    FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap thumb = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(tile.Thumbnail);

                    if (thumb.IsGreyScale)
                            mosaicInfo.ThumbnailScaleMinIntensity, mosaicInfo.ThumbnailScaleMaxIntensity);

                    if (thumb.ImageType != FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_BITMAP)
                        MessageBox.Show("Failed to convert tile thumbnail to a standard type ?");

                    graphics.DrawImage(thumb.ToBitmap(), tile.Bounds);


            if (this.ShowFileNames)
                // Create font and brush.
                Font drawFont = new Font("Arial", 16);
                SolidBrush drawBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);

                Point location = new Point(tile.Bounds.Location.X + 100, tile.Bounds.Location.Y + 100);

                SizeF size = graphics.MeasureString(tile.FileName, drawFont);

                Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, Color.Gray));

                graphics.FillRectangle(brush, location.X - 2, location.Y - 2,
                    size.Width + 4, size.Height + 4);

                graphics.DrawString(tile.FileName, drawFont, drawBrush,
                    new PointF(location.X, location.Y));

            if (this.ShowJoins)
                Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 2.0f);
                graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, tile.Bounds);
Esempio n. 12
        private void OnTileCorrelationBegin(CorrelationTile tile, FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib)
            this.useCorrelationCheckBox.Checked = false;
            this.currentTile = tile;

            #if DEBUG

            FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fg = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(fib);


            this.debugForm.TileImageView.Image = fg.ToBitmap();



Esempio n. 13
        public void Initialise(MosaicInfo info, Rectangle virtualArea, Size imageSize, bool forceGreyscale)
   = info;
            this.virtualArea = virtualArea;
            this.forceGreyscale = forceGreyscale;

            float aspectRatio = (float)(virtualArea.Width) / virtualArea.Height;

            if (imageSize.Width < imageSize.Height)
                imageSize.Width = (int)(imageSize.Height * aspectRatio + 0.5);
                imageSize.Height = (int)(imageSize.Width / aspectRatio + 0.5);

            if ( != null)
                xScaleFactor = (float)imageSize.Width / virtualArea.Width;
                yScaleFactor = (float)imageSize.Height / virtualArea.Height;

                // Set the view zoom factor so the large background image is fit to window
                // by default.
                float factor = Math.Min((float)this.Width / imageSize.Width,
                                        (float)this.Height / imageSize.Height);
                this.Zoom = factor;

            if (this.forceGreyscale || info.IsGreyScale)
                this.image = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height, 8);
                this.image = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height, 24);
Esempio n. 14
 private void DestroyIntermediateBitmap()
     if (this.intermediateBitmap != null)
         this.intermediateBitmap = null;
         this.intermediateBitmapDrawn = false;
Esempio n. 15
        protected void SendTileCorrelatationBegin(CorrelationTile tile, FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib)
            if (this.ThreadController.ThreadAborted)

            Object[] objects = { tile, fib };

            this.threadController.InvokeObject.BeginInvoke(this.TileCorrelationBeginHandler, objects);
Esempio n. 16
 public void PasteFromTopLeft(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src, Point location, bool blending)
     this.PasteFromTopLeft(src, location.X, location.Y, blending);
Esempio n. 17
 public bool GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src, int left, int top)
     return(FreeImage.GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(this.Dib, src.Dib, left, top));
Esempio n. 18
 public bool GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src, Point pt)
     return(FreeImage.GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(this.Dib, src.Dib, pt.X, pt.Y));
Esempio n. 19
        protected void SendTileCorrelated(CorrelationTile tile, Rectangle correlatedBounds, FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib, bool success)
            if (this.ThreadController.ThreadAborted)

            Object[] objects = { tile, correlatedBounds, fib, success};

            this.threadController.InvokeObject.BeginInvoke(this.TileCorrelatedHandler, objects);
Esempio n. 20
 public FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib) : base(fib)
Esempio n. 21
 public void DrawImage(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap dst, Rectangle dstRect, RGBQUAD colour)
     FreeImage.DrawImageToDst(dst.Dib, this.Dib, FIA_Matrix.Zero,
                              dstRect.Left, dstRect.Top, dstRect.Width, dstRect.Height, colour, 1);
Esempio n. 22
 public void AddTile(Tile tile, FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib)
     AddTile(tile.Bounds, fib);
Esempio n. 23
 public void DrawImage(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap dst, Point dstPoint, Size dstSize, RGBQUAD colour)
     FreeImage.DrawImageToDst(dst.Dib, this.Dib, FIA_Matrix.Zero,
                              dstPoint.X, dstPoint.Y, dstSize.Width, dstSize.Height, colour, 1);
Esempio n. 24
        private void DrawIntermediateBitmap()
            if (!this.intermediateBitmapDrawn)
                this.threadController.ReportThreadStarted(this, "Started Zoom");

                float aspectRatio = (float)(this.mosaicInfo.TotalWidth) / this.mosaicInfo.TotalHeight;

                int scaledWidth = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size.Width;
                int scaledHeight = (int)(scaledWidth / aspectRatio + 0.5);

                if (this.mosaicInfo.IsGreyScale)
                    this.intermediateBitmap = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(scaledWidth, scaledHeight, 8);
                    this.intermediateBitmap = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(scaledWidth, scaledHeight, 24);

                float xscaleFactor = (float)scaledWidth / this.mosaicInfo.TotalWidth;
                float yscaleFactor = (float)scaledHeight / this.mosaicInfo.TotalHeight;

                if (this.intermediateBitmap == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to create intermediate bitmap");

                float scale = (float)scaledWidth / this.mosaicInfo.TotalWidth;

                Point scaledPosition = new Point();

                int count = 0;

                foreach (Tile tile in this.mosaicInfo.Items)
                    if (tile.Thumbnail == null)
                        MessageBox.Show("Error thumnail is null");

                    //FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap thumb = null;

                    //lock (tile.ThumbnailLock)
                    //    thumb = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(tile.Thumbnail);

                    FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib = tile.LoadFreeImageBitmap();

                    fib.Rescale(new Size((int)(xscaleFactor * fib.Width), (int)(yscaleFactor * fib.Height)), FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BILINEAR);

                    if (fib.IsGreyScale)
                        fib.LinearScaleToStandardType(mosaicInfo.ScaleMinIntensity, mosaicInfo.ScaleMaxIntensity);


                    if (fib.ImageType != FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_BITMAP)
                        MessageBox.Show("Failed to convert tile thumbnail to a standard type ?");

                    Size scaledSize = new Size((int)(tile.Width * xscaleFactor + 0.5),
                                               (int)(tile.Height * yscaleFactor + 0.5));

                    scaledPosition.X = (int)(tile.Position.X * xscaleFactor + 0.5);
                    scaledPosition.Y = (int)(tile.Position.Y * yscaleFactor + 0.5);

                    Rectangle dstRect = new Rectangle(scaledPosition, scaledSize);

                    intermediateBitmap.PasteFromTopLeft(fib, scaledPosition, this.BlendingEnabled);


                        "Performing Zoom", count++, this.tiles.Count);


            this.intermediateBitmapDrawn = true;
            this.preventIdleProcessing = false;
            this.dontDraw = false;

            this.threadController.ReportThreadCompleted(this, "Zoom Completed", false);

Esempio n. 25
 public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, FIARECT rect1, FIARECT rect2,
                                         FIBITMAP mask,
                                         CorrelationPrefilter prefilter, out FIAPOINT pt, out double max)
     return(FreeImage.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(this.Dib, rect1, src2.Dib, rect2, FIARECT.Empty, mask, prefilter, out pt, out max));
Esempio n. 26
        private void OnTileCorrelated(CorrelationTile tile, Rectangle bounds, FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib, bool success)
            this.tiledImageViewer.AddTile(bounds, fib);


            #if DEBUG
            if (success == false)
                FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap bg = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(this.correlator.BackgroundImage);
                bg.DrawColourRect(tile.OriginalBoundsRelativeToOrigin, Color.Red, 2);
                this.debugForm.BackgroundImageView.Image = bg.ToBitmap();

Esempio n. 27
 public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, FIARECT rect1, FIARECT rect2,
                                         out FIAPOINT pt, out double max)
     return(FreeImage.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(this.Dib, rect1, src2.Dib, rect2, FIARECT.Empty, FIBITMAP.Zero, null, out pt, out max));
        public double Correlate(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap backgroundImage, FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib,
            CorrelationTile tile1, CorrelationTile tile2,
            bool randomise, out Point pt)
            this.backgroundIntersectArea = Rectangle.Empty;
            this.searchArea = Rectangle.Empty;
            this.searchAreaWithinMosaic = Rectangle.Empty;

            double measure = 0.0;
            pt = new Point();

            // Find the intersection between the tile and the background drawn bounds.
            this.backgroundIntersectArea = Rectangle.Intersect(tile1.CorrelatedBoundsRelativeToOrigin, tile2.CorrelatedBoundsRelativeToOrigin);

            if (this.backgroundIntersectArea == Rectangle.Empty)
                SendFeedback(String.Format("{0} and {1} did not intersect ?", tile1.Tile.FileName, tile2.Tile.FileName)
                    + Environment.NewLine, Color.Red);

                return 0.0;

            // determine the area over which to perform the correlation
            // defines the maximum shift allowed of the new tile.
            this.searchArea = this.SearchBounds(this.backgroundIntersectArea, randomise);

            // find the kernel area in the bg image
            this.kernelAreaWithinBackground = this.KernelBounds(this.backgroundIntersectArea, this.searchArea, randomise);

            // locate the area in the new image
            this.kernelArea = this.kernelAreaWithinBackground;

            this.kernelArea.X -= tile1.CorrelatedBoundsRelativeToOrigin.X;
            this.kernelArea.Y -= tile1.CorrelatedBoundsRelativeToOrigin.Y;

            // Call start correlation delegate, for screen update
            this.SendTileCorrelatationBegin(tile1, fib);

            if (KernalBasedOverlapCorrelator.prefilter == null)
                backgroundImage.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(fib, backgroundIntersectArea, kernelArea,
                    this.searchArea, out pt, out measure);
                backgroundImage.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(fib, backgroundIntersectArea, kernelArea, this.searchArea,
                    KernalBasedOverlapCorrelator.prefilter, out pt, out measure);

            if (measure > KernalBasedOverlapCorrelator.GoodCorrelation)
                pt = CorrelationTile.TranslateBackgroundPointToMosaicPoint(pt);

                return measure;

            if (tile1.NumberOfAtemptedCorrelations < CorrelationTile.MaxNumberOfCorrelationAttempts)

                return this.Correlate(backgroundImage, fib, tile1, tile2,
                    this.knownOverlapCorrelatorOptionPanel.RandomKernelSearch, out pt);
                // If we are debugging lets pause the thread for closer inspection
                #if DEBUG

            return measure;
Esempio n. 29
 public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, FIARECT rect1, FIARECT rect2,
     FIBITMAP mask,
     CorrelationPrefilter prefilter, out FIAPOINT pt, out double max)
     return FreeImage.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(this.Dib, rect1, src2.Dib, rect2, FIARECT.Empty, mask, prefilter, out pt, out max);
Esempio n. 30
 public FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib)
     : base(fib)
Esempio n. 31
        public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2,
            FIARECT searchRect, FIBITMAP mask,
            CorrelationPrefilter prefilter, out Point pt, out double max)
            FIARECT fiaRect1 = new FIARECT(rect1);
            FIARECT fiaRect2 = new FIARECT(rect2);
            FIAPOINT fiaPoint = new FIAPOINT();

            bool ret = FreeImage.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(this.Dib, fiaRect1, src2.Dib, fiaRect2, searchRect, mask, prefilter, out fiaPoint, out max);

            pt = new Point(fiaPoint.x, fiaPoint.y);

            return ret;
Esempio n. 32
 public void DrawImage(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap dst, FreeImageAlgorithmsMatrix matrix,
     int dstLeft, int dstTop, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, RGBQUAD colour)
     FreeImage.DrawImageToDst(dst.Dib, this.Dib, matrix.Data,
         dstLeft, dstTop, dstWidth, dstHeight, colour, 1);
Esempio n. 33
 public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2,
     FIBITMAP mask,
     CorrelationPrefilter prefilter, out Point pt, out double max)
     return this.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(src2, rect1, rect2, FIARECT.Empty, mask, prefilter, out pt, out max);
Esempio n. 34
 public void DrawImage(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap dst, Point dstPoint, Size dstSize, RGBQUAD colour)
     FreeImage.DrawImageToDst(dst.Dib, this.Dib, FIA_Matrix.Zero,
         dstPoint.X, dstPoint.Y, dstSize.Width, dstSize.Height, colour, 1);
Esempio n. 35
        public void PasteFromTopLeft(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src, int left, int top, bool blending)
            bool ret;

            if(blending) {
                ret = FreeImage.GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(this.Dib, src.Dib, left, top);
            else {
                ret = FreeImage.PasteFromTopLeft(this.Dib, src.Dib, left, top);

            if (ret == false)
                string errorStr = String.Format(
                        "Can not paste freeimage. Dst image bpp {0}, Src image bpp {1}",
                        this.ColorDepth, src.ColorDepth);

                    throw new FormatException(errorStr);
Esempio n. 36
 public bool GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src, int left, int top)
     return FreeImage.GradientBlendPasteFromTopLeft(this.Dib, src.Dib, left, top);
Esempio n. 37
        private void CreateBackgroundImage()
            // All tiles are assumed to be the same size.
            Tile tile = this.MosaicInfo.Items[0];

            int width = tile.Width * 3;
            int height = tile.Height * 3;

            // Create a full res scratch image
            // This should be 3x3 images in size and should never need to be larger as
            // it is only used for correlation a small region of the tiles at a time.
             //           if (this.MosaicInfo.IsGreyScale)
                this.backgroundImage = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(width, height, 8);
             //           else
             //               this.backgroundImage = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(width, height, 24);
Esempio n. 38
 public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, FIARECT rect1, FIARECT rect2,
     out FIAPOINT pt, out double max)
     return FreeImage.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(this.Dib, rect1, src2.Dib, rect2, FIARECT.Empty, FIBITMAP.Zero, null, out pt, out max);
Esempio n. 39
 public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2,
                                         Rectangle search_area,
                                         CorrelationPrefilter prefilter, out Point pt, out double max)
     return(this.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(src2, rect1, rect2, search_area, FIBITMAP.Zero, prefilter, out pt, out max));
Esempio n. 40
 public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2,
     Rectangle search_area,
     CorrelationPrefilter prefilter, out Point pt, out double max)
     return this.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(src2, rect1, rect2, search_area, FIBITMAP.Zero, prefilter, out pt, out max);
Esempio n. 41
 public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2,
                                         FIBITMAP mask,
                                         CorrelationPrefilter prefilter, out Point pt, out double max)
     return(this.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(src2, rect1, rect2, FIARECT.Empty, mask, prefilter, out pt, out max));
Esempio n. 42
 public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2,
     out Point pt, out double max)
     return this.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(src2, rect1, rect2,
         FIARECT.Empty, FIBITMAP.Zero, null, out pt, out max);
Esempio n. 43
 public bool KernelCorrelateImageRegions(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src2, Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2,
                                         out Point pt, out double max)
     return(this.KernelCorrelateImageRegions(src2, rect1, rect2,
                                             FIARECT.Empty, FIBITMAP.Zero, null, out pt, out max));
Esempio n. 44
 public void PasteFromTopLeft(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap src, Point location, bool blending)
     this.PasteFromTopLeft(src, location.X, location.Y, blending);
Esempio n. 45
        private void CreateHighResBitmap()
            if (this.ClientRectangle.Width == 0 || this.ClientRectangle.Height == 0)

            if (this.highResBitmap != null)
                if (this.highResBitmap.Width == this.ClientRectangle.Width &&
                    this.highResBitmap.Height == this.ClientRectangle.Height)

            this.highResBitmap =
                new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(this.ClientRectangle.Width, this.ClientRectangle.Height, 24);